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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 7 - Sundays on HBO

So did John outfit the hunting team with dragon glass weaponry? At least daggers or something?

The preview shows Gendy with the Warhammer and Beric with his flaming sword.


It's obvious Littlefinger's plan is to set up Arya to think that Sansa will betray Jon. I expect this plan to backfire immensely. I mean, Arya has to know that finding that letter was way too fucking easy. If she honestly was duped like that I've lost a lot of respect for her because it's just so obvious that Littlefinger wanted her to find it.

She was already thinking Sansa would betray Jon, literally told that to her face. She could in fact be this stupid. Nobody knows with this show.
So exactly what kinda proof are they gonna bring back. I didn't see no cage with them.

Too bad D&D are playing marbles.

A cage will probably be too hard to carry in a weather condition like this by only 10 or so men. I think they plan on trying it up with a rope or something. and drag it back to the wall using that sled.


She snuck around the Twins for weeks in different disguises and murdering various people before she got into the kitchen and dropped the poison that killed dozens of people within seconds.

I'm not here to litigate whether or not that was earned, but Littlefinger scoping her out while she breaks into a room and her not seeing it is entirely inconsistent with what we've seen,

Sneaking around an unsuspecting castle with a different face is much different than her current situation. She got cocky and Littlefinger made her the moment he met her. He knows what hes up against


Kills Photobucket
Season ends with Jon and Dany in bed after sex.

Sam barges in, pushing bran's chair, waving the anulment book.


They share an awkward look.

Jon: "Bend the knee"

cut to black
She snuck around the Twins for weeks in different disguises and murdering various people before she got into the kitchen and dropped the poison that killed dozens of people within seconds.

I'm not here to litigate whether or not that was earned, but Littlefinger scoping her out while she breaks into a room and her not seeing it is entirely inconsistent with what we've seen,
Like when the world's most powerful assassins are out to get her and Arya walks around in broad daylight in their city with no disguise? Yah she's top level.

Writers lol


That scene with Sam was perfect for all you nerds endlessly speculating in circles about family trees and prophecies. The bookworm of the show was like fuck this, I gotta go outside and do something.


So what's the fellowship's goal here? Wade into an army of the white walkers, grab a zombie, and leave? Doesn't seem too bright.


Yeah you could literally feel every scene dripping with forced plot movement - oh well as posters above me have said


Oh I'm in for next week. I think it's safe to say the final two episodes are going to be lit. This is television and in some ways, I'm glad they're embracing it.


Remember that note Sansa was forced to write 5 seasons ago? It's now the focal point in pitting the Stark sisters in a weak plot. Great writing!

I hope we get a meet up with Benjen. I need more flaming flail action.

Now I need this. The elite 8!


How in the hell are 5 humans (Gendry, Thoros, Clegane. Jorah, Tormund) and two zombies (Jon, and Berric) going to go up against literally thousands of White Walkers and not all get themselves killed? That's some bullshit. .


I'm down for the Westeros expendables vs the white walkers.

It really was a who's who of characters, wasn't it? Didn't take long for Gendry and Jorah to saddle up with Jon.

And maybe I'm late to the party but in the trailer for episode 6.... is Beric wielding Arthur Dayne's sword, Dawn???


How in the hell are 5 humans (Gendry, Thoros, Clegane. Jorah, Tormund) and two zombies (Jon, and Berric) going to go up against literally thousands of White Walkers and not all get themselves killed? That's some bullshit. .

Tune in next week to find out!
I don't think they'd go to the trouble of bringing back Gendry just to have him die in the next episode. I think the most likely to die are Thoros, Berric, Jorah and possibly The Hound. With the imminent White Walker invasion I'm not sure there would be a chance for Cleganebowl to happen. Maybe Tormund'll bite it too?

I'm not expecting many survivors though, we need to see the Others wreck some shit.

Edit: If Benjen shows up, he'll have a sweet reunion with Jon before he's toast.

Gendry turned out ok after all those rowings


How in the hell are 5 humans (Gendry, Thoros, Clegane. Jorah, Tormund) and two zombies (Jon, and Berric) going to go up against literally thousands of White Walkers and not all get themselves killed? That's some bullshit. .

Bran wargs into something and other stuff and dragons!!!


She was already thinking Sansa would betray Jon, literally told that to her face. She could in fact be this stupid. Nobody knows with this show.

Yes, I know. But if she isn't extremely suspicious of the evidence so easily falling into her lap like that then she's an idiot.


Dat Dream Team...

Last Week Aria looked like a badass, and this week she was outsmarted so easily by LF.

Could Cersei be faking her pregnancy to keep Jaime close even with his doubts?
It really was a who's who of characters, wasn't it? Didn't take long for Gendry and Jorah to saddle up with Jon.

And maybe I'm late to the party but in the trailer for episode 6.... is Beric wielding Arthur Dayne's sword, Dawn???

Nah it's his same sword from when he fought the Hound with the flame trick, and it's going to be AWESOME.


Like when the world's most powerful assassins are out to get her and Arya walks around in broad daylight in their city with no disguise? Yah she's top level.

Writers lol
Sure, but this is after

She's presumably learned her lesson after getting gutted by the Waif

Killed the Waif

Snuck into House of Black and White to deliver the Waif's face

Come back to Westeros and done all that Frey shit

Beat All-Mother Brienne in a fight

Surreptitiously tailed Littlefinger

And probably did one or two other things along the way that I can't think of

So, I mean, there's growth written in there between last season and this one. They've said "This is Arya now". Even if they didn't justify her becoming a little assassin goddess and she didn't earn it in any way, that's what they've been writing her as, and if you're going to write her as that, you have to write her as that.

So yeah, writers lol


So is Dany gonna bend da knee when she inevitably finds out that Jon has a better claim than she does?

Maybe she will already be on her knees when she finds out.


It sure is a plot contrivance that Jon has not sent any ravens to Winterfell to, ya know, update his people on what is going on.

And it's even dumber that he apparently didn't send a raven to his kingdom to at the very least let Sansa know that he is going beyond the wall.

What if he dies? Does he not care to prepare them for that potential outcome?

Maybe next episode it will be revealed that they actually do know what he is doing, but I have a feeling they won't because him being gone strokes more of the Sansa vs Arya flames.
This crew is the most fanfiction shit the show has ever done.

Tormund+Berric+Jon+Jorah and even the fucking hound?

You know what? I'm ok with this!

The show has clearly gone full on fan fiction / fanservice at this point, so screw it, go all out I guess. Basically everything past season 4 has been all style over substance really with fantastic production values but often times ho-hum plotting and writing.

This whole plot of "Let's just grab a Wight and that'll convince everyone this is a real problem!" is just kind of stupid though. I mean, didn't they do this exact same thing way back in season 1? Or was it only in the book? And basically the Wight rotted away by the time they got it down to King's Landing? I guess with the teleporters they have on the show they'll get the Wight down to King's Landing Next Day Express via dragons or something? Otherwise this just seems like the showrunners doing something the books already tried except it'll work this time because... well, because there are only 8 episodes left and they need to wrap this thing up, I guess.

Who you think is going to survive among the magnificent seven? I think John and Hound are the only guaranteed ones.

Hmmm... Jon is probably a lock. If it were the books, I might worry about Jon but the show isn't killing anyone off Red Wedding style this close to the end of the series. I don't think you bother bringing back Gendry just to kill him off the next episode. Sort of the same deal with the Hound- if they're going full on fanservice now, the Hound needs to live to participate in Clegane Bowl next season. Jorah... maybe? But again, why bother going to the trouble of curing him of Grayscale only to kill him off so quickly? If he was going to die in this fight anyway, why not just have him go up there while still afflicted with Grayscale, so he's got nothing to lose? Tormund is probably safe, if only because he's basically the only Wildling character of note left on the show. That leaves Beric and Thoros. Between those 2 I could see Thoros dying, which would leave Beric with only one life left. Then again, Beric is basically long dead anyway at this point in the books, so he could just as easily die up beyond the Wall as any time now.
So is Dany gonna bend da knee when she inevitably finds out that Jon has a better claim than she does?

Maybe she will already be on her knees when she finds out.

I don't think Dany is gonna make it by the end of the series. Jon will be the king. Also I think all the 3 dragons are going to fall in the battle vs the white walkers ultimately by the end of the series.


Who you think is going to survive among the magnificent seven? I think John and Hound are the only guaranteed ones.

I think it will just be them. Jon for obvious reasons. And the Hound since we still need the Clegane bowl (especially while the show is in fan service mode).


How in the hell are 5 humans (Gendry, Thoros, Clegane. Jorah, Tormund) and two zombies (Jon, and Berric) going to go up against literally thousands of White Walkers and not all get themselves killed? That's some bullshit. .
They are not there to fight them all.


It's sad that I would hope that they wouldn't make Arya this stupid for the sake of a contrived plot but after last season i'm sure that is exactly what is happening.


I love Pokken!
Who you think is going to survive among the magnificent seven? I think Jon and Hound are the only guaranteed ones.

In one of the trailers
the Hound
appears in a daylight scene which hasn't aired yet, safe to say he survives. And Jon is the main character of course he will survive( he may die and Thoros will resurrect him but still)
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