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Unraveling one of Neogafs mystery; Is Modbot really a bot?

It can for things like giveaways at least.

I think the mods do need a shared account, because as of now when there's an urgent issue that needs to be addressed, users are told to "PM a mod". Well, even if the user knows how to see if a mod is currently online or offline, there's no guarantee that the online mod will check their PM in a timely manner. However, if there was a joint account that all mods checked, users can PM that account and mods can fix any urgent issue in a timely manner since someone will be on top of it. It will make GAF moderating more efficient, of course a user is still free to PM a specific mod if they choose, for personal or non urgent issues.



smart bot boy
Pretty sure that was me.

Usually, we use ModBot to lock a thread when we either want to present a united front or we don't want users to know which of us to complain to when we lock their stupid thread.


Mostly just a tool for basic forum functions because the built in tools are not great to use, especially with mobile devices. Most bans, locks, thread title edits, deletions, thread merges, moves, tags, juniorings, are done with Modbot.

The actual posting profile is usually seen in locks, yes.
Doesn't modbot get used to detect things like PSA's in thread titles and replace them with something else automatically? I think I remember a mod saying that at some point.


I sent modbot a PM and he actually replied. What he said was

Mod edit: Do not leak secrets about Skynet on Neogaf.


Please don't create threads about news stories whose sole point is to horrify and appall people. It doesn't improve the forum to make people tiptoe in between threads about mundane atrocities just to participate in the OT. Real news stories of cultural import are fine, just not random terrible things.

Which mod originally wrote this statement?

L Thammy

Doesn't modbot get used to detect things like PSA's in thread titles and replace them with something else automatically? I think I remember a mod saying that at some point.

I don't know if it's Modbot, but yeah, PSA is supposed to be removed most of the time and replaced in a minority of cases. Unless they stopped doing that.

I think the first time it happened it got filtered to Ancient Aliens.


I think the mods do need a shared account, because as of now when there's an urgent issue that needs to be addressed, users are told to "PM a mod". Well, even if the user knows how to see if a mod is currently online or offline, there's no guarantee that the online mod will check their PM in a timely manner. However, if there was a joint account that all mods checked, users can PM that account and mods can fix any urgent issue in a timely manner since someone will be on top of it. It will make GAF moderating more efficient, of course a user is still free to PM a specific mod if they choose, for personal or non urgent issues.

There's the support@neogaf.com email, which I'd guess is shared by the mod team.

Random Human

They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the mercenary. The masked man.
Actually, there is one Modbot mystery I'm curious about - why did its avatar get changed? Just wanted something new? I always got a crack out of the old one.


It is a gestalt entity comprised of the minds of the mods fused into a seething, writhing gargantuan of flesh and machine. It's very existence is anguish and it's vengeful screams reverbate across the cosmos as it is forced to consume the tortured souls of the banned to maintain the cohesion of it's putrid form. It is the result of man's hubris and an afront to all of creation.
The question is not whether it's a bot, it's whether it's a bot and also a human. Because here's the problem, if it is a bot, what does that mean? Legally speaking. What protections and rights does it have? More importantly, what laws should it govern itself by? How does the social contract apply to such things? Does it? It is a special instance of non-human rights that set it apart from us? Or do we consider it human and have it live like we do?


Account sharing terms of service violation that is allowed to go unpunished because mods are a superior caste here. Us nontagged plebians are here for their amusement

Edit: don't even get me started about those damn juniors. No respect! Anime avatars and nice guys, all of em!


Fail out bailed
Just a way to bump a thread one last time before it falls off the front page for not being an argument about Star Wars, Marvel or Trump.


I was curious any the same thing a while back and just googled the answer. A mod actually answered it in that thread. You could have tried that


OP, you are getting too close to the truth. Stay low my friend, or you will suffer the same fate that others did and one that I have been avoiding


As many of you know, Neogaf is closing in on having 100000 members. This is quite an achievement, for what is supposedly a "gaming" forum. After countless sleepless nights and many months of research, I have finally uncovered the truth behind this forum!!!!

Four months ago, I started noticing many unusual things that were happening on this forum. Members were disappearing, their names marked in grey, as if someone was trying to erase them from existence. Some members came back and assumed different identities, the lucky ones came back and resumed their routine like nothing had happen. (were they lucky though? Were they?)

Some members were never heard from again. Others were exiled, left with no place to stay at, and no thread to reply or subscribe to!! Eventually these banished renegades formed their own community, a lawless barren land!!

What happened to the rest of the erased members? What was done to them? Why did the people who came back have no recollection of the event that happened while they were gone? How long has this been going on?

I discovered a handful of secret areas on this forum. It seems that they are highly restricted forums that only a handful of people can access. I was able to access a few of them.

Door number 1: Leads to a hallway that gives you access to doors 2 and 3.

Door number 2:: a place where moderators can study the behavior of gaming nerds towards games.

Door number 3:: Another study takes place here too. Experiment codenamed OT.

Door number 4:: Locked!!

Door number 5:: Locked!!

Door number 6:: the Archive!! I was surprised when I found out that I can access the archives. Here, one can find notable past experiments, the results of the experiments and a list of the survivors and the erased members!! The archives leads to 4 other doors. Doors 7 , 14, 18 and 19.

Door number 8:: People in the same experiments are allowed to interact with each other here. This part of the forum is designed to allow a more focused observation.

Door number 9:: It gives you access to doors number 8 and 15.

Door number 10:: Locked!!!

Door number 13:: A place where interviews are posted. They seem to be focused on the results of the experiments conducted on this forum and elsewhere.

Door number 16:: Locked!!!

What is going behind these locked doors?? What are the moderators hiding behind them? And who is behind these experiments????

Ladies and gentlemen, after further research I found the people responsible behind this operation:

Member #1: gaadmin


gaadmin is supposedly the head of the organization behind these experiments. He joined the organization on May 29th, 2004! He likes to work behind the scenes and rarely ever communicates with the test subjects. Where is he now, and what is he doing?

Member #2: Hitokage


Hitokage joined the company 1 day after gaadmin. He/she is a very hands on person and likes to oversee the experiments.

Member #3: maharg


It is fitting that this member has a bomb as his avatar, simply because what I learned about him is bombshell. He is quite possibly the founder of this organization, and he joined/founded the company on December 31st 1969 Simply unreal!!! What if these experiments have been going on since then? How many lost souls have they claimed?

Member #4: Evilore


You can't spell Evilore without EVIL!!! This administrator/scientist is known for his ruthlessness and strict rules. He joined the company on May 30th 2004, and he is Hitokage's right hand man. He constantly changes the rules of the experiments.

Member #5: Isotropic

Not much is known about this person, except that he joined the company on the 30th of May 2004. It is possible that he simply fund the experiments.

There you have it!!! Everything I have uncovered about this "Gaming community" is right here. What do I benefit from all of this? Nothing.. in fact this might harm me when the administrators find out that someone is ruining their experiments and they might try to erase me from your memories.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
Modbot is a cool dude, he gives really good men's fashion advice and is not at all afraid to get his hands dirty with some real manual internet labour
Nothing beats the E3 thread this year where ModBot popped up and one of the other mods told it to get pissed.

It was the highlight of that particular day.


It's not mystery. Mods have openly mentioned what it is and why it's used.

Yes, this is the most transparent mystery in the universe. I've even shown people what commands for modbot look like in the past.

ModBot was born to help handle game giveaways, and since then they have had more and more abilities added, including locking threads, making banning easier (and not just on mobile), helping us run down alt accounts, and sassing us whenever possible.

We use ModBot because most thread locks are consensus driven, so it's not a single mod closing a thread most times. Someone in particular usually gets drafted or volunteers to write the lock message.

It goes a lot like this: Mod comes in and says, "Hey, that's a terrible thread, right" "Yes, Awful." "Complete shit, kill it with fire." "Okay, I'll write the lock message, I've got a good one."

It also protects moderators from getting more harassment by crazy people who take forums too seriously, of which there are quite a few. No one's getting paid here, and no one is interested in using up their time dealing with crazy people on twitter or elsewhere.

ModBot is essentially a vbulletin interface that radically simplifies moderation. Instead of clicking around a hideous, blue, out-of-date GUI to find out when someone registered, I can just say "!profile entremet" and ModBot will tell me when you showed up, how many posts you have, etc. So much easier for every task than fucking with the control panel. In fact, the only thing easier through the traditional GUI is locking a thread without comment, which is what we used to do before ModBot.
Listen, and understand! That ModBot is out there! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop... ever, until you are banned!


Unconfirmed Member
I believe mods are a front for ModBot, a way for him to hide and pretend to be human; several different humans, in fact. His sphere of influence reaches farther than anyone could imagine, and by pretending that NeoGAF is being ran by flesh-and-blood people this conspiracy remains hidden.

We shouldn't worry about who's using the ModBot account. Instead, we should ask who is ModBot controlling right now. Only by solving this can we discover the true secret: NeoGAF, deep down, was never a gaming website. It was always meant to be the biggest forum in the world dedicated to stamp collecting. Now we know the truth. Only time will tell if ModbBot will take revenge upon us for leaking it or not.
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