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Unreal Engine 4 Thread


Epic just gave me a free month of Unreal Engine 4.. uh.. nice.

Pretty cool - a free month is pretty damn nice lol.
Someone got three months for free because Epic charged twice for single month


Began using UE4 2 days ago, the amount of help available ( video, etc ) and blueprint make it really incredible.

I'm still only making small steps, but it's really a fun experience.

The first objective I gave myself will be to try to remake a 2d game I made in C with the SDL library few years ago, but in 3d this time, and probably without online at first. While not having to deal with the rendering part too much is a really nice thing, I do find myself quite lost at doing thing which were so simple in a 2d non object-oriented environment, but I guess it's mostly because I pretty much don't know anything about UE4.


The archviz stuff is pretty awesome. Just wish UE4 would have CE lighting :s, seems to take forever for Lionheads GI solution to come to UE4.

The first objective I gave myself will be to try to remake a 2d game I made in C with the SDL library few years ago, but in 3d this time, and probably without online at first. While not having to deal with the rendering part too much is a really nice thing, I do find myself quite lost at doing thing which were so simple in a 2d non object-oriented environment, but I guess it's mostly because I pretty much don't know anything about UE4.

Not sure how much you are into streams, but Epic will preview 4.4 tomorrow. They will show some paper 2d improvements as well, might be interesting to you: https://forums.unrealengine.com/sho...h-Unreal-Engine-4-4-Release-Live-from-Epic-HQ


Not sure how much you are into streams, but Epic will preview 4.4 tomorrow. They will show some paper 2d improvements as well, might be interesting to you: https://forums.unrealengine.com/sho...h-Unreal-Engine-4-4-Release-Live-from-Epic-HQ
I'll try to see that, I was surprised to see a 4.4 preview download when I got UE4 butended up not using it since it's not compatible with what you find on the marketplace.

But like I said I'll try to 'remake' my game but in 3d this time. But i'm really making small step after small step. Today I finaly made it to being able to move the camera like I want, and making a mesh ( an actual moving unite will come later... ) spawn where I want if I click at a specific place ( well atm It's when I click on a given mesh/actor whish is probably not what I'll need but it's a first step ).

The game I'm trying to remake isn't much, I mean it looked that way :

( I'm still pretty proud I was able to make it work online, and making a replay function, and things like that )
So it should be a good way to learn UE4 basics.


Didn't try it yet myself, but I was checking what I could find about thing I think I'll have to use in my project, and I came across some topic saying that structure array have some problem ( apparently many/most/all of them will be fiwed in 4.4 ) does anyone know if it really something should worry about ( ie try to find an alternative ) ?


4.4 is coming out today!

4.4.5 will be the next version
- twin stick shooter sample content
- hot reload for the edtior (when programming there is no more need to close the editor)
- seems better live output for devices like iphone/android etc, didn't listen closely enough

Marketplace coming in the next week. They will publish some FAQs on submission guidelines very soon.


4.4 is coming out today!

4.4.5 will be the next version
- twin stick shooter sample content
- hot reload for the edtior (when programming there is no more need to close the editor)
- seems better live output for devices like iphone/android etc, didn't listen closely enough

Marketplace coming in the next week. They will publish some FAQs on submission guidelines very soon.
People have been wanting hot reload FOREVER even back in the UnrealScript days. That's cool to hear.


How would you people who've stuck with the engine since launch say it's coming along? (and how far do you think it's come)


Anyone know why one could have a problem making an actor ( with a static mesh, and camera ) change it's Yaw, while I don't have any problem with Pitch and Roll ? ( or moving it on x and y axis ).

I'm working on my camera and making it rotate when I hold right mouse, no problem with the Pitch/Y mouse axis, but nothing move when it comes to the Yaw(X mouse axis ).


They need to change the way updates are numbered, otherwise we'll have UE5 by January.

As explained, numbering just continues as 4.xx instead of making a jump to 5.x.

Either way, it seems they are doing releases with x.5 now, as the next official release will be 4.4.5.


As explained, numbering just continues as 4.xx instead of making a jump to 5.x.

Either way, it seems they are doing releases with x.5 now, as the next official release will be 4.4.5.
I don't think they'll continue by x.5 now on, just as a coincidence that it'll be 4.4.5, as I've had 4.0.2, 4.1.1, 4.2.1, 4.3.0, 4.3.1, & 4.4.0.


I don't think they'll continue by x.5 now on, just as a coincidence that it'll be 4.4.5, as I've had 4.0.2, 4.1.1, 4.2.1, 4.3.0, 4.3.1, & 4.4.0.

The .1 or .2 releases have all been bug fix releases without any new features. However from the last stream it sounds like 4.4.5 is the next big engine version wtih shitloads of new features (like every .x release so far).


I will try to replicate the P.T corridor in UE4. It's fairly simple and it's all mostly lighting. Wish me luck!

Thats actually a pretty cool idea, wonder how this would work with the realistic rendering sample as that one produces pretty good indoor results.


desu, yep, I might have a look at that scene whenever I get into the lighting part. For now I'm working on the actual materials and other assets like the meshes.

This is the wood flooring. I will have to modify the roughness and the hue values once the scene is set up. This render is not in UE4, but the software I'm using uses the same PBS system so once in-engine it should look about 90% similar at least (minus texture compression in UE4).

Once the scene is ready, I will have to tone down the hue or just tone down the whole scene with post-process.


desu, yep, I might have a look at that scene whenever I get into the lighting part. For now I'm working on the actual materials and other assets like the meshes.

This is the wood flooring. I will have to modify the roughness and the hue values once the scene is set up. This render is not in UE4, but the software I'm using uses the same PBS system so once in-engine it should look about 90% similar at least (minus texture compression in UE4).

Once the scene is ready, I will have to tone down the hue or just tone down the whole scene with post-process.
Turn off ALLLL the texture compression! Go all-out!

Also take a look at this thread if you haven't already: https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?28163-ArchViz-Lighting It may have some useful numbers for adjusting Lightmass.


I made my first physically based material!


Still trying to learn how to set up reflection actors properly.[/QUOTE]

Take a look at your normal maps, they seem to have the green channel inverted.
Also on your material, you are getting "sparkles" on the reflections. Have a look at your roughness map and take care with going full white or full black.


Take a look at your normal maps, they seem to have the green channel inverted.
Also on your material, you are getting "sparkles" on the reflections. Have a look at your roughness map and take care with going full white or full black.

For the roughness, I was trying to mimic this person's method where he was using greys alongside white information and blending it all in similar to how specular maps were made.

But yeah, I can see what you mean. I fixed the normal map and used a LERP for now.


JordanN, your texture is reading a bit better, but now the roughness seems a bit too low, haha!

Anyway, looking good nevertheless. Keep going!

I've also been working a bit on the PT corridor. I'm now trying to get the size correct, but even then the corridor already feels too narrow so I will have to play a bit with the height to get the correct balance.
Also the floor texture (mostly the sides) isn't finished, that's why it looks like checkers. Oh, and I just noticed the balance between the main planks and the sides is all wrong. I'll fix it tomorrow.


Ignore the lighting too. This screenshot is just to say "I'm working on this" :p


Hello, everynyan. I use to play around in UT200x in my Middle-school/Highschool days, but it never became something I was great at. I made a few basic levels with not meshes, and a bit of work with volumes, but never anything I could release and say, "It's done".

So two days ago I decided to try the new incarnation after finding out that the Tutorial support for this game is crazy good on Youtube. I used to spend a lot of time on 3DBuzz with UT200x, so Video tutorials are a godsend to someone with no background in the editing scene.

First I tried to make a level inspired by Grid from Perfect Dark. I soon realized, however that my ambitions for that level are too great for me to do it yet, so I started on a level based on Wizard from Halo. So far, the only thing I have trouble with is getting Pivots to snap somewhere. They just don't seem to work at all. So rotating things evenly around a small arena is a bit taxing. Also, am I doing something wrong? After my level is somewhat fleshed out, the 'undo' function takes forever to load.



The ring is imperfect when it comes to the walls, because I can't get the Pivot to place in the center of the arena. Everything inside is even, though. Still working on the lighting.


I've seen UE4 is $19/month, but in Europe it's 19€/month ($25). Is there any way I can pay in dollars instead of euros?


I activated the Light Propagation Volumes that's hidden in UE4.

I have no idea how to really use it yet, but it's cool.

No Global Illumination


Global Illumination


In Game


Note the lack of ambient occlusion near the walls. However, I think this gets fixed in later versions of UE4 (I'm still using 4.0.2).


Today's update:


I worked a bit on the sizes, and also the floor is now hopefully fairly close to the game's size. Still the distances might be a bit different, but oh well...

Also did the base rough mesh for the wall trims so tomorrow I will make them.

Lighting and lightmaps are all (except for the floor) temporary. That's why they're full of artifacts.

I think once I add the window at the back and the furniture on the left space, visually it will get much closer. Then work on smaller stuff like the other furniture with the clock on top, and all the paintings hanging on the walls.


Today's update:


I worked a bit on the sizes, and also the floor is now hopefully fairly close to the game's size. Still the distances might be a bit different, but oh well...

Also did the base rough mesh for the wall trims so tomorrow I will make them.

Lighting and lightmaps are all (except for the floor) temporary. That's why they're full of artifacts.

I think once I add the window at the back and the furniture on the left space, visually it will get much closer. Then work on smaller stuff like the other furniture with the clock on top, and all the paintings hanging on the walls.

Good start! Well done.


Thanks guys. Also I noticed the image quality is terrible, so from the next update I'll be using a different web to upload. Which site do you guys recommend? imgur seems to compress images to hell and back.

Edit: For Spazznid > www.cgtextures.com

You can create a free account, and the site even has tileable textures. You will have to make your own normals and roughness/gloss/specular or whatever you want to use.

Edit 2: Thanks for the link, Stallion Free!
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