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Videogame facts that blow your mind (SuperMarioBros. SHOCKING SECRET INSIDE p #70)


Stuneseht said:
The o in phantom, and the o in Hourglass from a actual hourglass.... >.>

Heh, wow. I just checked my own boxart and can't believe I never noticed it. Now I always will. :lol


Bootaaay said:
Morrowind has a good few cool little secrets, not sure if any are worthy of mind-blowing status though :p

There are various references to Pokemon in Morrowind - namely, a skeleton called 'Peke Utchoo', a 6th house base section named 'Marowak's Spine', a Dwemer ruins section named 'Weepingbell Hall' and a burial cavern section named 'Kakuna Burial'.

Theres a plant in Vivec named 'Charles the Plant' in reference to Chuck the Plant from various Lucas Arts adventure games, Charles gives the player the ingredient 'Meteor Slime' in referrence to Manic Mansion.

Furthermore, there is a NPC named M'aiq the Liar who dispenses useless advice on things such as multiplayer; "M'aiq does not know this word. You wish others to help you in your quest? Coward! If you must, search for the Argonian Im-Leet, or perhaps the big Nord, Rolf the Uber. They will certainly wish to join you."

Theres a reference to Empire Strikes Back in Bloodmoon; a dead adventurer hanging upside down in an ice cave, reaching out for his sword on the floor

In Sothelstiem theres a fortune teller named Odfrid White-Lip who predicts the storyline of Oblivion; "When the dragon dies, the Empire dies. Where is the lost dragon's blood, the Empire's sire? And from the womb of the void, who shall stem the blood tide?."

And finally, there is the corpse of Indiana Jones in a cave crushed under a rock with a note containing his last words;

"My adventures have taken me all over. I have been places that man never knew existed. I have retrieved artifacts and fine treasures that were thought to be myth. From chalices of origins long lost, to gems with power unthought of by man, to powerful religious artifacts that house more interest to madmen than sane. I shall at least take these fine memories with me to the grave.

I shall miss my father. Like me, he was also a man of adventure. I followed in his footsteps, though I was blessed with far more luck than he. Until now, of course. He shall be on his own now. At least I am spared any more jokes about my childhood pet. And my students...how I treasured teaching them the secrets and alien concepts of all things unknown and mysterious. May they be successful.

I do not go down along though. With my crippled body, in this heap of earth, I am accompanied by my trusty leather, my steel, and most of all, my token hat. Unable to reach them under the mass, I know they are untouchable and safe. I will not die alone.


Also the sword Goldbrand that you could eventually turn into Eltonbrand. Good times.


relies on auto-aim
Synth_floyd said:
What is it? I don't get it????

For the years that I, and I am guessing others have played Starcraft, we've never noticed the guy inside the turret.

That's all.
I just noticed today that in the halls between main areas in Symphony of the Night, there is a disc and the letters "CD" in the center of the ceiling. Incredible.


When you fight Granfaloon in the Catacombs you might see some upside down letters in the ceiling. When you come back in the Floating Catacombs to fight Galamoth, it's easier to see...

(Mangled screenshot courtesy of Youtube)

... that it says "RIP" in the floor.

IIRC, SOTN had a lot of those kind of moments, where things made more sense when they were upside down.
Im sure that most people know this:

-The Zelda music was inspired by the theme April from Deep Purple, Koji Kond is a fan of Deep Purple.
Here form 2:00 to 2:12 and you will see theres no coincidence in that.
-All the game was inspired by the movie Legend from Ridley Scott.
-Also Metroid was inspired by Alien, as a "favour" the main saga villain, Ridley was named after the director Ridley Scott.


Guybrush Threepwood said:


mind = blown
AndoCalrissian said:
Jesus. We need a 2-D Mario game that looks like that on Wii and makes use of the gravity elements of SMG.

Nice idea.

SDZeta said:
Goombas are just mushrooms with eyes and feet? Not sure, just tried to find something else with SMB.


Very similar. But it's not really the same thing.

Ezduo said:
The bushes in Super Mario Bros. were just recolored clouds.



Why didn't I notice that before? Wow.
Bootaaay said:
Morrowind has a good few cool little secrets, not sure if any are worthy of mind-blowing status though :p

There are various references to Pokemon in Morrowind - namely, a skeleton called 'Peke Utchoo', a 6th house base section named 'Marowak's Spine', a Dwemer ruins section named 'Weepingbell Hall' and a burial cavern section named 'Kakuna Burial'.

Theres a plant in Vivec named 'Charles the Plant' in reference to Chuck the Plant from various Lucas Arts adventure games, Charles gives the player the ingredient 'Meteor Slime' in referrence to Manic Mansion.

Furthermore, there is a NPC named M'aiq the Liar who dispenses useless advice on things such as multiplayer; "M'aiq does not know this word. You wish others to help you in your quest? Coward! If you must, search for the Argonian Im-Leet, or perhaps the big Nord, Rolf the Uber. They will certainly wish to join you."

Theres a reference to Empire Strikes Back in Bloodmoon; a dead adventurer hanging upside down in an ice cave, reaching out for his sword on the floor

In Sothelstiem theres a fortune teller named Odfrid White-Lip who predicts the storyline of Oblivion; "When the dragon dies, the Empire dies. Where is the lost dragon's blood, the Empire's sire? And from the womb of the void, who shall stem the blood tide?."

And finally, there is the corpse of Indiana Jones in a cave crushed under a rock with a note containing his last words;

"My adventures have taken me all over. I have been places that man never knew existed. I have retrieved artifacts and fine treasures that were thought to be myth. From chalices of origins long lost, to gems with power unthought of by man, to powerful religious artifacts that house more interest to madmen than sane. I shall at least take these fine memories with me to the grave.

I shall miss my father. Like me, he was also a man of adventure. I followed in his footsteps, though I was blessed with far more luck than he. Until now, of course. He shall be on his own now. At least I am spared any more jokes about my childhood pet. And my students...how I treasured teaching them the secrets and alien concepts of all things unknown and mysterious. May they be successful.

I do not go down along though. With my crippled body, in this heap of earth, I am accompanied by my trusty leather, my steel, and most of all, my token hat. Unable to reach them under the mass, I know they are untouchable and safe. I will not die alone.


Holy shit @ Pokemon and Indy references.


RurouniZel said:
Could be a complete coincidence (probably is), but it's interesting to me that the overworld for The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past kinda resembles the Imperial Palace of Kyoto when viewed from above.



Theres also an old MMO called Nexus that looks similar from a birds eye view.



SDZeta said:
Goombas are just mushrooms with eyes and feet? Not sure, just tried to find something else with SMB.

I think the manual said that the goombas were transformed mushrooms, so it makes sense.


Link1110 said:
I think the manual said that the goombas were transformed mushrooms, so it makes sense.
Actually, I think it was that the Koopas (Shellcreepers from the original Mario Bros), led by the new King Koopa, invaded the Mushroom Kingdom. The Goombas were the stupidest, lowest-level, most unevolved, most numerous residents of the Mushroom Kingdom, and they betrayed Princess Peach to side with Bowser in the hopes that it would improve their standing in the world.

Toad and the Princess' other retainers are the more evolved, higher-level residents. Princess Peach is supposed to be the most evolved Mushroom in the land (not technically human, despite her looks, so she might not ever be able to get it on with Mario, which is why she just makes him cake), and she's worshiped by her underlings for her evolved status. Except the Goombas, who got tired of her shit (cue that motivational poster).

The Super and Poison and 1up Mushrooms are actually the lowest level creatures in the Mushroom Kingdom, but they don't even have sentience so nobody gives a crap if Mario eats them or whatever.





I thought this was well known, but after the 1-2-3 thing, I guess I'll post it anyways.


Ekans = Snake


Arbok = Kobra

EDIT: I see this was already mentioned earlier in the thread. Looks like many people didn't know about it, though. Can't believe how something like that (esp. the 1-2-3 thing..) slipped through peoples mind, hehe.


lyre said:
The guy who was popular from bending spoons with his mind tried to sue Nintendo once because of this. He found out when some kid tried to have him autograph one of the Abra family playing cards or something.

I thought it would have been obvious. Big Goron is a LOT bigger than that. :p
The guy is called Uri Geller, in Japan Kadabra is called Yungerer, which sounds kinda like his name, japanized.


Unconfirmed Member
The Metal Gear MKII makes exactly the same splurgy bloink noise that the Tachikomas make in Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex.

This is really lame, but I hope someone besides me noticed...
SpacePirate Ridley said:
-All the game was inspired by the movie Legend from Ridley Scott.

The music thing is a wow, but I think this is possibly untrue. I don't know when the movie was shown in Japan but was released in the States after the Famicom version came out in Japan.


JasonMCG said:

Nintendo borrowed the Honda Fit logo for the Wii Fit branding.

There's these things called typefaces--incorrectly known as fonts to most people--that can be licensed to many people.


Threi said:
no need to get so defensive look a few posts up.


Nah, just hard to get excited about someone using an easily-purchased typeface. It's like being blown away that the PS3 logo is the same one used in the Spider-Man movies.

OTOH, the "Price is Right" one works as a "woah" moment both because the logo composition is similar, and the mental juxtapositioning of a mostly harmless game show and the violent and sensationalist GTAIV.
beat said:
Who made this game, that I may start a lifelong vendetta against them? (And where's Segata?)
I know it was answered, but DMA Design Limited made Uniracers. AKA Rockstar North Ltd.

I was trying to figure out the Marlboro thing people were talking about so I typed "marlboro" into Google image search. This thread is the third result.
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