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Waypoint: Everyone Seems Ready to Rip ME:A to Shreds


It's hard knowing that their previous game that came out 3 years ago is more polished and had a nicer presentation than this one, even when that former game was cross-gen.
not to mention...before this stuff came out...i'd argue that a majority of people WANTED this game to succeed. if we liked the trilogy do you think we really wanted this game to fail? pls...
Yup. I may have been skeptical about it since the announcement because of how disappointing ME3 was but I, in no way, wanted this game to get the reception it seems to be getting. I was hoping they'd knock it out of the park and surprise me with something great. Maybe I will like it, who knows, but seeing the impressions of it leave me sad and kind of regretting feeling the way I did in the first place.
Feels like there's always a rush to dump on the hate pile but it's possible to transcend it if it's good. Pre-release for Horizon had that one cutscene going around and folks tried hard to make it a big deal. It fizzled out soon after. One thing I'll say about the response to Mass Effect Andromeda is how lady Ryder was hated before the rest of the game got out there. Used to see people saying the male Ryder was fine, and "what happened?" to her model. But, boy, both of the models turned out to be bad.


Perhaps the point of bethesda games isn't the story and characters.

Sorry but this kind of thing I just cannot agree with. Bethesda put voiced main characters into Fallout 4 for a reason. They have story arcs, quest chains and hundreds of named characters.

Just because some people play Bethesda games as "walking in the woods simulators" doesn't mean that story and characters are unimportant.

The main story quests since Oblivion at least have been utter dross. Poorly written, predictable and totally boring. The faces of major NPCs are disgustingly hideous and they're all voiced by pretty much the same 7 people.

Fallout 4's main character looked like he'd been made of melting wax and the voice acting and dialogue was truly appalling. However these issues were all conveniently forgotten.

People criticise Andromeda for having bugs, when Bethesda games often require numerous community mods and patches to fix gamebreaking bugs all over the place. They still get showered with praise.

I have no problem with people criticising Andromeda for having poor facial animation - it is a genuine weak point in the game. However people are taking it absurdly far. They're ripping the game to shreds repeatedly on forums left right and centre, despite the fact that many other games in the genre seem to get away with worse.


Idk about you, but I play games to have fun.. not to sit there and compare it to other games in the trilogy. Mass Effect is the only game for a while that will create a good open world sci-fi game.. and its fun with a decent story and amazing graphics (on PC). There are flaws with the game for sure, but it is no way, shape or form.. terrible. If you think that, thats fine also. I just don't understand why the same few people post in every mass effect thread talking about something they don't like or will never play continuously bashing it lol.
Nier Automata is a sci fi game with a great story that came out on PC about a week ago.
"It's not that bad..." is one of those lies you tell yourself so you don't have to accept how bad something actually is.

Mass Effect is the only game for a while that will create a good open world sci-fi game.. and its fun with a decent story and amazing graphics (on PC). There are flaws with the game for sure, but it is no way, shape or form.. terrible.

I actually made this exact argument in the other thread from the opposite direction.

The Mass Effect titles have always been mediocre pap. And people are willing to accept that, even praise it, because they aren't terrible and they're one of the only games in that space-opera RPG-shooter sub-genre.


Oh precious little snowflake. A few people really aren't a fan of the game. The best you can do if you like it is to play and enjoy it. No multi-million dollar production needs defending.

Oh precious little snowflake, its not defending.. and this goes for any game... some people just hate something so much, they need to post something bad about it in every single thread. It happened with almost every game recently.. but i guess its nothing new.. some people just dont have anything better to do :(


I don't know how you can spin a 75, a disappointing score for a B-tier game, into anything other than a massive failure when all previous games in the series got 90+. It's just dishonest.

The reviews are mixed, but also a good 20 points lower than all of the other Mass Effect games. That's pretty good! 🙄
It is a dissapointing score but it doesn't mean it's a bad game. I know you like to shit on it but hey that seems par for the course with your posting.


I don't understand why you're spending so much time saying this stuff when you could be busy having fun in the new Mass Effect game.

Just had to take the time to reply to your ignorant posts from both yesterday and today. I'm def down to play some more when I'm home later today though!

Ploid 3.0

Hopefully this means they will put a ton more effort in making sure Dragon Age 4 is even better than what it would be if ME4 was just a runaway hit with everyone.

Fortunately I'm no ME fan. Bring on DA 4, though please don't make it even more accessible with DA:I's non tactics menu flexibility, and stick to one character gameplay. It made DA Multiplayer good, but it doesn't work well for a party realtime with pause rpg. Bring it back to isometric main focus.

I hope a lot of the Dragon Age people didn't work on this. I'd feel bad for the gang. Luke was awesome, I guess I should start watching their Bioware Twitch Mass Effect multiplayer streams to see if it's the same people.


Gold Member
Honestly, if the Order 1886 wasn't under 5hrs to complete, and had maybe did a little bit more with the gameplay, it would have gotten a much warmer embrace. The graphics were amazing, and the game was mechanically sound. So a 10hr+ campaign, with a tighter gameplay loop, and it would have had a great showing.
Yeah, I always want to post a lttp thread :what if 1886 was a $39.99 title. I loved that game and think being 39.99 price would justify everything the game offered.
Though I got it for 8 bucks.

On topic, I have not played the game yet, any gaffer can tell how the graphic looks like on PS4 pro?


Haven't played the game yet but it is not looking good.

"It's not that bad..." is one of those lies you tell yourself so you don't have to accept how bad something actually is.

I actually made this exact argument in the other thread from the opposite direction.

The Mass Effect titles have always been mediocre pap. And people are willing to accept that, even praise it, because they aren't terrible and they're one of the only games in that space-opera RPG-shooter sub-genre.

Okay. No need to be petty.


It does seem weird the amount of hate the animations are getting when you get games like Fallout 4 or Yakuza which are even worse in that department slip under the radar. They're bad of course, but a lot of the criticisms have obviously gone way too far especially with many of the developers being harassed online.


Mass Effect 3 happened.

Seriously this isn't very complicated, as to why people don't have very much patience for this brand.

Pretty much this, though I would say Mass Effect 2 happened instead of 3. That was when I started to lose patience with Bioware.

I wanted ME: A to be good but everything about it just looks terrible, namely the story.


I wish people would actually read the article before deciding to post, as half the posters here deriding the article would realize it's actually agreeing with them.

The article itself is a little weird in the sense that it's more just thinking out loud than really coming to some big point, but there's nothing in there inflammatory or controversial, at all.

It's an absolute bummer the game has turned out like it did though. I really loved Mass Effect 1, and although I liked each successor a bit less, I still found them to be fun games with a potential for (and some realization of) an amazing universe of stories. The animation and visual glitches are easy to laugh at, but it seems like the game has deeper problems than that (as noted in the article when comparing the gifs and videos of BF1 glitches compared to Andromeda). Unfortunately, those surface issues have completely turned me away from playing Andromeda (I ended up just watching the ending on a live stream, and will probably just go through bits and pieces of the story by reading wiki articles once that stuff is written down).


I can't really agree with this article. It comes down to the fact that this is a simple cash in. It doesn't need to exist, it doesn't push some artistic vision or transcend the narrative of the trilogy. It was made because EA decided it needed another Mass Effect because people buy those.

I get the idea of people dog piling on an "ok" game and making it out as a horrible one, but this is one hell of a lame duck hill to die on.


Saint Titanfall
Honestly, if the Order 1886 wasn't under 5hrs to complete, and had maybe did a little bit more with the gameplay, it would have gotten a much warmer embrace. The graphics were amazing, and the game was mechanically sound. So a 10hr+ campaign, with a tighter gameplay loop, and it would have had a great showing.

The Order deserved it's bullshit though the developers literally said they choose 30fps and were actually considering 23fps because it was more "cinematic". Sadly for them 23fps was too much of sacrifice in input response but it's no wonder the game ended up the way it did and got ripped on the way it was.

Ploid 3.0

It does seem weird the amount of hate the animations are getting when you get games like Fallout 4 or Yakuza which are even worse in that department slip under the radar. They're bad of course, but a lot of the criticisms have obviously gone way too far especially with many of the developers being harassed online.

If it's only about the animation and the character creator it's no big deal to me. I'm sure they can't be as bad as Fallout and Skyrim, and I played those a ton. I even enjoyed Dragon Age 2 for the gameplay (nightmare with focus on tactical planning, and difficulty mods), and story.


I loved the ME and DA games when they first started, i watched them mature into a franchise. And just like watching a child grow up, ME3 was watching that child drop out of college. DA2 was like watching that rebellious teen hang out with the wrong group of people. And andromeda is watching that teen turn to smoking meth.

One thing I can promise you, speaking as someone who grew up gaming in arcades back when arcades were a thing, is that after a while the "How could they do this!?" changes to "Eh, guess I'll play something else". There are just too many other things to do to get caught up on a disappointing game.
This is sort of what happens when publishers invest in multi-year marketing campaigns and conference showcases to build hype, forge excitement and secure pre-orders and then the game disappoints. Are we supposed to feel sympathy for the giant corporation?


Then they'd have an actual defense or opinion.

That phrase specifically is exactly what I just described.
Why should anyone feel they have to justify their opinions to strangers on the internet? Or rather why should someone have to justify an opinion that is different than mine? It's an opinion, 100% subjective. People are allowed to like or dislike whatever games they please. The idea that they had better come prepared to rigorously debate and defend their opinion of a video game is hilarious. If they like it, good for them. If they dislike it, also good for them. One opinion is in no way more or less valid than the other. This is an open forum, if someone wants to say that a they don't think a game is as bad as many others do, or vice-versa, they're welcome to say so.
Who cares about scores though? I mean if you base your opinion ESPECIALLY on a game with mixed reviews solely off others opinions, then feel free to think its a disappointing game. I could name so many games recently that got high scores but after playing them, they deserved to be much lower. Some people like the game, some dont. If it was a game with all 60s, 50s, etc.. then sure the game has a "general" idea of it sucking.. but the scores are pretty much everywhere for this game. Its more of a "try it first" before buying.

Pubs and devs care about scores . ( Some bonuses are tied to scores for some pubs well at least back in the day )
People also care like me since this was going to be my first ME game.
Why should anyone feel they have to justify their opinions to strangers on the internet? Or rather why should someone have to justify an opinion that is different than mine? It's an opinion, 100% subjective. People are allowed to like or dislike whatever games they please. The idea that they had better come prepared to rigorously debate and defend their opinion of a video game is hilarious. If they like it, good for them. If they dislike it, also good for them. One opinion is in no way more or less valid than the other. This is an open forum, if someone wants to say that a they don't think a game is as bad as many others do, or vice-versa, they're welcome to say so.

That's... not what my comment is about. Let's try an exercise here. Imagine if I said... Mass Effect Andromeda is shit. And you said "It's not that bad..." as a defense - which the article and several posters have done.

What are you actually saying? You are actually agreeing with the premise that the game is bad. You are disagreeing with the degree of my criticism, but not the actual criticism itself. It's not a defense of a product. It's just a slightly less harsh criticism with the implication that you are criticizing others for having harsher criticism.

And that's arguably more stupid that hyperbolically saying Andromeda is shit in the first place.
Yeah, I'm a defender of this game but fully acknowledge that it's loaded with problems and is a disappointing Mass Effect game. Having said that, I don't really know how Patrick could take this stance on the game. It very clearly has major problems that go beyond glitches and bugs. While I would argue that the Mass Effect series has always had janky/bad animations there's no reason why it should still be like that on the 4th entry 5 years after the last one and animations are just the start of the game's problems.

Except the part where Hello Games lied about a great deal of features.

There was more to the NMS controversy besides the hype you know.

Also, I would argue there was way more hype behind NMS than this game.


That's... not what my comment is about. Let's try an exercise here. Imagine if I said... Mass Effect Andromeda is shit. And you said "It's not that bad..." as a defense - which the article and several posters have done.

What are you actually saying? You are actually agreeing with the premise that the game is bad. You are disagreeing with the degree of my criticism, but not the actual criticism itself. It's not a defense of a product. It's just a slightly less harsh criticism with the implication that you are criticizing others for having harsher criticism.

And that's arguably more stupid that hyperbolically saying Andromeda is shit in the first place.

Or you know .. "its not that bad" simply means the game is good but has some flaws? You're reading into it too much.


Mass Effect 3 happened.

Seriously this isn't very complicated, as to why people don't have very much patience for this brand.

Yeah, I think a lot of it comes down to this.

The Mass Effect brand was damaged by Mass Effect 3, and EA really needed to hit this one out of the park to restore customers' faith in the series.

I think they should've done the ME Collection Remastered and put it out now, and given this game the time it needed to be excellent. Because the team probably knew that things were going this way, and EA made them ship it so it hit this fiscal year.
If no one had pointed out the animation I probably wouldn't have noticed. I'm usually reading the subtitle anyway. The writing i definitely would have noticed.


I'm mostly just disappointed that they didn't take this opportunity to overhaul what's become the Bioware style. New dev team, a new start in a new galaxy millions of light years away and it all felt very samey. I don't think it feels like a bad game, just not one I want to run out and buy right away.


Despite the fact that I'm enjoying my time with Andromeda A LOT so far, it is interesting that Guerilla Games managed to produce a considerably more accomplished story focused open world RPG on their first attempt than Bioware did after god knows how long making RPGs.
Well, I made the bad choice of buying a XB1 so I have no Zelda, no Nioh, no Near, no anything Japanese, and a variety of other nos. ME:A doesn't seem that bad.

How does the writing compare to stuff like Heavy Rain and Beyond? Those games got crazy slammed for terrible writing and story, but story and characters are like the only aspect of those games I like and I LOOOOOOOVE those games.

I remember listening to Weekend Confirmed when Beyond came out and everyone was ragging on the writing but Jeff was like, "I audition for plays and parts in TV shows every week. I honestly don't see what makes this bad compared normal tv and plays."

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
not to mention...before this stuff came out...i'd argue that a majority of people WANTED this game to succeed. if we liked the trilogy do you think we really wanted this game to fail? pls...
I don't like Mass Effect 3 at all and all of the previews looked....Suspect to me and I still really hoped the reviews would say it was surprisingly good. I wanted to be sold on this game


A big factor in the disappointment is that this took five years.

I remember in 2012 there were rumours of a prequel game or even a multiplayer-focused game that could come faster.

I assume one of them is the leaked footage a while back?

Yeah, the one on the left.

So it needs to be darker and have rain?

*referring to Drewtons post.

It's not just an artistic change, the whole video shows there's been a huge downgrade to the lighting.


Haven't played the game yet but it is not looking good.


I dont really mind, playing the game upscaled to 4k or even 1440p on PC looks absolutely stunning on the different planets and its opitmized insanely well. I guess textures/lightings like those would matter for console players though.


its hard not to get caught up in the hate storm but the game does look like ass

i dont think it looks like ass. at least on ultra on pc it looks very good, specially the aliens. animations are wonky, dialogue is bad too, but you know...its not as bad as everyone says it is. bought it when i said i was not going to even touch it.


Sometimes it's just people justifiably smelling blood in the water though.

The franchise limped to a finish with ME3 and given timing of launch vs Zelda/Horizon and with heavy weight of expectations any failure to excel vs franchise peak was obviously going to be pounced on.

Releasing a decent if flawed entry wasn't going to be good enough launching now after that long in development.
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