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What's the biggest drop in quality between a game and its immediate follow-up?


Regenerative health, less aggressive AI and such just made the game a mindless breeze, felt like I had a complete lack of control over most situations in missions. IV was awkward at times and mechanically worse but at least it didn't constantly hold my hand through mediocre encounters.


Blood Omen 2 was not as good as Blood Omen.

Soul Reaver 2 did not live up to Soul Reaver

The first Deus Ex is basically better in every aspect compared to its sequel



People of course are entitled to their opinions but to this day I have never known anyone to say that they liked 2 over 1. And I've seen some crazy opinions.
NeoGAF has at least one user who prefer 2 over 1, or better dislikes the original so much he prefers 2.
I'm surprised he/she still hasn't posted anything about it

Back to topic,
Tekken 5 (DR included) -> Tekken 6 (BR included)
Crash Team Racing -> Crash Nitro Kart
Metal Slug 3 -> Metal Slug 4


Ah ah ah ah, NO!!!!

I can't even...
I agree that GTA IV is better than V (single player anyway) - better physics, writing, characters, pacing, satire, social commentary... regardless of your opinions I don't think any GTA game really has a place in this thread.

I still can't decide if Condemned to Condemned 2 or DA:O to DA:2 is the worst. Both games deliberately deviated from what made their predecessors so good.
DMC2 wins by any measure.

People citing shit like Dark Souls 2. Pfft. At least Dark Souls 2 was still a good game despite its flaws. DMC2 was a hot mess.

I sympathize with people citing Dragon Age 2 (EA fucked this series completely to me) but it still can't top DMC2.


DMC2 wins by any measure.

People citing shit like Dark Souls 2. Pfft. At least Dark Souls 2 was still a good game despite its flaws. DMC2 was a hot mess.

I mean if you compare anything with bottom of the barrel crap like DMC2, there's no contest obviously.

But I dunno, a lot of people, myself included, didn't like Dark Souls 2 at all. As someone who doesn't care about PVP and build variety (I care about the latter but not that much), I thought it was a decent to bad game, and coming from what I consider the game of the last generation, the claim makes sense.

Also I know I'm a minority but I thought Hotline Miami 2 was fantastic, it's just designed very differently so it disappointed most fans. Hell, coming back to 1 makes it extremely easy, almost boring.

Super Metroid ----> Metroid Prime

Kid Icarus ---> Kid Icarus 3ds



Mafia 3 I think, Mafia 2 was not that fantastic, but Mafia 3 is a really bad and incredibly boring game
Driver to Driver 2. First one was one of my favorite PS1 games, second game just dropped the ball.

Edit: I have to give credit to them letting you get out of your car and steal other cars (crazy during the PS1 era), but man it controlled like shit.
Chrono Trigger -> Chrono Cross
Alundra -> Alundra 2
Final Fantasy Tactics -> Tactics Advance
Xenosaga -> Xenosaga 2
DKC2 -> DKC3
Final Fantasy 12 -> FF13
Golden Sun TLA -> Golden Sun DDawn.


Tomb Raider Underworld to Tomb Raider 2013. One of the worst of recent times.

Meh I think Anniversary to Underworld might be a bit worse. Underworld had some really good potential, but ended up being a disappointing end to original trilogy from CD and felt underdeveloped. TR2013 has its own issues, but least it felt more tight and polish.
Arkham City to Arkham Origins

I was expecting a different take on the series, not a souless copy of Arkham City. Other than the boss fights, I can't think of a single thing that AO does better.The combat, puzzle solving, exploration, the story, open world, etc. are all far worse in comparison to Rocksteady's work.



Xenoblade Chronicles was a beautiful, huge, adventure with a great story, superb voice acting and amazing characters

Xenoblade Chronicles X was fetch quest city with a beautiful, even bigger world

And as a extra, one that hurts me personally:

BW2 had an amazing Singleplayer with a ton of post-game content where you could do multiple things, and wouldn't get bored anytime soon. Also, difficulty options! (Even though they were implemented in the stupidest way imaginable) It also featured the greatest piece of Fanservice ever introduced troughout the entire franchise with the PWT, where you could battle gym leaders of previous games.

The singleplayer in XY was bad. The game made sure that you wouldn't have any trouble with anything at all, even if you wanted to struggle a bit.
The postgame was a huge shake up compared to it's predecessor, and was soly tailored to please those who want to battle it out against strangers online. While it is not a bad thing itself, minimizing the stuff you could do by yourself after completing the campaign, soured the expereience even more, so that i spent pnly a quarter of the time i usually spend on Pokémon games.


Neo Member
Super Metroid ----> Metroid Prime

Metroid Prime stands as one of the most acclaimed games of all time, and it places firmly alongside Super Metroid as the pinnacle of the entire Metroid series.

It's also the one game of the entire series that defied the odds and preconceptions against it during development to deliver greatness on a level few expected prior to it's release.
Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward --> Zero Time Dilemma is one of the biggest cases of blue balls I've ever felt with a game series.

Absolutely this. I cannot believe how much they fucked up ZTD.

I'd also say Rock Band 3 ---> Rock Band 4, though the game has improved since launch, especially with Rivals.


Probably been mentionned many times but

Dark souls to Dark souls 2

(a game of the gen to a fucking garbage one)

good thing dark souls 3 was a great return to form


Not the biggest drop but one I feel like mentioning: the drop from Donkey Kong Country 2 to 3 was jarring even when I was an uncritical 8-year-old.

Yeah I was 9 and I second this. DKC3 is the only DKC I didn't 100% as it just frustrated me more than I enjoyed it. It lacked a lot of the atmosphere and personality of the previous two games.

That being said, the true answers here are DMC1 to 2 and Castlevania 1 to 2. Those saying DA1 to 2 and ME1 to 2, come on now. I liked the first of both of those series better as well but those sequels are objectively not bad games,( yes DA2 as well, it's not as bad as a lot people make it out to be, hell it's far better than Inquisition and that game won tons of GOTY awards!), some people conflate their personal disappointment with a good sequel that doesn't quite reach the heights of the first game with an actual bad game.


I love Pokken!
Arkham City to Arkham Origins

I was expecting a different take on the series, not a souless copy of Arkham City. Other than the boss fights, I can't think of a single thing that AO does better.The combat, puzzle solving, exploration, the story, open world, etc. are all far worse in comparison to Rocksteady's work.

AO has the best story of all Arkham games. Hell, maybe the best story in a Batman game.


Baldur's Gate 2: Shadow of Arms----> Baldur's Gate 2: Throne of Bhall.

I'm willing to cut Bioware some slacks because 1) A game like BG2 was basically impossible to replicate 2) Their D&D license was expiring so the game was developed under time constraints, but ugh, Throne of Bhall is just... meh.

I went through SoA like a bazillion of times, but every time I try going through ToB, I just... stop. I would rather just re-start SoA immediately.


I finally thought of one: Yoshi's Island to Yoshi's Story. It's not the biggest drop ever, but man it was disappointing.
AO has the best story of all Arkham games. Hell, maybe the best story in a Batman game.

No, that would be Arkham Knight. It's the only Arkham game with half a half writing, but even that's not saying much to be honest. The story is mainly just a backdrop for cool encounters.

The only good parts of Arkham Origins are ripped off from other Batman stories. Even then, the execution is quite poor and makes very little sense. Attempting to sum up Batman's interplay with the Joker in one night for example is just completely ridiculous. Not to mention, It's probably one of the worst prequels in recent memory. All the major plot beats have zero tension, because we all know what happens in the later games.


Neo Member
Telltale Walking Dead season 1 to season 2. I'm just stunned at what a drop in quality it is.

The writing is worse. The characters are worse. There's just less... well, GAME. Season 1 is full of puzzles and meaningful dialogue that fleshes out the cast, the scenarios, and the world around you. There's exploration and discovery of useful items, and lots of variety in the locations and people you meet. The longest episode in season 2 took me maybe two hours max, almost all of them taking me an hour to an hour and a half otherwise. Each episode of season 1 took me at least three hours. The gap in content and things to do is huge.

Season 2... ignoring how weird it is that everyone treats an 11 year old like she's an adult who outranks them, there's just so much less to it in every way. Where deaths in s1 feel like they have an impact, deaths in s2 are purely just for shock value. The season even starts by killing off a really nice s1 character just to be like "BAM, GOT YA PLAYER, NOBODY IS SAFE" rather than earning a moment. There's maybe two characters in the entire game who have even the slightest bit of depth to them, and one of them is directly ripped from the first season (and it's not Clem). Lots of times the game is just on rails, you go from point A to point B with minimal interaction with either the environment or the paper thin NPCs surrounding you. Compare Kenny as your main buddy character in s1 to Luke as your main buddy character in s2...
Kenny is with you the entirety of s1 and you have tons of moments to develop a relationship with him. Not only does Kenny show up as a rival/secondary buddy character in s2 to undermine the existence of Luke, Luke isn't even really designed beyond "friendly, had to kill his mom". There's no substance to Luke and the game kills him for shock value the moment Jane becomes your new buddy.
This leads to a nonsense confrontation in the second to last scene where two characters (the only two decently developed characters in the game) who have not really interacted in the slightest are acting like they have a ton of personal animosity built up over time with each other. They never interact with each other until the writing decides that there needs to be a conflict, and then it treats the two of them as if they've been butting heads for weeks. Speaking of,
if they kept Luke alive for the final confrontation with Kenny, at least that would make sense. Luke and Kenny butt heads repeatedly and are positioned as rivals for Clem's friendship. I prefer Jane as she's the only s2 character who is even remotely developed, but the animosity between her and Kenny comes out of nowhere.

Easily one of the worst sequels I've ever seen. It's up there with DMC2 and Deus Ex Invisible War in terms of completely fundamentally misunderstanding what made the previous entry good. I'd say season 2 of TWD is even worse than DMC2 and Invisible War, however - it's such an easier style of game to get right, and at least those games had ideas. They had some kind of ambition, misguided as they turned out to be. Literally all a Telltale game needs to be good is some decent characters, writing, and settings to be good... TWD s2 had one good non-s1 character, that's it.


BW2 had an amazing Singleplayer with a ton of post-game content where you could do multiple things, and wouldn't get bored anytime soon. Also, difficulty options! (Even though they were implemented in the stupidest way imaginable) It also featured the greatest piece of Fanservice ever introduced troughout the entire franchise with the PWT, where you could battle gym leaders of previous games.

The singleplayer in XY was bad. The game made sure that you wouldn't have any trouble with anything at all, even if you wanted to struggle a bit.
The postgame was a huge shake up compared to it's predecessor, and was soly tailored to please those who want to battle it out against strangers online. While it is not a bad thing itself, minimizing the stuff you could do by yourself after completing the campaign, soured the expereience even more, so that i spent pnly a quarter of the time i usually spend on Pokémon games.

Agreed here.

B2W2 is easily my favorite Pokemon game thus far, period. I remember actually having difficulty against some NPCs near the end
Colress, especially
. The story was interesting (I like the idea of a semi-sequel that progresses the story along), the mixture of older pokemon and gen 5 pokemon fixed problems, and yeah that world tournament was so great (though at the same time made me pull my hair out because of how annoying some of them were).

I did enjoy XY but god it was such a step down.


( yes DA2 as well, it's not as bad as a lot people make it out to be, hell it's far better than Inquisition and that game won tons of GOTY awards!)
DA2 is an objectively bad game from its graphics, gameplay elements, writing, levels/playable areas, voiced protagonist and dialogue, etc. Never mind it was also a massive let down and change from its predecessor.

Inquisition was much better, something of a middle ground between the two but ultimately satisfying nobody fully. I can only think you somehow managed to eek out some enjoyment out of DA2 (good on you) because it's a bad game by most people's standards here.


The whole Fable series had it rough since the height of 2, ultimately killing Lionhead.
Guitar Hero jumped the shark after 3 and kept getting more desperate.



Regenerative health, less aggressive AI and such just made the game a mindless breeze, felt like I had a complete lack of control over most situations in missions. IV was awkward at times and mechanically worse but at least it didn't constantly hold my hand through mediocre encounters.
I would say that the biggest drop in quality between these two is the driving and animation physics. V's implementation of euphoria was heavily toned down from IV's, and driving was arcade-y compared to IV's cars which felt like they actually had weight and inertia.
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