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When it comes to the opposite sex, what is an absolute dealbreaker for you?

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Unconfirmed Member
I can't date people if they're a smoker, obese, not a feminist, or if all they do is work a nine-to-five job. Those are my bare bones requirements.
omg.kittens said:
I can't date people if they're a smoker, obese, not a feminist, or if all they do is work a nine-to-five job. Those are my bare bones requirements.

I'd like to meet one of those girls actually. I am curious
omg.kittens said:
I can't date people if they're a smoker, obese, not a feminist, or if all they do is work a nine-to-five job. Those are my bare bones requirements.

You won't date someone if they aren't a feminist? Jeez.


I've never been that bothered if lady smokes. Sure it's bad for your health and that smell lingers on clothes but it's not a deal breaker to me.

For me it has to be someone who is shallow or vain. It just immediatley kills any interest I had for them. Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with looking good and dressing up and god knows what else but only doing it to gain the attention of everyone in the room...no thanks.

Hygiene is an obvious one.

Bar that I'm really just easy going.
ScOULaris said:
Mine is smoking (or really any generally unhealthy addictive habit).

Of course, in reality we all tend to be more flexible when we find someone really cool/attractive, but this is my theoretical dealbreaker when it comes to the opposite sex. If a girl's a smoker, I most likely won't even bother. I wouldn't forgo the potential for a hookup, but she'd be rendered devoid of dating potential for me.

Another one would be if she's cheated before, but that's not something that I would be able to tell upon first meeting someone. Besides, once I found out I'd have to give her ONE WEEK.

What's your dealbreaker?

Wouldn't your wife mind?


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
The only completely weird one I can think of is something that happened two times to me. I was dating this girl from uni and when I visited her room for the first place it looked like a pedophile's fantasy playroom - pink walls, stuffed toys everywhere, a couple of thousand photo stands of friends, small statues of fluffy animals, furry floor mats all over the place - I almost got an allergic reaction.

The second time I was just chatting with some girl (roomie of a colleague), saw her room and was 'HELL NAW' and bailed out immediately.


Meus Renaissance said:
  1. Attitude
  2. Unfaithful
  3. Disrespectful
  4. A need to be dominant
  5. Smoking
  6. Flirtatious with others
  7. Wears gym pants out in public
  8. No interest in having intellectual conversations
  9. Unwilling to show any interest to any of mine interests
  10. Has had one night stands
  11. Hates when you touch her hair
  12. Dislikes dark humour
  13. Is over 5" 9
  14. Hates sports
    [*]Thinks video-gaming is for kids only
  15. Has a need to 'go out' almost every night
  16. Impulse buys expensive things and regrets it the next day
  17. Lacks imagination
    [*]Thinks UFOs are just a joke
  18. Thinks popular movies are great because they're popular

Will update list when I think of anymore
The first one: heck yes. They don't need to be, like, a GAMER, but taking that stance is childish and insulting.

The second one: uhhh...

*tag quote*


Unconfirmed Member
Galvanise_ said:
You won't date someone if they aren't a feminist? Jeez.
I mean, we have to have some common politics, right? Feminism seems to encapsulate most of the basic tenants of my politics, and if someone I'm dating doesn't share those, we probably won't get along.


Jtwo said:
Just not being comfortable or ok with who they are. And, you know, bad hygiene.

hmm...are girls known to have bad hygiene? I mean thats rarely the case for non obese people, right? Never met a girl who didnt really take care of herself.

Anyone got examples or experiences with girls with bad hygiene?


So the majority of GAF wouldn't tap Adele, got it...

Flaws are part of what make people what they are, if you are into someone enough you can look past them...


Piercings are a huge turn-off for me, I can handle stadard ear piercings because it's considered normal in current society, which leaves me with little choice. I just don't like piercings, it seems like they're just waiting to be ripped out. "Spacers" are even worse.


Meus Renaissance said:
  1. Attitude
  2. Unfaithful
  3. Disrespectful
  4. A need to be dominant
  5. Smoking
  6. Flirtatious with others
  7. Wears gym pants out in public
  8. No interest in having intellectual conversations
    [*]Unwilling to show any interest to any of mine interests
  9. Has had one night stands
  10. Hates when you touch her hair
  11. Dislikes dark humour
  12. Is over 5" 9
  13. Hates sports
  14. Thinks video-gaming is for kids only
  15. Has a need to 'go out' almost every night
  16. Impulse buys expensive things and regrets it the next day
  17. Lacks imagination
    [*]Thinks UFOs are just a joke
  18. Thinks popular movies are great because they're popular

Will update list when I think of anymore


The Lamonster said:
No kids
Not a smoker
Must be independent
Must love dogs and/or cats
Must be liberal about video games and marijuana

the end
Luckily I found my girlfriend who meets the above requirements, plus a ton of awesome bonuses (tattoos, piercings, big boobs etc).


Bad hygiene, religiousness, lack of reliability, disdain for gaming, dressing and acting like a boy. Skirts & heels FTW.

Contrary to the OP, smoking is a plus for me.
- Personal hygiene is a must, and I'd hope it's a must for everyone else, lol.
- Doesn't hate videogames. Doesn't need to be a hardcore gamer but hey, I love games.
- I'm fine with chubby girls but no morbid obesity.
- No kids. I love kids by all means but no kids.
- No smoking. It's weird because I find the image of a female smoking a cigarette to be very cool/sexy, but as far as being in a relationship with a girl who smokes, I don't think I could.


Can't really think of much atm, but if she thought watching porn was a form of cheating i'd have a express ticket ready to leave
omg.kittens said:
I mean, we have to have some common politics, right? Feminism seems to encapsulate most of the basic tenants of my politics, and if someone I'm dating doesn't share those, we probably won't get along.

I don't think you have to have common politics. I'm a middle leftie but I won't not date someone because of different political beliefs, just like I wouldn't date someone for having different religious beliefs.



- Can't be overweight
- Can't smoke
- Can be geeky, but shouldn't sound/talk that way
- Roughly similar intelligence
- Capable of sustaining herself independently
- Can't expect me to share her religious beliefs
- Good dental hygiene (and hygiene in general)

Probably some other stuff too. More or less, I hold them to the standards I hold myself to. I've never had a serious relationship, but if I did, I'd probably add some stuff like "Can't want more than 2 kids" and "Can't live more than a 3hr drive away."


I used to say hairy pits (for a girl) but when I met my wife she didn't shave her pits or legs unless it was summer (very common with chinese girls) but I grew to like it....

Now, I don't date anymore.

EDIT: I was alright with her being hairy but white chicks with hairy pits = gross.


Arthrus said:
- Can't be overweight
- Can't smoke
- Can be geeky, but shouldn't sound/talk that way
- Roughly similar intelligence

- Capable of sustaining herself independently
- Can't expect me to share her religious beliefs
- Good dental hygiene

I've never had a serious relationship

gee, i wonder why.

Count Dookkake said:
Bad taste in movies

No exceptions ever.

this list is a lot more reasonable.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Doesn't understand reading for pleasure.

I had a lot of other stuff I could say, but that neatly encapsulates the kind of person who I absolutely am not looking for.


When you people say fat you really mean obese people, right? Cuz having a little junk in the trunk is only awesome.


Unconfirmed Member
Galvanise_ said:
I don't think you have to have common politics. I'm a middle leftie but I won't not date someone because of different political beliefs, just like I wouldn't date someone for having different religious beliefs.
Yeah, I couldn't do that. I have to share at least some basic political analysis with my partner, and I never date religious people.


Smoking is definitely one of em. Shit is disgusting. Short haircuts as well. No ass as well. Its aesthetically offensive.


9/10 NeoGAFfers don't understand statistics. The other 3/10 don't care.
As long as she is not batshit crazy am cool, but with allot of these lists no wonder there is allot of girl-age threads.


- Small boobs
- Really fat

That's it, may sound like a prick or a joke post but it's the truth, can look like a beached whale ala Christina Hendricks but still get an erection due to her large breasts.
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