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When it comes to the opposite sex, what is an absolute dealbreaker for you?

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Door2Dawn said:
How is being religious a strike against that person?

Nothing "reasonable" about that.

depends on the level of religiosity. for example, if someone was religious to the point where it impede upon our sex life, then things would have to change. if someone was religious to the point where i am constantly being reminded that i'm going to hell for being an atheist, i certainly don't think i could live with that.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Cruzader said:
hmm...are girls known to have bad hygiene? I mean thats rarely the case for non obese people, right? Never met a girl who didnt really take care of herself.

Anyone got examples or experiences with girls with bad hygiene?
I don't know, I guess not since I've never met one either.
It's definitely a hypothetical dealbreaker though.


andymcc said:
gee, i wonder why.

this list is a lot more reasonable.

I rarely meet women who don't meet all of my requirements... where did you grow up where my list is unreasonable? For instance, I don't know anybody who smokes. Do you think I should date people who demand that I convert to their religion?

Lastly, I've never been interested in a serious relationship because I'm 20 and am not looking to settle down any time soon. It's not as though I've never been with a girl, you know.


Being fat isn't too much of a deal breaker for me, a little junk in the proverbial trunk isn't all that bad so long as they're trying to get to a healthy weight.

For me the deal breakers are:
- Smoking
- Genital piercings
- Vanity (I mean it's important to look good but being vain is bad)
- Hard drugs
- Thinks gaming is for kids/geeks
- Cannot deal with their own problems/bad at managing their checkbook (this one is BY FAR the biggest deal breaker)
- Being flat. Especially if they're overweight. If they're overweight they should at least have boobs to match. And I don't mean they have to have huge boobs, but they shouldn't look like an 11 year old boy.


Meus Renaissance said:
Not to derail the thread, or anything...

That was all fairly cogent. UFOs of course "exist", in that there are things that are unidentified flying around, and we should pay attention to them, because they are either scientific phenomena worth studying or aircraft of foreign make that might have repercussions in engineering or politics, but I'm still fairly against UFOs as "aliens", mainly due to the fact that I know 1) How fucking huge space is, 2) How rare life is, 3) How stupid people can be, and 4) How unlikely we are to be of any concern to a race that has achieved interstellar transport.


srsly if I feel like she is dump thats it. It usually quite a deal breaker for me but of course i would take her for a night but i mean for something like an affair.
Meus Renaissance said:
  1. Attitude
  2. Unfaithful
  3. Disrespectful
  4. A need to be dominant
  5. Smoking
  6. Flirtatious with others
  7. Wears gym pants out in public
  8. No interest in having intellectual conversations
  9. Unwilling to show any interest to any of mine interests
  10. Has had one night stands
  11. Hates when you touch her hair
  12. Dislikes dark humour
  13. Is over 5" 9
  14. Hates sports
  15. Thinks video-gaming is for kids only
  16. Has a need to 'go out' almost every night
  17. Impulse buys expensive things and regrets it the next day
  18. Lacks imagination
  19. Thinks UFOs are just a joke
  20. Thinks popular movies are great because they're popular

Will update list when I think of anymore
i'm just going to hazard a guess that you are currently single.


carlosp said:
srsly if I feel like she is dump thats it. It usually quite a deal breaker for me but of course i would take her for a night but i mean for something like an affair.

Said the man that had a one nighter with you.
carlosp said:
srsly if I feel like she is dump thats it. It usually quite a deal breaker for me but of course i would take her for a night but i mean for something like an affair.

Really have no idea what you mean....she is dump? Are you talking about scat play or something?



Thank the stars that I'm married to a woman that hates them as much as I do. Most girls don't really seem to care that they look like freaks.


Incessant talking/loud talkers
Poor listening skills especially with a combo of previous issue
Melodrama, when you get the feeling the person could win 5 million bucks and would still complain and be miserable
Bigotry, close minded
Too obsessed with the real world to enjoy some fantasy be it movies, books or games. Ala creatively bankrupt.
Jtwo said:
I don't know, I guess not since I've never met one either.
It's definitely a hypothetical dealbreaker though.

A girl I know didn't shave her legs often, like would-let-hair-grow-in-not-just-stubble level, nor would she shower but twice a week sometimes, and apparently from her ex who is a good friend she had a smelly vag. What smidge of attraction I had for her, she is a model, immediately left when I heard that.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'm not sure if this is a deal breaker or not but flat butts do not turn me on one bit. I guess if the woman was willing to train at the gym with me I could add some meat to her backside.

Besides that I'd say:

A know it all
Someone who doesn't want kids
a low sex drive

Not unreasonable demands.


-can't smoke
-can't be religious
-can't be conservative
-can't be incurious
-can't dislike the outdoors
-can't dislike animals
-can't be a vegan
-can't be a slob
-can't be overly self-conscious
-can't be anorexic/bulimic (goes with overly self-conscious)
-can't be a binge drinker
I think the term 'overweight' is a chucked around a little loosely. I'm not going to condemn a girl for having a little excess bagage, I've certainly had stages in my life where I've put on a few pounds. That said, I still try to live a healthy and active life and keep the weight down, both for my appearance and for my general well-being, and I would expect her to do the same. If I was with a girl and she put on a few, I would get her to come along with me when exercising, but I certainly wouldn't ditch her.

There are a few things I really can't handle though - Being considerably overweight or obese, smoking, jealous, clingy, etc...

The big one is her ability to converse though. If she can't hold a conversation, no matter how hot she is I'm not going to give her the time of day. I've fallen in the trap of giving very attractive women a free pass for stupidity, and I learnt from my mistakes a long time ago.
I'm going to say fat/obese, but I'm not going to pretend that it's not because I'm shallow. Yes that may cause other shit, but who needs to know past how they look, if it's that much of a turn-off?
Door2Dawn said:
How is being religious a strike against that person?

Nothing "reasonable" about that.

Don't be silly. There are many reasons why a religious person would make a lousy partner in the short and long term.

I suppose I could put up with a religious partner as long as they never expected me to go to their church, they didn't let their god or holyman prevent us from having fun sex, they never tried to convert me, they never brought their religious pals over to the house, they did not tithe any of our money and they signed a contract saying that they would not indoctrinate any potential children.


:lol @ some/most of these lists.

People listing "Obesity/Fat" are basically just saying that they need to be attracted to the female. Of-fucking-course, guys. :lol That goes without saying.

I'm married, but if I were still in the game:
-Can't have kids (becomes more difficult the older you get)
-Must have a career. (ie, has to be a real adult)
-Can't live at home with parents (ie, has to be a real adult).
-Can't be a Teabagger/Limbaugh parrot/hardcore conservative. But mainly, she just can't be a rigid ideologue (either Left or Right) who *HAS* to discuss politics all the time. I have in-laws like that and I can't stand them.

I'd be lenient on the career/live-at-home requirements if the lady fell on bad times, got laid off, and had to move back home. Times are tough right now. Finding a good job can take a while. But she would have to be looking for a real job, not just chilling at home waiting for something/someone to come along to change her life.
Feep said:
Not to derail the thread, or anything...

That was all fairly cogent. UFOs of course "exist", in that there are things that are unidentified flying around, and we should pay attention to them, because they are either scientific phenomena worth studying or aircraft of foreign make that might have repercussions in engineering or politics, but I'm still fairly against UFOs as "aliens", mainly due to the fact that I know 1) How fucking huge space is, 2) How rare life is, 3) How stupid people can be, and 4) How unlikely we are to be of any concern to a race that has achieved interstellar transport.

I'll PM you my response
Basically most of the responses in this thread can be shortened down to "must have no self-esteem and never disagree with me; must be more attractive than I am"

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
CF_Fighter said:
A girl I know didn't shave her legs often, like would-let-hair-grow-in-not-just-stubble level,
The leg shaving thing can definitely vary from person to person. The last girl I dated rarely shaved her legs, but she was very fair and had gentle soft blonde leg hairs that you could barely see. I didn't mind it at all. She also took very good care of herself, I don't think I've met anyone who treated themselves as well as she did.

I have to admit, on one occasion maybe 5 years ago I had a friend down the street who I would sleep with sometimes, and one time after going for some drinks we got to it and she wrapped her legs around my torso and it was like SANDPAPER. I was poked by a thousand tiny needles at once. Perhaps the most boner killer moment ever. To be fair it was only that one time and I don't think either of us were really dressed to impress, so it's hard to really be upset about it. But holy hell was it unpleasant.


Smoking is a big one for me, I won't give a girl a second thought if she smokes, no matter how nice or hot she is. But also any girl who scoffs at things like video games, comics, animation, or anything of the sort, those are huge turn-offs as well. Another biggy is a lack of ambition, or a career.

Oh...and hairy arms....there's that.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
Any sort of emotional baggage that stems from previous relationships, I have tried to put up with it and even help in the past...it turns out to be more trouble than it is worth.


Unconfirmed Member
Another important one: we've got to be able to argue well. If she can't deal with conflict in a healthy way, things aren't going to last long.
Not a Jellyfish said:
Any sort of emotional baggage that stems from previous relationships, I have tried to put up with it and even help in the past...it turns out to be more trouble than it is worth.

This. This so much. I wish life were easy like that.
Not a Jellyfish said:
Any sort of emotional baggage that stems from previous relationships, I have tried to put up with it and even help in the past...it turns out to be more trouble than it is worth.


omg.kittens said:
Another important one: we've got to be able to argue well. If she can't deal with conflict in a healthy way, things aren't going to last long.


Also, no treasure trail or hairy asshole. Wax or laser that shit.


Whoompthereitis said:
Really have no idea what you mean....she is dump? Are you talking about scat play or something?

sorry for my bad english. i mean if she is not well educated and calls "meeting friends" and "listen to music" her hobbies. I guess i ment if she is dumb ;)


Unconfirmed Member
I'd have to agree with the OP, smoking is such a turn off now for me now.
Also, vegetarian chicks giving me a hard time when I have steak. Eff that, son.


A lot of them have been mentioned already (fat, smoker, boring are no gos)
So I'll go with:

Can't cook

A lot of these newer models from the production line are missing this feature
They don't make em like they used to

Gotta make my own damn sandwich :|
Oh well, at least I can't mess up the sandwich
well, this is the creepiest thread i've read in these parts since the last time a bunch of busted-ass manchildren discussed wimmenfolk on the internets
My list:

-Thinks Lil Wayne is the greatest musician of all time.
-Will only date one ethnicity.
-Thinks Twilight is a literally masterpiece.
-If they will not date a person with a kid.
-If they feel they need to go out and party every night.
-Do not take care of themselves. Going to the Gym is something we should all do.
-Hates Jazz
-Smelly Vagina
-Think I should worship the ground they walk on.
-Hates Animals.
-Hates Kids
-Hates Video Games


CaptYamato said:
My list:

-Thinks Lil Wayne is the greatest musician of all time.
-Will only date one ethnicity.
-Thinks Twilight is a literally masterpiece.
-If they will not date a person with a kid.
-If they feel they need to go out and party every night.
-Do not take care of themselves. Going to the Gym is something we should all do.
-Hates Jazz
-Smelly Vagina
-Think I should worship the ground they walk on.
-Hates Animals.
-Hates Kids
-Hates Video Games

so...to be clear..a fat chick is out of the question?


Tence said:
Toe-thumbs... like those scary things Megan Fox has. They gross me out so much I get physically ill when I see them.

Lol, I have those. I call them my "widescreen" thumbs. Weird thing is, I have two older sisters. The eldest one has two normal thumbs, the next one has one normal thumb and one widescreen thumb, and I have two widescreen thumbs :p. Growing up, we actually called them "Aunt Betty Thumbs" since apparently my great aunt Betty had them as well.


Man, I hate to be a dick here, but why does this matter to you, since -- once again -- you're already married?

Smokers, hardline religious freaks, and excessive drinkers are my insta-dealbreakers.
Smoking, lack of an ass and if the girl has a kid. Almost fell into that trap a few years ago.

Oh yeah, and Jesus freaks. I don't want my girl to tell me that plowing her ass isn't what God wants.
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