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White House communication adviser tweets "N" word (typo, tried to say "bigger")

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NY Daily News


A top Obama aide, who advises the President on communications strategy, made an egregious error in a hurriedly posted tweet, mistakenly typing the N-word when he meant to type the word "bigger."

Dan Pfeiffer sloppily wrote "also a much n----r factor on the right" in a thread directed at New York Times National Political Correspondent Jonathan Martin about the government shutdown.

Martin had been praising an NBC analysis piece about the cause of the shutdown, citing anarchy in the political parties and the rise of social media.

At first Pfeiffer agreed with the article, writing "It's a very smart point and massive factor in political polarization."

Just moments later, he decided to add a follow-up comment, which he apparently forgot to proofread.

The Twittersphere was shocked Tuesday when they spotted the posting, with BuzzFeed's Rosie Gray declaring it the "worst typo ever."

Pfeiffer, who typed the tweet from his official White House account, quickly deleted the message.

"Obviously a horrendous typo in my previous tweet. My apologies," he tweeted in embarrassment.

Pretty damn unfortunate typo there. Quick question for you Twitter/iPhone superstars: doesn't autocorrect usually swap over to the most common words you type on your phone?
Pretty damn unfortunate typo there. Quick question for you Twitter/iPhone superstars: doesn't autocorrect usually swap over to the most common words you type on your phone?

It does, but it depends on the keyboard app. For example, on SwiftKey it also takes into account where you hit the key, so if it's a little too far off the b and close to the n, it'll think 'oh you meant N'.
but that means it was saved in his dictionary, BUSTED

That's what I'm wondering...my Nexus 7 (using Swiftkey) doesn't recognize bad words like ass or shit, and fixes them to something more socially acceptable.

There's no way Apple or Swiftkey have racist terminology saved in their dictionary, right?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Damn, I guess democrats and republicans are alike after all.


B is just next to the N on keyboards. Really unfortunate typo but I can actually see it happening


MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
What about the n---er factor on the right though? Have we looked in to it? Should we be concerned?


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16


The keys are right next to each other.

Who the fuck cares?


Really Really Exciting Member!
Why are people assuming it has something to do with autocorrect? He could just be posting from his computer, i mean the "B" and "N" letter are right next to each other.


The sad part is that when talking about the right wing, either term could equally apply. Racism is a pretty significant component behind the current polarization. I mean, the GOP hated Bill Clinton - full-on *hated* the guy, but we were nowhere near the level of governmental obstruction that we are now.


I gotta admit that it's pretty funny, small typo leading to a headline like that :lol
Can't you delete tweets ?

He did, but someone will always be fast enough to see it and screenshot it before you can delete it.


*reminds self to use the comparative more big*

...but "more nig" is offensive too :(

And this is the definition of a non-story. Just based on the context, it makes complete sense that he meant "bigger". Also, I'm not twitter proficient, but how do we know it was sent from a phone? I thought it would say something under the tweet.

Also, if I were his boss, I'd be more worried about worried about his grammar than the slur, if that is what he intended to write.



i'd have a fucking heart attack.

This is way worse than that time my iphone auto-corrected "I'll you a call" to "I'll give you anal"


No Scrubs
Either the most awkward autocorrect snafu ever, or he has it off and it's the worst typo ever. Either way I feel bad for the guy.
The dude was trying to type bigger and it auto corrected to the n word.

Do you know how many times you have to use curse words before you have the option to have your phone auto correct it? A shitload.

Before anyone jumps on this, it's a joke.


The dude was trying to type bigger and it auto corrected to the n word.

Do you know how many times you have to use curse words before you have the option to have your phone auto correct it? A shitload.

Or as likely, he hit n instead of b, as they're next to each other on the keyboard, and didn't spot it until the tweet posted.
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