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Why does Gametrailers think that people's problem with ME 3 is only the ending??

I had so many issues playing through Mass Effect 3 that, by the time I reached the conclusion, the shitty ending was a total non-factor. I just didn't care by that stage, as mass disappointment had already set in and I was in a totally jaded state of mind. What really killed the game for me was the lack of exploration. One hub in the entire game - ONE! If I ever see the Citadel again, it'll be too soon.
My favourite parts of Mass Effect 3:

- The only prominent Asian character in the entire series is *sigh* a ninja. Mass Effect 4 is going to have to introduce a choloed out Hispanic character that ends every sentence with "ese" to balance this out.

- That ridiculous chase sequence on Mars where you engage in a footchase with somebody. Forget for a second that if you're a Vanguard, you powers just allow you to rush her instantly, even if you don't have that power, you can still catch up to her before the sequence ends. The game's engine of course just pushes you back.

- The most ridiculous cutscene in the game; two guys fighting, one with a sword the other with a gun. The guy with a gun charges the guy with the sword for no apparent reason and surprise, surprise, gets stabbed. Meanwhile, Shepard and Co. are standing there doing nothing throughout this entire cut scene.

- Literally every single character introduced in Mass Effect 2 is relegated to a cameo appearance in Mass Effect 3. They just find some way to justify how they loosely tie into Mass Effect 3. Miranda's quest is almost the exact same as her loyalty quest in 2. Find her sister, save her from her father.

- Every single side quest in ME3: Go to system, press button until you succeed.


This thread just looks to be turning into the usual ME1 is the best thread, which pops up everytime we talk ME.

I know I get ME1 was an awesome game, he'll I got all the achievements and hundreds of hours of playtime. Doesn't make ME2 and 3 "suck" for being different. But then again I'm part of the RE fan base that didn't mind the jumping of genres so I know my acceptance is a bit different.

However though ME1 is definitely rough now in some parts. Don't get me wrong it's a classic bit numerous areas now don't stand up very well. Especially the mako and planet exploring.
Sure like someone said earlier they could have fixed that but I don't even think it would have been worth it.
- The only prominent Asian character in the entire series is *sigh* a ninja. Mass Effect 4 is going to have to introduce a choloed out Hispanic character that ends every sentence with "ese" to balance this out.



"My abuela's huevos rancheros."



Well not much exploration, pretty streamlined, most missions where combat-sections etc.

I don't think ME2 or ME3 were very linear games, as they were very well-paced and engaging, but most people do think only ME1 of the series was the true RPG-experience with a lot of freedom and non-linearity.

Oh. Now I understand what you meant. I was thinking linearity in terms of progression.
This thread just looks to be turning into the usual ME1 is the best thread, which pops up everytime we talk ME.

I know I get ME1 was an awesome game, he'll I got all the achievements and hundreds of hours of playtime. Doesn't make ME2 and 3 "suck" for being different. But then again I'm part of the RE fan base that didn't mind the jumping of genres so I know my acceptance is a bit different.

However though ME1 is definitely rough now in some parts. Don't get me wrong it's a classic bit numerous areas now don't stand up very well. Especially the mako and planet exploring.
Sure like someone said earlier they could have fixed that but I don't even think it would have been worth it.

I don't really get Mass Effect 1's gameplay being rough. I played for the first time recently and it has pretty OK driving and shooting generally. The aspect that's aged worst is that Bioware's implementation of UE3 was fucking terrible and only allowed a few characters on-screen at once and had almost no environmental interactivity. That kind of destroyed the sense of scale they were going for. The dialog was mostly nonsensical and emotionless as well, but I think it's still better than ME2 by a good bit because at least the art was nice.


I don't really get Mass Effect 1's gameplay being rough. I played for the first time recently and it has pretty OK driving and shooting generally. The aspect that's aged worst is that Bioware's implementation of UE3 was fucking terrible and only allowed a few characters on-screen at once and had almost no environmental interactivity. That kind of destroyed the sense of scale they were going for. The dialog was mostly nonsensical and emotionless as well, but I think it's still better than ME2 by a good bit because at least the art was nice.

I guess for me the UE being poorly used was a big thing for me.
This thread just looks to be turning into the usual ME1 is the best thread, which pops up everytime we talk ME.

I know I get ME1 was an awesome game, he'll I got all the achievements and hundreds of hours of playtime. Doesn't make ME2 and 3 "suck" for being different. But then again I'm part of the RE fan base that didn't mind the jumping of genres so I know my acceptance is a bit different.

However though ME1 is definitely rough now in some parts. Don't get me wrong it's a classic bit numerous areas now don't stand up very well. Especially the mako and planet exploring.
Sure like someone said earlier they could have fixed that but I don't even think it would have been worth it.

My favourite is the second one. Mass Effect 2 is the Empire Strikes Back to 3's Return of the Jedi Revenge of the Sith. Terrific cast of new additions (sans Jacob) and goldie oldies (dat Garrus reveal), excellent loyalty missions and no ghastly inventory system/repetitive Mako exploration.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
My favourite is the second one. Mass Effect 2 is the Empire Strikes Back to 3's Return of the Jedi Revenge of the Sith. Terrific cast of new additions (sans Jacob) and goldie oldies (dat Garrus reveal), excellent loyalty missions and no ghastly inventory system/repetitive Mako exploration.
Yep, ME2 was the best one.
It's not a bad game, in fact it could possibly end up on the bottom half of my top 10 of 2012.

I was incredibly disappointed though.


Though to be honest I really didn't appreciate the point later in the game where superspy Wrex somehow got his hands on incriminating evidence and attempted to kill me in a cutscene.

Personally, I thought that was a reasonable consequence to essentially
fucking over his entire race.
Given the amount of interaction one would have had with him in all three games, it was evident that he was not only level-headed for a Krogan, but he definitely wished for his race to be more than bloodthirsty brutes. Other Krogan in ME2 begrudgingly admit that they're not happy about a unified leader, but Wrex is essentially the next best thing in terms of a competent leadership figure.

By throwing that back in his face by
sabotaging the genophage cure
, despite the evidence throughout the games that Wrex is quite smarter and collected than most Krogans, well...


There are a lot of problems.

Hell the start was shitty and everyone hated it.

But everything was tolerable. There was a lost opportunity here or there, but it was all forgiven if the game just delivered a serviceable conclusion to the threads running through the series. You got a great ending to the Quarian-Geth, the Genophage and fantastic send-offs of some characters.

Then comes the ending, and it retroactively destroys the series. No game has ever gotten closer to the line, and then just blown it's brains out.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Kai leng is atrocious. I had no clue who he was or why I should care. All I knew was that he desperately needed to wash his hair.

And then Shepard taunting him for being a paraplegic? Uhhhh

Also quest log was garbage.
As someone who enjoyed ME1 and loved ME2 I loathed ME3 and didn't even finish it.

My character was a Vanguard and it was soooo broken in ME3 to the point of frustration. After 10 or so hrs I got fed up with it and traded it.

I did not even see this atrocious ending everyone speaks of which subsequently led to the Dr's rage quitting game development altogether. I say good riddance!
Kai leng is atrocious. I had no clue who he was or why I should care. All I knew was that he desperately needed to wash his hair.

And then Shepard taunting him for being a paraplegic? Uhhhh

Also quest log was garbage.

Anderson actually makes some comment to the effect of Kai Leng being more dangerous than the Reapers or something ludicrous like that.

Then Kai Leng sends you that fucking email. oh my god i actually laughed at how childish it was


ME1 was the only game in the series with halfway-decent writing. Anyone with sense saw the trainwreck that was ME3 coming a year out.


Add to the list: shitty Pac-Man system exploration with annoying Inception horn

I wonder if Bioware actually wrote that up on their whiteboard during a design meeting.

1. "Earth scenario - players can only relate to humans"
2. "Get 3D character modellers to model camel-toe on EDI - very important!"
3. "Pac-man exploration with Inception horn"

Seriously, the camel-toe thing is so creepy, I have no idea what Bioware was thinking.
I wonder if Bioware actually wrote that up on their whiteboard during a design meeting.

1. "Earth scenario - players can only relate to humans"
2. "Get 3D character modellers to model camel-toe on EDI - very important!"
3. "Pac-man exploration with Inception horn"

Absolutely everything about EDI's body is so creepy, and the very concept of EDI having a body is absurd to begin with, I have no idea what Bioware was thinking.

And the Earth thing is pretty weak. A whole galaxy, and the final game revolves around Earth? Gee, really stretching the limits of the series' universe.


Then Kai Leng sends you that fucking email. oh my god i actually laughed at how childish it was

The fact that Kai Leng actually had to disguise the mail as legitimate Alliance mail in order to avoid spam filters is just icing on the cake.

Edit: Oh man, I forgot he opened up the mail with something to the effect of "You're reading this mail? Good."
That particular outcome was stupid, I agree.

I also didn't like how no matter which outcome you picked,
had to sacrifice themselves out of nowhere for no explainable reason. It was a bold move to kill off a character no matter what choice, but the rationale was weak at best.

No problem with the Geth and all the "true intelligence" fluff? Surprising.
No problem with the Geth and all the "true intelligence" fluff? Surprising.
Oh, yeah, I really fucking hated that part. When Legion justified pulling a total philosophical 180° because it was more convenient, and EDI tried to bookend it by explaining that the unique form of intelligence that is the geth was wrong because it wasn't the same as ours...
I have some idea what they were thinking.


The Halo series is heading this direction with Cortana.

Actually they aren't, (Halo spoilers)
because she's "dead."

Definitely not a fan of her role in Halo 3 though, and don't understand why she completely changed her appearance (and cup size) for Halo 4. I know 343 wanted everyone to know this was their Halo now, but the difference is pretty jarring.

What philosophical 180 for Legion? I don't remember what you're talking about.
In ME2, Legion makes very clear that he and the other geth follow a philosophy of not accepting technology from others because they want to blaze their own trail that defines them alone.

In ME3, Legion is suddenly all, "Yeah but it's super important this time that my people are transfigured by outside technology that we're taking."


^this. i understand it had some design issues with the changes it made as the series went on, but it wasn't the mess that RE6 was..
Does a game have to be a RE6 to be considered problematic? Choices really didn't matter that much in my play through, so that was my biggest disappointment besides the war assets and oh well the whole Dietz desaster, as well as the aforementioned plot problems. Ending is not of the ME series I've put a hundred+ hrs into. Edit: & everything Lime listed.

Fazit: shitty ME game, rather good shooter.

Why did I have to pay for the spectre weapons? I was a hero with no real privileges.
As someone who loves ME1 (one of my favourite games) and feels very luke-warm to ME2 (huge disappointment, mess of a game in some ways) I think ME3 is pretty fucking awesome, outside of the ending. It's not the type of game I loved in the first, but it's what ME2 should have been. Up until the ending, I was really enjoying it.

The ending was awful (though not awful enough to make such a fuss - stupid internet fans), it doesn't overshadow the entire game for me.

With that said, fuck Bioware for never making another game of the same quality as ME1 :'( The franchise has been pretty much killed for me now. My investment in it ended with 3.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Got killed in a twitter post before the game even released. That's how much they cared about her.

Then, Bioware replaced her with a busty, sexy caucasian female voiced by a member of the game press.

but I saw Emily Wong in my playthrough... may be it was A HALLUCINATION?


It wouldn't even surprise me if some of them hadn't even played the games they sometimes discuss.
We probably don't even want to know. So much blindness and lack of analysis of any kind, shocking how they aren't ashamed of doing such a heartless job.
Add me to "Love the game A LOT, but really did not like the ending" group.

It just makes me feel fucking dirty that the game w/ the most player choice this year and ending variation is BLOPS2. What dimension am I in!?!


Wow I missed all the fun.

I'll start off with this: The combat got better in each game but the story and immersion got worse.
Emily Wong is not in ME3 in any way, shape or form no matter what your prior decisions were. You were definitely hallucinating.

Yea I guess he's thinking about the other journalist girl that interviews you on the citadel that you can punch for the 3rd time.


It was a fucking shitty rush-job with no heart and thought. It was a simplistic, primitive example of how to create a game with no aspirations for anything other than fulfilling the quarterly report of your parent company. In the course of a playthrough, it manages to include all of the following *basic* deficiencies:

  • Broken quest log. Even freely available browser games do a better job.
  • Recycled N7 missions, i.e. horde-modes multiplayer maps masquerading as singleplayer missions.
  • Asspulls out of nowhere. The Crucible is somehow the solution to the Reaper problem? Really? That's the best you could do as a writer?
  • Lazy writing: Cerberus are apparently no longer a paramilitary organisation, but have millions of personnel and are able to cover the entire galaxy wherever Space Jesus goes
  • Even more lazy writing: In-your-face exposition, like having a newly introduced character referencing what happened in the earlier games. For example, James asks during the trip back to Eden Prime: "So, Shepard, this is the place where [lists all the things that happened in ME1] took place?" Shepard: "Yes, that is correct, James." I know Bioware wanted to be more inclusive towards people unfamiliar with the universe, but this is just lazy writing and it is entirely possible to convey that information in a believable and intelligent manner
  • Fetch side-quests that *only* involved fucking planet scanning.
  • Animations were even worse and unpolished. Many, many instances of buggy weapons or items or even switching up weapons between gameplay and cutscenes.
  • Removing features that were in the previous two games
  • Random turret sequences. A lot of times. One particular main campaign mission involves defending two points from enemy waves, followed by another turret sequence from the air. Yes, 3 turret sequences in one mission
  • Holstering was removed, which goes to show that not once does the game *not* focus on shooting while you're in a mission. Your gun is always constantly pointing towards something, which speaks volumes about Bioware's design philosophy
  • Fanservice én masse.
  • Plot pacing was completely terrible. It's either rush to save Earth, unite the warring races versus getting a trinket from some planet for a random citizen
  • Kai Leng was not properly established, so he just comes across as an extreme nuisance with a lot of plot armour
  • The earlier established villain didn't even say a word in the entire game and has like a 2 minute cameo in the end. Apparently Harbinger's importance in ME2 was entirely worthless.
  • A lot of internal logical inconsistencies
  • Dialogue moments that used to be interactive with at least some sort of camera work is relegated to pushing a button and a wave-file playing. It screams that Bioware rushed the game by not having the usual dialogue presentation that they had in earlier games.
  • The way to start sidequests revolves around walking by some strangers
  • Linear, corridor-based level design
  • Emphasis on shootbang, meaning a lot of shooting, intense action, explosions, etc. The game design never stops to let the atmosphere and setting breathe, but is instead focused on yelling at the player as much as possible, as if he/she suffers from ADHD
  • Lame, shitty attempts at affecting the player's emotions. The introduction sequence at Earth with Vent Kid dying is probably the worst example of shitty writing that I've come across in the history gaming. I felt so offended that someone thought such a ridiculous attempt at creating empathy would be successful.
  • The ending of ME2 was rendered completely irrelevant. Apparently blowing up a colony of Batarians wasn't such a big deal.
  • Shitty, shitty writing. Examples like "We fight or we die!" are plenty.
  • Meaningless war assets. They amount to being nothing more than a number-filled spreadsheet. A complete travesty.
  • And this is not to talk about the monumental clusterfuck of an ending. I mean, you have to actually commit a tremendous amount of effort to do such a terrible fucking job.

All of the above seems pretty self-evident to me if you expect to be engaged and respected as a human being capable of rational and critical thought when experiencing different fictional media. Yet the following was somehow the judgement by "game critics":


Seriously, they must all be blind and/or incompetent to gloss over the many deficiencies of Mass Effect 3. But then again, it might all make sense: A game created by incompetent developers will be well-received by incompetent critics.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for this exhaustive post.
That's essentially my opinion as well.
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