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Wii U Community Thread

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Though one technical question I always wonder is if in the future being able to use two wii pads will extend outside of just games. I am thinking more as using two wii pads to navigate the internet, example someone is watching Youtube while someone else is looking on amazon, etc, etc. I am doubtful that option will be available while someone is playing (as in someone playing a game, while someone else is watching Youtube in another pad). This is just a VERY hopeful dream of mine (assuming the Wii pad alone doesn't cost more than 99 that is), since they barely announce the Wii U support for two pads, so anything this advance would be a pipe dream xP

Three issues: using two Gamepads drops the framerate to 30fps probably due to necessary bandwidth, you probably won't be able to buy a second Gamepad, and Nintendo won't make any software (like a web browser) that makes serious use of a second Gamepad. Nintendo obviously doesn't care about 2 Gamepads, they've always treated them as "oh, maybe some third party developer will make a game requiring you to take your pad to a friend's house". Their attitude has been very similar to the 3DS Circlepad Pro, which they only sell online and at one retailer (Gamestop), and they only send very small amounts to Gamestop. And Nintendo themselves only made one game supporting it, and that was just to give Kid Icarus an option for left-handed gamers to play with a circle pad.

Are all of you guys still buying the Wii U at launch?
Yup, day zero, I love the Gamepad, and believe the Wii-U will get the majority of multiplatform games.
If it's $299 or below I'm pretty sure everyone who is regularly posting in this thread will get it at launch. Even with all the bitching and moaning, myself included.

I probably in the minority, but at that price I'll wait it out. My backlog is huge and there isn't a must have title for me anyway. But at $249, I think anyone on gaf that has a passing interest in Nintendo would seriously entertain buying it at that price. Last time I bought a system at launch with a lineup I wasn't particularly fond of but had a price too good to pass up was the GBA.


Still buying at launch for three reasons.
1. Pikmin.
2. Mario.
3. Its goddamn new Nintendo hardware.

Buying a white one unless black is matte. Don't care what price it is, it will be the only console I get this generation.
Why cant they announce Pokeman Snap U already. That game is probably easy/cheap to make and would sell like McDonalds Hotcakes! Most perfect use for the Wii U Contoller I would think. I would think!!


Why cant they announce Pokeman Snap U already. That game is probably easy/cheap to make and would sell like McDonalds Hotcakes! Most perfect use for the Wii U Contoller I would think. I would think!!

Ryan Davis of Giantbomb attended a post E3 Wii U press event. Nintendo reps were there hearing feedback, and he made told them Pokemon Snap U MUST happen. And that they're stupid if it doesn't.



what's on the TV on the right? (image posted here)
also, the console and controller look different on right also...
Will try to do, don't know what to expect fully, but if I can I'll find out that info for you.

Awesome, thanks! Tezuka said in an interview with IGN that you can "give the Gamepad a little shake" to get an extra burst with the squirrel suit, that sounds really wonky and am hoping it's just optional. Having to shake the Wiimote I can deal with. Gamepad, terrible.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
There is the power brick behind the TV visible in the reflection.

Btw, are the Wii Us just showing up every where now? Seems like every day we are getting new spottings of Wii U.


RE: Lego City Undercover

I think I found a glitch that MATTY B00SH missed:


The criminal gets stuck in a corner jumping up and down and the player can't seem to tackle him.


Are all of you guys still buying the Wii U at launch?

Against perhaps my better judgement. While I can't hide that I am let down by E3's offerings, P-100 and Pikmin 3 do look great. And I guess yet another NSMB.

Riddle me this, though, how many of you are going digital only?
Riddle me this, though, how many of you are going digital only?

If it is really there at launch as they promise, I will. Otherwise I'll buy it at launch and physical copies of stuff I want until the DD service comes out then go full DD.

I love the concept of not having to leave me damn house to buy a game I want because I always run into stuff to do that causes me to forget to stop by a store unless it's a 24 hour one. Got my ginormous external HDD ready to do this thing Steam style.
This will be the first console ever bought at launch if I do. But I havent really been at an age to do so previously. I think it'd be a pretty bad idea since theres gonna be a small library and hardly anyone I know will own one for at least a year. Also Im not really a Pikmin fan and ive seen no games that are really exciting me. But if Ive got the cash I think I insanely will nevertheless


If it is really there at launch as they promise, I will. Otherwise I'll buy it at launch and physical copies of stuff I want until the DD service comes out then go full DD.

I can agree with this. After 25-some-odd-years of collecting video games, consoles, and accessories, I'm ready to start losing all of that. This is particularly true with portables for me; I really hate having to drag around a handful of little game cards with me because I may not want to play just one game the entire time that I'm out and about. Being able to store all of these games digitally is really a huge boon. While obviously not portable, the same goes for the Wii U. Even just the hassle of getting up to change a disc is so... 90's.

It's 2012. I was promised flying cars, living on the moon, and Evangelions. (I know I'm a little early for that one.)

Dedicated physical media needs to go.
Well yes, that's definitely Stacy Keibler. My brother's gonna be extremely happy with this thread now. XD

It's 2012. I was promised flying cars, living on the moon, and Evangelions. (I know I'm a little early for that one.)

I'd rather have Gundams myself, Evas are some needy ass mecha (bio-mecha, but still).


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Some should ask her on Twitter which games had anti-aliasing implemented.


Are all of you guys still buying the Wii U at launch?

Pikmin 3 alone makes it day 0 for me. Everything else is a sweet cherry on top.

Nintendo has me by the balls
and I like it

Riddle me this, though, how many of you are going digital only?

I'm a bit of a collector so I won't go full digital, but I admit some games lend themselves better to that sort of thing. Animal Crossing, for example, is one such game because it demands constant attention. It also makes sense for portables in general, but now we're talking 3DS and not WiiU.
Unfortunately it doesn't, by every report we've read.

Analogue triggers would be nice addition but are hardly necessary. Same with multi-touch, which is even more unnecessary. The comments ive seen about Multitouch in particular are a little crazy and ridiculous, considering its inclusion would have absolutely zero to add to any game or anything else but would jack up the price of the entire console. I think some are confused into thinking it needs have all amenities of tablet completely forgetting that it is in fact a console controller that has buttons.


Are all of you guys still buying the Wii U at launch?

I'm still pretty unsure, but I pre-ordered it at Amazon already and will probably get it sooner or later. Besides, I'm one of the 3 persons on GAF who actually likes the NSMB games because of their genius multiplayer gameplay.


Analogue triggers would be nice addition but are hardly necessary. Same with multi-touch, which is even more unnecessary. The comments ive seen about Multitouch in particular are a little crazy and ridiculous, considering its inclusion would have absolutely zero to add to any game or anything else but would jack up the price of the entire console. I think some are confused into thinking it needs have all amenities of tablet completely forgetting that it is in fact a console controller that has buttons.

There's no real reason outside of cost why 2 of those 4 triggers couldn't be analog for crap like racing games or something. Or porting Mario Sunshine into an HD game. Or something.


Awesome, thanks! Tezuka said in an interview with IGN that you can "give the Gamepad a little shake" to get an extra burst with the squirrel suit, that sounds really wonky and am hoping it's just optional. Having to shake the Wiimote I can deal with. Gamepad, terrible.
Someone a while back mentioned pressing another button for the "waggle" before, I guess like SMW with the separate spin jump button.
I can agree with this. After 25-some-odd-years of collecting video games, consoles, and accessories, I'm ready to start losing all of that. This is particularly true with portables for me; I really hate having to drag around a handful of little game cards with me because I may not want to play just one game the entire time that I'm out and about. Being able to store all of these games digitally is really a huge boon. While obviously not portable, the same goes for the Wii U. Even just the hassle of getting up to change a disc is so... 90's.

It's 2012. I was promised flying cars, living on the moon, and Evangelions. (I know I'm a little early for that one.)

Dedicated physical media needs to go.
Just as long as they can get backed up and work without a network connection, which I think is how the 3DS stuff works. I guess it's like the iOS stuff where the binaries are tied to the account. My biggest fear with digital is just not being able to play stuff in the future for whatever reason.
Please tell me that this was photoshopped to hell and back.
She's known for licking PSPs, it's what she does.

Or apparently expected to do by pervy Sony booth men.
Analogue triggers would be nice addition but are hardly necessary. Same with multi-touch, which is even more unnecessary. The comments ive seen about Multitouch in particular are a little crazy and ridiculous, considering its inclusion would have absolutely zero to add to any game or anything else but would jack up the price of the entire console. I think some are confused into thinking it needs have all amenities of tablet completely forgetting that it is in fact a console controller that has buttons.

I think some folks just assume that better tech is always the better choice, when, from a business perspective, the right choice is almost always a matter of balance.

But on a personal and sort of unrelated note, different opinions and points of view should not dissuade anyone from taking part in gaming discussions (I'm talking to all my fellow Junior members who like to take refuge here in the WUST). It can get a little ridiculous at times, and sometimes it seems like you're talking to a brick wall, but as long as you obey the rules and keep your cool, discussion always brings about very interesting points that could eventually broaden people's views on gaming, including your own. That's what forums like these are all about, after all.


what's on the TV on the right? (image posted here)
also, the console and controller look different on right also...

the screen on the right seems to show a level select screen or some kind of "this is available in the demo" screen. the console seems to be missing some parts of the cover and the controller looks like a pro controller.


This has probably been discussed countless times, but how expensive are analogue triggers?

I would assume that since every PS360 controller has them, the price couldn't be that high. And (probably) with every next gen controller also having them, the price would drop even more. The only reasons I could come up with why they shouldn't put analogue triggers in it is the price, or even reducing the size of the controller.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
I think the bigger question is why haven't anyone in the gaming media asked Iwata, Reggie or Miyamoto about the lack of analog triggers?
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