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Wii U Speculation Thread The Third: Casting Dreams in The Castle of Miyamoto



People who want a realistic Zelda: Would you like to take back that statement?

Change the meth-face and it's not that bad.

More plain than offensive, honestly.


Isn't Link usually shorter than other Hylian adults in the games? In OoT you could measure his height, and I think he was about 5 feet 7 inches. Although that could be stunted growth from his 7 year freeze (despite gaining some rather developed muscle).


Isn't Link usually shorter than other Hylian adults in the games? In OoT you could measure his height, and I think he was about 5 feet 7 inches.

His "adult" form has always been a teenager.

Which, when I think about it, is an excellent design choice. Link should never come across as a powerhouse (except maybe with the use of items such as the fierce diety mask).
I mean, it's not like Hylians can't get tall. There were males in Skyward Sword that towered over Link. And if we're talking a Link that's older than we've ever seen in-game, it makes sense that he'd hit a growth spurt at some point.

True, but imo Link should be shorter. It's kind of part of the magic of Zelda that you can save the world without being physically imposing. You're using your mind and other skills to do what those who are bigger and stronger than you can't. If you make Link taller than the majority of the other characters, then you lose this illusion.

But I digress. I didn't really intend to get into the theory behind the height of Link.


True, but imo Link should be shorter. It's kind of part of the magic of Zelda that you can save the world without being physically imposing. You're using your mind and other skills to do what those who are bigger and stronger than you can't. If you make Link taller than the majority of the other characters, then you lose this illusion.

But I digress. I didn't really intend to get into the theory behind the height of Link.

Makes sense though. Measure "Adult Link" against, say, Darknuts. That's friggin' courage.


Why? This is the worst, least contributing post I've read in this entire thread.

Unless you can back it up, you shouldn't state your opinions as facts.

-A game like this is massive, at this late time maybe don´t even have the time to play around with dev kits.

-Somewhat cold comments as "we could make it if there are a market for it", no shit Sherlock, new consoles have no userbase so the market they are waiting will be not right there until same 3rd parties release content for "that" market.

-Nintendo relationship with Rockstar, didn´t Reggie beg for a GTA and they only got the DS game?
Actually, they got Bully, Manhunt 2 and a version of the 360 Tennis game from Rockstar.
Hardly little support.
Adding to that an (at the time) exclusive GTA for the DS.

I think there's much more of a chance that GTA5 will hit the Wii U than it won't.


What do you guys/gals think. Will there be any really interesting comunication stuff between 3DS and WII U?

I can't wrap my head around that idea. They tried something like that with the cube and the gba and pretty much failed (expensive and a fucking hassle).
It's waaay easier to pull off today but... The WII U comes with it's ver own "handheld-TV". A second monitoe in the palm of your hand. Which (i assume) will work better with the console together then the 3DS ever could.

so what's in the pot for this idea? I mean, we it's coming (smash bros.) but what will it be good for, beside unlocking shit, because you own both version of a game?

Will i be able to save little apps/minigames to, let's say, train my mother 4 party while i'm not at home?
A small track/cardesigner for the go and later i can load up all my shit into the big version?

there are many cool possiblilitys, but will they be used or will it just be "check dat box, done!"-crap?
We'll definitely see more uses for 3DS->Wii U than DS->Wii. But nothing amazing. Especially since the Wii U comes with its own "handheld".


It would be a smart coup for Nintendo.

If they did get it, i wonder how. Did they throw man power at R* like Sony did for GTA4 or just money?

If you could sell your multiplatform games on all systems, why wouldn't you?

That's the way i'm looking at it anyways. Plus it fits the window, and I don't see why they couldn't do it.


It would be cool to use the 3DS as a controller for Wii U. Screens and all.

Much as with Vita -> PS3/PS4, the Wifi aspect of the connection would make this a practical impossibility for uses outside of the usual map/inventory screen.


We'll definitely see more uses for 3DS->Wii U than DS->Wii. But nothing amazing. Especially since the Wii U comes with its own "handheld".
Yeah that was my first thought too, but...

you can't take that (super low rez!!!l screen with you.
soooo.. Installing a nice little app-ish thingy on the 3DS play a little bit around on the go, come home and all that stuff get automaticly uploaded to the wii u as the both get within rang.
i know it all sounds crazy futuristic (hooverboard, flying cars and thelike) but maybe we could also use streepass with the wii u<-->3ds linkup mateing. Crazy.... I know
GTA V is going to be on Wii U, isn't it? Even if it's not exclusive or even a timed exclusive.


Who knows?
No platform indication in the teaser video, so we can only speculate.

For sure, even with WiiU having a much smaller userbase than PS3/X360/PC, a port would be a no-brainer to sell some hundred thousand copies more in the worst scenario; ultimately perhaps much depends upon whether Nintendo and Rockstar can reach an agreement, that's to say Nintendo must convince Rockstar that bringing their games to WiiU may be viable enough to be worth their while.

Either way I suppose we'll know more at E3.


Much as with Vita -> PS3/PS4, the Wifi aspect of the connection would make this a practical impossibility for uses outside of the usual map/inventory screen.

I was thinking more for basic input. Pokemon Battle Revolution let you battle in 3D with your DS and that was all wireless.


didn´t Reggie beg for a GTA and they only got the DS game?

Actually, there were a lot of empty promises by Nintendo when the Wii was revealed. They (i think it was Reggie) said, i think it was during an E3, they were talking to all the major devs to get their prime content on the Wii. Everybody assumed that that also meant getting GTA. But in an interview two or three years later, Reggie simply said there had never been any talks with Rockstar/TakeTwo to get the game on the Wii.
RockSteady Studios is working on a "Next generation AAA title"

they are hiring for it here: http://www.rocksteadyltd.com/jobs-snrtechanimator.html

let the speculations BEGIN !! :p

didnt we get a confirmation from Mark Rein that Batman:AC is still in development for the WiiU ?? if that is true then I expect the port to be handled by a separate team ?? or they divided their team ?? i dunno i thought i should mention this cuz I didnt read this anywhere
RockSteady Studios is working on a "Next generation AAA title"

they are hiring for it here: http://www.rocksteadyltd.com/jobs-snrtechanimator.html

let the speculations BEGIN !! :p

didnt we get a confirmation from Mark Rein that Batman:AC is still in development for the WiiU ?? if that is true then I expect the port to be handled by a separate team ?? or they divided their team ?? i dunno i thought i should mention this cuz I didnt read this anywhere

Batman: Arkham State


RockSteady Studios is working on a "Next generation AAA title"

they are hiring for it here: http://www.rocksteadyltd.com/jobs-snrtechanimator.html

let the speculations BEGIN !! :p

didnt we get a confirmation from Mark Rein that Batman:AC is still in development for the WiiU ?? if that is true then I expect the port to be handled by a separate team ?? or they divided their team ?? i dunno i thought i should mention this cuz I didnt read this anywhere

I seem to recall reading that WB Games Montreal was handling the Wii U port.

I am glad it looks like it's still on the way.

EDIT: Although looking at the studio's LinkedIn, I fear they'll have only started on it early this year. Hopefully they'll have a decent port at launch.


RockSteady Studios is working on a "Next generation AAA title"

they are hiring for it here: http://www.rocksteadyltd.com/jobs-snrtechanimator.html

let the speculations BEGIN !! :p

didnt we get a confirmation from Mark Rein that Batman:AC is still in development for the WiiU ?? if that is true then I expect the port to be handled by a separate team ?? or they divided their team ?? i dunno i thought i should mention this cuz I didnt read this anywhere
Batman: The Ham-Arc


..... I got nothing
You're deluding yourself if you think there's a chance in Hell Nintendo would buy exclusivity for GTAV on Wii U. There's no chance of that. At all. The most Microsoft could do with GTAIV was timed exclusive DLC. Stop setting yourself up for disappointment.

That said, I think it has about a 50/50 shot at being ported to it for a few reasons.

-Unlike the Wii with IV, Wii U is more than powerful enough to handle V, assuming it's a 360/PS3 game, which it probably is.

-Developers are much more open to porting games now than they were when IV was developed, thanks to iPad popularity and other reasons. PC ports are (in my opinion) at an all time high in terms of regularity and (for the most part) quality. Saints Row 3 was pretty great on PC for an obvious console port, for example.

-The industry is in a shakier spot now than when IV came out. Rockstar specifically has had mass layoffs since. I'm betting they're open to unorthodox revenue streams, if it's convenient enough for them.

But I could very well be wrong. Anti-Nintendo developer bias is a fickle, illogical thing. I think they'd be stupid not to at least port it over with minimal effort, but what do I know?
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