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Wii U Thread - Now in HD!

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This arkwork come from an Android (and iOS) game, a Korean RPG called "Chronos Sword 2".


Why are they using the same artwork? I don't know, but it is not belong to they.

Thanks to VUESTRO_DIOS at Vandal forums for the info.
I think this was never supposed to be an official artwork of the game, but only an example of what they are heading to.
Here is the job posting: http://comments.deviantart.com/18/1738667/2579060512
I think this was never supposed to be an official artwork of the game, but only an example of what they are heading to.
Here is the job posting: http://comments.deviantart.com/18/1738667/2579060512

A job list on devianART? a big budget project?

Anyway, a lot of webs have published wrong news, the worst thing is I have notice a lot of other news (1080p, Bioshock Infinite and so) that are wrong news too (or unconfirmed and published as "official"), and it is sad.


Japanese games for Wii U are already announced Tank Tank Tank, Tekken, and that's what will probably see for TGS.

two already announced games dont exclude other games. there is still that hidden capcom game for example. and no, i don´t say there will be more japanese launch games. i say its too early


The argument of accuracy doesn't hold up when there...aren't many (or any?) cases where you can demonstrate definitively that accuracy trumps multitouch.

Well can you demonstrate that multitouch trumps accuracy?, especially on a controller that also has buttons and sticks.


Wow, so much to wade through in the thread tonight....

ED is of fundamentally less significance when it comes to sales though. They could revive it with another team, but why? Could as very well make a new IP if they want something for a certain audience. Also, if Dyack isn't completely full of himself yet, then he was teasing a sequel made by SK earlier this year.

It has a universe that fans are invested in and can be readily built upon. Cult hits have a way of becoming blockbusters if you play your cards right.

Haha, reading the E3 issue of EGM and they really hate the Wii U.

It's pretty great, because it is just on the verge of being a hissyfit.

Here is a summary of the EGM article I posted on Thursday that SA is referring to:

In their roundtable, one guy went off about how the controller is garbage and will always be garbage. In the breakdown of everything they tried, everything positive got spun as bad news ("It's really light, so it feels like a toy,"), and the final page was about how everything Nintendo makes is for mutant freaks (specifically calling out how the 3DS causes searing headaches in every normal person), so it makes sense that they would make a controller that requires two sets of eyes.

My face, it has no surprise on it.

the consoles final unveiling

Ummm.... you do realize that it's NOT the final unveiling, right?

But i'd guess it's mostly nintendo not giving them stuff to cover

Oh no, journalists not having their jobs done for them for a change? For shame, Nintendo, FOR SHAME.

I agree. They are being hypocritical.

In reality though, how much longer do you believe people will continue to buy those 360 and PS3 games and not, at some point, become burnt out?

Until they can no longer convince themselves it's not the same thing. So.... likely never?

Well, like it or not, Pachter is a very, very well respected source

Sorry, I have to stop you there. He's an easily quotable source for opinions they want to publish from someone who APPEARS to be in a position to know things to make their opinions seem more valid and truthful than they actually are. Pachter is to games journalists what Ann Coulter is to news outlets: just a recognized name with a voice saying something so another person can agree with it.

Well that is, no japanese game announcements for Wii U at least for this year.


TGS doesn't start for 2 weeks, dude.

Zelda WILL learn from Skyrim dang it!

We are now mortal enemies......

Well, like it or not, Pachter is a very, very well respected source, even if people on GAF laugh at him constantly. There's a reason he's in the position of power he's in. So there's that. Secondly, I have also played the WiiU, and his points are accurate. The Wii Pad feels kinda like a toy (not that it's a bad thing) and it should be multitouch capable. People expect that at this point, especially in an age of iPhone.

I like you have played the Wii U and I disagree with both of these statements it doesn't feel like a "toy" and multitouch would do more harm than good.


You can use the analogue stick, d pad and both L triggers while using the stylus. It also allows for drawing in games, so it allows for customs designs and games like Colors 3D (albeit not in 3D). And i was under the impression that the 2 player mode in Zombi U where anther player would be placing enemies was going to require some level of accuracy from the touchpad? Also, i'd like to see someone pick up individual items from the floor in Scribblenauts using a multitouch screen. It's hard enough clicking the right links on a webpage.

Heck, I've been wanting to make a game where you can draw platforms as you play for quite awhile now. As a developer, I see far more possibilities for core gameplay with a stylus and analog than with chunky fingers. The only iOS games that I can think of that use multitouch only use it to treat the device as a tradition gamepad (besides, I dunno, Bowmaster?).

Not to mention, only a tiny sliver of games on Vita use the touch panel for anything more than navigating menus (no aiming like a trackpad in FPSes, really?), so I'd rather just have the tech that's better for sending drawings and messages around.


The french developer Earthlings Games revealed a RPG for PC and consoles called "Dark Witch" thrue a job list, with Wii U as target platform (and PC and Mac), with a big budget and so.

And they show this artwork:


What is the true behind this artwork?

This arkwork come from an Android (and iOS) game, a Korean RPG called "Chronos Sword 2".


Why are they using the same artwork? I don't know, but it is not belong to they.

Thanks to VUESTRO_DIOS at Vandal forums for the info.

He's worked on EA related stuff for Chillingo. EA logos are all over that Chronos Sword 2 picture.

Maybe he's getting people who worked on that old EA RPG to work on this new RPG.

Also something interesting. His linkedin updated with info about the RPG and I.S. Info wasn't there before.



Junior Member
On the subject of using the stylus and buttons, several DS games already attached that problem over the years. Basically, they emphasized one or the other.

Games like Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword mainly used the stylus while having maybe one or two inputs from the D pad and L (or R) trigger. Other games that mainly used the buttons had a few token functions or menu selection relegated to the stylus. I imagine most Wii U games, at least most games ported from other systems will use the latter method. Perhaps developers will figure out some different things for the Wii U and Vita concurrently.

Actually, thinking about this reminds me of the DS games that had you turn the system sideways like Hotel Dusk and some other adventure games. I wonder if any Wii U game would try to do this.
After reading that "games that should have been on wii" thread and hearing about those awesome wii games that were about to start production that got cancelled sometime in the planning phase (jet set wii :( ) what cancelled wii games would you guys like to see resurrected on the wii u? Me personally it'll be that red faction game or that tales spinoff Sword of Legendia


After reading that "games that should have been on wii" thread and hearing about those awesome wii games that were about to start production that got cancelled sometime in the planning phase (jet set wii :( ) what cancelled wii games would you guys like to see resurrected on the wii u? Me personally it'll be that red faction game or that tales spinoff Sword of Legendia

I want that Winter game that n-Space was making.


Junior Member
Yet they gush all over over The 10 billionth call of duty released in the same generation, the 3rd Uncharted in the generation, 3rd mass effect in the same generation, 3rd Forza in the same generation, the 3rd Halo shooter this generation, The 3rd assassins creed this generation, and the 3rd gears of War!?...

And then are hypocritical enough to bitch and moan ad nauseum about the 1! Zelda game made for this generations hardware? The 2 mainline 3D Mario games made this gen? The 1 Donkey Kong made this gen? The 1 Mario Kart? The 1 Fire Emblem? The 2 Metroid games, both nothing alike? 1 Excite! game? 1 Smash game? 1 Animal Crossing?

Any objective person would point out that it is the HD twins that exhibit sequelitis at a much faster rate than Nintendo, who space out their games and release very few of them each console cycle. I'm sure you have spoken with lots of "hardcore gamers" who might be immature enough to see nintendo as "kiddy" or for "babies" or only care about graphics, but Journalists should be held to higher standards than "hardcore gamers", many of whom are so allergic to anything out of their idea of gamings conventions that they will aggressively attack outside of their very narrow, orthodox bubble.

I guess the difference they draw is that they haven't been making Call of Duty games for 25 years. Naugty Dog has switched to a new IP each console cycle. BioWare has gone through several IPs from Baldur's Gate to KOTOR to Dragon Age to Mass Effect, the same goes for the other third parties as well. You have to admit that Nintendo is almost the only company that has stuck with the same IPs for more than two decades.

Then again, you could draw the same arguments against almost any Japanese game publisher. From what I can see western publishers don't keep making games in one IP for 30 years - they typically move on to new ones every hardware cycle. Look at all the Japanese IPs celebrating their 25th anniversaries lately that are still releasing new games: Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, Street Fighter, Castlevania, Dragon Quest, Mega Man - almost all franchises that have been going since the 8-bit days. Yet, no one gives them the same amount of shit they give Nintendo (except maybe Mega Man).

The problem, as always, is lack of 3rd party support. So much attention get's drawn towards Nintendo's IPs because they ended up having to almost singlehandedly hold up the N64, Gamecube, and Wii. If any of those platforms had the same 3rd party support as the PS2 or SNES, people wouldn't be complaining. Those games would have a crowd of other games surrounding them.


After reading that "games that should have been on wii" thread and hearing about those awesome wii games that were about to start production that got cancelled sometime in the planning phase (jet set wii :( ) what cancelled wii games would you guys like to see resurrected on the wii u? Me personally it'll be that red faction game or that tales spinoff Sword of Legendia

Not long to go now until the 'conference'.

I'm expecting stuff like Black Ops and F1-All Stars to be confirmed there, or around there, at least.

Has TGS started?
Since most, if not all, of us are expecting a Nintendo Direct for Japan release info, anyone else think it will occur on the 13th for Japan (12th for the West)? That's my belief right now.
Since most, if not all, of us are expecting a Nintendo Direct for Japan release info, anyone else think it will occur on the 13th for Japan (12th for the West)? That's my belief right now.

If it is a Nintendo Direct (and they may well be crazy enough to do it - I believe the pre-e3 one had 200,000~ people watching at peak) I would guess it would be slightly before the US announcement, if not at around the same time.


GAF, has turned to hell these past two months of my ban. See you guys in some other time.

Also, whoever kept extending my ban for extra time on the day it was ending, real mature. No wonder GAF is such a friendly, mature environment to be part of.


Since most, if not all, of us are expecting a Nintendo Direct for Japan release info, anyone else think it will occur on the 13th for Japan (12th for the West)? That's my belief right now.

Makes sense. They had a Japanese conference hours before the Wii September conference in 2006.
GAF, has turned to hell these past two months of my ban. See you guys in some other time.

Also, whoever kept extending my ban for extra time on the day it was ending, real mature. No wonder GAF is such a friendly, mature environment to be part of.

Shh... they comin


El Capitan Todd
Everyone needs to stop trying to watch the clocks while aboard the hype train, they're all set to Japan Time.

HAHA you're right

Since most, if not all, of us are expecting a Nintendo Direct for Japan release info, anyone else think it will occur on the 13th for Japan (12th for the West)? That's my belief right now.

I don't know.
If, as I think, US September 13th conf will be focused on western dates/price and maybe softwares (CoD? F1 Star? 007?) I think that Japan can postpone its own "Direct" even closer to TGS dates (20-23 September).

But, considering Iwata's strange tweet, we could have to wait until October to know something about Japanes side of thing...


I'm not convinced the $250 bundle will include the GamePad after the 3DS XL in some territories didn't include the charger. Wii users would be able to operate it with the Wii Remote, would they not? If we do get the GamePad with the $250 bundle, then I applaud Nintendo.

Sorry but this is really really stupid.

You do not remember the 3 versions of the NES then.

There were 3 different NES SKUs on launch day?

Warning: Do not derail thread with arguement please.

You should read your PMs before you hand out warnings :D

That wrong Miiverse-moderation info in the OP is still not fixed :p

Has TGS started?

Dude, September 20-23, 2012.


I want that Winter game that n-Space was making.

n-Space recently said they'd still love to do it.

All they need is someone to pay them for it :)

Chances Wii U Pro controller works with Wii games?


Unless it supports the Classic Controller/GameCube Controller and they made the Pro Controller to be recognized as one.


Ah alright, oh well.

I thought it was obviously fake because of the whole "we have this source who works at nintendo and he knows this and it's going to be great and and and" but I thought it might have been worth posting, I guess not though.


Maturity, bitches.
To lay that rumour to rest I asked my uncle who works at Nintendo about it and he told is it was "bollocks desu na".


You are joking with these posts right?
I missed DQX, but my point still stand, I don't think that any japanese game in development (if there any) will be announced this early. My guess is 3rd parties will jump boat later, based on Wii U launch reception. There's no indication that japanese turned development focus from 3DS to Wii U.
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