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World of Warcraft |OT9| People still play this? Isn't it from 2004


Really Really Exciting Member!
Does anyone know if followers item upgrades stack with followers abilities? Like the one that gives extra % for missions longer than 8 hours or having certain troops?
Oh sweet, finally got a 7.3 legendary!

....and it's Archerus' Drapes. Quite the followup to getting Sephuz...

Fuck this game. Makes me want to delete my DK.

The legendary chance just feels shitty all around. Makes me want to not even try new alts.

Who's that in your avatar?


People put up with all the backsides to the vanilla design, because most of it ended up contributing to a more overarching social experience, which is what made the whole experience worth it. You bonded with other players on a level that simply isn't possible today. It's the kind of stuff that made Pokémon Go such a massive hit, even though if you break it down to its pure mechanical aspects, it's a pretty unremarkable game.

Needing so much time and maintenance to for example form a group, get to, and complete a regular dungeon made it all a more memorable experience that you invested more emotion into. Queueing up for LFR, getting auto-teamed and teleported into the instance with 4 random strangers you don't need to say a word to, complete it all in less than 30 minutes and then probably never even see those players again, just doesn't evoke the same emotional experience.

I also feel that people back then were more interested in being social and meeting other players -- at least thats been my experience in and outside of WoW. These days it seems like everyone has their established friend groups and don't really care to expand it. I've even seen it happen within guilds with friends that join together and then barely interact with others outside of raids.
I did a mythic + on my 922 ilvl shadow priest.
Uh.. Am I supposed to do half the damage of every other dps, or am I doing something wrong?
Depends on the level. If it was low enough where everything is dead with the burst window of the other DPS then there's not much you can do. If things were alive long enough for you to get going then maybe something wrong on your end.


I just got removed from a +9 group because my "raider.io" profile wasn't good enough apparently. I don't even know what raider.io is.

Goddamn. Even after all these years, the WoW community continues to get worse.
People put up with all the backsides to the vanilla design, because most of it ended up contributing to a more overarching social experience, which is what made the whole experience worth it. You bonded with other players on a level that simply isn't possible today. It's the kind of stuff that made Pokémon Go such a massive hit, even though if you break it down to its pure mechanical aspects, it's a pretty unremarkable game.

Needing so much time and maintenance to for example form a group, get to, and complete a regular dungeon made it all a more memorable experience that you invested more emotion into. Queueing up for LFR, getting auto-teamed and teleported into the instance with 4 random strangers you don't need to say a word to, complete it all in less than 30 minutes and then probably never even see those players again, just doesn't evoke the same emotional experience.

The social aspect of this game is dead. When I create a new character the first thing I do now is leave every public chat channel because the community that's present in them is a dumpster fire. I also turn off guild invites because guilds that just blind invite anyone are basically filled with the same people you would see in trade chat. There's literally no point in subjecting yourself to the broader WoW community. I only play with people I actually know. There's no organic interactions where you repeatedly run into and have to depend on working with the same players.

The way Mythic and Mythic+ are designed sort of comes close to replicating the old experience, where you have to interact with others to form your own groups but it's still largely just silence.
The social aspect of this game is dead. When I create a new character the first thing I do now is leave every public chat channel because the community that's present in them is a dumpster fire. I also turn off guild invites because guilds that just blind invite anyone are basically filled with the same people you would see in trade chat. There's literally no point in subjecting yourself to the broader WoW community. I only play with people I actually know. There's no organic interactions where you repeatedly run into and have to depend on working with the same players.

The way Mythic and Mythic+ are designed sort of comes close to replicating the old experience, where you have to interact with others to form your own groups but it's still largely just silence.

Mythic+ dungeons and surprisingly LFR is the most social time I have in WoW these days. I try and talk to people occasionally but it's always a dead end.


Neo Member
I love wow, but sometimes have a hard time justifying the cost as I get older. I can't but think if it was rolled into goodies for a bunch of games, I may be more willing to pay monthly. Seeing EA and other companies release EA Access type programs for access for their games, would you pay a slightly higher monthly fee for goodies in all of the games on the Blizzard App? I find myself enjoying all of the Blizzard games, and can't help but think I would be willing to pay to get goodies in all of them monthly. It would also promote people to play multiple games consistently and therefore spend money in those games.

Here's what I think could work as a monthly Access Pass:
  • WoW: Monthly subscription + Occasional Pets?
  • Diablo III: Piece of transmutable gear
  • Hearthstone: 2-3 Packs of the newest expansion
  • Heroes of the Storm: 250-500 gems
  • Overwatch: 2 Loot Crates
  • Starcraft II: A Skin/Announcer + Co-Op commander as they release
  • Destiny 2: Emotes/Engrams
I would be willing to pay a little extra for something like this. Everything would still be able to be purchased on it's own, but may get people involved in all of Blizzard's games. So would you be willing to pay extra money for a service like this, and if so, what would you want to see included?
The catch-up mechanics are really something.

Re-subbed after nearly a year of inactivity and got 930 928 in 2.5 weeks.

I'm excited for that alone. I quit around March due to work reasons, but I'm going to hop back in after I build my new computer. I'm glad to hear the catch up mechanics are good this time around.


I'm excited for that alone. I quit around March due to work reasons, but I'm going to hop back in after I build my new computer. I'm glad to hear the catch up mechanics are good this time around.

There are a few things that are bad still or alt unfriendly, but by and large this patch and the last minor one have done wonders for making it more viable to catch up, or to play alts.

I love wow, but sometimes have a hard time justifying the cost as I get older. I can't but think if it was rolled into goodies for a bunch of games, I may be more willing to pay monthly. Seeing EA and other companies release EA Access type programs for access for their games, would you pay a slightly higher monthly fee for goodies in all of the games on the Blizzard App? I find myself enjoying all of the Blizzard games, and can't help but think I would be willing to pay to get goodies in all of them monthly. It would also promote people to play multiple games consistently and therefore spend money in those games.

Here's what I think could work as a monthly Access Pass:
  • WoW: Monthly subscription + Occasional Pets?
  • Diablo III: Piece of transmutable gear
  • Hearthstone: 2-3 Packs of the newest expansion
  • Heroes of the Storm: 250-500 gems
  • Overwatch: 2 Loot Crates
  • Starcraft II: A Skin/Announcer + Co-Op commander as they release
  • Destiny 2: Emotes/Engrams
I would be willing to pay a little extra for something like this. Everything would still be able to be purchased on it's own, but may get people involved in all of Blizzard's games. So would you be willing to pay extra money for a service like this, and if so, what would you want to see included?

This is the route SOE went with EverQuest. they knew thye could encourage people to play all of their games more by just rolling it all into one sub.
An old friend recently resubbed because of Legion and while I don't relish playing through legacy PVE again it's been fun running train through Tirisfal and Silverpine while spamming the dungeon queue as an Affliction Warlock while my buddy plays Shadow/Disc.


So. What has Sylvanas been doing to avenge Vol'jin? Because she seems to have gone poof. Hell the horde has felt MIA. It felt rather weird for the opening of the Legion to have so many Alliance and Horde leaders throwing themselves right into the front of danger and now many have simply vanished again. More so the Horde than the Alliance.


Really Really Exciting Member!
So. What has Sylvanas been doing to avenge Vol'jin? Because she seems to have gone poof. Hell the horde has felt MIA. It felt rather weird for the opening of the Legion to have so many Alliance and Horde leaders throwing themselves right into the front of danger and now many have simply vanished again. More so the Horde than the Alliance.

It's a bit weird how the faction leaders are taking a backseat so many times. And it's not new really, been like this since the beginning of this game really and vary from one expansion or major patch to another.

You would think Alduin & Sylvanas would be on Argus helping Velen, Turalyon, Alleria & Illidan, but nope, nowhere to be found. Ever since her failed attempt on Stormheim, Sylvanas seemed to have gone back to Orgrimmar/Undercity sulking in a corner. And what has Alduin done since he got his father's sword back and went "I got this!"? Went back to sit on his throne while we fight on Argus.

And let's not mention the other faction leaders, they've been pretty much ignored since the first fight on the Broken Isles where Varian died. Well, there was that one time where Tyrande went "WHERE IS MY BELOVED?!" on Valsharah. lol.


So. What has Sylvanas been doing to avenge Vol'jin? Because she seems to have gone poof. Hell the horde has felt MIA. It felt rather weird for the opening of the Legion to have so many Alliance and Horde leaders throwing themselves right into the front of danger and now many have simply vanished again. More so the Horde than the Alliance.
Horde has been MIA for most of the last two expansions because people complained about Thrall being a central character in a story about the corruption of the elements.
Horde story is worse than MIA, due to the Sylvanas crap. I still play horde for a bunch of other reasons, but what fun being threatened with death by the new Warchief, being forced to pledge loyalty, and finally being used (and dishonored) by her in her quest chain.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Horde has been MIA for most of the last two expansions because people complained about Thrall being a central character in a story about the corruption of the elements.

Last 2 expansions? Wasn't Thrall present in Draenor? Garrosh & Thrall were important in Cataclysm, Pandaria & Draenor and people complain when Alliance leaders get the spotlight for one expansion(two, if you count Khadgar as Alliance, even though I always saw him as neutral in WoW)?

To be honest, what has the Horde left in term of important leaders other than Sylvanas? Voljin is dead, Thrall is brooding somewhere and Im not sure we should even consider him a leader anymore.
The Blood Elf and Tauren leaders have always been mostly ignored to the point I forget what their names are. Either Blizzard push these 2 guys more into the spotlight, or they'll have to create new important lore orc & troll characters. Is Saurfang still alive, or in a wheelchair? :p


Finally got my last rare needed for the Commander of Argus achievement and transmog.

The 1H swords are lame, but I really like the 2H'ers. Paired the gold one with the Xorothian plate set from Invasions.


Have to say, other than some mob density annoyances, I'm enjoying Argus overall.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Yeah Legion is definitely a low point in Horde storytelling. There are like literally no Horde characters that even matter in the story right now other than Sylvanas, and even though she's warchief, nothing about her plot actually has to do with the Horde proper. It's just her personal shit and undead shit.

Then there's other tidbits like there literally being zero noteworthy trolls, Gallywix's existence as a faction leader still not even making sense (his loyalty is questionable at best), Saurfang apparently becoming the Orc racial leader by default and with absolutely zero fanfare, and Baine rarely ever being brought out of his tent in Thunderbluff.

And with the next expansion very likely having a Kul'Tiras/Jaina focus, I doubt it's going to get much better.


Last 2 expansions? Wasn't Thrall present in Draenor? Garrosh & Thrall were important in Cataclysm, Pandaria & Draenor and people complain when Alliance leaders get the spotlight for one expansion(two, if you count Khadgar as Alliance, even though I always saw him as neutral in WoW)?

To be honest, what has the Horde left in term of important leaders other than Sylvanas? Voljin is dead, Thrall is brooding somewhere and Im not sure we should even consider him a leader anymore.
The Blood Elf and Tauren leaders have always been mostly ignored to the point I forget what their names are. Either Blizzard push these 2 guys more into the spotlight, or they'll have to create new important lore orc & troll characters. Is Saurfang still alive, or in a wheelchair? :p

Thrall was there until Nagrand, which is the last leveling zone. Which means it lasted like a week after expansion launch. After that it was all Khadgar.

MoP was fairly even, which is fine. Garrosh isn't really a Horde leader in MoP, he's just pretending to be one while everyone can see he's going to become a raid boss. They robbed Vol'jin of some character development by having him MIA in WoD and then killing him immediately in Legion.

Cata had a lot of Thrall, but if you're going to count Khadgar as neutral you should probably count Thrall as neutal as well. But whatever.

I don't mind Khadgar, Velen, etc. getting some spotlight, I just wish Blizzard hadn't completely let the Horde side of the story wither on the vine this expansion.


I like the story stuff for Legion, but yeah needs more horde. I still wish Vol'jin hadn't been killed so quickly and I'll continue to wish that Thrall wasn't MIA. Like power him down from his Green Jesus days sure, but no need to get rid of him imo.


I mean, the horde have been the driving faction for the entire storyline since like Cata, I think it's fine :p

Alleria and Turalyon have been built up since wow came out, just because they're a paladin and a human doesn't mean they're 'alli8ance' characters, and Velen is literally part of the triumvirate with KJ and Archimonde. It would be really fucking stupid if blizz felt the need to shoehorn some random orc into this story just to bring equality in a sense that doesn't matter.


I mean, the horde have been the driving faction for the entire storyline since like Cata, I think it's fine :p

Alleria and Turalyon have been built up since wow came out, just because they're a paladin and a human doesn't mean they're 'alli8ance' characters, and Velen is literally part of the triumvirate with KJ and Archimonde. It would be really fucking stupid if blizz felt the need to shoehorn some random orc into this story just to bring equality in a sense that doesn't matter.

No one's asking for that, but okay :p

Liadrin and Aethas are actually there and they don't even do anything.
I mean, the horde have been the driving faction for the entire storyline since like Cata, I think it's fine :p

Alleria and Turalyon have been built up since wow came out, just because they're a paladin and a human doesn't mean they're 'alli8ance' characters, and Velen is literally part of the triumvirate with KJ and Archimonde. It would be really fucking stupid if blizz felt the need to shoehorn some random orc into this story just to bring equality in a sense that doesn't matter.
Doing lots of pally stuff and Liadrin is there. I don't know if she does anything other than walk around for a second after that beginning set of quests. I imagine she's there just to be a token Horde characterror. I imagine at some point we will see Liadrin or Aethas actively participate, but it doesn't really change anything.

I don't think some sort of forced story parity should be a thing but in Legion they did drop the ball on Horde stuff that was already in the game. Like how there's no follow-up with Sylvanas after Helya kicked the bucket sort of highlights how silly the handling of that arc was.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I wonder if Blizzard justifies the almost consistent neglect of Horde-related Troll and Tauren storyline on the fact that they just add different strains of psuedo-tauren and troll every expac.

Like, It's totally cool that the Darkspear and Bloodhoof are a total afterthought because these new tauren have different horns and there's ANOTHER bad tribe of Trolls for us to kill!


Thrall was there until Nagrand, which is the last leveling zone. Which means it lasted like a week after expansion launch. After that it was all Khadgar.

MoP was fairly even, which is fine. Garrosh isn't really a Horde leader in MoP, he's just pretending to be one while everyone can see he's going to become a raid boss. They robbed Vol'jin of some character development by having him MIA in WoD and then killing him immediately in Legion.

Cata had a lot of Thrall, but if you're going to count Khadgar as neutral you should probably count Thrall as neutal as well. But whatever.

I don't mind Khadgar, Velen, etc. getting some spotlight, I just wish Blizzard hadn't completely let the Horde side of the story wither on the vine this expansion.

Yeah, I completely agree. Its weird because I feel like their response to all the accusations of Sylvanas being a horrible War Chief was that we'd see her grow into the role over the expac. The Broken Shore even seemed to hint at some growth but then she quickly regresses back to the same ol Sylvanas in Stormheim and then disappears entirely.

It makes me wonder what the original narrative was back when we were headed to Thaldranath.


People called Romanes they go the house?
The weird thing about Sylvanas is that Helya implies that if Sylvanas doesn't hold up her end of the bargain, her ass is grass......And then we literally see her fail in the cutscene shortly thereafter.

I guess if we technically killed Helya before she could make good, Sylvanas is safe, but it does feel extremely odd, given the amount of 'time' between the main campaign, and the raid release.

But then again, the focus is demons, not Valky'r/undead (or the Tauren, or the Gilneans in Val'sharah, etc...), so the non-DH/Light factions kind of get kind of pushed to the side.
I mean, the horde have been the driving faction for the entire storyline since like Cata, I think it's fine :p

Alleria and Turalyon have been built up since wow came out, just because they're a paladin and a human doesn't mean they're 'alli8ance' characters, and Velen is literally part of the triumvirate with KJ and Archimonde. It would be really fucking stupid if blizz felt the need to shoehorn some random orc into this story just to bring equality in a sense that doesn't matter.

You're being a bit disingenuous here, people don't want Saurfang or Lor'themar randomly injected into events on Argus for the sake of faction parity in the main narrative of Legion, there are some legitimate complaints about how they've done things.

The most meaningful thing Vol'Jin has done since the Siege of Orgrimmar is die and name Sylvanas Warchief. After the Broken Shore intro, Sylvanas is acting like her old self, doing something purely for the Forsaken, and the events of Stormheim aren't resolved in a remotely satisfying manner. Saurfang was simply slotted in as the Orc faction leader. Apparently there's a new Troll faction leader that you only get to see if you do the pvp artifact appearance. Baine and Lor'themar are just parked out in their respective cities. Thrall is the worst though, he's just off brooding because the elements of Azeroth won't speak to him because of what he did to Gary on Draenor. I don't get how that stops him from picking up a hammer and still fighting. Vol'Jin shouldn't have been the one that died on the Broken Shore, it should have been Thrall.

All they've done over the last few years is thin out the Horde leadership and they haven't really invested in building up the remaining ones.


Would be nice if some of those story threads were picked up after Antorus. We'll probably have a long time til 8.0 with the main Legion arc finished, and it'd be cool if they released some minor story stuff to tide us over instead of the usual empty months of waiting for pre-patch. Talking stuff like the Magni whispers quest. Not expecting anything but they've been good about keeping things moving forward quickly this expac, maybe they do things a bit differently this time.


I mean, the horde have been the driving faction for the entire storyline since like Cata, I think it's fine :p

Alleria and Turalyon have been built up since wow came out, just because they're a paladin and a human doesn't mean they're 'alli8ance' characters, and Velen is literally part of the triumvirate with KJ and Archimonde. It would be really fucking stupid if blizz felt the need to shoehorn some random orc into this story just to bring equality in a sense that doesn't matter.

Since cata to me it was just to much horde, they need to find a balance between both horde and alliance for now they did focusing on main characters like Velen,Khagdar,Illidan,the sisters windrunner etc.


Horde story is worse than MIA, due to the Sylvanas crap. I still play horde for a bunch of other reasons, but what fun being threatened with death by the new Warchief, being forced to pledge loyalty, and finally being used (and dishonored) by her in her quest chain.

I made a DH on horde side and had to switch back to alliance after I started the quests in Stormheim.


Hopefully 7.3.5 features some new story content. I need Greymane-Sylvanas Round 2.

7.3.5 is probably just going to be the raid and tuning changes.

I think they've mentioned that there will be smaller patches after 7.3.5 so any Azeroth-based story content will probably come in those.
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