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Worst "Games Journalism" article of 2014?


Neo Member
I read the winner of this thread (Polygon & MK8 article)

And I wondered about this:
In a recent financial report, Nintendo cited Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros. as the Wii U's "two main drivers" for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2015. The company expects to sell another 3.6 million Wii U consoles by the end of the fiscal year, according to Nintendo's consolidated financial statement, bringing the number of Wii U consoles on the market to 9.77 million. But even that wouldn't make Mario Kart 8 the smash hit Mario Kart DS and Mario Kart Wii became

How far is Nintendo from 9,77 million consoles?
Anything and everything by polygon. I don't know how that site manages to attract the worst of the worst game "journalists"

I'd love to see the day they get banned
They just crossed 7m at the end of October. I don't think they can make it to 10m very soon. MK8 helped but wasn't a magic bullet, and Smash Bros is considerably more niche.

No it's not. If Smash Bros. doesn't sell (it is) it's because of the 3DS version exists.


Neo Member
Polygon is hard to beat but my vote goes to EGM's print magazine. Finding the worst article of 2014 is easy... just open EGM to a random page and chances are you'll land on something mind-numbingly terrible. For example, apparently Titanfall represents "total perfection" in the video game medium ("Across both the campaign and the classic multiplayer, there’s a level of respect to balance and fairness that borderlines on religion"). I haven't even subscribed to EGM for over a year but they kept sending me new issues in 2014. I e-mailed them and asked them to stop sending me free issues; it's that bad.


You know even in feminist circles Bayo is super divisive. It's a huge deal to a lot of people so I can't really fault Polygon for taking it into account even if I don't agree with them. Can't say the same about a lot of other Polygon articles though.

Can we count Eron Gjoni's tumblr post? That kind of ignited GamerGate and sucks big time.
The bar for what counts as games journalism is low sure, but it's not that low

If we're mentioning IGN reviews, then Pokemon ORAS "Too much water" is another good candidate.
Never understood the attention that review got. People have been complaining about how much fucking water there is in RSE for a decade and now that the games are up for review again it's off the table? No that's bullshit.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
As dumb as all of the Polygon articels are, it just HAS to be the "Nintendo is doomed cause Pokemon sells so much. How great would Advanced Wars be with Microtransactions?" article. It just HAS to be.


The "Gamers are over" article. It's like someone who's heard all the gamer stereotypes but never actually interacted with a real person who plays games.

Did you read the article? The article is about how gamers are not just the stereotype and how the audience for games is not as narrow as some people think it is. You should read it.
I don't think there's anything wrong with the Bayonetta review. If the reviewer had a strong, personal reaction to the content of the game, I'd rather read about that than some reworded PR bullet points like a lot of reviews. I want the reviewer to bring their unique, personal perspective to what they write. I don't have to agree with it.

That pie chart nonsense is the worst.
A lot have already beaten to death anything I would pick so I'll go in another direction.

How about the lack of articles to discuss halo mcc?



Ever the excellent choice on its own, but that's more game criticism than game journalism, if anyone cares to separate the two. (Also a decent image of the future for sites like Polygon.)
It was Polygon that did "What Watch_Dogs can teach us about the situation in Ferguson", right?




Ffs polygon lol
I think that's worth a new thread, let's see if anyone agrees.

Personally I don't agree it's worth a new thread at all. Like seriously what is the point? To give them shit for removing something they should have never had in the first place,a nd not saying "HEY EVERYBODY WE FUCKED UP BEFORE HAHAHA WHAT A BUNCH OF DUMBASSES WE WERE!" ?
Ok they never mentioned the retraction of a bad pie graph is it really that big of a deal?


This one is hardly related to gaming, but Polygon tried so hard to use it as a pitch for Watch_Dogs and body cameras that it deserves a spot:


Article here (But seriously, dont read this shit)

This disgusting article essentially uses the Ferguson protests and tries to equate this very complex racially-fueled situation to the flimsy world of Watch_Dogs and argues that the sole focus and solution of this situation could have been body cameras, and then proceed through the rest of the article to talk about them, it is the most shameless and embarrassing segue into a pitch that includes an interview with the CEO of the company, then the articles ends with your usual "CNN: The truth lies somewhere in between" bullshit by implying that both sides of this conflict are too emotional and the truth will never be known because there was no tape.....except for that other time a black man was killed by the cop on camera, or that other one time with the kid.

It is one of the vilest, clueless articles ive seen, and im never going to Polygon again.
Man, what the hell is going on with Polygon


Ryan McCaffrey's Alien Isolation review on IGN

He moaned about the game being too hard, after he selected hard difficulty. He also complained about having to hide in lockers when the game specifically tells you not to do this in the loading screens (as the Alien will just stay there and find you eventually). He flat-out played the game incorrectly and based his criticisms on this. Ryan McCaffrey is one of the idiots in this gif btw:


I'd take this opportunity to bitch about a Polygon article right now, but I don't think anybody takes them seriously anymore. Unfortunately this is not the case with IGN

this gets my vote.

one time I listened to the entire clip hoping that somehow there's context that makes it better. like maybe they were being sarcastic or something.

there isn't.

where's the rest of my P's!?

the IGN review of Alien Isolation is also pretty horrible, and it's a shame because for me and many others what is definite GOTY material has had its reputation dragged through the shit due to the collective reach of IGN and gamespot.

Now -- I don't think every game is for everyone or that people aren't entitled to their opinion. But it just seems like any time a game dares be a little challenging or dares do anything a little different it just gets slugged by professional game journalists. Zombi U got this as well.


For sheer quantity of terrible articles you can't beat Polygon. From doing insane mental gymnastics to comment on current events like Ferguson in a way that connects to videogames, to doing insane mental gymnastics that lead to the creation of god-awful pie charts and fantasy worlds where Disney saves Nintendo they've got this year covered. It feels like they've got a monopoly on speculative, clickbait, pretension-riddled articles. But then there's IGN who have straight-up spread mis-information and bullshit regarding both Naughty Dog and the Last Guardian. IGN also is responsible for some great podcasts and information, so I have to give the nod over to Polygon. Utterly tasteless garbage. I regret giving them the clicks I have just looking through this thread and re-reading their articles.


Polygon has been probably the most consistently bad, but that's been largely expected. What's been the most surprising is the seemingly rapid decline of quality by Eurogamer. They used to be a somewhat reliable source for solid reviews and articles, but now they're just shit.


Polygon has been probably the most consistently bad, but that's been largely expected. What's been the most surprising is the seemingly rapid decline of quality by Eurogamer. They used to be a somewhat reliable source for solid reviews and articles, but now they're just shit.

What makes you say that?


Polygon is hard to beat but my vote goes to EGM's print magazine. Finding the worst article of 2014 is easy... just open EGM to a random page and chances are you'll land on something mind-numbingly terrible. For example, apparently Titanfall represents "total perfection" in the video game medium ("Across both the campaign and the classic multiplayer, there’s a level of respect to balance and fairness that borderlines on religion"). I haven't even subscribed to EGM for over a year but they kept sending me new issues in 2014. I e-mailed them and asked them to stop sending me free issues; it's that bad.

Except that for your talk of opening an issue of EGM and picking a random page, "total perfection" is never once written in the review inside those pages. And, as for the line you quoted, sure, it sounds hyperbolic when taken on its own, but makes more sense in the context of the paragraph it kicks off.
So they should have gotten someone to review it that would automatically give it a higher score? What's the point of the review then haha.

I mean if you don't care about the stuff the reviewer was upset about, read a different review since this one obviously wasn't meant for you. I don't understand the problem, unless you're seriously insulted when a game's metacritic score might possibly drop by some fraction of a point.
its a waste of time having someone review a game if they hate it on a fundamental level, if you dont like titillation dont review a game that uses it as a basis. Its like having me review madden when I hate sports games and REALLY hate football

This thread made me realize that shitty kotaku dragons crown stuff was 20 months ago...damn time flies.

I'll go with Polygon Sonic Boom porn potential


Personally I don't agree it's worth a new thread at all. Like seriously what is the point? To give them shit for removing something they should have never had in the first place,a nd not saying "HEY EVERYBODY WE FUCKED UP BEFORE HAHAHA WHAT A BUNCH OF DUMBASSES WE WERE!" ?
Ok they never mentioned the retraction of a bad pie graph is it really that big of a deal?

Ask a mod to lock the thread or take your objections there, I dunno


Personally I don't agree it's worth a new thread at all. Like seriously what is the point? To give them shit for removing something they should have never had in the first place,a nd not saying "HEY EVERYBODY WE FUCKED UP BEFORE HAHAHA WHAT A BUNCH OF DUMBASSES WE WERE!" ?
Ok they never mentioned the retraction of a bad pie graph is it really that big of a deal?

a mod can decide this.

and if you write stories and make assertions, you should have those stay on the site as a matter of record. it's terrible practice to quietly remove claims you make that turn out to be wrong, or, even worse, stupid.


I would have been shocked if someone other than Polygon was mentioned. Just pick a random article from them and it probably applies.
Ryan McCaffrey's Alien Isolation review on IGN

He moaned about the game being too hard, after he selected hard difficulty. He also complained about having to hide in lockers when the game specifically tells you not to do this in the loading screens (as the Alien will just stay there and find you eventually). He flat-out played the game incorrectly and based his criticisms on this.
I didn't know that context to his terrible review, haha

Ryan McCaffrey was also the person who hyped up Denis Dyack's Kickstarter campaign for Shadow of the Eternals btw :p



There was a page on Polygon around the time Wolfenstein came out this year where they said something like "See what it's like to experience being in a concentration camp" or something. The page title was was more gross than that, I'm just paraphrasing.
Came for this. Wasn't let down. Thanks OP.

Kissing vs Killing: How Shadow of Mordor fails to explain the difference"

Truly horrible, this may sound harsh but I discredited Polygon and stopped visiting the site due to that article. All credibility was lost.

Yeah, I stopped listening to Idle Thumbs after the hosts, only one of which had even played the game, all tripped over themselves to agree how horrible the scene was. Watching that kind of groupthink in action severely damaged my opinion of everyone involved.


Wasn't it the case that MCC worked fine before general release, when reviewers were playing it? The matchmaking problems thus couldn't have been included in the review as they hadn't yet occurred.

Did the reviewers actually use matchmaking or did they just play like custom games or LAN or whatever? How is multiplayer usually experienced by reviewers?

I remember lots of reviewers and fans were mad at Bungie for wanting reviewers to wait to play the game with an online population before reviewing. I usually play Halo and Destiny with friends in a party so a reviewer just playing by themselves wouldn't seem to be getting the intended experience of the game. Did they mention matchmaking in their reviews?
That Breitbart "review" is a big steaming pile, but I think calling Milo a games journalist is an insult to actual games journalists. My vote goes to literally anything from Polygon. Probably the MK8 article.


What makes you say that?
Driveclub review (yes, I'm salty). DF coverage is clickbait (see: grass update for GTAV next-gen). Overall quality just doesn't seem as solid as it used to be. Was once basically the only news/review site I could rely on to be straight down the middle, but it's just gone down the path of most other sites in that some articles are good quality but others are spotty as hell.
There was a page on Polygon around the time Wolfenstein came out this year where they said something like "See what it's like to experience being in a concentration camp" or something. The page title was was more gross than that, I'm just paraphrasing.


"Wolfenstein shows you the horror of concentration camps firsthand"

I love Wolfenstein but good lord that title was terrible. How many times do their article titles need to be changed to realise the root of their problems being completely insensitive and clickbait-y?



"Wolfenstein shows you the horror of concentration camps firsthand"

I love Wolfenstein but good lord that title was terrible. How many times do their article titles need to be changed to realise the root of their problems being completely insensitive and clickbait-y?

Lmao, they give 0 fucks, Jesus. Didn't they used to be a somewhat quality site back when everybody hated on kotaku?
Lmao, they give 0 fucks, Jesus. Didn't they used to be a somewhat quality site back when everybody hated on kotaku?

Nope. From day one they've been on the bad side of people because they basically billed themselves as being saviors to game journalism through that documentary that they produced. That project had other games journalists mocking them because of how over the top it was.


Polygon, Mario Kart, Pie Charts.

#1 with a bullet bill.

The article, for reference: http://www.polygon.com/2014/5/15/5718168/mario-kart-series-sales

Haha...that some interesting reading. First time I see those...wow, so this is the website Microsoft sunk in $750k? I don't know what to say about that.
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