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Xbox LIVE Indie Games - July 2012 and onwards

This Death Goat game has the worst trial I've ever seen (among games that are actual games with content and effort and all that).

Starts off ok enough, you can pick one stage, one character, one song. Then you start playing... and then you stop playing like 20-30 seconds later and are prompted to either buy the game or return to the main menu.

I don't know how they expect to sell a single copy based on such a tiny limited amount of gameplay. Especially given the genre and price. It'd be like if Z0MB1ES was $3 and stopped before the song even got to the "I maaaade a gaeeeeme" part of the lyrics.


Neo Member
Cheers! I'd not seen Deep Black before, but decided to have a look we share the same over the shoulder viewpoint, but as you say the Astralis movement is fast due to being 'run and gun' based as opposed to using cover. The cover mechanic in Deep Black/Gears is an enjoyable one too.

We make it possible to turn and run towards the camera, this helps to extract yourself from slavering enemies seeking to mob you, this works well while reloading or after throwing a grenade into a swarm.


Sketchbook Picasso
Here is an Astralis gameplay trailer:

Astralis Trailer

With an accompanying preview:

Astralis Preview

Thoughts welcomed :)

Hmm. I'm a bit torn, as I liked the old EDF-ish "Fight Huge Swarms!" feel from the old trailer, but Over-the-Shoulder does look like it's more solid, and the camera-work seems less jarring and mechanical.

They give me different combat expectations, however. 3rd Person makes me ok with "shoot at & watch things die!", while more 1st person makes me really, really want to see some location-based damaging on enemies. (I wish every shooter had Binary Domain's damage systems, lol) That's probably stupidly over-ambitious here though, haha. The Weather and World itself are already ambitious enough!

The font of his tactical vest looks... really... plain? Nice shoulderpads / arm armor, then lifeless turtleshell chest...? It just looks a little mis-matched to me.

Your Gunplay overall looks fun for it's style; Some good kickback and stopping power, nice bloodsplatter, good sound effects for enemy death, nice bit of animation for their reactions. Kicking flying Mouth-things in the Teeth should always provide some satisfaction! :)

How long is the game expected to be? I ask this less in a "lol, 2 hours, that sucks!" kinda way, and more because I wonder at how events and new item obtainment will be paced. Will we still get to fight some of thos bigger enemies shown in the old trailer? Are there any boss-like monsters to fight, or are they just variations of the same "class" of enemy?

That's about all I can come up with ATM!


Neo Member
Hmm. I'm a bit torn, as I liked the old EDF-ish "Fight Huge Swarms!" feel from the old trailer, but Over-the-Shoulder does look like it's more solid, and the camera-work seems less jarring and mechanical.

They give me different combat expectations, however. 3rd Person makes me ok with "shoot at & watch things die!", while more 1st person makes me really, really want to see some location-based damaging on enemies. (I wish every shooter had Binary Domain's damage systems, lol) That's probably stupidly over-ambitious here though, haha. The Weather and World itself are already ambitious enough!

Top down games are a thing of beauty, I can tell we have a shared appreciation for them. Moving towards an over-the-shoulder camera allowed us to improve the aiming, particularly on the vertical axis, while increasing the draw distance. Players are able to pick up and play now, with the crosshair responding as they expect it to. It feels important for the controls to have a comfortable familiarity to them.

Location based damage - this is an interesting one, it feels like their is potential there, yet its easier on humanoids with limbs == low, torso == medium, head == high. Any thoughts on how to apply this to our creatures, with their alien physiology?

Your Gunplay overall looks fun for it's style; Some good kickback and stopping power, nice bloodsplatter, good sound effects for enemy death, nice bit of animation for their reactions. Kicking flying Mouth-things in the Teeth should always provide some satisfaction! :)

Thanks - the kickback to the teeth was something we debated a bit before implementing - a key part of it is having him leap forwards as its performed, so that you connect. It's a nice 'go to' move for when your in the middle of reloading, but being menaced.

How long is the game expected to be? I ask this less in a "lol, 2 hours, that sucks!" kinda way, and more because I wonder at how events and new item obtainment will be paced. Will we still get to fight some of thos bigger enemies shown in the old trailer? Are there any boss-like monsters to fight, or are they just variations of the same "class" of enemy?

Our goal is intensity, with longevity coming from multiple difficulty levels. You'll be able to complete Astralis within a day, but at what threshold? Finishing it once makes the gunplay mechanics clearer, allowing it to be approached again on a harder setting. Weapons, and ammo management are important to the pacing - sometimes you'll want to preserve a secondary weapon with full ammo for a specific area, or return to that area once you've located the right weapon for it.

As we progress, I'd like to examine some of your other points - they are thought provoking.

Much appreciated, we'll be reflecting on what you said.


This Death Goat game has the worst trial I've ever seen (among games that are actual games with content and effort and all that).

Starts off ok enough, you can pick one stage, one character, one song. Then you start playing... and then you stop playing like 20-30 seconds later and are prompted to either buy the game or return to the main menu.

I don't know how they expect to sell a single copy based on such a tiny limited amount of gameplay. Especially given the genre and price. It'd be like if Z0MB1ES was $3 and stopped before the song even got to the "I maaaade a gaeeeeme" part of the lyrics.

I'll tell you what, they got me. Because the little bit of gameplay you do get lets you know that it's not horrible -- it's actually a decent twin-stick -- and the musical selection is incredible. Between the Buried and Me and God Forbid? Immortal Guardian? The game isn't anything groundbreaking, but it was substantial enough that they got a purchase from me.
Here is an Astralis gameplay trailer:

Astralis Trailer

With an accompanying preview:

Astralis Preview

Thoughts welcomed :)
Looks solid. I didn't see any jerky camera common with some indie first and third person shooters. Looks like a sort of Fallout style game.

I notice there seems to be no real AI and the enemies always swarm towards you in a straight steady line. I'm fine with that. They react really good when getting hit and I like the look of the blood spray. Graphics look great. The boot is awesome. Music is good too.

I'm interested, when it comes out.


Sketchbook Picasso
Took me a few days to get back on this, sorry! Lets see...

Top down games are a thing of beauty, I can tell we have a shared appreciation for them. Moving towards an over-the-shoulder camera allowed us to improve the aiming, particularly on the vertical axis, while increasing the draw distance. Players are able to pick up and play now, with the crosshair responding as they expect it to. It feels important for the controls to have a comfortable familiarity to them.

Yeah, this choice probably works for the greater good :)

Location based damage - this is an interesting one, it feels like their is potential there, yet its easier on humanoids with limbs == low, torso == medium, head == high. Any thoughts on how to apply this to our creatures, with their alien physiology?

Maybe shooting a few shots in the tentacles could stop / stun them for a moment, and a direct shot to the center of the mouth would cause an instant kill? Being able to disorient them for BOOT kills, or just to get them all stuck in once place for Explosives, would be fun stuff.

Random thought, but it'd also be funny if randomly, a kick kill would result in all their teeth breaking, and they'd just fall to the ground, frowning, haha. That has little to do with this, but the question made me ponder "what would a non-lethal takedown on a walking tentacle-tooth monster be like?"

Thanks - the kickback to the teeth was something we debated a bit before implementing - a key part of it is having him leap forwards as its performed, so that you connect. It's a nice 'go to' move for when your in the middle of reloading, but being menaced.

-nod- anything to remove that deadzone of "Argh, I can't do ANYTHING!" is always good. Glad it's not just the traditional gun-butt or knifestrike, helps it feel unique!

Our goal is intensity, with longevity coming from multiple difficulty levels. You'll be able to complete Astralis within a day, but at what threshold? Finishing it once makes the gunplay mechanics clearer, allowing it to be approached again on a harder setting. Weapons, and ammo management are important to the pacing - sometimes you'll want to preserve a secondary weapon with full ammo for a specific area, or return to that area once you've located the right weapon for it.

Ok, so some strategy through weapon availability and use. Not a bad idea at all, especially if presented to the player in game through subtle hints.

Oh, and I don't know if this has a place in such a game, but adding some fun gun unlocks per difficulty completion would be great, too. Even if it's just the option to use an unlimited version of a different gun per difficulty. Beating all of EDF's Difficulties, to eventually get that Genocide gun... it was just great. "You've seen it all, now why not blow it all up?!?"

As we progress, I'd like to examine some of your other points - they are thought provoking.

Much appreciated, we'll be reflecting on what you said.

Quite welcome! Looking forward to see how it all turns out!


Picked up and finished Retro Arcade Adventure Remade. Finished it in like 30 minutes, probably about half of that was on the third-to-last boss. This fucker:


The game is just not fun. I appreciate that the developer tried to improve the game, but it ended up worse. Some levels have distracting overlays that obscure action, enemies and power-ups, some enemies take way too many hits, enemies fire from off screen or from too far away for you to get to them without taking damage. It just wasn't any damn fun after the first few stages.

There's also two minigames -- one is totally worthless, but the other is a cool little mini-RPG grinder that was a nifty distraction. Took all of 5 minutes to finish though.

Do not recommend.


Neo Member
Looks solid. I didn't see any jerky camera common with some indie first and third person shooters. Looks like a sort of Fallout style game.

I notice there seems to be no real AI and the enemies always swarm towards you in a straight steady line. I'm fine with that. They react really good when getting hit and I like the look of the blood spray. Graphics look great. The boot is awesome. Music is good too.

I'm interested, when it comes out.

Jerky Camera - We're planning to take some of the head movement and feed it back into the camera to accentuate the 'run-and-gun' feel, and its certainly a pleasure to be mentioned next to Fallout.

The Macropai are pretty single-minded in pursuing you - they want to close the distance and bite! Critical damage will however change their minds, causing them to flee. But it's important to put them down before they can escape and regenerate - their physiology causes their wounds to close fast.

Glad the direction is resonating, with the boot currently it scores as a 'Kickback' but we're open to other phrases?

Much appreciated!


Neo Member
Took me a few days to get back on this, sorry! Lets see...

Maybe shooting a few shots in the tentacles could stop / stun them for a moment, and a direct shot to the center of the mouth would cause an instant kill? Being able to disorient them for BOOT kills, or just to get them all stuck in once place for Explosives, would be fun stuff.

Random thought, but it'd also be funny if randomly, a kick kill would result in all their teeth breaking, and they'd just fall to the ground, frowning, haha. That has little to do with this, but the question made me ponder "what would a non-lethal takedown on a walking tentacle-tooth monster be like?"

I think you're on to something here! Differentiating a 'Glancing Shot' from a 'Direct Hit' could work well for weapons with a lower rate of fire like the Sniper Rifle. We'll got right on it :)

Took me a few days to get back on this, sorry! Lets see...

Oh, and I don't know if this has a place in such a game, but adding some fun gun unlocks per difficulty completion would be great, too. Even if it's just the option to use an unlimited version of a different gun per difficulty. Beating all of EDF's Difficulties, to eventually get that Genocide gun... it was just great. "You've seen it all, now why not blow it all up?!?"

Unlockables - we do have some unrevealed weapons, I like your thinking with making some of them become available on the harder difficulty levels. Hmm :)
Haven't played it yet but that box-art is lovely. I was kind of put off by the motion of the character in the trailer but I'll give it a go soon for sure.


Just got a code for Aqua Kitty today but I haven't had a chance to try it out yet:


It's like an undersea Defender-style shooter, based on the footage.

Also, Get Your Cell Together wasn't bad, though a few of the levels were really frustrating. In the end though, you could (and have) done worse.


Sketchbook Picasso
Haha, after Sword of Rapier, Quiet Please, Kung-Fu Fight, and Chiebura have all went from XBLIG to PS Mobile, we get our first Mobile-to-XBLIG port over with Aqua Kitty, eh? Awesome!

The inclusion of a Co-Op mode totally makes a new purchase worth it. Most fun I've had with a defender-a-like since a certain Orbitron game... ;)


Sketchbook Picasso
That HD Spritework in Aqua Kitty looks great on a TV. So smooth, explosions are so Metal Slug-like.

Haven't tried co-op, and not entirely sure if there are new stages or not (would have to compare to PSMobile release, been a while), but it feels great to play with a bigger screen + console control pad.

Out now on XBLIG, 240 MSP.


Dear Jesus, I played a lot of Mount Your Friends today. And it was fun. I even played and won online.

You guys have to try it. Preferably with a group.

Oh, that Rain-Slick 4 game is out today too, or something.
Thunder Moon has the weirdest (and most annoying) voice chat feature I've ever seen.

It's a minecraft clone, but it takes place on the moon and you get a jetpack, and the demo was fun so I got the full game. Then I started hearing voices.

As far as I can tell, it puts you in a chat channel with everyone else who's playing the game, even though the game is (I think) only single player. You don't even see the usernames of anyone else, you just hear voices and you can talk back.

Unfortunately, from the brief time I played the game it was mostly annoying little kids in the voice channel, and someone listening to their answering machine messages. There's volume sliders in the menu for sound effects and music, but nothing for voice. I made an xbox live party so it would take me out of game chat, but nope. The voices were still there.

What the fuck.
How come Gateways is a classed as a new release and I'd have to purchase it again?

Because Microsoft.


I was ready to release Gateways about this time last year, it had passed peer review and I was getting ready to push the button to make it appear on XBLIG. Then the guys from the Indie Uprising got in contact with me and asked if I’d be interested in joining them for the next uprising. I thought that sounded like a great idea (and it was) so I held off releasing the game.

As I waited for the uprising to kick off I started making a few changes to the game. A few tweaks here and there and a few bug fixes. Obviously I wanted to get these new changes into the release but there didn’t seem to be any way to do this if the game hadn’t been released on the system. The only option I had for ‘Gateways’ was to release the game.

It seemed the only solution was to create a new project called ‘Gateways!’ and use that. I would simply write off the ‘Gateways’ project (there didn’t seem to be a way to delete the project) and never release it. It would seem that today Microsoft have made that decision for me and it got released. I can only presume there is a time out of a year on all projects that have passed peer review.

I’m not sure what to do now. Like many XBLIG titles, Gateways (or rather, Gateways!) hasn’t performed well for me. My App Hub membership ran out in May so I’m now unable to get in and make changes to any projects. I’m not planning on releasing any more XBLIG titles so I’m reluctant to fork out the money to rectify this problem.


Sketchbook Picasso

One Finger Death Punch

Just played through the trial, after remembering hearing about this in DBP a while back...

(GafStyleHyperBOWL) IT IS AMAZING!!! (/GSH)

It only uses X and B for... everything, but it's like an action-backed rhythm game + The old Xiao Xiao Stick figure flash games, and thrown together with nice presentation, a fully voiced Sensei for... well, why not, and a stupid amount of fancy animations and stuff, to keep it fun to watch.





Easily worth trying out the trial... the overall presentation of it made me feel like I just got finished with this weeks XBLA release, more so than having just played a random XBLIG. Pretty solid for a 1 dollar game!

(Note, if you want to play this with a fightstick... for some reason, switch the stick to Left Stick, rather than D-pad, for world map movement.)


So, did anyone else play One Finger Death Punch?

It's actually quite good. Silver Dollar finally put one together I enjoyed.


Trucker Sexologist
So, did anyone else play One Finger Death Punch?

It's actually quite good. Silver Dollar finally put one together I enjoyed.
I meant to post in here about that. Yeah, it won Dream.Build.Play 2012 but it never received an XBLA release. It's probably the swan song for XBLIG.


I meant to post in here about that. Yeah, it won Dream.Build.Play 2012 but it never received an XBLA release. It's probably the swan song for XBLIG.

There's always the off-chance something like Fist Puncher could still come to the service, but yeah, we're probably down to potentially unexpectedly great releases only at this point.


Neo Member
So, did anyone else play One Finger Death Punch?

It's actually quite good. Silver Dollar finally put one together I enjoyed.

This is another game that deserves it's own topic! There is now a PC demo available, and the full version will be out on PC through Desura soon.

I am going to play the demo on Twitch.tv for anyone that wants to check out gameplay video of this. I have one video up so far, and I didn't do my best at it, but the game gets faster the better you do (even in the PC demo) up to 250% faster, so I am trying to get to that in the demo, and will be playing that on Twitch until the full version comes out, then I will be playing that.


P.S. This game is so amazing!!


Neo Member
This is another game that deserves it's own topic! There is now a PC demo available, and the full version will be out on PC through Desura soon.

I am going to play the demo on Twitch.tv for anyone that wants to check out gameplay video of this. I have one video up so far, and I didn't do my best at it, but the game gets faster the better you do (even in the PC demo) up to 250% faster, so I am trying to get to that in the demo, and will be playing that on Twitch until the full version comes out, then I will be playing that.


P.S. This game is so amazing!!

I'm quoting my own message to try to get more people into this game. It is the most fun I have had in forever. There is so much playability and RE-playability in this game that it is amazing it is so cheap. This could have easily been a $5-10 Arcade title.

The devs had said that it isn't selling that well at all on XBLIG, and that is a total shame. If you have an Xbox 360 and have not checked this game out yet, DO SO NOW!!!!

If you love kung fu movies, awesome "easy to learn but hard to master" intuitive but deceptively deep gameplay, and games that will keep you coming back time and time again to perfect your skills and get higher and higher scores, this is certainly the game for you!

And no, I don't work for them, lol. But I did trade in my PS3 for a 360 so I could play this game in all it's glory on my HD TV. But for those that aren't crazy like me and don't have a 360, this game should be coming out on PC through Desura within a few weeks. Do yourself and the devs a favor and buy it as soon as it comes out!

I've tried to put into words how awesome this game is, but like the Matrix, you have to play it for yourself to understand how awesome it is! And speaking of the The Matrix, the fights in this game easily take on the frantic and over the top nature of when Neo is fighting all those Smith clones in the "Burly Brawl." If you have ever wanted a game that gave you that same feel, and made you feel like a complete martial arts badass taking on all comers with ultimate skill, this is it!

It's got five different styles of kung fu, each with it's own set of unique and authentic animations, weapons that you can pull off of the bodies of your enemies and kick butt with (with very satisfying animations of their own), background items that you can destroy and do environmental moves off of Jackie Chan style, special abilities that grant you certain advantages and powers in battle, an expansive campaign mode with many different types of challenges, and three different survival modes to unlock and test your skills with. There are also many different types of enemies that take different methods of attack to defeat, and constantly keep you on your toes tracking their attack patterns and making sure you plan and time your attacks accordingly.

And that's the real fun of this game. Fighting the different enemies that approach you in varying patterns effectively and accurately produces an elaborate and spectacular fight choreography that you have never seen in a video game before. All with only a TWO button control scheme!



And no, I don't work for them, lol. But I did trade in my PS3 for a 360 so I could play this game in all it's glory on my HD TV. But for those that aren't crazy like me and don't have a 360, this game should be coming out on PC through Desura within a few weeks. Do yourself and the devs a favor and buy it as soon as it comes out!


First, the game IS super good. There is something infinitely satisfying about the simple gameplay. And you're right. People definitely need to check this out.

But I can't help but focus in on the fact that you traded in your PS3 for an Xbox 360 for this game specifically?


Neo Member
First, the game IS super good. There is something infinitely satisfying about the simple gameplay. And you're right. People definitely need to check this out.

But I can't help but focus in on the fact that you traded in your PS3 for an Xbox 360 for this game specifically?

Well, there wasn't anything else I was really playing on my PS3 and there were other games that I had wanted to play on 360, but this game was the deciding factor, yes. And I'm not regretting it one bit, btw. OFDP is literally the type of game I have always wished would be made.


Well, there wasn't anything else I was really playing on my PS3 and there were other games that I had wanted to play on 360, but this game was the deciding factor, yes. And I'm not regretting it one bit, btw. OFDP is literally the type of game I have always wished would be made.

Well, be sure to explore many games on the Indie Channel then. There is a wealth of good games on there, if you can weed past the garbage. Our earlier threads are a good resource to pick out the gems, as we already did much of the leg work for you :)


Neo Member
Well, be sure to explore many games on the Indie Channel then. There is a wealth of good games on there, if you can weed past the garbage. Our earlier threads are a good resource to pick out the gems, as we already did much of the leg work for you :)

Thanks! I've gotten a few more so far. Not sure if they are mentioned above or not, but I got:

Dark Seal: http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/Dark-Seal/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d8025855047a

This is a pretty fun board game type game where you play as one of six rival warlocks fighting off the forces of good. You use cards to gain territories, create soldiers on your own tiles, or eliminate the soldiers of the enemy OR your fellow warlocks, which you cannot directly attack. If the forces of good are defeated, then whichever warlock has the most territory at the end wins.

I also got Avatar Stealth: http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/Avatar-Stealth/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d80258550c91

This is a pretty cool game where you use your avatar and play through randomly generated stealth levels. It's alot of fun, but the only gripe I have about it is that I hate how they have the right stick controls. I wish you could reverse them.

Anyway, I also got Spelunky, Fire Pro Wrestling, and Doritos Crash Course off of the XBLA so far.
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