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Xbox One Hardware/UI Review Thread


Really? That's awesome.

I think it's little things like these that will make the PS4 eventually feel pretty limited in comparison.
Indeed. Its not like Sony has had a power save feature for the controller since the PS3 that doesnt require a camera. Sony slow to the game, confirmed.


Mainstream press has had a similar look towards Ryse since the start. The gaming press are going to eat it alive though

The reviews of both systems and games is really exposing the limits of both gaming and mainstream press.

Gamers have to do most of the heavy lifting themselves on this one.


Junior Member
erm i may have my controller held, inactive but not placed down (when im speaking to a friend which i do a lot), i can see Kinect implementation being convenient here.

If you're going to talk longer then 10 minutes to a friend, yes. But then you would hardly save batteries. But i can understand if you do that often you would not want it to turn of. If it does turn of it's on in 3 seconds so either way is good i guess. It's just not revolutionary IMO.


Am I the only one who would rather pocket the $100 and just press a button? Honestly, I wouldn't even care if I had to (gasp) get up and push the button on the console itself. Why? Because it represents a few seconds worth of effort. It really doesn't get more efficient than the buttons on the controllers. I don't get how this voice activation (which both systems can do) is such a selling point. I have a smartphone that has robust voice commands but it's just so awkward and inefficient to use that it doesn't matter. I don't buy a phone for voice commands, the same way I don't buy a gaming console for voice commands.

Has anyone come up with a use for voice commands on either that is intuitive, more powerful, and easier than just using a controller? I'm genuinely curious.
besides gaming, every once and then I use the Kinect 1 voice commands and man, this is nice when you get used to.

And going all digital to dat fast game start and swaps


You can setup DVR recordings through the Xbox One, you just can't do it with voice or game controllers. You'd have to use either the DVR remote or a universal remote like Harmony.

How is that different from what i said? Using your DVR remote has nothing to do with the xbox.

Also no reviews of the Xbox Fitness stuff? I feel like more than voice commands and hand waving crap that will be the killer App.
This practice of assigning a review score to a console that isn't even out yet or has ever been used in a real world scenario is just plain stupid. Assigning a review score in general is kind of dumb and I can't recall anyone doing it prior to this generation.
Mainstream media perspective is extremely positive:

Xbox One review: This is the console of the future
- Fortune

Xbox One Is a Slice of the Future - Rolling Stone

The Xbox One is the closest thing to the future of television we’ve yet seen - Hollywood Reporter

Xbox One a great game player _ and more - AP

Xbox One review: The gaming device that goes far beyond gaming - Consumer Reports

Xbox One: A family-focused console that goes beyond gaming - Washington Post

Xbox One review: Compelling console with a strong lineup of games - NBC News

Some mainstream sites were really definitive in saying the Xbox One was definitely the best choice this holiday:

They all seemed to love Ryse and Forza the best.

and these are the sites regular people will see
Now that I have read a few reviews I must say most of them are pretty shameful. It seems that things like hardware power and price do not matter to those "journalists", when making a "hardware review". Well I hope they are not too surprised about the decision of consumers when they show more interest towards the PS4 and I hope they spare us some new stupid articles about how we don't reward "innovation" or that we can't appreciate such a "bold vision".
Gemüsepizza;90588107 said:
Now that I have read a few reviews I must say most of them are pretty shameful. It seems that things like hardware power and price do not matter to those "journalists", when making a "hardware review". Well I hope they are not too surprised about the decision of consumers when they show more interest towards the PS4 and I hope they spare us some new stupid articles about how we don't reward "innovation" or that we can't appreciate such a "bold vision".

We'll see, we'll see . . .

To put things in perspective though, out of all of my friends, only 2 have decided to get an PS4. 6 have confirmed they are getting Day One Xbox, of which, 1 is from the PS4 crowd. Sometimes, it's not all about the numbers but experiences and expectations.

I'd expect more of my friends go towards Xbox One because they don't follow the actual hardware numbers. They see Xbox One videos and go "Wow, that looks so much better than my current Xbox 360 videos . . . want!". I highly doubt the majority look at side by side comparisons like people here.
We'll see, we'll see . . .

To put things in perspective though, out of all of my friends, only 2 have decided to get an PS4. 6 have confirmed they are getting Day One Xbox, of which, 1 is from the PS4 crowd. Sometimes, it's not all about the numbers but experiences and expectations.

I'd expect more of my friends go towards Xbox One because they don't follow the actual hardware numbers. They see Xbox One videos and go "Wow, that looks so much better than my current Xbox 360 videos . . . want!". I highly doubt the majority look at side by side comparisons like people here.
Or they could just prefer the games on offer from the Xbone, too.


Mainstream media perspective is extremely positive:

The Xbox One is the closest thing to the future of television we’ve yet seen - Hollywood Reporter

.As with the PS4, gamers can stream their virtual exploits live to the Internet via Twitch.tv as well as record short clips for sharing online.


But don’t buy it for the games (at least not until Titanfall comes out next year), especially if you already own a PS3 or 360. The fact that these titles are available is a nice bonus for those who are buying the console anyway, but they actually serve to underline the extraordinary feat Microsoft has been able to pull off. They’ve put together a new game console that is compelling enough to buy, even without a clear, system-selling game. The Xbox One is the closest thing to the future of television we’ve yet seen.

so its great as a big $500 netflix machine. How can you not recommend it for the games? And if you do discount the games, how much difference is there really between this and something like what Google tried with Google TV, which bombed? http://www.sony.co.uk/hub/google-tv


The Translator
Gemüsepizza;90588107 said:
Now that I have read a few reviews I must say most of them are pretty shameful. It seems that things like hardware power and price do not matter to those "journalists", when making a "hardware review". Well I hope they are not too surprised about the decision of consumers when they show more interest towards the PS4 and I hope they spare us some new stupid articles about how we don't reward "innovation" or that we can't appreciate such a "bold vision".

Yes you can. You say "Xbox Watch TV" and then you just use your Comcast remote as you always do. With voice control you can even control playback of the recorded show you select and you can control playback of live TV with the DVR functions (pause, rewind, fast forward).

Connecting an Xbox One does not suddenly make your existing remotes stop functioning. :-D

You know EXACTLY what he was asking, let's not be disingenuous here.
It's pretty easy to see why the Xbox presentation and set-up along with voice commands and kinect integration is more enticing to the mainstream press than a stronger GPU and what the PS4's hardware can do for games going forward. Still, PS4 is off to a good start in NA and will probably get some good word-of-mouth in the coming year. The battle will be much tougher for MS outside of the US where most of the marketed stuff don't seem to be in place yet (not to mention the console itself besides those 13 markets). I'm guessing some of the negative feedback the Xbox One got earlier this year has still stuck around as well.

But overall, this is about as good press as one could've imagined when following the development from May and onwards.

edit: of course price will still be a big deciding factor
Such shifting goalposts in this thread and in these reviews.

one thing that the last week has taught me is people will see what they want to see, both from a positive and negative point of view.

Because how anyone can review the available data and not conclude that both consoles are worth staying away for now is beyond me. I say this even with My PS4 preorder intact. Both compaines rushed. Period.

Ironically enough, its mainly the things that are supposed to be each companies strengths - Sonys hardware and Microsofts Software.

Its just a shame that some are so blinded by their fanboy allegiances, they are missing what Massive hypocrites they are being.

Anyway good luck to you all, the whole thing is getting rather mundane. The majority of this bickering isnt amounting to shit.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Sounds like MS have an incredible uphill struggle to sell the Xbone. Kotaku make the OS sound half-finished and buggy, and Snap seems pretty much useless if it's as sluggish as they suggest. I hope that their software update cycle is faster than Windows because people aren't going to wait a year for them to bring the OS up to speed.


sputum-flecked apoplexy



And there's the tea. Xbone's core features are half broken, and PS4 is a games machine with only one great game to play. Next gen doesn't start until Uncharted 4, Halo 5 and Zelda U hit, frankly.


Junior Member
I would take some of those mainstream reviews with a grain of salt. Just browsing at the Rolling Stone one I see they think Ryse and DR3 are 1080p/60fps.

So glad they did their research.

Ouch that's very dangerous.

How easy to sue the media?


Ironically enough, its mainly the things that are supposed to be each companies strengths - Sonys hardware

Sorry, can you elaborate on this? What was rushed about Sony's hardware? Are you talking about the DOAs, a common enough occurrence with electronics?

Both platforms have hurried software, there's no doubting that.
And there's the tea. Xbone's core features are half broken, and PS4 is a games machine with only one great game to play. Next gen doesn't start until Uncharted 4, Halo 5 and Zelda U hit, frankly.

Eh, I feel like it's a cop-out answer that applies to every hardware launch. Don't even bother scoring it if that's going to be your default answer. At least with the PS4, there isn't going to be a price cut before 2015, so jumping in early isn't costing you anything.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
I disagree, Titanfall and Infamous are going to be those huge real next gen games.

TitanFall probably not (it's going to be hamstrung by the Xbone's small userbase), but inFamous? Kiii, no, inFamous is never going to be anything other than mid-tier, sales-wise
and quality-wise

Eh, I feel like it's a cop-out answer that applies to every hardware launch. Don't even bother scoring it if that's going to be your default answer. At least with the PS4, there isn't going to be a price cut before 2015, so jumping in early isn't costing you anything.

The fact that something is a truism doesn't make it false. Quite the opposite, in fact!
How can Titanfall be a real next gen game running under Source and coming out on Xbox 360 too?
And IW is no Valve, there won't be a huge upgrade of the engine or magic

Respawn not Infinity Ward is making Titanfall, and they also are not handling the 360 version at all so they wont be hamstring by it.

We have no idea on the quality of their game.


Am I the only one who would rather pocket the $100 and just press a button? Honestly, I wouldn't even care if I had to (gasp) get up and push the button on the console itself. Why? Because it represents a few seconds worth of effort. It really doesn't get more efficient than the buttons on the controllers. I don't get how this voice activation (which both systems can do) is such a selling point. I have a smartphone that has robust voice commands but it's just so awkward and inefficient to use that it doesn't matter. I don't buy a phone for voice commands, the same way I don't buy a gaming console for voice commands.

Has anyone come up with a use for voice commands on either that is intuitive, more powerful, and easier than just using a controller? I'm genuinely curious.

I'm not looking forward to voice as much as the total interaction with kinect. Before I didn't care. Leaning in your chair and having the character lean in game for example, seems cool IF it works. Also recognizing who is using the system to login, etc. These seem beneficial.
TitanFall probably not (it's going to be hamstrung by the Xbone's small userbase), but inFamous? Kiii, no, inFamous is never going to be anything other than mid-tier, sales-wise
and quality-wise

The fact that something is a truism doesn't make it false. Quite the opposite, in fact!

So sales is what determines if a game is next gen now? You cant be serious. Also good to hear you know what kind of install base the Xbone will have in the latter half of March, you should let Microsoft know they might like to see that information.
Gemüsepizza;90588107 said:
Now that I have read a few reviews I must say most of them are pretty shameful. It seems that things like hardware power and price do not matter to those "journalists", when making a "hardware review". Well I hope they are not too surprised about the decision of consumers when they show more interest towards the PS4 and I hope they spare us some new stupid articles about how we don't reward "innovation" or that we can't appreciate such a "bold vision".

The Xbox One has a Bold vision and innovation, maybe too bold and innovative at heavy cost. PS4 games can look better but if they feel last gen then what's the point?

On topic nice reviews. Seeks like it had some quirks and some weird decisions made. Hopefully Microsoft pull an Windows 8.1 and improve them instead of ignoring them.


Waaaaaait, so Kinect 2.0 didn't magically reinvent the voice-recognition wheel and will prove just as useless as it's predecessor?

Well i'd never!


Neo Member
Think about people looking at the consoles today, right now, ignorant of the lead up.

The PS4 is potentially a more capable gaming console, and multiplatform games are running at a higher resolution. It's $100 cheaper and doesn't take pictures of you in the nude. TL;DR Yo dog, its a game console.

The Xbone is a gaming console, but also integrates with your cable box and has 'futuristic' voice controls / visual recognition. The exclusive games are also reviewing better. May take pictures of you in the nude and send them to Bill Gates/NSA.

The thing that could help the Xbone it's more that just a new PS3/360. It has the potential to live up to sci fi perceptions of a future living room. I personally think its a novelty, but I also think it's one that could sell.
Waaaaaait, so Kinect 2.0 didn't magically reinvent the voice-recognition wheel and will prove just as useless as it's predecessor?

Well i'd never!

I am actually really surprised by this especially since they cloud was supposedly handling the Voice Recognition. I thought for sure this would be solid.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
So sales is what determines if a game is next gen now? You cant be serious. Also good to hear you know what kind of install base the Xbone will have in the latter half of March, you should let Microsoft know they might like to see that information.

You said 'huge', not really sure how I'm supposed to interpret that as 'good quality'. If I say that Transformers 3 had a 'huge opening weekend' I don't really mean 'got really good reviews'.

And even if Xbone kept up with PS4 in sales (again: it won't), it would still only have a ~5 million install base by March. I would imagine it would be pretty lucky to have half that number.
Predictably, many of the reviews I've read over for Xbox One have been quite the parade of overselling non-gaming functions, downplaying/ignoring shortcomings and flaws and flat out misinformation in a handful of cases... except unlike last week when the PS4 was being reviewed, some of the misinformation seems to make the Xbox One sound better, rather than worse.

I won't read the Polygon review, but even the quote from them in the OP sounds like something lifted straight from a PR press release from Microsoft. "Like it's from the future"? Presumably the same future where it is still being beta tested. Embarassing.
The Xbox One has a Bold vision and innovation, maybe too bold and innovative at heavy cost. PS4 games can look better but if they feel last gen then what's the point?

On topic nice reviews. Seeks like it had some quirks and some weird decisions made. Hopefully Microsoft pull an Windows 8.1 and improve them instead of ignoring them.
I guess we'll be waiting a little longer for those next gen XBOne games too. Until then, what's the point?


I wonder if including the word "future" was a requirement for being able to write a review. I don't know that I've come across a review yet that hasn't used the word.
I am actually really surprised by this especially since they cloud was supposedly handling the Voice Recognition. I thought for sure this would be solid.

The idea of cloud supported vr is that it's meant to get better over time by refining the machine's understanding of your environment and speech style. The cloud support is in no way an out-of-the-box solution for vr.


When it comes to voice command I think MS has to stop to make it sound like it's capable of anything close to natural speech at this moment.

Because it seems like it works best once you realize that you have to use very particular commands. If you're aware of that and keep using the wrong command, it becomes the equivalent of pressing the wrong button on your remote because you can't figure out what the icons mean.

MS has to do a much better job of teaching as long as their tech isn't advanced enough.

I wonder if including the word "future" was a requirement for being able to write a review. I don't know that I've come across a review yet that hasn't used the word.

Maybe that should tell you something. Oh my, all these car reviews keep using the word "fast", is that a requirement?
I wonder if including the word "future" was a requirement for being able to write a review. I don't know that I've come across a review yet that hasn't used the word.

Gizmodo went as far as call it Too Future. Which is funny but I guess the UI does feels futuristic. Maybe they meant to say fresh or complex?
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