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Xbox: The Oral History of an American Video Game Empire


Rage Bait Youtuber

In the original team’s own words, here is the story of how an ungainly, over-budget project spawned a gaming powerhouse.

SEAMUS BLACKLEY (technology officer for Xbox) I visited my girlfriend who had moved back to Boston. On the flight back, I started thinking, Now, PlayStation had just announced PlayStation 2. They had advertised it was going to have Linux on it, and it was going to be a competitor to the PC. I think there was a little bit of mistranslation, or they didn’t understand that it might be a bad idea to taunt Microsoft this way.

KEVIN BACHUS (director of third-party relations) Sony coming out and saying, “PlayStation 2 is going to redefine the computer world,” that got attention inside of Microsoft.

BACHUS The original idea for Xbox, which we called the Windows Entertainment Platform at the time, or the code name was Midway, was really one of a PC appliance.

BLACKLEY There were some guys who worked on Xbox early on who called it Coffin Box because they worried that it would fail and end their career at Microsoft.
THOMPSON By June, it might’ve been July, there’s a big meeting, a dozen VPs, 50 people in the room. And the DirectX guys are saying, “We want to go off and start working on this thing.” One of them was this guy, Nat Brown. Brown was not in the room. He’s on a squawk box, and the last thing he says on this several-hour phone call after they pretty much get the go-ahead is, “We want Rick Thompson to lead it.” I turned bright red and said, “I'm not big enough for this job.” The next day, Ballmer showed up in my office with a baseball bat in his hand, literally, and told me that this is what I was going to do.

BALLMER I don’t remember that, but it’s possible. I’m sure I was playing with the baseball bat. People used to think I meant it as a threat, but some Microsoft customer had given it to me, and I’m a hyperactive dude, so it was something I was always sort of nicking around with. In defense of my reputation, I have ADHD, but I am not mean.
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Rage Bait Youtuber
MS tried to buy Nintendo and Square:

BOB MCBREEN (head of business development) The first company we reached out to buy was EA. They said, “No, thanks,” and then Nintendo.

BACHUS Steve made us go meet with Nintendo to see if they would consider being acquired. They just laughed their asses off. Like, imagine an hour of somebody just laughing at you. That was kind of how that meeting went.

MCBREEN We actually had Nintendo in our building in January 2000 to work through the details of a joint venture where we gave them all the technical specs of the Xbox. The pitch was their hardware stunk, and compared to Sony PlayStation, it did. So the idea was, “Listen, you’re much better at the game portions of it with Mario and all that stuff. Why don’t you let us take care of the hardware?” But it didn’t work out.

BALLMER I remember loving their content.

HOWARD LINCOLN (chairman of Nintendo of America) Nintendo does not talk about confidential discussions with other companies. In any event, nothing came of these discussions.

MCBREEN We had a letter of intent to buy Square. In early November 1999, we went to Japan. We had one of those big dinners with their CEO and Steve Ballmer. The next day, we’re sitting in their boardroom, and they said, “Our banker would like to make a statement.” And basically, the banker said, “Square cannot go through with this deal because the price is too low.” We packed up, we went home, and that was the end of Square.
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awesome fun read.
MS plunked down hard to keep the Xbox brand going. If it was a google project, Xbox would have died out by the 3rd year.

At least we have a great alternative now.
Bill reaction back then and now Phil convincing Satya for the warchest, we have come full circle. 🤷‍♀️
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So glad the Xbox brand is around. I can't imagine a world were Sony was the ONLY next-gen box. That would suck. Everyone wins from having competition. I remember those early days of Xbox, so exciting. Playing Halo was like an epiphany for the industry. Having 10 people over and 3 Xbox's playing a LAN Halo party was some of the most fond memories I have from my teenage years.
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Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
Interesting read. Seems like we need to thank Sony for pushing Microsoft into the console space and the living room by claiming the PS2 would be a Linux computer. It seems like without that there wouldn't be an Xbox.
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Wow Microsoft hardware and Nintendo software would've been something alright
I have misgivings about Microsoft and Nintendo hardware both. But yeah, could've been pretty interesting although Nintendo thinks to keep their games amazing they've gotta almost solely design hardware around game play. Microsoft is the opposite I feel to a large extent. Would Nintendo IP stand on its own outside of their typical business sensibilities and ecosystem? I dunno.


I have misgivings about Microsoft and Nintendo hardware both. But yeah, could've been pretty interesting although Nintendo thinks to keep their games amazing they've gotta almost solely design hardware around game play. Microsoft is the opposite I feel to a large extent. Would Nintendo IP stand on its own outside of their typical business sensibilities and ecosystem? I dunno.

Idk, Nintendo games run pretty well on my PC

Idk, Nintendo games run pretty well on my PC

What's funny and sad is that the PC is the best place to play pretty much ALL Nintendo games. You can use native controllers if you want with an adapter, and the upper limit of the graphics can be pushed quite far. BOTW on PC is 785% better on PC at Ultrawide resolution with the 60fps hack and AA choices on top of the fun mods that can change gameplay/characters.
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It looks like we're back to paid for puff pieces from Bloomberg as part of the xbox strategy. I wonder if this was always the plan or Series S not being the surefire hit they thought itd be has them a little spooked? Anybody else find it interesting how bloomberg has nothing but hit pieces on sony as of late? Cant be coincidence


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
It looks like we're back to paid for puff pieces from Bloomberg as part of the xbox strategy. I wonder if this was always the plan or Series S not being the surefire hit they thought itd be has them a little spooked? Anybody else find it interesting how bloomberg has nothing but hit pieces on sony as of late? Cant be coincidence
Is everything a fucking conspiracy with Sony fans like yourself? Can't we have a nice thread on the history of Xbox without people like you derailing it???

Anyway On Topic: Twenty years ago today I sat in the audience at Bill Gates keynote at CES and witnessed the reveal of the OG Xbox. It was awesome and this thread brings back fond memories for me.

It looks like we're back to paid for puff pieces from Bloomberg as part of the xbox strategy. I wonder if this was always the plan or Series S not being the surefire hit they thought itd be has them a little spooked? Anybody else find it interesting how bloomberg has nothing but hit pieces on sony as of late? Cant be coincidence
This is what I pictured as I read your post...
Is everything a fucking conspiracy with Sony fans like yourself? Can't we have a nice thread on the history of Xbox without people like you derailing it???

Anyway On Topic: Twenty years ago today I sat in the audience at Bill Gates keynote at CES and witnessed the reveal of the OG Xbox. It was awesome and this thread brings back fond memories for me.

Did you get to talk to The Rock?
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