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Xenoblade Chronicles X: new info from Famitsu (map size, battle system, characters)


I'm sure you can

Mechaaaaa... I need more mecha in my life.

Oh, so looking at the scans, there's confirmation that Nagi is the general type guy from the E3 trailer, while Guin is the blonde-guy. I imagine those two will be the ones updated today on the official website, too.

New LA is divided into four areas:Industrial Area, Housing Area, Blade Area, and Commercial Area.

Takahashi recommends the digital version for those bothered by disk loading, but says they are working on improving the loading times on the disk version with Nintendo proper.

They asked if there would be any Japanese emigration ship appearing, but were told that canonically there was one that left earth from Japan, but it doesn't appear in the story.


So I admittedly never played the first Xenoblade so I have no idea if crafting was a thing (guessing no)

But is there any possibility that the Arms faction is also responsible for obtaining loot used for a Mech crafting/customization/upgrading feature?

Sounds like a possibility at least.

Crafting was indeed a thing in Xenoblade. There was gem-crafting which you could use to fuse gems together that enhance your stats greatly. There was also a heavy loot component but that did not tie into crafting in that game.

I would be happy with almost any coop online functionality. Sadly, this is Nintendo we're talking about. Low expectations are the rule when it comes to things like this.

No, this is MonolithSoft. The "it's Nintendo" thing doesn't work that way. If they had wanted to do co-op, they would have.

This worries me. I liked Xenoblade because it had a linear story and i didn't need to dabble in the sidequests too much. Hopefully Xenoblade X still focuses alot on the grand story. Sidequests and side mission type things are ultimately really boring and kill the flow of narrative which is why WRPGs are generally terrible IMO

How often do we have to go over this. Takahashi said the script is already bigger than Xenoblade's at one point. Why anyone would worry about story not being a big element of this game is crazy to me.

So will the online still have team questing? Or will it only be "passive" souls/zombiU style stuff?

Read OP. It's all there.


Gematsu got some additional info, including some details about the Unions:

More at the link (roughly the same as what's in the OP, but with some additional tidbits).
Damn! I'm so late with all this info, please Nintendo dont make me more hyped than I'm for this game, it's too much :D
Thanks L~A :)
Crafting was indeed a thing in Xenoblade. There was gem-crafting which you could use to fuse gems together that enhance your stats greatly. There was also a heavy loot component but that did not tie into crafting in that game.

No, this is MonolithSoft. The "it's Nintendo" thing doesn't work that way. If they had wanted to do co-op, they would have.

How often do we have to go over this. Takahashi said the script is already bigger than Xenoblade's at one point. Why anyone would worry about story not being a big element of this game is crazy to me.

Read OP. It's all there.
I mean the crystals used for gem crafting were sometimes loot as well


Oh, so looking at the scans, there's confirmation that Nagi is the general type guy from the E3 trailer, while Guin is the blonde-guy. I imagine those two will be the ones updated today on the official website, too.

New LA is divided into four areas:Industrial Area, Housing Area, Blade Area, and Commercial Area.

Oh nice! Thanks for the translations man, and not just this time but all the other times as well. It's always very much appreciated :)


Crafting was indeed a thing in Xenoblade. There was gem-crafting which you could use to fuse gems together that enhance your stats greatly. There was also a heavy loot component but that did not tie into crafting in that game.



Here are the Union emblems if anyone want to add to their avatar.

Path Finder - In charge of data probe installation.

Arms - Assists the Arms Company in charge of the development of Dolls and their inner weaponry.

Colepedian - In charge of visiting areas and investigation/collecting materials.

Avalanche - In charge of hunting down dangerous life forms.

Inter Ceptor - In charge of exterminating protists.

Land Bank - In charge of securing resources and collecting minerals.

Testament - In charge of the search and recovery of debris scattered by the ship, as well as the recovery of items lost on the battlefield.

Companion - A Jack of all trades, from the mediation of petty fights to the search of stray cats.


this is a "walkthrough"(more a "flythrough") through the huge world(s) of xenoblade chronicles.
Note that that the video length is 14(!) minutes
[obviously many (minor) spoilers]

here's another vid of a guy running through the worlds in fast forward. The video takes 14minutes too.

Now imagine this x 5
What a wonderful game, waiting on the 3DS version for a replay :D


I'm amazed they pulled off completely seemless, I wonder how they managed to get the WiiU to handle that sort of render and what the render/draw distance will be. The gif's don't seem to have overly short draw distances.


You were gonna correct Triblade huh? lol

God damnit.

Why am I so transparent.


I'm amazed they pulled off completely seemless, I wonder how they managed to get the WiiU to handle that sort of render and what the render/draw distance will be. The gif's don't seem to have overly short draw distances.

You do see some detail pop-in in a few gifs. Like that epic cliff-jump from the exploration trailer.


How often do we have to go over this. Takahashi said the script is already bigger than Xenoblade's at one point. Why anyone would worry about story not being a big element of this game is crazy to me.

A big script =/= story driven. Most MMOs have giant scripts, even though their stories are (usually) little more than decoration. I want something character-driven, but I don't think we're getting that here.


I'm sure I'm going to get flogged in here but 300 hours is too much. Unless he just dicked around for 100-200 hours, this game will take me a year to complete...if I play nothing else.
Keep in mind that there are 8 factions worth of quests. Sticking with one for the entire game would drop the time significantly.


I'm amazed they pulled off completely seemless, I wonder how they managed to get the WiiU to handle that sort of render and what the render/draw distance will be. The gif's don't seem to have overly short draw distances.

Are you summoning ninjablade? lol
A big script =/= story driven. Most MMOs have giant scripts, even though their stories are (usually) little more than decoration. I want something character-driven, but I don't think we're getting that here.

I could be misremembering, but I thought Takahashi also mentioned at one point that X would have a heavier or more complex story than Xenoblade's.


Are you summoning ninjablade? lol

Nope. I am quite curious. I like learning about how these things work. :D

For example, in GW2 they do long draw distances by having a "picture" in the distance that transitions in, usually, seamlessly as you approach it. But that's an MMO and its instanced.


Junior Member
You didn't really need a dedicated healer in Xenoblade. Actually it was great that in the post-game, with end-game armor and skills, you can set it up so attacking can heal you. And this worked just fine even for the superbosses. Those were pretty fun to fight.
I DO hope that there is a clear distinction in strength between a human and a mech (doll).
Not like in Final Fantasy XII that the characters can be so OP that the summons are pretty much useless (at the end of the game).


Oh, so looking at the scans, there's confirmation that Nagi is the general type guy from the E3 trailer, while Guin is the blonde-guy. I imagine those two will be the ones updated today on the official website, too.

New LA is divided into four areas:Industrial Area, Housing Area, Blade Area, and Commercial Area.

Takahashi recommends the digital version for those bothered by disk loading, but says they are working on improving the loading times on the disk version with Nintendo proper.

They asked if there would be any Japanese emigration ship appearing, but were told that canonically there was one that left earth from Japan, but it doesn't appear in the story.
Nice nice. Even at the risk of slightly longer load times, I think I want a physical copy of this.


I really want this game, like yesterday. I NEED a good RPG to play on consoles, any console. This game sounds absolutely insane. Woo!


One of the scans has a some shots from the character creator. I really like the male MC with the beard. I just like bearded dudes in general though.


I'm guessing the 8 unions won't be mutually exclusive, but rather work in a manner somewhat like different towns in Xenoblade with their own affinities and such. It'll probably also tie into what the treehouse told us about how you need to find survivors with talents besides the military. Those people are probably members of the other groups. So I would think it'd be something like Blade was the first organization to really wake up form suspended animation, but you need to find and build up the others to help humanity advance on Mira
First thing that came to mind was Fantasy Life colonizing a new planet version ;)


One of the scans has a some shots from the character creator. I really like the male MC with the beard. I just like bearded dudes in general though.

Gonna be pretty refreshing to be able to play as a character that at least looks older than 20 lol


This worries me. I liked Xenoblade because it had a linear story and i didn't need to dabble in the sidequests too much. Hopefully Xenoblade X still focuses alot on the grand story. Sidequests and side mission type things are ultimately really boring and kill the flow of narrative which is why WRPGs are generally terrible IMO
Well, its a Takahashi game in the end. As much as he might try to, the main story still will be the focus with a completely epic ending :)
Remember that we actually saw a big alien mech attacking some city? Who says that we wont see Mira being destroyed, and we have to save it from imminent doom since we dont have nowhere to go anymore.
I realize that would be a massive amount of work, but its been 5 years since Xenoblade ^^

Man 300 hours, about 3 times more what I spent on Skyrim... This will be amazing!!!


I really want this game, like yesterday. I NEED a good RPG to play on consoles, any console. This game sounds absolutely insane. Woo!

Have you played The Last Story already? If not, do that. ASAP!


Can we get clarification on this bit?

Interceptor - In charge of exterminating protists.
Avalanche - In charge of hunting down dangerous life forms.

What are "protists?" Is this a typo and means protests which might mean fending off alien attackers (which would fit with the name interceptor)

They have it translated like this:

Interceptor: Responsible for suppressing native life forms. Guards research teams and rescues citizens.
– Avalanche: Interceptor protects while Avalance attacks. Suppresses dangerous creatures.


Did you play Xenoblade? Because Sharla (the dedicated healer), was easily the least useful party member in it

What? She's easily my most useful when going for the minibosses. I rarely play her myself though, as it's one of the only things the CPU can get right.
In terms of gameplay I found Melia to be more fun to heal with (in some situations I use both as Melia isn't a healer proper), but I never felt that sharla was useless, particularly with Heal Round + Chain Heal.

Regardless, the loss of healing usually means fights are less complicated to compensate, which is boring.
What are "protists?" Is this a typo and means protests which might mean fending off alien attackers (which would fit with the name interceptor)
Protist reads like something that's supposed to be interpreted as insectoid. I would assume it refers to a faction of aliens (or perhaps natives).
What? She's easily my most useful when going for the minibosses. I rarely play her myself though, as it's one of the only things the CPU can get right.
In terms of gameplay I found Melia to be more fun to heal with (in some situations I use both as Melia isn't a healer proper), but I never felt that sharla was useless, particularly with Heal Round + Chain Heal.

no, the #1 rule of Xenoblade is that it is more effective to kill things quickly before they can kill you


Are we through XenoCross News Cycle yet?

Time to inject some rationality.

* 400km^2 in PR speak will mean the size of the flat plane of the world map. There will probably be a large percentage of that untraversible or empty (steep mountainsides, ocean, lava pools, poison pools).

* The size is irrelevant and incomparable to other games as both monsters and traversal method have increased in scale. Putting an arbitrary real-world number like that (and saying it's 5 times bigger than Xenoblade) is meaningless if you don't spend the whole game travelling on foot, like you would in Xenoblade. BUT it's still massive.

* 300 hours is the PLAYTEST time. This means checking, double checking and triple checking every aspect of the game and interacting with every possible NPC/enemy/item. This is work. Most of us will play to have fun. So expect average to be around Xenoblade time: 80-100 hours.

* Of course it will be story-based. It's a Takahashi game.

* Yes, Sawano is composing for it. Yes, you hate Sawano. No you have not heard the entire soundtrack. But yes if you don't like the three tracks that are already out, then you probably won't like the music. I think they are pretty awesome. This is not Ace+/Shimomura and it's not the same game so it will sound different. Sorry that it's not your ideal.

* Yes, the faces are not what you're used to. No, they will not change or be 'fixed'. Sorry that it's not your ideal.

LOL I never thought I'd see this movie gif'd!


Protist - http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/protist
I would imagine this would refer to the space alien species that was hunting us down. So the role of the Inter Ceptor would be to hunt down those guys, like the legendary "hero".
Oh, so looking at the scans, there's confirmation that Nagi is the general type guy from the E3 trailer, while Guin is the blonde-guy. I imagine those two will be the ones updated today on the official website, too.

New LA is divided into four areas:Industrial Area, Housing Area, Blade Area, and Commercial Area.

Takahashi recommends the digital version for those bothered by disk loading, but says they are working on improving the loading times on the disk version with Nintendo proper.

They asked if there would be any Japanese emigration ship appearing, but were told that canonically there was one that left earth from Japan, but it doesn't appear in the story.
Interesting, I was planning to get it digitally.

Hopefully it has great replay value.
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