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Your worst night of drinking experience


One of my first times drinking me and a girl each drank 1.5 L of grey goose in about 2 hours. Needless to say we both ended up in the hospital getting our stomachs pumped. I had a BAC of .34 and she was at .37.


Been there. It's such a good idea until it isn't.

Worst drank I've ever been, and that's saying a lot, was on gin. Never had it before and downed like a whole bottle with some sprite when I was in college hanging out with some friends. Woke up in the hospital so out of it I was trying to rip out the iv they were pumping fluids into me with about 3 times. The cop was so dumbfounded at my state that he refused to belive I was just drunk and talked me into getting a blood test which hours after the fact was still north of .3 and was honestly didn't believe the results of the test because he was hoping to nail me for pcp or something. Asshole. Never trust the police, friends....

Anyway though that was basically it for me. After that I basically stopped drinking other than the occasional beer with my brother at a restaurant or something, or beers with friends over smash brothers or whatever. Hard liquor is a no go, I just can't handle it.
I once decided to drink up my dads entire liquor collection while he was out of town and ended up laying down on the floor the entire night puking all over myself thinking I was going to die.

I survived though.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I attended a birthday party and the dudes who's birthday it was wasn't even there. Only his older brothers friends. White like in their thirties and 40s. I just drank til I walked home and oiled. Bad times.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
I usually pace myself better when I'm with friends, but one night they were all out of town and I had a large bottle of bourbon, so I thought I'd experiment. While I was cooking dinner, I just kept pouring a shot glass of bourbon and downing it. I think I got to five at a steady pace before I couldn't really taste it anymore and started speeding up, though at a guess I'd say I only got to 8 by the end, all within a half an hour of cooking. Feeling mightily tipsy, I sat down to eat the steak and fries that I had just prepared, ate maybe a quarter of it, then calmly stood up and went to the bathroom where I vomited it all out. I was apparently still lucid enough to gather up the leftovers and put them in a container in the refrigerator and put all the dishes in the sink, but right after that all I could really do was go to my bedroom and fall asleep for five hours. Felt pretty bad the whole next day.

Edit: As far as with other people, when I was still in law school there was a class party with an open bar. I kept ordering some whiskey sours as they were the only thing I really liked. I don't recall how many I'd had, but I hadn't really eaten much, so I ended up throwing up in the bathroom. Didn't make much of a mess as I'd made it to the toilet. Some friends basically walked me out to a taxi that took me back to my apartment. I think I overpaid the driver, but I couldn't really be bothered to count money at that point. Just dragged myself inside and fell asleep until the next morning.
long story short:
suddenly became "sober" after being black out, surrounded by cops and an ambulance on the west side highway in nyc. apparently i was trying to hail a cab from there and people were calling me in to 911 reporting a potential suicide. reblack out. woke up in the morning with a pile of vomit next to my bed and the realization that i had lost my backpack that contained my wii and about 15 games, my computer harddrive, my wacom tablet, and a bunch of other valueable electronics.

i came away with my life though, so i learned my lesson.


I was around 14 or 15 or so, and one of my first times drinking, I downed a shit ton of vodka, because I'm an idiot, so why wouldn't I? Anyway, our drunk asses ended up in our local park, and next thing we know, a police cruiser is rolling up on us. The cops saw we weren't really causing any trouble, and knew a few of us from the neighborhood, fortunately and let off with just summonses to appear in court for being in the park after 9 PM. The process of giving the officer my information included - screaming my social security number at the top of my lungs, tripping and falling on my way over to his cruiser to give him my ID, closing the car door on his leg on my way back to my seat on the park bench, crying (literally) because I thought I was going to end up in jail and not be able to study for a test I had on Monday.

Naturally, my parents caught me being drunk off my ass, which was probably the worst part. They looked at me with disgust for weeks after that. I put the kibosh on the whole underage drinking thing for years after that...also, the icing on the cake was that my friends went to court without me (real nice), but luckily the judge included me in giving us just a warning.


This happened a few months ago.

In the spring semester, it was a couple weeks before finals so my friends wanted to have one big last hoorah before we had to get studying. We decided we would go get some pho at a local Vietnamese place for dinner and later that night go to a party that our school band was hosting.

It was my first time eating pho so I asked my friend for a recommendation. He told me to order the deluxe bowl that had lots of different meats in it. This was my first bad decision. After a filling dinner, we headed back to campus to pre game the band party. I thought I might have a couple beers, nothing too crazy, but my friend took out a half empty bottle of tequila. Everyone had a shot and the bottle was down to about a quarter full. My friend wanted to finish the bottle though so he handed it to me for another shot. Someone said that I couldn't finish the bottle myself, to which I agreed lol. Then everyone started chanting my name and in my slightly inebriated state I downed the rest of the bottle and we left to catch our Uber to the band house. That was my second bad decision.

At the band house they had jungle juice that seemed pretty weak, so I was able to go through a couple of cups pretty quickly. I was still ok at this point. My friend's very recent ex showed up to the party though, and he started to break down in his drunken state. I tried to keep him cool, and it was starting to work. He asked me to get him another cup of the jungle juice to which I stupidly agreed. I went to the makeshift bar where I happened to run into another friend that I didn't come with. We started shit-talking our terrible professor and then he bought me a shot. I downed it and then filled two cups of jungle juice, one for my friend, one for myself. After drinking this cup I have next to no memory of what happened.

I woke up, in my bed, on my side with a backpack full of textbooks on my back and a trashcan next to my bed. It took me a groggy second to figure out what happened, but I started to put the pieces together. I got dressed and washed up with a killer hangover and met up with some of the friends from the night before. Apparently I tried to comfort my friend who was crying about his ex the entire night, but when we got in our uber back to campus, I threw up disgusting pho everywhere in it and I had to have a couple guys escort me to my dorm. The guy who called the Uber said they would probably charge him for the cleanup, so he would tell me when he got billed. I told my friends that morning that they were great guys for putting up with me like that, and they said I already told them that last night while I was blackout drunk. In the end, I never got charged for the uber cleanup fee so that was a plus.

TLDR: Ate giant bowl of pho and proceeded to drink way too much and ended up throwing up in an uber. No cleanup fee was charged so ended up ok.
I dont have super wild stories like some of you guys do, but I do remember one night back when I still lived with my parents.

I had just graduated college a month prior, my internship had promised me a position at the company once I graduated, but they screwed me over the day after my graduation so I was unemployed, and my girlfriend had also left me around the same time. I was in a depressed state of mind.

Anyway, it was the summer of 08, COD4 was the game everyone was playing at the time, so my buddy and I were playing multiplayer one night, and I told him "hey, whenever we win a match, I'll drink a shot of jager!" Ten wins and close to two hours later, I was starting to do really shitty in the game and decided to stop playing. I lied down in my bed with my headset still on and told my buddy to stay with me while I rested. Eventually I passed out and apparently he said he stayed on the chat for about 25min and heard me snoring. I had some really strange dreams about playing cod, but instead of calling UAV's and airstrikes, I was sending out resume's and looking at google for jobs inside the buildings in the game.

The following two days I had constant nausea, monster headache, no appetite, and generally felt like death. However, miraculously, I never vomited, though I came close.

It took me awhile to even try to drink jager again after that.


Freshman year of college - 19 years old.

I went with a friend to a frat party (we weren't thinking of rushing, but for $5, we got to drink as much as we wanted, so we just pretended to be thinking about it), and he had a much weaker tolerance to alcohol than I did at the time, so he talked me into drinking two beers for every one he had, so that we could "stay on the same level." Very fucking dumb.

I proceeded to get ridiculously drunk. 14 beers, a funnel of straight vodka, rum shots, and some other shit I barely remember. Way, way more than I should've had.

Over the course of the night, my friend and I were talking to these two girls, and they invited us back to their dorm room. When we got there, the girl that I'd been talking to got a call from a friend, and said she had to go. So I told my friend that I was gonna head home and pass out when he took me aside and tried to talk me into a threesome with him and this other girl. I told him I wasn't into that, but to have fun. He then asked me to just come up with them, because he wasn't really interested in her, and just wanted to hang out a bit as a group. I said sure.

At this point, I blacked out. I have no idea what happened between saying "Sure" and waking up in a pitch-black dorm room with my pants around my ankles. I couldn't see anything, but I could hear my friend and that girl hooking up. Now, keep in mind, in that mental state, I wasn't really able to form complete sentences, and could really only repeat things I was hearing. I heard my friend say "put it in your mouth," and then I said, "Shmmyeah, putty inyermowt." Then he told me to shut up, and I did.

But then I started to feel my stomach turning a bit. Now, I'd never vomited from alcohol, so I brushed it off. And no later than that thought leaving my head did I start projectile vomiting. All over the dorm room - the desks, the other bed in the room, and what I later found out were their books and laptops. Not knowing what to do, I did the only thing that came to mind - I pulled up my pants and ran the fuck out of there. Miraculously, I didn't puke on my clothes at all, so I ran home, got under the covers, and woke up to one of the worst hangovers I've ever had.

The story doesn't end there, though. See, they didn't know I threw up at the time. According to my friend, I didn't make any noise when I vomited, so it just sounded like I'd spilled water on the ground/desk, and they continued with what they were doing - specifically, he was going down on her. But when the odor of what had happened reached his nose, he had a really bad reaction - he vomited, also. Only, since he was going down on her, he actually vomited a bit inside her.

Needless to say, they turned the lights on and saw the whole crazy scene. To this girl's credit, she played it super cool. She was rubbing my friend's back saying, "It's okay. We can clean it up in the morning..."

"The morning?" my friend replied.

She realized then that my friend was planning to bail, and she took his keys, putting them on her nightstand. So my friend went along with it for five minutes, then, when she wasn't looking, grabbed the keys and ran home, leaving her with this insane mess.

I never saw that girl again, but I'm told she wasn't pleased. And, I mean, duh. We were such assholes about not sticking around to clean that up. We deserved a whole lot worse than someone thinking we were dicks.

Anywho, that's probably the worst night that comes to mind for me.


honestly the ones I can remember are nowhere near as bad as the ones I can't. Nothing is worse than waking up the next day and trying to piece together what the hell happened the night before.
Oh my, it's hard to even pinpoint one, there were so many =/ I'll have to think about this but I'll tell one off the top of my head.

I was drinking with my buddies on a Sunday (we used to call them "Drunk Sundays") and after drinking from about 9am to 3pm, we decide to go to a movie. First we went to a park for more drinking and smoking weed. After a few more hours of that, we then go to the movie. I decide to buy another bottle of whiskey (over the course of the day already had nearly 20 oz of whiskey). We watch the movie and I polish off a "Mickey" (13 oz bottle) in the theatre and am just completely wasted.

I managed to keep msyelf OK for the time being, went back to their place after, and then continued to party til about 2am. Drank around 33 oz of whiskey that day.

Then 7am rolls around. Time to go to work.

I get up and I'm just completely sick, puked 2x in the bathroom while I was getting ready. Somehow drive to work and then open the door and puke again while I'm in the drivers seat in the parking lot. I worked at an RV dealership at the time and my colleagues were arriving as I was, so they could obviously see/hear me. Puked all over the parking lot, just looked terrible, but I had to move on.

Trying to regain my composure, I straighten my clothes, wipe off my face and then proceed to walk into the dealership. This dealership has a lot of storefront windows so anyone can completely see who is walking up to the door. When the morning starts, not many people are busy working, they are kind of standing around talking for the first 15 minutes or so. That meant there was a nice little crowd to watch me.

As I'm walking up to the front door, it hits me again really bad, and I start puking everywhere on the sidewalk up to the front door, my colleagues watching me the whole time. Brutal.

I finally get inside. Everyone is looking at me with either disgust, or laughing hysterically.

I'm so messed up still I can hardly talk to customers. I feel it coming on again. I have to leave a customer and go to the bathroom to lose it again. Of course then, my other end gives out and I had violent diarrhea. Luckily it didn't get on my clothes, very fortunate.

In the afternoon, there was a big RV showing that I was in charge of and I had no idea how I was going to do this.

I asked one of my buddies working there, "I'm going to go sleep in an RV bed for 1 hour and I'll be back. Can you hold the fort while I'm gone?" Thankfully, he was a good bro and did me a solid with no complaints (I bought him lunch the following week for this lol).

I took with me a bottle of water, more advil and then proceeded to sleep in an RV bed for an hour. When I came back, I was almost renewed, but still felt like garbage.

The customers arrived and I was ready just in time. I managed to get through the RV walkthrough quite well and salvaged the day.

"Drunk Sundays" were tamed down quite a bit after that horrific episode. Of course, every single person in the dealership new that happened and I never heard the end of it.


Might need to stop sniffing glue
Throwing up in peoples' cars is never fun

Lol, I had an X GF do this in my car while at a bar. She wasn't there with me, we didn't drive in together, we just wound up there and she was hanging out with our common friends. We went to my car to discuss something and she tossed her cookies. I can't deal with that kind of thing. One of my buddies who rode in with me cleaned it up. After all, it was in the passenger seat floor he was going to use on the ride home was his logic.


Wine Festival with a group of friends. After a few hours everything went south for everyone, including one friend walking to a mall down the road to sleep in one of the dept. store bed displays and another crying about how much she missed her dogs.

For me, the day ended in a blackout, not remembering how I got back to my apartment, then realizing I didn't have my keys and having to pay a locksmith to get me in.

Two days later, I found out another friend we were with had my keys, but had also left the festival early by walking down the streets drunkenly arguing with her boyfriend. She found them in her purse at work :p


I can't honestly call it my "worst" from an enjoyment perspective since I had a great time from what I remember, but it was certainly the most eventful.

Went to a party that had an open bar from 4pm onwards, drank a lot of booze with no food or water. I don't recall anything that happened between 9:30pm and waking up in hospital around midnight.

Apparently I had collapsed after dancing a lot and hit my head on the ground, so someone had called an ambulance. Two friends had come with me and they filled me in on the details: I had been sick all over myself and taken away in a stretcher. I was allegedly a fun drunk, apologising profusely to the hospital staff for inconveniencing them but hurling joke insults at my friend like "posh twat" and "briefcase wanker" (I love The Inbetweeners lol). But no actual damage, either emotional or physical, had been dealt. And a sad drunk lady had been cheered up by laughing at my antics.

I vomited some more, put my sicky clothes back on and skipped off to join my friends in a taxi to one of their places. Was sick a little bit more the next morning, formed a strong bond with said friends and went home later feeling pretty good.

Obviously it was a very bad night for my health and not one I ever want to repeat, but I had fun and there were some silver linings! Can't recall any nights that were thoroughly unenjoyable from drinking.


Girlfriend's childhood friend's wedding. I had not met her many times.

I got a complete blackout but there's a video of me being on the main scene singing and almost stripping before my girlfriend tore me off the stage. I have never been as embarrassed, and I don't think my girlfriend has either.

I didn't make a good impression lol.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
Generally don't drink anymore. Incidents like this is why:

Was in Vegas by myself for business doing some database consultation. Bored in the hotel room and with a rental car, I decided to go check out Tryst at the Wynn. Had a few drinks, they were pouring them stiff there, milling about with no wingman and little idea how to entertain myself.

Ended up invited to a table with some older casino execs drinking a caraffe of expensive vodka. I was pretty lit already, and if I had any judgment left I'd have declined knowing how slurred and tipsy I was. These guys pour GIANT glasses of straight vodka and down them, so I do the same.

My vision starts to blur so I excuse myself to stand up and maybe get some water. Make my way over to the bar and lean against it, and suddenly blackness.

I wake up in a hospital bed in my clothes with no one around. I have a IV in my arm and I'm in a big room with ER beds and not a soul around. I pull the IV out of my arm, gather my stuff from a table next to the bed and, still totally disoriented, and get up and walk past the front desk and out the door with no one to greet except for the cruel, cruel sunlight. I spot the Wynn tower on the horizon (where the rental car is still parked) and begin a long walk through various Vegas twisty residential streets. Eventually I find some more major roads, and a Station casino, where I catch a cab.

Two years later I moved and submitted a change of address form and here came the $600 bill from the hospital. Don't go clubbing in Vegas without a wingman.
Not a particularly dramatic experience but I (don't) remember the time I got black out drunk and lost time. We were in college on the roof of a building and already hopelessly drunk when we decided to challenge ourselves to finish another full bottle of vodka. I don't remember what happened after that or how I eventually got back to my room. The losing time part was the really scary thing in this whole incident. I'm told a friend who also took part in this stupidity puked 12 times while he was asleep. What a disaster of a night.


And one time where I blacked out in a bar with my colleagues - I bet my boss a bunch of money that I was better than him at every sport imaginable and made an ass of myself. On my way home that night I fell asleep on the train, got woken up and kicked out by the conductor because I hadn't bought a ticket. Which was lucky because I had missed my station by 90 minutes. In the middle of nowhere, girlfriend had to pick me up at around 5AM. Was not happy.
Well, not counting all the times I got really, really sick...

My worst drunk experience was at a party from a local hockey club. I drank SO much Bacardi breezer it came out COLD when I puked it out....on the dancefloor.

Also all the times I embarrassed my wife. Falling of my bike, having blood everywhere (scratch, nothing serious) and yelling I had to go to the ER. She stayed calm, tended to my wounds and yelled at me in the morning :p I deserved that.
Uh, prolly when I woke up with kidney pain and my piss looked like coca cola. I don't remember anything from the night before. I ended up in the hospital a couple weeks after that.


Also all the times I embarrassed my wife. Falling of my bike, having blood everywhere (scratch, nothing serious) and yelling I had to go to the ER. She stayed calm, tended to my wounds and yelled at me in the morning :p I deserved that.

I was at a party once and me and some guy I didn't know were outside smoking, and noticed an old antique looking bicycle chilling in the carport next to the front door.

We grab it and I start to ride it around the driveway and he's like "my turn".. grabs it, and starts off around the block.

He never returned; I kind of shrugged it off as I didn't know him and thought maybe he had gone to a store or something and went back in the party. The next week my friend who I was visitng told me the dude got a DUI, for taking the bike around the block.

Felt bad man.


One of my first undergrad parties.... everclear shots followed by keg stands... that's pretty much all I remember
National Tequila Day 2013 punched me in the face harder than any other night drinking.

After many shots at our local bar with a buddy, I end up at my ex's doorstep and proceed to throw up for a while, made it to the toilet at least. Passed out in her bed and apparently woke up in the middle of the night and peed in the corner of her bedroom. I didn't know this happened until she told me months later. Made it to work on time the next morning, but just closed my door and slept for most of the morning until lunch. Got a greasy burger from Five Guys and finally started feeling a little better.

Ended up marrying that ex so happy ending after all.


I was at a get together and drank way, way too much. I blacked out - I think the only time that's happened. The hang over the next day was unbearable - worse than when I had the flu.
About 5 years ago I decided I was going to show my ass off to my friend while we were celebrating New Years Eve.

We started drinking and I decided I was just going to drink Jack Daniels straight from the fucking bottle instead of just nursing glasses of jack and cokes like I usually did. I don't remember a lot about what happened but I do remember me and him drunkenly laughing in the new year and dancing about his living room and generally being jackasses.

Next thing I knew I woke up on his floor with a bit of vomit around me I only had my boxers on and had an absolutely splitting headache. I dragged myself home and had the absolutely worst hangover of my life. I laid up on my couch all fucking day and felt absolutely awful.

I haven't had a drink since.


Woke up in my hotel in Vegas with an empty box of condoms on the night table, a receipt for a thousand dollar cash advance from a casino teller, and none of that cash anywhere to be found. Last thing I remember was drinking and dancing in some night club. I was hella hungover and dry heaving for a few hours, but the missing money hurt more than any of that.


the worst part is always when you're stuck in the infinite nauseating spin like you just got hit by tusk act 4

i wish i just straight up passed out instead of ever experiencing that, makes you wanna die
In Chicago when I lived there it was a nightclub open bar. Early night and I went to the bar with my wife and I ordered drinks right near a bunch of women. Have maybe 3 sips of my vodka pineapple and collapse. There is 4 hours of my life I do not remember aside from flashes or me vomiting around the loop and throwing my debit card at the taxi driver. The concierge to my apartment brought me down because apparently I was leaning (without touching the door mind you) at a 45 degree angle towards the door. So yeah I got roofied lol I know this because my wife had a sip of my drink and she lost her head too and we got separated in those 4 hours and I managed to make it back on my own somehow lol. Oh and I got thrown out the club because I collapsed haha


I got drunk on moonshine at a music festival once. Had about 3 - 5 mason jars of it over the night of music. Got one, downed it during an act, got another on the way to the next act.

I was already sitting to see a band and I passed out near the back of one of the tents and woke up there at about 6am. I never threw up, but damn that was a nasty hangover. My hat was the only thing missing on me, still had my wallet and everything else. I feel lucky there. I've been blackout drunk only a couple of times, but that is the one that sticks out.

Fucking moonshine man.
I've never drank so much it has caused me to throw up. I'm pretty good at knowing my limits and I'm just fine riding a really nice buzz through the night.

Though one night, I didn't drink that much at all. A few friends and I took the bus over to a college party outside the city. The last bus to get us back home left at midnight. So I just had a shot and two beers.

We were cutting it close to midnight, so we left. We are waiting at the bus stop and see our bus approaching....it just drives right past the stop. So we quickly have to leg it two blocks down to the next stop. We get on the bus and are laughing about how we almost got stranded out there. Halfway through the bus ride I start sweating and feeling dizzy. I put my head down on the seat in front of me and throw up on the floor.

We get back into the city and get off the bus. I tell my friends that I can't believe I threw up on the bus. They were shocked because they didn't even notice that I did. I guess I performed a perfect stealth throw up.

Felt super bad for the bus driver though.
One time I drank so much that I blacked out. Shots, an entire bottle of E&J brandy, and numerous beer.

Another time I drank so much that I vomited black liquid.

Needless to say, I pretty much quit drinking.


the worst part is always when you're stuck in the infinite nauseating spin like you just got hit by tusk act 4

i wish i just straight up passed out instead of ever experiencing that, makes you wanna die

The worst is that you're walking or cycling home thinking you're A-Okay, you're not stable and wobbling dodging ditches but you don't feel sick. Then you lay down in bed and the world stats spinning and in an instant you feel like throwing up your insides. Then spending spending 30 minutes hugging the toilet.


Was older than I care to admit, I was on a boat party where we had a 50 person flip cup game going for hours, then once that was done, had martinis downtown...probably about 4. (On top of that slow burn day drinking).

It was the one and only time I have ever blacked out.

Last thing I remember was that I was in a bar....then I woke up in someone's front lawn (in the bushes....literally in the bushes) near a freeway. When I opened my eyes and just saw brachnes, for half a second I thought I was dead.

I was covered in blood.

I was able to call a taxi (before uber) and get myself home.

the worst part is always when you're stuck in the infinite nauseating spin like you just got hit by tusk act 4

The spins! If you can lie flat on your back without puking and put a foot on the floor, it helps.

If you can't lay flat, you can sit up sitting on the side of your bed arms folded, with your head resting on your forearms...blanket over your shoulders when you get cold.

You know you are getting better when you start getting cold.
I shat all over some girls bathroom as I tried to be sick in the toilet. Worse part was there was no toilet roll to wipe my arse so I used a white rug that was on the floor.
One Halloween I went to a bar dressed as Shaggy from Scooby Doo. I blacked out at some point... When I woke up, I was in some dude's bed with my pants half-pulled down my ass(but still on), and vomit on my shirt and pillow. I looked at the guy, asked his address, called a cab, and tried to block it out.

The more I think about it, that is not even the worst time. Once I drank half a quart of gin, and someone gave me a pill. I fainted on the dance floor, was carried out to the sidewalk by bouncers, walked into the side of a slowly moving car, then the police and an ambulance showed up, and took me to the hospital. The next morning my friends busted me out, and we kept the jonnny shirt as a memento.

There is also the time that I got drunk at a bar, realized I was too fucked up, so I started to walk home... But I tripped on the sidewalk and landed face first in front of a parked cop car. They were going to put me in the drunk tank, but I begged them not to(I told them I was afraid someone would beat the shit out of my flaming ass), so they just kept me in a cell until the morning and let me go with a $120 fine.

Now that I'm in my 30s, I barely drink. I think I had a lifetime of it from 19-30.
I've had so many. I've fallen off a second story balcony, I got picked up by somebody walking down the middle of the road naked in a blizzard, I've woken up in a cabin a 5 hour drive away from home when I had to work in the morning, I've partied so hard that I slept through 2 days of work and people came looking for me, I've woken up in the woods and not known where I was or how I got there, I stripped on a pool table at a party full of cougars and lost my clothes then got kicked out when I lost my temper, I woke up stuck to an air mattress from all my hardened vomit, I got sucker punched and was in a coma for 48 hours, I lost my wallet with $800 in it, I've woken up to cops interrogating me and had no idea what happened... and this was just one night!!!

jk they were all separate nights


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Didn't happen to me, but I was at a NYE party and a drunk guy locked himself in his car and was listening to music really loud and revving his engine while in park. I think he was upset about a girl.

People tried to get him out, but he wouldn't budge. He passed out with his foot on the accelerator and burned up the engine. His dad came over the next day to look at the car while we were cleaning up, and he was so pissed.

Also, I don't recommend binge drinking white Russians at an outdoor party in August. Never again. #lifehack


Got suuuuper drunk at a house party. It was the apt of a guy I liked so I wanted to go along with it. My friend and I planned to leave the party as she didn't drink much and we left later. She was annoyed I stayed so long. By then I was black out drunk. She said later that I was a complete ass to her in the car and yelling out of the passenger window. Like, totally out of character.

She just dropped me off at home, used my key to open the door, and helped me on the couch in the living room. I was woken up on the stairs by my dad at 4AM or something. He was furious at me. I told him I was at a guy's house I liked. Made me call him the next day and spoke to him. He was livid. I've never seen him turn purple red before. I felt so bad for him because he didn't really do anything wrong. I spent the next few days apologizing to my friend.
In college, a girl I liked and I were on a casual date and she suggested us getting alcohol and drinking together (this was novel for us as we were both under the drinking age still).

She had some minor experience with alcohol before but this was my first time. We got some coronas and a bottle of rum. I did a shot of rum and didn't feel anything after a couple of minutes, so I did another. And another, and another, and another, and another. 6 shots in 15 minutes.

She tried to kiss me, but I had to run to the bathroom to throw up. There was no recovering the evening...
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