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Hearthstone EUR/NA Open Beta - Open Beta ending soon [Final patch notes released]

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Gold Member
When that happens to me, I pray I have a targettable Battlecry card in-hand. When I don't... Fuck I get so sad.

Don't know if it's true, but someone wrote in the comments if you drag a card out over the playfield, and then right click (while still holding it over the playfield without playing it) it will reset it to your hand same as if you were choosing a target for a battlecry and then cancelled the card.


Dragging a card out of hand and recalling it won't fix it. It needs to enter and leave play, basically, so the position of the cards in-hand actually adjust. Dragging it out and cancelling just gives a chance to grab it.

Not only does it matter what you draft. It matters what your opponent was able to draft and what they chose.

And it also matters how you play it.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
There. Bought a new keyboard.

Let the dream continue!


Blizzard needs to nerf that shit murloc deck, i think i never won to a murloc deck

I find it very boring to play against. I have beaten it, but the formula so far for me has been precisely this: did I draw AoE (Consecrate/Lightning Storm/Holy Nova/Explosive Trap/etc.) in the first 3/4 turns? If so, I am very likely to win. If not, I am extremely like to lose. It's really that simple.


Most classes are good at it. It does have the occasional explosive draw that is hard to contain but, for the most part, it's not too bad for basically every class.

The biggest problem of Murlocs was when there were ~3 variants of Warlock going around and all three had far different ways to approach the match-up. Due to changes in the meta in general, it's really not that bad if you assume Murlocs and get stuck with that hand against Giants.


Rogues are Hunters with explosive trap are good against it. Mages, too!

or any deck really that doesn't wait till it drops cards until turn 4 or 5 and/or have aoe clears.
Never have a problem with my own warlock deck, unless I draw absolute shit.


I would say in general that my personal "unfun" decks to play against aren't things like the old frost giants deck but those that are clearly, specifically countered by, say, 2 cards in my deck. If I draw those 2 cards, I almost certainly win. If I don't, I lose.


Sometimes you get boned with Murloc deck for sure. Usually when my opponent is a warlock I'll mulligan unless I have Explosive Trap or UTH. I don't think they are overpowered, persay, but I do think that the game is basically decided by turn 4 or 5. If you have too much damage on you by that time it's almost impossible to come back -- they can usually sneak a few more damage in there with a surprise charge minion or Soulfire.


will learn eventually
Holy shit I just had the best topdick ever...

Was playing Arena Mage, he had Merc out, with Ancestral Spirit, I manage to kill the first one, then the new one respawns, he gives it Windfury and goes straight for my face, drops a Doomhammer as well, I have 1 HP left.... On my board is a Mountain Giant and a Naga Healer.

I have Iceblock ready, but that's just one turn more... Tadah, here comes the Defender of Argus, I manage to get my minions buffed and still fear for my dear life. Then he drops a fucking Archer to hit my face for one. ICEBLOCKED BITCH! (I feel bad for playing mage)

I brewmaster the Argus back into my hand but he manages to kill all my shit in the next turn, but has only a totem and a Archer on board now... and still his fucking doomhammer, thanks to loothoarder I get one more card and it's a TazDingo, He keeps his hammer for now and drops only a totem and a low minion, but next turn I get a nightblade and pump both up with Argus... He has nothing anymore and rams his face into my nightblade for suicide.

Best victory of my life. Thank you RNGesus


will learn eventually
Not sure if intentional or a legit slip up... either way pretty funny.

Nope, just too much euphoria and Twitch chat....

And second game in a row, saved by Ice Block. First time I play this card, I can see why people are pissed off lol


will learn eventually
I also have no idea how far I can go with a Mage Deck without any Polys, Blizzards, Pyros, Fireballs,... I seem to never get those when I choose Mage, while my opponent always has all those cards and more


This may have been discussed somewhere in this massive thread, but what do you feel about the arena format? I think it would be better to have a fixed number of games (say, 8) and get a reward based on how many you won.

Under the current system, weak players/decks only get to play 3-5 games. Good players play 10+. As a result, weaker players get less chance to improve, and less enjoyment for their gold. This also means average players are disproportionately likely to play too many matches against good players. I think I've only ever had one legendary (Edwin Van Cleef) in about a dozen arenas (average about 4 wins, best run was 10), yet I go up against them all the time, including two Ragnaros' virtually back to back. I've also never gotten a legendary in packs, but that's another story.

Also, there's a developer interview on IGN for anyone who missed it. http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/02/11/a-busy-night-at-the-inn-talking-hearthstone-with-blizzard Adventure mode is coming some time this year.

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Neo Member
Don't know if it's true, but someone wrote in the comments if you drag a card out over the playfield, and then right click (while still holding it over the playfield without playing it) it will reset it to your hand same as if you were choosing a target for a battlecry and then cancelled the card.

Yeah it works, I cancel druid choose one effects all the time.


it started with a ysera. And then proceeded to become one of the worsts drafts I've ever seen. o_O Sacrifical Pact, Succubus and Demon Fire. What? No 6+ drop otherwise. No 5 drop apart from Silver Hand, Hope my Alarmo Bot (other choice was a chicken and a murloc) into ysera or molten giant can win me a least a few games...

0-3 dream here I come.

I swear to god, Demolisher is bugged. I've never seen it hit the hero. Ever.
My defender of Argus didn't work :(

I guess it's a known issue?

You have to keep track of where you actually placed your cards. the bug happens when they visually shift around yet the game thinks they're in their original position. It's so annoying.

They don't even really need to fix the bug they just need argus to highlight the card(s) he's going to buff.


yep. 0-3. That was hilarious. The draft was easily the worst I've ever seen, including streams or what you guys post.


Started 4-1 last night but ended 4-3 with a Mage. Currently at 3-2 as a Pally right now after stomping a Rogue with a nice Onyxia pull.

Gonna take a break and play next match later tonight, really want to break the 4 win barrier.

Bah, can't get deck to upload properly.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Kungen just lost because of Argus bug. It happens way too often. They seriously need to fix that shit before doing ANYTHING else with this game.


Has anyone here managed to get to rank 10 or lower in the game without spending a penny in the store?

My first run at the Ladder was without buying anything, but it did have around a month+ of Arena playing behind it (though I still crafted the sole Legendary in the deck, Sylvanas). Got to Rank 5-ish before stopping the grind but could have finished the run to Legendary.

That deck isn't viable anymore, though.

Bah, can't get deck to upload properly.

From what I saw before the image was taken down, I'd say the 3x BoKings makes it a little awkward. Not that valuable of a card to draft multiples of. I'd probably not even take the one of it unless forced into it.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Has anyone here managed to get to rank 10 or lower in the game without spending a penny in the store?
Sure! Rank 6.


Has anyone here managed to get to rank 10 or lower in the game without spending a penny in the store?

My buddy has. He runs Druid, though.


So I made a Warrior Control deck based on ripping off ideas from streams. Nailbiting, but it's hilarious to say "Yeah, that Mage did 40+ damage to me. I still won."


Has anyone here managed to get to rank 10 or lower in the game without spending a penny in the store?
Last Ladder season I made it up to 6.

I don't grind Ladders though. I play enough to get the daily and do 1-2 Arena runs, that's about it every day.

Dario ff

Running a pair of Crazed Alchemists as a Priest in constructed is very fun. It has so many neat uses for either eliminating legendaries/4 attack creatures, or just a cheap inner fire alternative for a turn when it's needed. That and he makes short work of Pagle/Cho on turn 2.
So I was literally complaining to a friend last night that I'm crazily overdue for a legendary. I'd only gotten one after months of playing.

I open a pack today and...


And then two packs later (ie: just now) I open a Cairne. I'm on a roll!
I am very surprised people don't play around mind control tech in arena more. I mean, this guy is helping me win matches. He is a bit hit or miss but still a very nice roll of the dice. Vs shaman I only got a 1/1. But then vs paladin I got a 4/4, and cleared his board same turn. Then vs mage I got a questing adventure who was like 6/6 already. He didn't have poly or even a fireball. GG pretty much :)


I am very surprised people don't play around mind control tech in arena more. I mean, this guy is helping me win matches. He is a bit hit or miss but still a very nice roll of the dice. Vs shaman I only got a 1/1. But then vs paladin I got a 4/4, and cleared his board same turn. Then vs mage I got a questing adventure who was like 6/6 already. He didn't have poly or even a fireball. GG pretty much :)
He's on a Rare pick so he normally has stiff competition.

But as a 3 pick he is among the best so if the other rares don't fit the mana curve this is an easy pick. Depends on the other 2 though... but I definitely like Mind Control Tech. He has turned around a couple of games for me.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Has anyone here managed to get to rank 10 or lower in the game without spending a penny in the store?

People have gotten to legendary without paying anything, so it's definitely doable. Keep in mind that to move up in rank, all you have to do is win 51% of your games and you'll eventually reach legendary. That's not a high bar, at least until you get to level 5 and below, I guess.

I am very surprised people don't play around mind control tech in arena more. I mean, this guy is helping me win matches. He is a bit hit or miss but still a very nice roll of the dice. Vs shaman I only got a 1/1. But then vs paladin I got a 4/4, and cleared his board same turn. Then vs mage I got a questing adventure who was like 6/6 already. He didn't have poly or even a fireball. GG pretty much :)

Sometimes I do, but most of the time I don't, since it's not a common card and I tend to play the odds rather than play very conservatively. What I've noticed, though, is that some players tend to try to entice you to get 4 minions on the board so they can MC a minion. By entice you, I mean they will go for face instead of removing your cards, won't play anything, etc. Um.. I am more than happy to smash your face in and flood the board and take a chance that you grab one of my minions, sir.


Mind Control Tech is one of those rares you should be aware of. He's one of the swingy neutral Rares you should kind of expect people to take since he's better than the majority of the other neutrals.

That said ... I kind of forget about him a lot of the time. :(
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