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Manga News/Discussion |OTE| Thought it was a smut paradise, it was shounen hell

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Mob Psycho 100 58

Now this is getting interesting. Very introspective chapter.

This was a very good chapter and it fits extremely well as the continuation of the last one.

It had a serious undertone, but still ONE was not avoidng his usual humor, which I like very much. It is just small things, usually, but they hit the spot.


Fairy Tail
Woo go Wendy! Great job with the Dragon Force. Made me almost shed a tear at the end. Then lolicon Mest comes and saves her.... A passed out Wendy and Charla with a lolicon Mest..... Mashima don't get any ideas please.

Meanwhile, in the doujins...



Real original names Kishi. Also wtf 6 Sage had a brother? Whats with Kishi and brothers? Is he a brocon? Makes me sad that Gai's epic moment got shafted for this BS.

I think you misunderstood, he had a wife and two sons - one who would found the Senju line and the "genius" brother who founded the Uchiha line.
I think you misunderstood, he had a wife and two sons - one who would found the Senju line and the "genius" brother who founded the Uchiha line.


I think you need to read the chapter again buddy. Kishi has a huge brother complex.

Also lol at Kaguya coming from a far away land. Demon land new arc for Naruto...
Spirit Circle 22

Uhhhh... this was unexpected. He can travel to future lives too? And it seems that the Fortuna "persona" is still alive?

How much more awesome this manga can get?


It had a serious undertone, but still ONE was not avoidng his usual humor, which I like very much. It is just small things, usually, but they hit the spot.

Agreed. I'm wondering if he's actually gonna go full evil Mob route. The next 100% should be interesting to say the least.
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Vol.01


So the next SAO or so people claim it to be.

And dunno, thought it wasn't all that bad. The volume was riddled with lots of explanations of the world, while interesting really cut out from the narrative at times. Lots of technoblabble infodumps brought me out of what was going on at times.

Also, loads of characters that took me a bit to get used to. The whole class system and conflict got old fast though. It does seem to always be there but at least it's more in the background than anything else.

I'll probably keep reading it (cause riding the bus back home is pretty boring) but am looking forward to see how the anime adaptation does all of this.
Oh and I read all Kuroko chapters in 3 days.

So much bullshit but whatever. I wonder what the author will do after this match. Either Seirin wins and their journey is basically over or they lose and have to try next year again and get pittes against the same set of enemies again.
Noragami 31

Dat goddess. I wonder why Hiyori is forgetting Yato so easily.
There was a pretty good "D'aww" inducing moment halfway through the chapter. I dont think that the reason that she keeps on forgetting has to do with Yato being in Heaven. The way its all happening just seems different.
Mainly because she was able to recall Yukine, Yato, Kofuku, Daikoku and all the others with such ease. That said I do hope that Hiyori doesn't loose her memories again after having regained them
There was a pretty good "D'aww" inducing moment halfway through the chapter. I dont think that the reason that she keeps on forgetting has to do with Yato being in Heaven. The way its all happening just seems different.
Mainly because she was able to recall Yukine, Yato, Kofuku, Daikoku and all the others with such ease. That said I do hope that Hiyori doesn't loose her memories again after having regained them

I think its strange
I mean she likes Yato so much but just by being apart from him she starts forgetting about him and Yukine. I find it odd, she considers them as real people. I feel there is something behind it.
Fairy Tail 377

Meh at Wendy's new powerup of throwing more wind blades at them. You can do much more with wind than that.

Fairy Tail 378

Yes, that was expected. But who cares cause yay Doranbolt

Now that I think about it, even Kishi is not consistent with his parallels. Hashirama should be representing the no talent brother, yet he was always superior in life compared to Madara, who represents the talented brother.


TWGOK 257-265

Thought I should catch up now so I can join in on the rage when it ends.

Lots of white space. As much as I miss the old days, I think it's better it's ending now rather than drag it out. Not that I want a rushed ending though (which it seems like it'll be, I assume to fit nicely into a volume).


Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Vol.01


So the next SAO or so people claim it to be.

And dunno, thought it wasn't all that bad. The volume was riddled with lots of explanations of the world, while interesting really cut out from the narrative at times. Lots of technoblabble infodumps brought me out of what was going on at times.

Also, loads of characters that took me a bit to get used to. The whole class system and conflict got old fast though. It does seem to always be there but at least it's more in the background than anything else.

I'll probably keep reading it (cause riding the bus back home is pretty boring) but am looking forward to see how the anime adaptation does all of this.

It wouldn't be hard as long as they keep the unnecessary and unearned and series ruining sexual assault out of it, I am down. Not everyone has to be mark millar.
Senyuu 3 14-15


The doting love of a mother.

Senyuu 3 16


/dies at the seiyuu joke

Senyuu 3 17-19


Once again, a mother's love.

Senyuu 3 20-22

All the revelations actually made this pretty interesting again.


Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun 49 - I guess technically it's an unnumbered chapter / Sasayan-kun's Story Part 2. I d'awwwww'd.


He just assumed Naruto wanted to know about his past like he was important. But then he found out Naruto did not give a crap because he was an old geezer

I knew he looked familiar, but I could not put my finger on it. Will Farrell, creator of Ninshuu.

I understood why he did that, but I mean, now Naruto is just the resurrection of some super ultra powerful being from the past. So much for that guy who had to deal with all those hurdles from the beginning of the story, huh? It's getting ridiculous by now since everything was pretty much predestined to happen.

Kishimoto is progressively killing the charm of his main character. I hope this won't reach GANTZ levels of stupid by the time he decides to put the pen down. :-/

And LOL @ the Will Farrell comparison, xD.


Peephole 17 - If this somehow gets turned and she's also a twisted girl, I'm not sure if I'll be happy or sad.

I mean, someone has to supply her with criminals right?


I understood why he did that, but I mean, now Naruto is just the resurrection of some super ultra powerful being from the past. So much for that guy who had to deal with all those hurdles from the beginning of the story, huh? It's getting ridiculous by now since everything was pretty much predestined to happen.

He had a demon inside of him that instant healed him and allowed to beat an adult ninja in the very beginning of the series.

You know full and well this shit didn't come out of nowhere.
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Vol.01


So the next SAO or so people claim it to be.

And dunno, thought it wasn't all that bad. The volume was riddled with lots of explanations of the world, while interesting really cut out from the narrative at times. Lots of technoblabble infodumps brought me out of what was going on at times.

Also, loads of characters that took me a bit to get used to. The whole class system and conflict got old fast though. It does seem to always be there but at least it's more in the background than anything else.

I'll probably keep reading it (cause riding the bus back home is pretty boring) but am looking forward to see how the anime adaptation does all of this.

Its a bit wordy but other than that its an awesome LN imo. Better than SAO of course. ;b
I wonder how they going to do the anime , in the LN when the author explain stuff it gets crazy wordy sometimes.
Which might end up bad in the anime depending on how they do it .

There are some shorts that were released before the anime aired that does explain some of the stuff in the series. Though not as technical and there's probably isn't enough of them to go through everything :p

Hopefully they won't be like the LN and stop everything to throw an infodump
I think the anime has a better shot of just showing the stuff the author is trying to explain. Because honestly I don't get some of the stuff in the magic world that was explained lol.
Clockwork Planet 04

I'm liking this engineer and her bodyguard. Fairly interesting.

And then suddenly these two parties path cross so looking forward to seeing where the story goes from here.
Nozomi x Kimio 18
Nee-chan gonna nee-chan.

Turns out this ISN'T ending at chp 19, it's only going on hiatus until May when it'll be moved to Weekly Shounen Sunday. Weekly Nozomi would be pretty awesome, but it's basically inevitable that the page count / art'll take a hit, or it'll only feature every few issues or something. Anyway, the fact that there's still more of the story to come means that the 'bombshell' at the end here isn't going to be as catastrophic as it might seem.
Arpeggio of Blue Steel
Picked up the manga for it and so far I'm liking it as much as I enjoyed the show. Sure the storyline are waay different after (and a bit before) the Two Jima arc, but but that in no way has hampered my enjoyment for the Manga nor the show.

I'm liking where things are right now at the current chapter 45.5 with
Gunzou out on a secret mission with Hyuuga, Iona currently acting as captain of herself, and Iona starting to show signs of feelings towards Gunzou. It's all pretty much starting to get interesting. Especially with a big battle for which Iona is the acting captain of currently under way. It'll be nice to see how Iona comes at tactics for a change.


Haikyuu!! 1-100

A short guy who loses to some other genius guy's team in middle school declares war on genius guy, only to find that they're actually on the same team going into high school. The two have to get over their differences so they can combine their talents and blah blah.

I'm really surprised at how good this was. I was in a mood for some kind of action shounen and I just clicked on the first thing that had decent art that I hadn't read. I was expecting this to just be the volleyball version of Kuroko's Basketball, which I dropped fairly early on due to everyone's basketball superpowers, but this didn't seem to have much of that at all. There was definitely a good amount of what I like to call shounen commentary, where characters will be making conversation during times where it feels like they wouldn't be able to, but at least for explanations, it was surprisingly done quite well and usually didn't feel too out of place.

I also wanted to make a special note about the characters, which I found to be very natural. They're all very "hot blooded" and such, but none of them feel like they're there to fit a certain archetype. Don't get me wrong, it's all very shounen, but they're so enjoyable, and there hasn't been a single character I've found to be annoying or overly moody. This is coming from something with a huge cast, where even opposing teams and characters that aren't starters (although there are 3 or so benched characters that barely even get panel space) are unique and brimming with personality.

As an added bonus: the facial expressions are amazing.


Not just somebody, they're the regular scanlators for Magi. I guess people were asking for the chapters faster so they released that. Not sure why it ended up on other sites despite that.

They should do that for every chapter. So funny.
Senaka Gurashi 1
Their relationship will be a pure one.

After begging his sadistic mother to be allowed to live alone, the MC partially gets his wish in the form of his own apartment. Only snag is that the wall between him and the adjoining apartment is made of frosted glass and, predictably, his neighbour is a cute girl. Cue inevitable romcom hijinks where the duo begin on the completely wrong foot and then gradually become husbando and waifu. Only 1 chapter out so backlogged etc.


Shokugeki no Alice

Oh man I knew she'd put in one of those exploding water bubbles in there, haha. I saw these on Tested I think. It's pretty crazy.

How many cooking manga out there have such a big focus on molecular gastronomy? Really cool that the author noticed it.

Also that strip pose :lol
Shokugeki no Soma 64

That ending was hype as hell, it's a shame that either Alice or Soma has to lose in this round because they are clearly in the top 3 of the 8 finalist.
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