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Will there be a PS4 price drop soon or is it safe to buy it now?

I don't expect to see any significant cuts before Christmas, and then only if MS announce a major price cut at E3.

Best you could maybe hope for is a bundle, and if you're looking for free games, I'd say you're better off getting on PS+ ASAP rather than waiting for a bundle that may not appear for months, if ever.


At £349 it's insanely good value already. They just need to add a few more features to it and then for me it becomes a one stop entertainment device.

I pretty much use my PS4 every day, in one capacity or another.


As everyone else said, it's whipping the XBone's butt and shows very little signs of slowing down. At best I forsee some sort of PS4-PSVita bundle that incentivize that console, but other than that you'll have to go the used route if you want to save a few bucks.
Never rule out a response to a competitor. If Microsoft makes a move, Sony may follow so as to preserve their share if it projects to be more beneficial to profitability overall. That said, don't expect one either.

E3 is how long away? If you're unsure, would it kill you to wait the whatever handful of weeks it is? If there's no move near E3 (and there likely won't be), then buy. If there is, then buy.

Jay Sosa

I would not even imagine a PS4 price drop happening until 2016 at the soonest.

Not gonna happen in 2015 and certainly not this year.

Of course there will be a price drop. Probably not in the immediate future but certainly before 2016.

Why would you buy a PS4 now anyway, nothing has changed since launch.

Wait for games and consequently the price cut, it's oughta happen in 2015.

So that he can open a thread complaining that it has no games. Obviously.


PS4s are still selling out. Definitely not a price drop. Perhaps a Second Son bundle but I think they'll wait till the holidays for that. You're safe.
I highly doubt it, to be honest I don't expect them to drop the price at the very least until a revision. The only exception I could buy is if Microsoft did something drastic.


Wait and see what happens at E3...at the very least im sure a new SKU will be announced....hopefully a FFXV bundle which i will immediately preorder


Because MS just announce following megaton exclusive:
Monster hunter 5
DQ 11
Resident evil 7
Fallout 4
Mass effect 4
Fifa 15
MGS Rising 2
and Shenmu 3

PS4 have no game, there for they cut the price just to keep up.

Wow, there will definately be some money-hats at E-3, but nothing like this... wow.
they're selling the consoles at a small loss and there is still high demand. So no, no price cut until they can cut the costs of the components (and therefore directly cutting costs of manufacturing).


Nope OP, this year there won't be a price cut.
Many new games coming in the September-December period will sell the system and they'll have a hard time meeting christmas demand.
You can expect tons of bundles though, price might be influenced by what MS is doing, but don't expect lower than 399$ for console+ first party game.
As for the price cut it should happen mid to late 2015, knowing Sony they might go directly for 299$ in August/September 2015.


I doubt there's going to be a price drop but I'm personally waiting for the first console revision. the PS4's build quality seems kind of cheap to me and I'm a bit paranoid about stuff like that. I don't want the thing crapping out halfway through the console gen.
No way there's a price drop. You might see a game bundled if MS drops their price a full $100, but even then I'm not so sure. It's a price that people have shown they're very comfortable with, and there won't be a drop unless sales are in danger (through price-point saturation or competition).
Only if ms sells for 299.99 will Sony drop their price. Let's face it the chances of that are 0%. Sony has a Goose laying golden eggs they will be on easy street for at least 2 more years.


I don't think Sony plans their E3 announcements half an hour after Microsoft's conference

No, but companies usually have a rough idea what each other is up to. For Sony to aggressively keep the PS4 on top it definitely something they may consider.

And even if they didn't know, there's certainly nothing stopping them from price cutting directly after E3 (a la the Microsoft 180).

Fox Mulder

Even if Microsoft did undercut the PS4 (which I doubt they will), I still do not think Sony will have a price drop. It's selling way too well

yep, makes no sense to cut the ps4 price right now even if MS matches them.

the Xbox one was on sale for $450 with titanfall or Forza and 12 months of Live at one point. the ps4 still outsold it and MS isnt going to match those sales with any official drop.


Because MS just announce following megaton exclusive:
Monster hunter 5
DQ 11
Resident evil 7
Fallout 4
Mass effect 4
Fifa 15
MGS Rising 2
and Shenmu 3

PS4 have no game, there for they cut the price just to keep up.

That would blow away their $1 billion budget they have for this generation.
Only if ms sells for 299.99 will Sony drop their price. Let's face it the chances of that are 0%. Sony has a Goose laying golden eggs they will be on easy street for at least 2 more years.

When the 360 was selling well didn't it take MS 2 years to drop the price? I might be talking out of my ass but I'm sure it didn't drop for a long time.


unless there is some sort of huge event that swings things out of Sony's favor the PS4 won't have a price drop for years.
You will not see a price drop per say this year. Zero doubt that around the holidays there will be some official bundle. A game a few months of PS+, something.


I think Sony is saving the price drop as a weapon for the Playstation 5.

PS4 is the most powerful console right now so its value goes uncontested. The only thing that could challenge that is another powerful console. PS5's value would be boosted instantly when they compare it to the [cheaper] PS4.


just checking PS4 on Amazon.de.... Watchdogs package will be €449, so I guess thats some kind of deal since it would be more if you got them separately.

In the other news, standard PS4 still sold out on Amazon.de.


I think you know the answe OP! I mean Sony could have most likely stuck another £50 on the PS4 and it would still be selling like larger in the desert.

And we have The Order 1886
Drive club
Uncharted 4
Project beast

And a plethora of other content to come @ e3?!!??

Buy now enjoy it sooner, no fear!
I've just had some guy on the phone who's selling his PS4 + Killzone + Infamous (minus the console's box, too bad) for €400 (which is the price for a brand new PS4). I'm gonna meet him tomorrow to complete the deal

Good idea? Bad idea?


Decided to save myself the trip to the next town over to GAME tomorrow (rather than waiting two days for Amazon etc.) Grabbed a PS4 tonight from my local Tescos. Currently waiting for the 5 or so PS4 PS+ games that I downloaded from the webstore to install to my PS4.

Picked-up MGS:Ground Zeroes too since it was only £20. Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition was only £30, but I recently got that on PS3 for free on PS+ and already own the 360 and PC versions. All other games were £40-£50.

Surprisingly they had the PS4 Camera in stock. I'm wondering if the PS Camera is usefull outside of The Playroom?


The new PS4, which is more powerful than it's immediate competition, and 100 dollars cheaper is, Three Hundred and Ninetynine dollars.... Three Hundred and Ninetynine dollars.... Three Hundred and Ninetynine dollars.... Three Hundred and Ninetynine dollars.... Three Hundred and Ninetynine dollars....

say it out loud, and you answer your question.


The PS4 got a price raise in Canada. I'd assume a drop is years away.

That fact alone makes me wonder how much Sony can play with price right now. They held stock back from Canada until they raised the price b $50, which more than compensates for the exchange rate. Now you can find PS4s everywhere.

MS ate the 10% exchange, and didn't raise the price.


People would still want price cut if system was 50 bucks. This is the reason PS3 and 360 are still priced high compared to the length of lifespan. Lets say they lowered price by 50 bucks....people would scream for 100 more. You cheapen your brand price cutting so much.

They waited a long while to drop Vita price they will wait longer for PS4. Hopefully 2 years or more. 400 bucks was a steal.
There's no chance of a price drop for the PS4 any time soon. The Vita didn't get an official price cut for ages, and that thing sold like shit. The PS4 on the other hand is the fastest selling console of all time and launched at a pretty consumer-friendly amount... yeah, you're safe.


PS4 has been out for less than a year and is selling great. If Sony plans for PS4 to last as long as PS3 than I highly doubt a price drop will be had within 2 years from now.


That fact alone makes me wonder how much Sony can play with price right now. They held stock back from Canada until they raised the price b $50, which more than compensates for the exchange rate. Now you can find PS4s everywhere.

MS ate the 10% exchange, and didn't raise the price.

I would say Sony are losing a small amount on each, of course it's not as much as the PS3 (particularly the 20GB SKU) but it's there. Add the financial situation Sony it finds itself in these days, and it's enough for them to do something like raise the price in Canada.


Holiday 2015 at the absolute earliest.

The PS3 got a $100 price drop in the summer of 2007 but it wasn't selling the best either. From what we've seen the PS4 is in a far different situation compared to it's predecessor.
I don't think we'll see a price drop so soon, unless Sony is really getting desperate.

I would only wait for E3 to see if there are any new bundles that might interest you.
At this rate the first price drop will come E3 2016.

The closet thing to a price drop we might get is a PS4/Vita bundle where you save some money on both... nothing more.


2016 at the earliest. Not any sooner. 399$ is a perfect price for it really.

It really has so much value for that price.

If anything, realistically they could really get away with RAISING its price 25$, because of the multitude of value it brings.

It could/should be 425$!

EDIT: Yeah at 399$ you were given a price drop in advance and up front.

Thank you Sony <3
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