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RSTEIN said:
It`s not a question of LOSING sales. It`s about GAINING sales. It`s just frustrating to see Sony make so many mistakes when it comes to building excitement around its games.

Gaining sales goes like this:

we play it, and shout to everyone how fucking great it is.. they buy it to..


Sure I want the game to sell well and be marketed properly for GG and Sony's sake, but I'm it's not going to lessen my personal enjoyment of the game if it doesn't sell astronomically. Some people are ridiculous...

Rolf NB

Always-honest said:
Gaining sales goes like this:

we play it, and shout to everyone how fucking great it is.. they buy it to..
Build it and they will come.

A marketing strategy built around the assumed absence of competition.

This has been one of the most bizarre ways to market a game I've ever seen. We got a huge dump of information with the reviews and demo a month in advance and then nothing. It's a good way to drive a fan crazy.


I'd be in the dick
I was just playing through the demo and saw a funny little glitch. One of the dead Helghast was waving at me. The position he was laying made it seem like he really wanted to welcome me. I blew off his head and he kept waving. I love little bugs like that. I would have recorded it if I had the means.


dfyb said:
I am never impressed that this internet forum is home to so many trolls.

It's every internet forum though. I do think that it's easier now to get away with trolling than it was a couple years ago here.

But regarding the current topic of everyone being tired of it.. I'm not tired of the game at all, but I have gotten my fill of this thread. It's served it's purpose to me for now. I found out review scores, talked with people about the demo, and that's all I need. I don't want to watch the ending of the game, or a walkthrough of the game. I tried to limit how much of the story was ruined for me, so that I can be fresh when I play it.

And about marketing and how many copies it sells.. I really don't care. My enjoyment of the game will not be affected by how many ads I see on TV or in print mags. I'm buying it regardless at this point. I do hope it sells pretty well enough that there will be a good sized community online.


Unfortunately alot people do not realize that in a bad economy, like what we are in now, the first thing to be cut/reduced with ANY company is it's marketing. It's sad to see great games like this not have the marketing push like games were done when the economy was stable, but I can definitly understand....I've been doing my part marketing the game as I have convinced just about everyone on my friends list to get this game and right now I think everyone else needs to do the same..... These are scary freaking times we are experiencing now.


The funniest thing is probably that if we weren't bombarding the thread with Killzone 2 marketing talk, this thread would sink into oblivion.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
patsu said:
Well, you can go to the Live Chat @ the official PS blog in about 2 hours time and complain to them. :)
Sadly thats the exact time when im going home... so im gonna miss the live chat :(


gantz85 said:
The funniest thing is probably that if we weren't bombarding the thread with Killzone 2 marketing talk, this thread would sink into oblivion.

True, true. At least the game is coming out next week so we'll definately have something new to talk about then.


Yeah I had hoped for a suprise early release as well. It almost seemed logical given the timing of the review releases.

By the way, does anybody have a link to the E3 2007 trailer? I think that is the only one that I haven' seen.


Yeah I was hoping for an early release as well, but on the plus side atleast it gives me more time with flower, Nobi Nobi, and SFIV.


I'd be in the dick
Dante said:
Yeah I was hoping for an early release as well, but on the plus side atleast it gives me more time with flower, Nobi Nobi, and SFIV.
I'm actually kind of surprised that it didn't happen. Media and reviews came so early I thought for sure it was going to be out a bit sooner.


Oh snapples!


This part of the interview caught my eye.

"While this meant sacrificing split screen gameplay, there may be some co-operative modes on the horizon to keep the excitement going. "We're investigating [co-op] now for downloadable content," she smiles. "We're looking at what would be the nicest possible things for downloadable content. We've already started on maps... we're not allowed to talk about anything else unfortunately!"


Rikyfree said:
Oh snapples!


This part of the interview caught my eye.

"While this meant sacrificing split screen gameplay, there may be some co-operative modes on the horizon to keep the excitement going. "We're investigating [co-op] now for downloadable content," she smiles. "We're looking at what would be the nicest possible things for downloadable content. We've already started on maps... we're not allowed to talk about anything else unfortunately!"

Actually, there is word going around that some of those new maps will be from KZ1, which would be awesome.
crushdance said:
Way to miss the point. The whole point of my comment was to reiterate the age old story of SCE failing to market games properly.Man. Look at Halo 3 prior to release, yes there were a million people waiting to buy day 1 no matter what. But I saw ads 2 weeks in advance man, my freaking mom said: "Is that the game you guys always play?"(No, it wasn't). I'm not suggesting that we have KZ2 mountain dew or Burger King advertising. I just want SCE to hold back a bit for this game and future releases. They have a habit of not showing anything for a long time and then showing waaaay too much to the point where you're like: "Been there, done that. I'll just relive it."

I'm not saying I've lost interest in KZ2. I'll b getting ti day 1 and pre-ordered a long time ago, but you've got to strike while the irons hot while it's hot for maximum results. SCE has let way to much time pass from this big reveal to launch with no new media or information at all.

They've dropped the ball, plain and simple.

SCE sucks at marketing games. I was hoping that Sony would do a better job than most with this game, but it's clear that either the marketing is going to take place really soon, or there will be quite a bit of marketing after release.

But why would marketing have to hype you an avid gamer up for a quality game? It's clearly a problem that you overhyped it too early with all the media reviews, gifs, impressions, etc. I don't know.. I feel like the final game is going to surprise me with quite a bit. And I've seen a pretty large amount of footage. Avid gamers don't really need ads to be excited. We know a tad more seeing as we are here reading reviews, impressions, and watching videos. You know it's going to be a great game.

Killzone 2 is my most anticipated game of all time. It's probably the single reason why I've always favored the PS3 over 360 even during PS3's rough times. Because I knew KZ2 was going to be shown or new footage was coming soon. I'm not as excited for KZ2 as I was..say.. 2 weeks ago.. But I'm still stoked to get to play one of the most exciting, visceral, and complete gaming FPS experiences in a while.

I just don't see how you can't be excited if you were super hyped just a few weeks ago. Nothing's changed.


Crystal Bearer
People complaining about marketing... most of it will be done in Europe because the game will probably sell the most there. EU is PS3's biggest market.


Q: Can I set up a clan tournament through Killzone.com?
A: Yes you can! The site has the same functionality as the game in that regard so you can plan your challenges and events from your PC and work on your clan.

Q: Are my stats such as accuracy tracked per weapons or as an overall weapons stat?
A: Yes, all the same stats that are tracked in-game are also tracked on the site. All weapon groups, kill, suicide, team-kill, kick votes ability uses and much more are tracked and you can sort by any of the stats as well as look at them over the past 24 hours, weekly, monthly and All-time.

Q: First off, much respect to Seb and the rest of the awesome, hard-working Guerrilla team!! Back at E3 2007, it was said that just one level in Killzone 2 took up around 2GB of data. Now that the game has gone gold and been put on Blu-ray how much space can you say the game uses up? Is it a 50GB blu-ray disc? Thanks!
A: Well the 2GB thing was because it had to have all the shared assets in one place like character models, weapons and such. The game fits on a 25GB, but anything less would not have been possible.

Q: Could you please elaborate on how the "Valor" trophies work for the online multiplayer? How exactly do you achieve weekly online honor ranks #1 through #4?
A: Right. It is based on the top % of that weeks players. So the top 1% of 100 players might be 1 guy, but if there are 100000 folks playing your chance of getting it are much increased. You will then get a valor rank with a fancy little rank icon on your profile to show you are a top player as well as a trophy to go with it.

We have a pre-game lobby where people can still pick their faction and talk openly. The game then goes to a Spawn-select screen where the factions have been split up and you talk among the faction to discuss tactics, can set up your squads and your characters before going in-game.

Q: Will the multiplayer use the cover system or is it more run and gun? If there's no cover system will it be useful to change the controls?

A: There is no cover system in MP. We found, through playtesting that it did not work in the 360 degree combat environment of online and people found it faster and easier to simply crouch and duck and wee in fact working against the system, so we took it out. Will continue to explore this though. We have a crouch toggle in MP as well. As for changing the controls...that's up to you guys to find what works for you.

Q: Will guerrilla be hosting any tournaments through killzone.com?
A: Absolutely. Clans can set up their own tournaments for up to 64 clans, but we'll be setting up "official" tournaments of up to 256 clans. Thats potentially 4098 players in one tournament (if I got my maths right there). All the functionality of the game is mirrored on the site with a couple of additional features and stats that are not tracked in-game.

Q: What is the basic differences of Killzone 2 multiplayer playability for another rivals as COD4 and Counter Strike?

A: Well our unique mode is Warzone. Usually a game is only Deathmatch, or Capture the Flag. We throw all the game modes in there and they play off one by one randomnly so the game changes every few minutes and teams have to change their tactics and concentrate on other areas of a map. If you want you can of course play big long Bodycount only games (our version of Team Deathmatch). It's all customizable.

Q: Will clans have their own forums on killzone.com?
A: Every clan will have their own clan page with their stats, members, recent games and yes, there will be a clan forum.

Q: If you lose all your Clan points, it is possible to regain any since you will not have any to bet?
A: Yes, but taking part in 'free' tournaments where the prize is valor. So Tournaments where you don't have to put in your own valor to take part. The tournaments where there is a entry fee will of course yield bigger winnings. But would you want to be in a clan with no points? That would be a bit sad, no? :D

Q: Will you be able to get experience points in customizable games? Because in Resistance 2 you can't.
A: Absolutely. As long as you are playing against other human players (not only bots) and complete games you will achieve points for your rank. That is of course if you can actually kill anything. If you keep catching rockets with your face I can't help you.

Q: About how many kills do you need to get the next badge in each class?
A: It's more about mission points, rather than kills, but each rank the required points start going higher. 100 points for the top rank. And then we start increasing with each rank. 2800 for the top clan, but the game does by no means end there. You'll need to play with each character class, what we call badges and use the abilities to upgrade each Badge to unlock the secondary ability and upgrades.

Q: So what is your favorite Belgian beer Seb? I really like me some Chimay.
A: Chimay is not bad. Drinking Jupiler right now, but I recently found a bad boy called Gouden Draag (Golden Dragon). Stuff is like amber nectar, but you wake up with no pants in a prison cell. Allegedly.

Q: What other modes are included in "Warzone" and what do you have to do in each?
A: Bodycount = Team Deathmatch
Assassination = Defend or kill a randomnly selected target from a faction. Great fun
Search and Retrieve = A propaganda speaker is dropped in the map and you have to bring it back to the enemy territory drop-off point.
Capture and Hold = Defend flags for spawn-points
Search And Destroy = Defend or Attack an enemy fortification and plant a C4 to blow it up.
Assassination and S&D are played twice in a Warzone. So both factions get to attack/defend

Q: Seb, it's obvious that GG paid attention to the comments in the beta, and the changes are all for the better as far as I've seen. Where's the best place to post comments etc regarding issues within the game so that they'll be seen by the right people?
A: Well I've been on PSU for 4 years now, reading your feedback on all the games, but we'll be on www.killzone.com as much as we can and will continue to talk, listen and learn from you guys to help us make better games.

Q: In terms of stat tracking, will I be able to look through every game I've played? Bungie.com does this with Halo 3 and I've always wondered why more games didn't do that.
A: We have a couple of secrets still to announce which will cover your question, so I'll leave that one open til the new version of the site goes live.

Q: So, how does the in-game Killzone.com support work exactly?
A: We will have a PS3 compatible site too, but the site is primarily designed for being able to access your clan when you are not at home, infront of your PS3. If you are on your PS3 you might as well go into the game.

Q: Can you setup Clans before the 27th on www.killzone.com ??
A: No. A player has to be a Sergeant to be able to create a clan and thus have to play first. So you wont be able to create a clan yourselves just yet.

Q: Do we have the option to play a "NO HUD" mode in MP? Similar to Call of Duty's "HARDCORE" mode. I like playing without cross-hairs. It "FEELS" more "REAL".

A: You can switch off your own HUD, but not for the other players. This is something we can maybe still implement though after release. I personally always liked that idea myself. Anyway, we'll listen to ideas and suggestions and if we can easily implement them in future patches we'll consider it.

Q: Is it easy to mute players?
A: Yes it is. If in-game, press Select, highlight the player you want and you can mute them or kick vote them.

Q: Are there any female Helghast? Will we ever get to see one?
A: Good question. The Helghast are still somewhat human behind those masks, so there must be Helghast women. Would not want to wake up next to one though.

Q: When will you add an option on your website for us Canadians? I'm forced to choose the American flag :(
A: Haha, not the first one to complain about that. It's more about the server region and language than your nationality, but I'll point it out to the website people.

Q: Tell us about the Custom Soundtrack feature. Will Killzone 2 have it?
A: Only for multiplayer via the XMB. In Single player the music is designed to match the action so it would be hard for us to mix up your favourite boyband.

Q: Can we expect Guerrilla Games to continue to support their game after release and continue giving the fans the best game possible?

A: Absofrigginglutely. We'll continue to listen to you guys about ways to make the game better for everyone. We'll stick around for a while yet.
bcn-ron said:
Build it and they will come.

A marketing strategy built around the assumed absence of competition.

absence of competition has nothing to do with it... if something is good, the word spreads FAST. it will be in headlines instead of ads


Half way through and no good questions asked yet. Why aren't questions about the KZ series as a whole or the development process getting through? This chat is LAME :(
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