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The Official Manga Discussion/News Thread!! New Ch/Vols! - SEE FIRST POST FOR RULES!

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Kave_Man said:
His shadowed face was first shown in the Ohara flashback. He destroyed all those civilian ships.


I remember thinking "This guy is going to be someone important in the future just because they're showing how ruthless he is" after they showed him and hid his face.

Thanks for the answers.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Himuro said:
And One Piece doesn't have its share of great battles?

One Piece is mostly about the adventure. I don't see why adventure couldn't appeal to people.

It's more about the artstyle i think. Too many crazy character designs for the regular teenager who enjoy DBZ or Naruto.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Wowowowow @ FMA. From chapter 90 onwards shit got really epic.

currently at chapter 95, taking a break... TOO.MUCH.TO.HANDLE.


come in my shame circle
Yeah I've found most people put off reading One Piece because of the art style. Hell I didn't read it at first because of that.
Bisnic said:
It's more about the artstyle i think. Too many crazy character designs for the regular teenager who enjoy DBZ or Naruto.
It is about art style.

I only wacthed the show when it aired here and its hard to see past the art style. And now I want to start reading it but it may be too fare along.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Art style is one of the things holding One Piece back in the US. The other, in my opinion is simply because its about Pirates with some stupidly wacky powers such as the main hero being a "rubberman." It just doesn't compete here in the US compared to hyper powered martial artists or ninjas. Hell, it doesn't even compare to Ouran Host Club (which ranked very, very high last quarter for anime properties).

Just one of those things to accept and move on. FUNimation's release of the show doesn't help any either. 13 episode set for a show with 400+ episodes and counting means people just aren't going to bother. They aren't even as quick as Viz was with full season Naruto sets. It's doomed. =/
Kave_Man said:
Yeah I've found most people put off reading One Piece because of the art style. Hell I didn't read it at first because of that.
Me too. I read the first two volumes after they came out and felt pretty meh about it. I picked it up later during the Sanji arc and was pretty much blown away.


Yeah, the art style of One Piece just doesn't work for me. I guess it also doesn't help that my first experience with One Piece was with the dubbed 4Kids version. :lol
On a lesser note I had no clue HMR was still going. o_0

Isn't that made by the same guy who made YuYu? Might try to read up on both that and OP.


One Piece is great, but some of the enemy designs are pretty bizarre. But that just makes dudes like Mihawk look extra cool.

I been reading Jojo, what a weird series. Lots of weirdo beefcake poses, but I like the cheesetastic one-liners throughout. And Zepelli's hat.


Himuro said:
Why is the art style so a downer for people when it comes to One Piece? Does every anime or manga have to have look derivative? Are the same people complaining about One Piece's art style unable to get into Tezuka's art style because it's supposedly "western-ish" or some shit?

For me it's because it's like when introducing a new character that's not going to be a crew member, the process is like so:
- get 500 post-it notes
- write one random accessory/piece of clothing on each note
- affix to wall
- throw 5-7 darts at wall
- combine all items on post-it notes hit by darts, into a character design.

Even if it's something that has significance to the character (ie, Mr 3's "3" hair/wick, the "chu" merman guy, etc), it's just random and strange compared to more solid/conservative designs in the series. It's hard to hate an enemy when I'm busy going "why does he look like that?" and this was a problem for me specifically in Thriller Bark.

For me OP has always been more about enjoying the Strawhats and their origins/motivations, than enjoying seeing the villain get their what for or whatever.


FlightOfHeaven said:
Try again.

Hmm? o.o

Himuro said:
Why is the art style so a downer for people when it comes to One Piece? Does every anime or manga have to have look derivative? Are the same people complaining about One Piece's art style unable to get into Tezuka's art style because it's supposedly "western-ish" or some shit?

The art style just doesn't appeal to me, that's all. Doesn't make the series as a whole suck or anything. :)


Himuro said:
Why is the art style so a downer for people when it comes to One Piece? Does every anime or manga have to have look derivative? Are the same people complaining about One Piece's art style unable to get into Tezuka's art style because it's supposedly "western-ish" or some shit?

That and Fairy Tail just don't have a style that appeals to me. Why do you sound like people who don't like the art style of your favorite comic (or one of your favorites, I'm guessing) personally offends and angers you? I mean, if someone were to come up to me and tell me that Tegami Bachi's art was shit I would think they were crazy, but I wouldn't get offended.


Jayge said:
That and Fairy Tail just don't have a style that appeals to me. Why do you sound like people who don't like the art style of your favorite comic (or one of your favorites, I'm guessing) personally offends and angers you? I mean, if someone were to come up to me and tell me that Tegami Bachi's art was shit I would think they were crazy, but I wouldn't get offended.

What if they said it was kinda femme, and every time they saw it in Shonen Jump they wondered why it wasn't in Shojo Beat?


bjork said:
What if they said it was kinda femme, and every time they saw it in Shonen Jump they wondered why it wasn't in Shojo Beat?
Not really sure how I would respond to that, good comics are good comics wherever they are.


Snaku said:
Still pissed Canada and Europe got to hear the Ocean cast post season 3, while America had to listen to Funi's voice "actors." Though I guess I was introduced to the Japanese version much sooner because of that, since I couldn't stand listening to Funi's new dub.

Yeah. It's really too bad the Ocean Dub will never see a DVD release. I'd take that dub over FUNi's any day.

Then again, I'll have my precious Dragon Boxes starting this November, so I could care less!
bjork said:
I been reading Jojo, what a weird series. Lots of weirdo beefcake poses, but I like the cheesetastic one-liners throughout. And Zepelli's hat.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure has the best fashion design in any manga, and I love the drunken master pose everyone goes into when they have something to say. Good luck catching up, though. Over 20 years and still going...


God's Beard said:
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure has the best fashion design in any manga, and I love the drunken master pose everyone goes into when they have something to say. Good luck catching up, though. Over 20 years and still going...

I'm through part 2, so I think that's like 1/5 of the way through the original. Just picking at it like 5 chapters at a time, I'll make it eventually.
bjork said:
I'm through part 2, so I think that's like 1/5 of the way through the original. Just picking at it like 5 chapters at a time, I'll make it eventually.

The first 2 series are pretty short, but it's ok because they're really good and not at all like the rest of the manga. 3rd series is what made it famous, and 3-6 are pretty similar. The new one though is bizarre as fuck.

2nd series for life. I like Jojo because Araki just makes up whatever rules he wants for each battle and then solves it however he feels like. Sometimes I get the feeling that the whole plot structure is based on deus ex machina.


Himuro said:
Why is the art style so a downer for people when it comes to One Piece? Does every anime or manga have to have look derivative? Are the same people complaining about One Piece's art style unable to get into Tezuka's art style because it's supposedly "western-ish" or some shit?

I think you're overreacting, really. I don't see how not liking One Piece's art style translates to not liking Tezuka, or being a weeaboo.

I like One Piece's art style myself, but that's more for the creator's wacky character designs.
One Piece basically looks like a quirky Dragon Ball Z (The style of which is quirky to begin with) The wacky designs and powers are what helps One Piece transcend typical shonen manga.
God's Beard said:
The first 2 series are pretty short, but it's ok because they're really good and not at all like the rest of the manga. 3rd series is what made it famous, and 3-6 are pretty similar. The new one though is bizarre as fuck.

2nd series for life. I like Jojo because Araki just makes up whatever rules he wants for each battle and then solves it however he feels like. Sometimes I get the feeling that the whole plot structure is based on deus ex machina.

Yes! Part 2 is my favorite, too, although I love Part 3 as well. But the series as a whole is so much fun. I remember after reading like 40 volumes in a week, I found myself unintentionally striking flamboyant poses in real life. :lol


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Himuro said:
Why is the art style so a downer for people when it comes to One Piece? Does every anime or manga have to have look derivative? Are the same people complaining about One Piece's art style unable to get into Tezuka's art style because it's supposedly "western-ish" or some shit?
Faces are simplistic, bodies are all over the place, everyone is deformed to an extent. And it's not like they're chibis or whatever, which is useful in comedy scenes where a detailed drawing is not very effective. Each of the character is deformed in his or her own way. Oda is a good artist and I understand the way he draws characters is not because he can't draw but a conscious decision. Still, I can't stomach all the gross anatomical inaccuracies.

For me, art style is the most important thing in a manga. It's crucial for the characters to have some semblance of consistency so the world is believable. The only drawing by Oda I was impressed with was his rendition of Musashi. If the One Piece had that art style throughout the manga, I'd read it in a heartbeat.


Himuro said:
Why is the art style so a downer for people when it comes to One Piece? Does every anime or manga have to have look derivative? Are the same people complaining about One Piece's art style unable to get into Tezuka's art style because it's supposedly "western-ish" or some shit?
Because it's polarizing? It's so unconventional that it's understandable that a lot of people may not be able to love it as much as some. I'm reading Fairy Tail first to ease me into One Piece's art style. Although to be fair, I kind of like Fairy Tail's art style in a weird way, but it may be because I like the characters themselves.


I am Korean.
Himuro said:
Why is the art style so a downer for people when it comes to One Piece? Does every anime or manga have to have look derivative? Are the same people complaining about One Piece's art style unable to get into Tezuka's art style because it's supposedly "western-ish" or some shit?
A lot of people dislike Toriyama's art style too. Tastes vary. Don't let it get you down.


It can be annoying when someone doesn't give something great a chance just because of the way it looks, even despite the fact that anime is a visual medium. There are, of course, people who see anime/manga as a genre which has to abide to certain conventions to be considered 'Animeee'. I have a friend (Well, ex friend) like that, who did it with Fantastic Children.

One Piece...I can understand people being turned off by it initially. By simply looking at a screenshot, you really don't get the impression that it could be the well written series it is. You'd probably think it was some over-hyper gag manga.
For me, it was probably because I was in a really foul mood when I picked it up. But it looked simplistic, immature, and poorly drawn at a glance. Only once I started reading it did I realize just how much freedom for expression the style allowed Oda. That's not mentioning Arlong Park, which disproves the other issues.


Since I just saw Tezuka get a mention, I decided to pick up MW the other day. Its one of his flirtations with the 'gekiga' style and seems very interesting. I also got Monster Men Bureiko Lullaby by Takashi Nemoto which is just plain fucked up. I'll have to explore the heta-uma style associated with King Terry a little more.

Haruspex said:
Since I just saw Tezuka get a mention, I decided to pick up MW the other day. Its one of his flirtations with the 'gekiga' style and seems very interesting. I also got Monster Men Bureiko Lullaby by Takashi Nemoto which is just plain fucked up. I'll have to explore the heta-uma style associated with King Terry a little more.

MW is pretty good. I much preferred Ode to Kirihito, though.

Monster Men Bureiko Lullaby is one of the most fucked up things I've read. Especially the story with the sexually mature baby... oh god. Not the best blind buy :lol


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Himuro said:
She's a 6 year old. She is no more detailed than she has to be.

And that's not an utterly simplistic face? That is essentially a regular circle, three triangles underneath, and standard anime girl hair with gigantic eyes. And I love Yotsuba&. The problem with the manga creator for Azumanga and Yotsuba is that every character seemingly looks the same
Definitely not, I can recognize most of them on sight from their faces alone. Characters don't have to have completely different body structures to be distinct from one another. Now take Ken Akamatsu (Love Hina, Negima) and Tony Taka (Shining Tears) for example. They are two artists who use the same face on all their girls. Noizi Ito (Haruhi) is guilty of the same thing to a lesser extent.

Like what? Like how tall everyone is? I don't think they're that out there or deformed. In which case, I never knew striving for realism in comic books was really ever a set goal.
It's not, but personally speaking I have a hard time tolerating inconsistency:


Look, this was posted a way back. One of the characters' head is large enough to swallow the other four, although in the previous page he/she/it was much smaller. One of them, I hope, isn't human. Crocodile's 's neck is a trapezoid. Only Luffy and the guy with the wine glass seem to be of the same species. (Everytime I see a picture of Nami her waist is smaller than her head. Sometimes even her neck)

In contrast:


You can immediately see that their limbs are too long and they're all anorexic. The keyword here is "they". Even if everyone in Tsubasa is in desperate need of a sandwich or five, they are all deformed in the same way.

Basically, I'm the only one in this thread who cares more about art than story.

One piece started in 1997, it's twelve years old. This was the first color spread with the original characters.


This is the most recent color spread featuring some of the same characters.


What's changed? The coloring has gotten more vibrant. Nami grew 2-3 cup sizes and her waist shrank as well. Oddly enough, she has better proportion in the first spread. Luffy's fingers are no longer sausages, that's a plus. The bodies have more detail and shading. There are more folds in the cloth. All in all, it hasn't drastically changed but it is noticeably better. Which is good, since most of you like/are used to the style.

Bleach started in 2001, it's 8 years old. The plot's gone down the shitter, but what about the art?

First color spread featuring Ichigo and Rukia:


Most recent color spread featuring Ichigo and Rukia.


The art speaks for itself. Ichigo's hair is less spiky, more organized. The face outlines have softened up, they're no longer polygons but actual faces. Mouth, nose, eyes, ears are all better positioned. They've gotten more anorexic, sadly. The shinigami robe is more fluid, more cloth-like. If I posted some more spreads you'll be able to see how much more detail he puts into clothing now, especially in his "All the Colour but Black" artbook.

KT might not be the best writer in the world, but his character designing skills are top notch. Every now and then in Bleach, you get a character like Hachi, who pushes the boundaries of what a human is shaped like. Most of time, however, they are all cut from the same mold. Yet, everyone in Bleach manages to be distinct. The only characters that are really similar to each other are Ichigo and Kaien (plot reasons), and Nanao and Lisa (again, plot reasons, although Shunsui's tastes aren't really central to the plot). Whereas in One Piece, it feels like the only way to get two different character is if they have completely different bodies.

Anyway, I lost track of where I was going with this but I'll summarize: I don't like One Piece's art. In my opinion it is bad compared to that of other series. This is how I feel, so please don't get offended.



Himuro said:
I've never read MW. What's it about?

I've only just started reading it but basically it centers on two main characters, Yuki a beautiful and seductive murderer and a Catholic priest Father Garai and their homosexual relations. They were the only two survivors of a toxic gasleak on a small Japanese island, that was developed by the Americans and dumped there after the Vietnam war. The gas, MW, and the experience of hell on the island turn Yuki into a killer and remove his sense of good/bad or morality.

Its basically a social commentary on the US occupation of Japan after the war and Japan's involvement in aiding the US in carrying out the Vietnam war. As well as a examination of the concept of original sin, evil, possession, homosexuality and a number of other things. It's not typical Tezuka, its his response to gegika.

bumbillbee said:
MW is pretty good. I much preferred Ode to Kirihito, though.

Monster Men Bureiko Lullaby is one of the most fucked up things I've read. Especially the story with the sexually mature baby... oh god. Not the best blind buy :lol

Oh god, I can't imagine picking up Monster Men on a whim without knowledge of what was to come. Would induce a heart attack. I plan to read Tezuka's more mature works after MW, just thought I'd use that as the starting point.


Heh, one reason I like OP's art style is because it's pretty inconsistent and unrealistic/fantastic in a way. For example, comic scenes have a rounded and chibi-like luffy, but action scenes have a far sharper luffy. It works pretty well for me.

Fidelis Hodie

Infidelis Cras
Halycon said:
/bitching about nothing

Yeah, one of the characters head is bigger because that's his power and of course a MERMAID ISN'T GOING TO BE HUMAN. You're nitpicking things that you have no idea about because you haven't actually read.

One piece's art is fantastic. Those color spreads are fantastic. You try drawing a character for twelve years and see if he doesn't evolve.

The only legitimate point you have is the boob issue. And, hey, who doesn't like boobs?
Fidelis Hodie said:
Yeah, one of the characters head is bigger because that's his power and of course a MERMAID ISN'T GOING TO BE HUMAN. You're nitpicking things that you have no idea about because you haven't actually read.

One piece's art is fantastic. Those color spreads are fantastic. You try drawing a character for twelve years and see if he doesn't evolve.

The only legitimate point you have is the boob issue. And, hey, who doesn't like boobs?
:lol Awesome.


Nami's boobs are based on Oda's supermodel wife's boobs. When they got married, her boobs kept getting bigger and bigger. He decided to implement this into Nami's image :lol
Fidelis Hodie said:
Yeah, one of the characters head is bigger because that's his power and of course a MERMAID ISN'T GOING TO BE HUMAN. You're nitpicking things that you have no idea about because you haven't actually read.

One piece's art is fantastic. Those color spreads are fantastic. You try drawing a character for twelve years and see if he doesn't evolve.

The only legitimate point you have is the boob issue. And, hey, who doesn't like boobs?

I doubt if Halycon actually reads One Piece at all or if he occasionally skims the latest chapters to "justify" his hate of the art (even though he hasn't had a single valid criticism. I mean, really? You couldn't tell the guy with FREAKIN GILLS and super long teeth wasn't human?!"

And your comparison of the colorspreads is equally...dumb. An author's skill can't be measured by their progression as some people start of better artists than others and some end up changing their style drastically

Fidelis Hodie

Infidelis Cras
It's also completely uninspired. Wow, great job Mr. Artist Pants, lets have black cloaks when we power up. Nice. How about some torn cloaks and swords? Never seen that before.

One Piece wins.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
:lol If you read OP you'd know why Iva can make his head so big. Nice try Halycon.

And did he really try to use that awesome panel with Croc, Jinbei, Iva, Luffy etc.. as an example of bad art? That panel is SO badass.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
And efff you, Himuro. Bleach has good art, that's about the only redeeming aspect of the manga.

Fidelis Hodie

Infidelis Cras
Oh my god that's just terrible. Seriously, whay is his face a pentagon?? his smoke doesn't even float in the right proportions!!! I'd rather read bleach because it's more realistic, regardless if it's a meandering comic that goes no where fast. I love power up, wad measuring fights!!!


Anth0ny said:
Nami's boobs are based on Oda's supermodel wife's boobs. When they got married, her boobs kept getting bigger and bigger. He decided to implement this into Nami's image :lol

Nami's voice actress is married to Oda?! makes sense.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Anth0ny said:
Nami's boobs are based on Oda's supermodel wife's boobs. When they got married, her boobs kept getting bigger and bigger. He decided to implement this into Nami's image :lol
Okay I need confirmation on this :lol

To One Piece Defense Force, sorry if I've offended you. It's just a lot of pent up anger from everyone gushing over One Piece's art over the years.

FMA is monthly so the artist has more time to draw.
But the chapters are much more meaty so it balances out.

qcf x2

Oda does better backgrounds than Kubo, but other than that it seriously isn't close. Oda's style has many strengths but artistically he's just eh. Kubo has many flaws but artistically he's near the top of regular manga writers/artists. And I know the OP zealots burn with anger but it's not a slight against the guy or the series. It has nothing to do with the plot or how charming you think Sanji's eyebrow is. It's just an unbiased opinion.


Worships the porcelain goddess
OP defense force is rabid in here. :lol No big. OP is popular in the East, Naruto/Bleach in the West. Evens out.
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