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How would you feel if the NX is weaker than the Wii U?

I'd be pretty disappointed with (and baffled by) a 2016 or 17 home console that still had to settle for sub-1080p. It's been the TV standard pretty much since the start of the last generation.
I don't understand the premise of this thread. Why would it be weaker? How? What would be the justifications? Is the console doing something else that would somehow require it to be weak? How does Nintendo go about acquiring gimped parts to somehow make a weaker console 4 years later? Is this a hybrid? How would that even work?

Or is this just another "The sky is falling, Nintendooomed" scenario?

I'm not sure how I would feel about an NX that's weaker than the Wii U because the scenario is so vague that I would question if I were dreaming or not if that actually happened.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
It would be pretty typical Nintendo logic.

Weak console(Wii) > Stronger console(Wii U) in sales, therefore it only makes sense to launch a new weak console /Nintendo



Doesn't stop it from being a Wii U 1.5 or even just a re-purposed Wii U. haha.

Gonna go for broke, WiiU + 2 Squid ductaped together.

That said, I think we have the "intentionally weak" quip to keep us out of "near WiiU" territory, since I'm taking that to mean no powerdraw limits in the 40-50W range, lol.


If its a handheld that wouldn't be that surprising, if its a console then yeah that would be insane. But I think we more or less know that the console component is at least moderately more powerful already.
Gonna go for broke, WiiU + 2 Squid ductaped together.

That said, I think we have the "intentionally weak" quip to keep us out of "near WiiU" territory, since I'm taking that to mean no powerdraw limits in the 40-50W range, lol.

Haha, so now the squids have replaced the Pikmin found in previous Nintendo hardwares?

I really don't know how to take that "not intentionally weak" comment. Maybe it wasn't their goal to make it underpowered, but it still turned out that way? I'm still betting on it being about half an Xbone.


Haha, so now the squids have replaced the Pikmin found in previous Nintendo hardwares?

I really don't know how to take that "not intentionally weak" comment. Maybe it wasn't their goal to make it underpowered, but it still turned out that way? I'm still betting on it being about half an Xbone.

Nintendo Seal of Squid. Now your playing with ink.

I took it to as attempt to address (and alleviate) the concerns/harrowing that their engineers got over the WiiU, which was intentionally weak for the power considerations or otherwise. But, from Iwata's mouth, we know he's looking at the idea of different form factors for regions. Its a smart approach for him to take when you consider the state of home consoles in Japan, so trying to make "the attractive low power family console" is a moot idea at this point, there's no market for it whether it be power hungry or not. I say this, especially, since the statement is reactionary in the sense of "leave me alone, I can't tell you more but X".

I like to predict non-entities. HBM, 8 Jaguars scotch-taped (double sided) together, and a 980Ti, shipped inside a giant Squid amiibo.
I think seeing something in the lower ranges of the X1 but with better RAM allocations.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
I had to learn not to care about Nintendo hardware decisions for the sake of my own sanity.

If the games are there, I'm sure I'll be there, too


The company has a history of pedaling back their hardware power like using an 8-bit CPU with the SNES or not including a soundchip in either the N64 or GBA.

Those are both ancillary components. No Nintendo system, even the original Wii, has ever taken a step BACKWARDS in overall perceived "strength". Worst case scenario, the next system will take a step laterally, not backward.
Honestly, I've grown so damn weary from the whole power race. At this point, all I want is all of Nintendo's first party games on their next handheld, as well as support from all the Japanese 3rd parties.

Like folding the Wii U, 3DS, and Vita libraries into a single appropriately next gen portable device.
I would be ok with it if the console itself is fine and is priced reasonably.

My main problem with the Wii U is not the lack of power per se. It's that the console and its price point have been compromised by requirements that, in my opinion, make little sense. For instance, the architecture of the console is unnecessarily complex and outdated to enable backwards compatibility. The Gamepad has little purpose, is made from cheap components, and ergonomically inferior to a traditional controller. The console has no meaningful internal storage. Etc.

Ding, ding, and ding!

I think they'll match the power of Wii U, but it's selling point will be price and the one and only place to play all of Nintendo's games. A single device will the full weight of Nintendo's studios behind it would be a force to be reckoned with, especially at a less than $300 price point with the ability to get cheaper fast.


Junior Member
I honestly could care less about nintendo consoles anymore. I have a gamecube.

But its all about the handheld at this point for nintendo

This. Nintendo's handhelds are the best way to play Nintendo's games as their home consoles have been shit for a long time now. If the NX as a home console was weaker than the Wii U then I would be unaffected as I don't even consider Nintendo consoles nowadays.


Then it better be priced accordingly, the WiiU being $100 cheaper than the PS4 is just insane.

If the gamepad wasn't a thing, I doubt there would be as much trouble with the Wii U.

I think most people just want a cheap way to play their Nintendo games. The DS, Wii, and 3DS prove it.

The price will definitely make or break em.

Doubt they'll go with weaker hardware than Wii U for practical reasons, I mean they're gonna reboot their services on the NX, and I think the VC is included, they won't benefit from using weaker hardware.


Really unlikely, but I'm guessing it would still have exclusives good enough to overcome the tech deficit (handhelds do, after all). So eventually I would want one, but there's no guarantee that I would buy one during the console's lifespan.


Then it needs to be dirt cheap, because that means they are making a console akin to the level of a PS3/360.

I feel like Nintendo at this point has two options...

A. Release a low powered cheap console, for Nintendo fans to play their games on. Maybe have some sort of gimmick to it like the Wii U did if the price won't be crazy, and just ride out Nintendo nostalgia. Don't spend more money on the console trying to cater to 3rd parties if the console won't be as powerful or competitive to the PS4/XBO.

B. Release a high powered console that isn't a headache for developers to port to, and try to compete with Microsoft and Sony. Avoid gimmicks that would interfere with 3rd parties developing on the console.

The way I see it, I bet its Option A. I seriously doubt Nintendo would go route B, just looking historically how they've made their platforms since the N64. I hope they don't do some hybrid between these two...its either you fully support 3rd parties or you don't! Anywhere in between like the Wii U and it will look very bleak for the future of Nintendo.

OR there is the Option C, which is they hit a gold mine again like with the Wii and some sort of gimmick they are trying....but if that's what they are betting on, that's risky.

If the gamepad wasn't a thing, I doubt there would be as much trouble with the Wii U.

Yeah if they just got rid of the gamepad, and brought the price down to like $100-200, selling as a dedicated Nintendo machine...I'd probably have a Wii U right now.


Then it needs to be dirt cheap, because that means they are making a console akin to the level of a PS3/360.

I feel like Nintendo at this point has two options...

A. Release a low powered cheap console, for Nintendo fans to play their games on. Maybe have some sort of gimmick to it like the Wii U did, and just ride out Nintendo nostalgia. Don't spend more money on the console trying to cater to 3rd parties if the console won't be as powerful or competitive to the PS4/XBO.

B. Release a high powered console that isn't a headache for developers to port to, and try to compete with Microsoft and Sony. Avoid gimmicks that would interfere with 3rd parties developing on the console.

The way I see it, I bet its Option A. I seriously doubt Nintendo would go route B, just looking historically how they've made their platforms since the N64. I hope they don't do some hybrid between these two...its either you fully support 3rd parties or you don't! Anywhere in between like the Wii U and it will look very bleak for the future of Nintendo.

OR there is the Option C, which is they hit a gold mine again like with the Wii and some sort of gimmick they are trying.

I think the "gimmick" this time around will be the fact that most, if not, all your games are playable on the handheld and console. Just one userbase. I like that idea a lot because that means that there will be less software droughts (a problem Iwata mentioned wanting to fix with the next generation), and we won't be forced to buy two separate machines to play all the Nintendo content we want.

If they can hammer those points in the initial pitch to consumers and nail that price point, specs won't matter.
How would you feel if the NX is weaker than the Wii U?



I think the "gimmick" this time around will be the fact that most, if not, all your games are playable on the handheld and console. Just one userbase. I like that idea a lot because that means that there will be less software droughts (a problem Iwata mentioned wanting to fix with the next generation), and we won't be forced to buy two separate machines to play all the Nintendo content we want.

If they can hammer those points in the initial pitch to consumers and nail that price point, specs won't matter.

How is this different than the vita/tv though as a gimmick? This type of functionality already exists and hasn't exactly worked out to well for Sony. I mean I certainly get that Sony botched making any appeal to consumers with the launch of the PSTV but it just seems like the kind of functionality people aren't especially interested in and of itself.


Even if that's gonna real happening, I will buy this at Day 1.
Because I want to be a early adapter for this. After I review that, then I would tell to my friends whether NX is safe or shit.


How is this different than the vita/tv though as a gimmick? This type of functionality already exists and hasn't exactly worked out to well for Sony. I mean I certainly get that Sony botched making any appeal to consumers with the launch of the PSTV but it just seems like the kind of functionality people aren't especially interested in and of itself.

You sorta answered your own question, not to mention, the software just isn't there or is as compelling as 3ds. Sony didn't give it the same push that Nintendo gave the 3ds, so of course it never worked with Sony.

Your Nintendo games working on everything matters more.


Fuck new consoles. Just start making the SNES again and drop tons of good old adventures and RPGs on it.

Do it.

People always say the reason JRPGS dropped in number so much was because of how much they cost to make now

You know what, I've been done with Nintendo since the SNES, but if the Wii U was suddenly flooded with SNES/PSX quality jrpgs, I'd buy one almost instantly. I want more jrpgs so bad, and they don't have to be realistic HD.


You sorta answered your own question, not to mention, the software just isn't there or is as compelling as 3ds. Sony didn't give it the same push that Nintendo gave the 3ds, so of course it never worked with Sony.

Your Nintendo games working on everything matters more.

Okay, that locks up the people who were going to buy it anyway. I still don't see the mainstream appeal or how it gets Nintendo any marketshare.
If NX is weaker than WiiU, I could see the Vita getting a couple NX ports that wouldn't have been developed otherwise.


As long it is portable I will be completely fine, specially if we can plug it on a TV and it supports 720p resolution.

Still too early for expectations though!


Gonna go for broke, WiiU + 2 Squid ductaped together.

That said, I think we have the "intentionally weak" quip to keep us out of "near WiiU" territory, since I'm taking that to mean no powerdraw limits in the 40-50W range, lol.
It could just mean they are making it weak but not on purpose.
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