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Halo Reach Off Screen Images


I wonder what went down at Microsoft.

Deranged executive: "So yeah, this Modern Warfare 2 thing is gaining ground and ODST just isn't going to cut it..."
PR Guy: "But we are doing alot of marketing for MW2, so that's a good thing right?"
Deranged executive: "GTFO with your logic!"
Former SEGA employee: "We've got a new internet alias for you, you will now be known as Tim Morello, ya know with all the pro's playing Halo's."
Deranged executive: "My god, that's brilliant, lets give him a Twitter feed too!"
PR Guy: "Guys... what will Tim do in order to bring hype?"
Deranged executive: "..."
Former SEGA employee: "I know, post blurry pictures of HALO: Reach on a message board and act like you're leaking that shit!"
Deranged executive: "Yeah, we totally haven't done that before..."
PR Guy: "Cool beans, bro with the flow and the Halo pro!"



This reminds of Snowbound.

[Nintex] said:
I wonder what went down at Microsoft.

Deranged executive: "So yeah, this Modern Warfare 2 thing is gaining ground and ODST just isn't going to cut it..."
PR Guy: "But we are doing alot of marketing for MW2, so that's a good thing right?"
Deranged executive: "GTFO with your logic!"
Former SEGA employee: "We've got a new internet alias for you, you will now be known as Tim Morello, ya know with all the pro's playing Halo's."
Deranged executive: "My god, that's brilliant, lets give him a Twitter feed too!"
PR Guy: "Guys... what will Tim do in order to bring hype?"
Deranged executive: "..."
Former SEGA employee: "I know, post blurry pictures of HALO: Reach on a message board and act like you're leaking that shit!"
Deranged executive: "Yeah, we totally haven't done that before..."
PR Guy: "Cool beans, bro with the flow and the Halo pro!"
I was chatting with Dani a while ago and it does seem like it was leaked on purpose.


Want? Want. Want want want!

Tom Morello

Wow, that looks damn good. I'm looking forward to the beta.


[Nintex] said:
I wonder what went down at Microsoft.

Deranged executive: "So yeah, this Modern Warfare 2 thing is gaining ground and ODST just isn't going to cut it..."
PR Guy: "But we are doing alot of marketing for MW2, so that's a good thing right?"
Deranged executive: "GTFO with your logic!"
Former SEGA employee: "We've got a new internet alias for you, you will now be known as Tim Morello, ya know with all the pro's playing Halo's."
Deranged executive: "My god, that's brilliant, lets give him a Twitter feed too!"
PR Guy: "Guys... what will Tim do in order to bring hype?"
Deranged executive: "..."
Former SEGA employee: "I know, post blurry pictures of HALO: Reach on a message board and act like you're leaking that shit!"
Deranged executive: "Yeah, we totally haven't done that before..."
PR Guy: "Cool beans, bro with the flow and the Halo pro!"



Well, this has made me go from "wait to I see it" to "wooooo". I'm also digging the "beta/alpha" versions of the BR and the Laser.

Personally, this will probably be my last Halo game, so I really hope this is fuck awesome and lives up to most of the hype. But that's just me. :/


I'm really looking forward to this one, I enjoyed OSDT and I want more! Hopefully they will post clearer screenshots soon.


GhaleonEB said:
What he just posted is summarized in even greater detail the Halo: Combat Evolved Xbox instruction manual from 2001 and is the entire premise of the Reach game. The tagline in the PR is "Reach Falls 2010".
I see. I don't read outside the games :( All I know was Reach is an important place and the title "Fall of Reach".
Looking pretty lame and embarassing, but then as others have said this is alpha stuff from offscreen blurry photos.

For a game coming out in 2010 I'd like to think Bungie would've evolved a shit ton and this would look amazing but nothing in those screens suggest they have.

I should really just call it a day with Halo. I've been disappointed 3 games in a row now.
SecretBonusPoint said:
Looking pretty lame and embarassing, but then as others have said this is alpha stuff from offscreen blurry photos.

For a game coming out in 2010 I'd like to think Bungie would've evolved a shit ton and this would look amazing but nothing in those screens suggest they have.

I should really just call it a day with Halo. I've been disappointed 3 games in a row now.

It ain't all 'bout the graphics, son.


SecretBonusPoint said:
Looking pretty lame and embarassing, but then as others have said this is alpha stuff from offscreen blurry photos.

For a game coming out in 2010 I'd like to think Bungie would've evolved a shit ton and this would look amazing but nothing in those screens suggest they have.

I should really just call it a day with Halo. I've been disappointed 3 games in a row now.

LMAO. People like you should seriously just quit gaming. Is there some kind of secret code to click on those pictures that reveals HD pictures of the game in its finished state along with gameplay videos and a video review?
Why the heck are people assuming that a new engine means that a) Bungie will abandon the Halo aesthetic that they have established and b) a game that is still, what, a year away from release will look final? Silly, silly people.


SecretBonusPoint said:
Looking pretty lame and embarassing, but then as others have said this is alpha stuff from offscreen blurry photos.

For a game coming out in 2010 I'd like to think Bungie would've evolved a shit ton and this would look amazing but nothing in those screens suggest they have.

I should really just call it a day with Halo. I've been disappointed 3 games in a row now.

Yea, you probably should.

I would have gave up after one if I had that kind discontent for Halo, and you can't tell jack shit from these screen.


Good I'm glad it has a campaign. I just hope the multiplayer is a drastic change from Halo 3's. I've been kinda tired of it lately and would love to see something new.


SecretBonusPoint said:
Looking pretty lame and embarassing, but then as others have said this is alpha stuff from offscreen blurry photos.

For a game coming out in 2010 I'd like to think Bungie would've evolved a shit ton and this would look amazing but nothing in those screens suggest they have.

I should really just call it a day with Halo. I've been disappointed 3 games in a row now.
Somewhat agree. I thought they were moving forward with a new engine, but it looks the same. They're blurry off-screen shots, so I'll wait and see direct-feed shots before I make any final decisions. Halo 3 would have looked better if Bungle would have added some AA.

Though, graphics weren't the problem with Halo 3, it was everything else that felt recycled. ODST proved they can still make a great campaign, when they put their minds to it. I hope they do something better with this than Halo 3.
Wizman23 said:
LMAO. People like you should seriously just quit gaming. Is there some kind of secret code to click on those pictures that reveals HD pictures of the game in its finished state along with gameplay videos and a video review?
Assuming so much from so little does something. Not sure what.
SecretBonusPoint said:
Looking pretty lame and embarassing, but then as others have said this is alpha stuff from offscreen blurry photos.

For a game coming out in 2010 I'd like to think Bungie would've evolved a shit ton and this would look amazing but nothing in those screens suggest they have.

I should really just call it a day with Halo. I've been disappointed 3 games in a row now.

this is what happens when you have a steady diet of paint chips.


I'm so glad about the one shot BR, I always disliked the 3 shots/burst thing it had felt cheap to me. And the models look more upgraded as well, though these are just blurry cellphone pics. Hope they release something substantial soon.
I'm glad theres finally a run button though. Trudging through the hub city in ODST pointed out the need for one more than anything else. Spartans need to have a lot more weight to their movement in this I think. It felt stupid to be playing this armoured tank cyborg of a man and glide across terrain like a camera-trolley on an icerink.

I see me being unimpressed on this page has singled me out by the rabid dogs, as could only be expected.


SecretBonusPoint said:
I'm glad theres finally a run button though. Trudging through the hub city in ODST pointed out the need for one more than anything else. Spartans need to have a lot more weight to their movement in this I think. It felt stupid to be playing this armoured tank cyborg of a man and glide across terrain like a camera-trolley on an icerink.

I see me being unimpressed on this page has singled me out by the rabid dogs, as could only be expected.
No, I'm with you. Bungie has more money than god and has had plenty of time and resources to put together a new, more impressive engine and really do something fresh with the franchise. The screens with their familiar HUD, objects, and aesthetic really does feel like another rehash, which is disappointing as Reach would be the perfect opportunity to break the mold. It's a major cop-out on their part.
holy fucking shit those graphics are AMAZING.

easily the best seen on console to date.

my mind can't even fathom how badass reach will look once we get direct feed shots!

Hostile Paradox

Neo Member
Blueblur1 said:

This reminds of Snowbound.

I was chatting with Dani a while ago and it does seem like it was leaked on purpose.

Oh Snowbound, how I miss your bigness, and the crazy CTF battles :D

I'm going to have to agree with you. Whoever took these did it with a phone, but if you're Bungie, showing off the demo, I think you might notice a guy whip out his phone and snap a lot of pics. Maybe one pic is understandable, but this many?
Wow @ people jumping on bad captures from a game a year of development away.
Leaks like this are like candid shots from a movie set..it doesn't mean anything besides the fact that its being worked on.

But from whats there, the lighting and modeling on the last 2 gun screens look quite good, even in bad quality cameraphone-captures.

I really can not wait till the game is officially revealed, to see the meltdowns of some of these haters.. :D


ZayneH said:
Well, this has made me go from "wait to I see it" to "wooooo". I'm also digging the "beta/alpha" versions of the BR and the Laser.

Personally, this will probably be my last Halo game, so I really hope this is fuck awesome and lives up to most of the hype. But that's just me. :/
Why? Are you expecting to die?
Zophar said:
The screens with their familiar HUD, objects, and aesthetic really does feel like another rehash, which is disappointing as Reach would be the perfect opportunity to break the mold. It's a major cop-out on their part.

You do realize you're talking about every sequel to a successful franchise, not Halo don't you?


my reputation is Shadowruined

Looks like you can have different sizes. Overall it reminds me a bit of Shadowrun.

Big guy with a large gatling gun = Troll

Skinny and frail = Elf that moves fast

Average size = Human

Butch looking with energy sword = Ork that gets faster reload times while dual wielding.

Stout = Dwarf


Sprinting = Wired Reflexes
Cloak = Smoke
Halogram = hologram that was removed from Shadowrun

I'd love to see a deathbed fighting perk, where once your health reaches zero a countdown timer appears (sort of like Time Crisis by Namco), and you get to add more time to it by dealing damage to the enemy.

Every 10pts of damage dealt with a slug thrower/energy ranged weapon gets you +5 seconds.
Every 10pts of damage dealt with grenades gets you +7 seconds.
Every 10 pts of damage dealth with melee/energy swords gets you +10 seconds.


I only ever see Brimstone pop up to talk about Shadowrun. :lol

Graphically, the only thing that can really be gathered from those pictures are the gun models look a bit better. Oh, and the game is missing a bunch of textures.


Jacobi said:
Why? Are you expecting to die?

No, but I really don't trust 343 Industries/Microsoft with the franchise. That could change, but as of right now I don't trust them.

EDIT: Plus, I'm already feeling tired of Halo. I'm ready for Bungie to show off their next IP.


Zophar said:
No, I'm with you. Bungie has more money than god and has had plenty of time and resources to put together a new, more impressive engine and really do something fresh with the franchise. The screens with their familiar HUD, objects, and aesthetic really does feel like another rehash, which is disappointing as Reach would be the perfect opportunity to break the mold. It's a major cop-out on their part.
You want Reach to break the mold and yet the thing you criticize is the game's visual aesthetic? Don't you think that, as a prequel, Reach ought to have visual continuity with the rest of the series? Don't you think that you should be a bit more concerned about the gameplay than the graphics of an alpha build? It seems to me that you're just looking for an excuse to dish out a negative opinion about Halo.

Rehash? Really? I suppose any sequel that bears the slightest resemblance to its predecessor would fall under the same heading, going by your system of evaluation.


SecretBonusPoint said:
I'm glad theres finally a run button though. Trudging through the hub city in ODST pointed out the need for one more than anything else. Spartans need to have a lot more weight to their movement in this I think. It felt stupid to be playing this armoured tank cyborg of a man and glide across terrain like a camera-trolley on an icerink.

I see me being unimpressed on this page has singled me out by the rabid dogs, as could only be expected.

Unimpressed with what exactly? Can you tell us if there is added AA, or AF. Can you tell us is this sub-HD? Can you also tell us if these are full assets or placeholders? Or more of the fact that you bought every Halo yet you've been disappointed since one. Why even bother in the first place really. Like a puppy on a chain.
I rented the last one, so I win I guess, in a way?

Yes its early I know, so I'm not going to say "This game sucks, Review 3/10" right now, but since this is a discussion forum with these pictures being posted, unless you want a topic that consists of just the images and one reply saying "Okay" and then locking it, its okay for negative opinions to be discussed as well? Especially since this isnt one of those darling incestuous Official threads :lol

But yes, we'll see. So far it just looks same old, same old, which I've completely tired of by this point. I wouldnt be surprised if Bungie themselves are so tired of Halo the spark and thus effort has completely gone. They must have been trying to do something new for like a decade now and just not getting the chance.


Monocle said:
You want Reach to break the mold and yet the thing you criticize is the game's visual aesthetic? Don't you think that, as a prequel, Reach ought to have visual continuity with the rest of the series? Don't you think that you should be a bit more concerned about the gameplay than the graphics of an alpha build? It seems to me that you're just looking for an excuse to dish out a negative opinion about Halo.

Rehash? Really? I suppose any sequel that bears the slightest resemblance to its predecessor would fall under the same heading, going by your system of evaluation.

I'm more annoyed that they decided not to update the engine than anything really.

Reach is a prequel, there should be tons of room for aesthetic changes. You're on a totally different planet in completely different circumstances than any of the locations in Halo 1-3. Sure, it's a little early to pass judgment, but being that we've seen so little of the game and it's less than a year away, and the first things to come out are the same old weapons, and the same old vehicles- I don't think that's very encouraging.

And yeah, my concern extends to gameplay. If they're so adverse to taking any gambles with the visuals, then they're twice as likely to not touch the gameplay. Sure Halo's is good enough that it doesn't really demand to be changed, but the franchise is a decade old and odds are the game will play no differently than Halo 1, or 2, or 3, or ODST. You can pick up and play Halo 1 and the skillset you develop for it will undoubtedly prepare you to play Halo Reach with no problems. It's not like other major franchises don't take risks: GTA1-2 are significantly different from III/VC/SA, and GTA4 is alien to even those games. Super Mario 3 is wildly different from Mario 64 which is wildly different from Mario Galaxy, etc. Sure you can say "if it aint broke", but you run the risk of a series going stale by not taking chances with your formula and challenging its fans. I have the exact same problem with Zelda and I was making these same points in the year before Twilight Princess came out.

And since there are a ton of people in this very thread saying they are tired of Halo, my criticism should make sense.


Halo Reach pre-Alpha said:
Objective number 1 goes in this space here.

People are actually judging the graphics, nevermind the fact that the pics are of an extremely low quality? :lol
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