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52 games. 1 Year. 2015.

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Smells like fresh rosebuds
Game 44
Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight
3DS, 47:11
Finished the updated story mode. Fantastic little game and hopefully it's failure doesn't prevent a remake of EO3.
Original Post: Games #1 - #6
Original Post 2: Games #7 - #10
Original Post 3: Games #11 - #14
Original Post 4: Games #15 - #18
Original Post 5: Games #19 - #23

With only 7 weeks and 18 games to go, probably gonna end up short, but truckin' along nonetheless.


Game #24: Destiny - PS4 (Prior to Taken King, without Expansions)
Completion: Main Story, All available Strikes, small amount of PvP
Personal Rating: ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆

As a systems designer, Destiny makes several unforgivable and amateur-level mistakes. While the gun-play mechanics are solid, presumably because they are built on top of Halo, the rest of the game falters in just about every category from the narrative to the itemization.


Game #25: Puzzle Quest - PC
Completion: 32 hours played
Personal Rating: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆

Puzzle Quest combines the basics of Bejeweled with a traditional sprawling RPG. I enjoyed the first half of the game a lot but eventually it just seems to drag on. The encounters don't necessarily become harder or require more strategy, but rather just become longer and more tedious giving you more opportunity to screw up. It also cheats on the same level as Mario Kart clearly giving the AI opponents vision of the soon-to-come rows of gems allowing them to combo from off the screen. There is also the tendency for games in which you start, or after a mana drain and the board resets on your turn, to give very minimal strong moves. Whereas it is almost guaranteed that the AI gets a 4x combo and an extra turn or easy access to damaging skulls. There were a few matches were the amount of cheating the game displays is so egregious that I actually considered giving it up. And after 30 or so hours of grinding through extremely similar fights, I think I've seen enough of the game despite not completing the main story.


Game #26: Lords of the Fallen - PS4
Completion: Main Story Complete
Personal Rating: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆

Lords of the Fallen is a very Souls-esque game. An action RPG that focuses on well-timed combat, set in a dark, gritty environment with very unforgiving death penalties (potential XP loss) and incredible boss fights. The combat is incredibly tense and deep. Knowing when to block, parry, dodge, shield charge, run away, use LOS, sprint, use a heavy attack, use a light attack, and use a combo attack are all extremely important to defeating some of the more difficult bosses. Understanding your attack speed, equipment weight and Poise stats are also very important and can dramatically change your play style. Souls series players will have some adjustment pains if they try to play this like Demon/Dark Souls since dodge is only useful as an actual dodge instead of a positional trick and timing is even less forgiving. And none of this is explained, anywhere. You are never really instructed on basic combat techniques in the game. You are never taught how to shield charge, when to dodge, when to block, what Poise actually does, how your equipment weight affects your movement speed, attack speed, and stamina use and regen. You aren't told anything about quests in the game other than vague references to places you likely haven't even been yet. There is no map. There is no real quest log. It's a game that expects you to figure shit out on your own, or die trying - quite literally.


Game #27: Bound By Flame - PS4
Completion: Platinum Trophy
Personal Rating: ★★★★★★★★☆☆

A true Euro-jank RPG. It has an interested premise, great characters, and decent combat mechanics that take a while to master, but are very satisfying once you do. The voice acting leaves something to be desired and the visuals and animations are only average, at best. But Spiders seems to always deliver enjoyable, if flawed and obviously low-budget, titles regardless of what they attempt. I would recommend this title to RPG fans.


Game #28: Hotline Miami - PS4
Completion: Main Story and Extras Complete
Personal Rating: ★★★★★★★★☆☆

A very tight and solid game experience from a mechanical and game play perspective and an interesting, trippy narrative to tie it all up nicely. I enjoyed not only the puzzle-solving aspects of each mission but also the brutality of the combat and the insanity of the storyline.


Game #29: Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare - PS4
Completion: About 30 hours of multiplayer
Personal Rating: ★★★★★★★★☆☆

No matter the outcome of the game, I always feel bad. If I've done terrible in the round, I cannot believe that I have been bested at such a simple shooter by players young enough to be my own children. If I do very well, I feel bad for beating up little kids. And yet, the game is still incredibly fun to play.


Game #30: Race the Sun - PS4
Completion: Level 20 or so
Personal Rating: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆

A solid indie game with a relatively simple premise that works really well to keep a sense of urgency flowing as you progress further and further through the levels.


Game #31: Diablo 3: Ultimate Evil Edition - PS4
Completion: Paragon Level 120ish, Platinum Trophy
Personal Rating: ★★★★★★★★★★

I had actually beaten the game earlier on a single character, but went back to get the Platinum (max level of each class and 500 Bounties) and fell in love with the game again. I'm now working on getting both a male and female of each class while pushing further into Greater Rift levels.


Game #32: Pix the Cat - PS4
Completion: Completed almost every level
Personal Rating: ★★★★★★★★★★

A combination of Centipede and Pac-Man that flawlessly combines the simple premise of each of the old arcade games. It reminded me of the days when games were simplier and more about having a short, entertaining fun time rather than overburdening the player with complexity or depth in a vain attempt to attribute value where there is none. I don't need a giant world filled with hollow experiences if you can craft a slick, streamlined game that's worth my precious time.


Game #33: Rocket League - PS4
Completion: Completed almost every level
Personal Rating: ★★★★★★★★★★

This is probably my Game of the Year so far, supplanting Far Cry from way back at the beginning of my list. It is absolutely amazing fun to combine rocket cars and soccer. I haven't had a lot of luck with Ranked matches due to the number of trolls who just ram teammates and quitters who leave after going down just one goal. But unranked is a lot of fun. I especially enjoy the 3v3 and 4v4 game modes. I feel like the more people in the game, the more chances for absolutely crazy or hilarious things to happen. In 2v2, there's much more room to maneuver so the game becomes far more about skill and timing - which is great if that's what you are looking for. But for a more casual play, the more the merrier.


Game #34: Warhammer: The End Times - Vermintide - PC
Completion: Level 30ish, All maps complete on Normal, most on Hard, All Grims, All Tomes
Personal Rating: ★★★★★★★★☆☆

Building on the foundation of Left 4 Dead, Vermintide does a good job of incorporating satisfying melee combat, scalable on-the-fly difficulty objectives and a frustrating, yet interesting loot system. Each class plays very differently and has its own strengths and weaknesses that are complimented and countered by the rest of the team. Getting a new item with better stats bars and better unlockable perks always feels good. The delivery of these items, however, is a unmitigated catastrophe. The problems with the loot system are vast and permeate every aspect of the game. First is how the difficulty awards far superior available loot without limiting new players, unskilled players or under-geared players from attempting to participate in them. Which means about half of your Hard mode or higher runs will include people who have no business being in those modes, but are tagging along with the hope that the other three members can carry them to easy loot. Then, because of the randomness of the rolling mechanic and how Tomes and Grimoires dramatically increase your chances for good loot, there is no reason to not try to get all of them all of the time - despite making the missions increasing more challenging. This is exacerbated by the fact that you get zero loot for a failed run, even if you fail within the final seconds of a 20-30 minute endless surge of ratmen. If you should succeed despite all of the above, there's still a pretty good chance that you'll just get a terrible roll and end up with a white or green item that you already have 10 of waiting for the forge. If you do get lucky, there's a pretty good chance the item you'll get won't even be for the class you are playing. And then there's a pretty good chance it will have perks that are less desirable. In the end, it's clear the loot system was designed to keep people farming for loot for a very long time, but I can't help be turned off by the whole thing when 30+ hours later I've only gotten just enough equipment for the class(es) I play to not be a liability to the team.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Game 45
Dragon Ball Z Super Butoden 2
Finished the story mode. The game doesn't hold up particularly well, but it does take me way back to importing it 20 or so years ago in middle school. Great little bonus for 3DS that came with extreme butoden.


37. Assassin's Creed Unity (Finished 11/7/15 - playtime 21 hrs) - I've been a long time fan of the series (I've played pretty much every single one since the first one with the exception of the handheld entries, Chronicles: China, Brotherhood, Rogue, and Syndicate) so playing this game for me was a bit of a no brainer. Only problem was when it first came out I didn't own a "next gen" system or a powerful/good enough PC so I had to pass on it. Well a few months ago I picked up an Xbox One and one of the first games I got for the system was Unity. Now that I've finally played through it I can see why some didn't really care for the game when it came out. As for me, well, I thought it was alright, it imo wasn't as good as Black Flag or 2 (my 2 favorite entries in the series), but it wasn't as "bad" imo as 3 or Revelations. One of my favorite new additions that was introduced in this entry was the murder mystery side missions where you have to solve murder mysteries by finding clues/evidence and accuse the appropriate suspect.


Hit the character limit on my first post

Game 39 - Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 - 37 Hours (Steam)

Such a charming, fun, creative little game. It drags at times, and I'm not the type to grind out the myriad of extra content, but I genuinely enjoyed my time with these silly characters. I laughed out loud as often at this game as any I've played in a long while, and the near constant fan service makes some of the more tedious aspects always tolerable. I'm sure one of these days I'll pick up one of the sequels to play.

Game 40 - Gravity Bone - 30 minutes (PC)

I downloaded this a long time ago having heard good things about it and 30 Flights of Loving. Finally got around to installing it and playing through it today. I knew it was short, but it is an enjoyable experience with good pacing. Worth trying out for anyone, especially since it is free.

Game 41 - Jazzpunk - 3 Hours (Steam)

Another bizarre little game. The very first level is the best, with just tons of stuff to wander around and find. I actually enjoyed going back and getting all the achievements just as much as playing my way through. It's definitely chock full of references and could be called "Inside Joke - The Game." Still, humor is hard to do in video games and this does it pretty well.

Game 42 - Emily is Away - 35 minutes (Steam)

I'll admit, I only played this because it was free and I heard it was short. It's an interesting experience, the style of interface and interaction is a unique approach. I suspect we'll see a lot more instant message/virtual novels going forward, or it may already be a thing that I didn't know about. I didn't find it particularly involving or touching and the times it took agency away from me were very annoying and broke a lot of my involvement. I'm sure there's other paths or endings but I don't really have any desire to try them. But it's short, and it's free, so if you've got 30 minutes and want another game completed, give it a look.

Game 43 - Life is Strange - 16 hours (Steam)

I was a big fan of Remember Me and thought the memory segments would translate well into a Telltale-style game, so I was really excited when I heard about this. The subsequent near universal praise it received also had me pretty hyped. But the game itself... I guess I would call it good. The time rewind is an ideal "power" for this genre, but it isn't the memory altering of Remember Me. And the longer the episodes went on, they dug themselves into too deep a hole to really get out of. Also, some of the episodes (especially episode 4) are just way too long for a genre that typically runs about two hours per episode, which is ideal for a single sitting. That said, if you enjoy Telltale games, this is well worth playing.

Currently Playing

Fallout: New Vegas
Tales from the Borderlands
Boot Hill Heroes
Yoshi's Island
Killer is Dead
Call of Juarez - Gunslinger
Faery - Legends of Avalon
Wayward Manor
LEGO Batman 2
Doctor Who: The Adventure Games
Far Cry 3
To The Moon
Original post


55. Call of Duty: Black Ops III (PC)
Completed all campaign levels on Hardened difficulty.

I played Ghosts earlier this year and found it very much a Call of Duty-ass Call of Duty game: the same theme-park shooting galleries, the same "America under attack" narratives, the same chest-beating military boosterism. It wasn't even that good for what it was trying to be, which was a decent military shooter. As another entry in the franchise, it felt tired, worse even than the "I guess we have to finish this" resignation of Modern Warfare 3. As an attempt to start a third subfranchise, it was a dismal failure.

What differentiates Black Ops III from Ghosts, first and foremost, is ambition. This shouldn't be a surprise, given the amount of reinvention that happened in Treyarch's previous Call of Duty outing. And while this game lacks the branching campaign and the odd-but-novel strike force missions of its predecessor, Black Ops III arguably goes much further in putting behind the hoo-rah nation-state militarism of other Call of Duty games. The geopolitical conflicts and terrorist/anti-terrorist tensions of previous games essentially don't matter here. Instead, the game doubles down on the mind control and notion-of-self aspects of the previous Black Ops games, giving us a story that's surprisingly personal even as it flies off into the most overtly science-fiction territory of the series.

Gameplay gets a minor shakeup thanks to the Cyber Core abilities, offering three different sets of powers that augment your standard run-and-gun gameplay. They change the game a lot less that I expected, given some ill-advised comparisons to Bioshock, but they add an extra layer of nuance. Thanks to the ability to customize your loadouts pre-mission, I also felt more attached to specific weapons than I normally do in a Call of Duty game, finally giving me a reason to care about the different weapon types and attachments like I do in multiplayer.

After Ghosts, I said that I might not ever buy Advanced Warfare. Black Ops III has me thinking the opposite, partially because of reviews saying the traversal powers in this game are watered down compared to Sledgehammer's effort. More importantly, Black Ops III is a reminder that Call of Duty campaigns don't have to feel like obligatory bolt-ons that everyone assumes no one will play.
Games 27 through 45 (updated)

44. The Walking Dead Season 1 (PS3) - 7th November - approx. 12 hours
I started playing this way back when it released in 2012, but after episode 1 (partly due to the annoyance of waiting for new episodes) I stopped and didn't return. Well, I decided to finally get back to it as part of clearing a few games from my PS3 backlog and I'm really pleased I gave it another chance, because it was brilliant. Nowadays I tend to prefer games with strong gameplay first and foremost, but the writing in this was so goddamn good that even though the actual gameplay is minimal the writing kept me engrossed. The characters are so well written, the ongoing story interesting and plausible and the voice acting was some of the best I've ever heard. The relationships are so well developed, with a lot of warmth between Lee and Clem, and I genuinely had a few tears leaking out in the final episode, particularly as
Kenny died and then Lee died
. Fuck man, this was amazing, and I'll give Season 2 on the PS4 a go at some point. 9/10

45. House of the Dead Overkill: Extended Cut (PS3) - 8th November - probably 10-15 hours
Played this using the Move + Sharpshooter controller. This was another from my PS3 backlog I wanted to clear, and while it's not very deep it's a lot of fun (particularly with the Sharpshooter) and has a surprising amount of content. I wasn't especially a fan of the writing but the levels were pretty solid, enemies were fun to fight and there's a good progression system where you earn money and improve your guns. This was kind of the opposite to The Walking Dead, and after I was done with that and was feeling weepy, I just wanted to shoot some zombies to death in the face until they were dead, so from that perspective it worked perfectly. 7/10

Currently playing: Grim Fandango Remastered (Vita), Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below (PS4)

Seven more games to finish before the year's end. It's going to be close, but I should be able to make it.



Game 42: Ziggurat (PC) - 6.7 hours
Ziggurat is really good, but it could have been so much better. It's a first-person rogue-like where each dungeon (level) is randomly generated. It's dark, it's fast, and it's quite fun. However, you eventually realize it lacks a bit of depth. Not enough monsters variety, the weapons are theorically different but they are all the same in practice. The randomly generated rooms also lacks variety and imagination. They are also quite tiny for the most part. I also have to mention your success is partly dependent on your luck (weapons, perks). After beating the game once or twice, there isn't enough depth to make you come back. It's still the best game from Milkstone Studios, by far. I hope they improve if they choose to develop another installment.


Game 43: The Talos Principle (PC) - 16.0 hours
With Portal 1/2 among the best first-person puzzle game I have ever played. The Talos Principle is an excellent game, with dozens of interesting puzzles of various difficulties. Some of them are really, really good. For most of them, you have to use a two of three tools/objects to solve them. You just wished there was a bit more variety. The story is intriguing, the storytelling is innovative and the atmosphere is fantastic. The Talos Principle will also ask you some interesting philosophical questions about life and humanity. The game is quite pricey, and I was lucky enough to win it in a giveaway. It's currently 40% off on Steam, and at the price it's worth it.


Game 44: Out There Somewhere (PC) - 2.7 hours
Except the main mechanic (shoot to teleport), I found Out There Somewhere pretty bland as an indie puzzle platformer. The description says "Inspired by Cave Story, Super Metroid, and Portal". I haven't found Cave Story, and comparing this game to Super Metroid is ridiculous. It's not bad, it's just average and it's incredibly short. Feels like a demo of a proof of concept. Only buy it for really cheap (like now, 96% off).


Game 45: Defense Grid 2 (PC) - 11.1 hours
I REALLY liked the first Defense Grid, so I was glad when something sent me the sequel as a gift. After finishing the campaign, I must say Defense Grid 2 is still a good tower defense game, but I was slighty disappointed. It's basically more of the same. Biggest letdown: there are not enough new towers. Then, somehow, the enemies felt like a downgrade. Also, the scoring system doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I still don't know how I can improve my score. Visually, it's a big improvement, except the monsters models which are mediocre. Finally, the story is just...blargh.


Game 46: Child of Light (PC) - 10.5 hours
Child of Light is a beautiful, charming and atmospheric role-playing game. In other words, it's gorgeous. It's also fun to explore, and the music is fantastic. However, the story is average. More importantly, the battle system is quite repetitive. Some of your characters are quite useless. The leveling system is an afterthought. The crafting system isn't interesting. Treasure hunting is fun at first, but no new idea are introduced to improve the discoverability. Child of Light length is perfect, I just wish the combat system was better.


Part 1
Part 2

42. Star Wars: Dark Forces - 10 Hours
Old school shooter from the Doom/Duke 3D days. Holds up decently enough, the lack of texture variety within individual levels is unfortunate. Can lead to a lot of areas/corridors looking similar. The MIDI-fied Star Wars theme was amazing though. Always got a good chuckle every time I loaded the game up. Oh and I appreciated that they made the Stormtrooper blaster WILDLY inaccurate. Turns out Stormtroopers don't have bad aim, they just got issued totally shit weaponry. It seems so obvious in retrospect.

43. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II - 12 Hours
I so very, very rarely play games from the same series back-to-back, but Dark Forces 2 makes so many advancements over Dark Forces 1 it's almost unfair to call it a sequel. I read online while playing it that it was the first Star Wars game to include both light saber combat and force powers, so that's pretty neat. The live action cutscenes which seem so out of place today were actually pretty cool and gave the story some legitimacy. In a way it was like getting to see a new Star Wars movie for the first time. And the girl who played Jan Ors was a total cutie. The boss fights were a little janky by today's standards but they brought some fun strategy to the gameplay, having to use true sight if an enemy went invisible, or using force protection to tank hits in a lightsaber duel. The game's a little long in the tooth compared to the pacing of today's games, but there's definitely still some fun to be had.

44. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - 10 Hours
Ehhh, this worked as a power fantasy but that's about it. I had a surprisingly hard time following the story so I have no idea if the player character was trying to play Vader or was genuinely on the dark side. Force powers were decently fun to use but the game as a whole just feels kinda vapid and empty. The neatest part was easily running around the Death Star's laser array, seeing the massive scale of it and then being told that there are 8 array's with 8 lasers each that come together at a focal point to make the Death Star's primary weapon as deadly as it is (image for reference). That was a cool part of EU world building and really nailed the sense that the Death Star really is the size of a moon.

45. Resident Evil Revelations - 9 Hours
I liked the small scale setting of this compared to the bloated story of RE6, but the actual gameplay was fairly rudimentary by third person shooter standards. They put you on this 'claustrophobic' ship to bring the series back to it's roots but the game is anything but scary. And I'm struggling to remember any noteworthy set pieces or action sequences. So the game tries to have the best of both and kind of fails? It's Capcom so it's at least a competently made game and mechanically sound but I can't help but feel like they could have done so much more with the idea.

46. Lucius - 6.75 Hours
I feel like I shouldn't have liked this as much as I did, but for some reason I found the whole thing rather endearing. You essentially play Damien from The Omen and each level tasks you with solving the puzzle of how to kill a different member of your household (a large mansion filled with plenty of hired help) without being caught. One example being getting your grandfather to slip on some ice that you planted beneath an icicle, then using telekinesis to cause the icicle to break and impale his skull. What a freak accident! No one will be the wiser. The story is tied together by a detective that senses that something isn't quite adding up, that these are more than just accidents. The small scale of the game (you never leave the mansion grounds, hell you never even see the front yard) and the way the environment and remaining characters change through the game (such as your mother's developing psychosis as she comes to learn the truth) makes the whole thing feel very quaint and intimate. You can tell the devs are European and the game was made on a small budget. There's no way it could exist on anything besides PC but I'm glad it does.

47. DmC Devil May Cry - 8.5 Hours
Alright let's get this out of the way. Prior to this I'd only played DMC4 so I am by NO means someone who is just pining for a return to the numbered entries, but I really found the character of Dante to be off-putting. The style of the game, especially at the beginning, is so kind of strange and slightly off that I thought for sure it was like a Japanese dev's take on Western culture or something. BOY was I surprised when I found out the devs are British. But as someone who know's absolutely nothing of the DMC story it was nice to have this game tell the character's origin story so that I have at least a basic grasp of the universe if a DMC5 ever comes to light. So many people were up in arms over this game merely existing, but I feel like it was a great way to bring more people into the franchise and get them up to speed, so it's existence is justified. Combat was solid and fluid and I liked having certain enemies immune to either the angel or demon weapons but I felt they could have done more with it. It wasn't until the last stage or two where they'd throw two enemies with different immunities at you at once which injected some strategy into the combat. But there's the middle third of the game after you get most weaponry/abilties and you're just kind of going along destroying enemies, not being challenged and not learning anything new that the game drags a bit. Overall I found the whole thing a little too easy and offensively-focused. Ninja Gaiden is very defense-focused (wait for enemy to attack, dodge, and tear into them when they're recovering) which I like and Bayonetta finds a great balance with witch time and dodge offset so I wish DmC could have found that balance as well. In the end though the game was a pretty pleasant surprise.

48. Morphopolis - 1.75 Hours
A pretty basic not-quite-pixel-hunt not-quite-a-puzzler game. The main draw (no pun intended) here is the hand-drawn artwork. Not much to say about it really. A relaxing game that doesn't overstay it's welcome and is nice to look at. Ah, on a whim I just Googled the game and my suspicions were correct- this is a mobile game. Makes sense.

49. Jazzpunk - 2 Hours
This was a weird one. I didn't find it as funny as I could tell the devs wanted me to. The pacing seemed off to me as well. The first few missions are very brisk and then you get sent on a vacation that seems to last about half of the game's running time. The Adult Swim label makes a lot of sense, the game is nonsensical in a not-quite Tim & Eric way (thank fuck). I admire the devs for trying something unique, so in that sense I could never call it a bad game, but at the same time it really didn't land for me and I don't think I could ever recommend it to anyone. The intro was really cool, though.

Almost there!


38. Ultra Street Fighter IV (Finished 11/9/15 - playtime 10+hrs) - As a big time fan of fighting games I've pretty much played every iteration of Street Fighter IV with the exception of Ultra, that changed recently (last 2 months) when I got the game as part of the Humble Capcom Bundle. While it does have some new additions and alterations that (imo) make it a little bit better than the previous version it is still missing my favorite mode from the original release of Street Fighter IV, which was the Theater Mode that let you watch all the game's cutscenes that you'd watched/unlocked.


Original Post

Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection - Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Criteria: Standard game completion
Time played: ?? hours

This was definitely a lot better than Drake's Fortune was at least. I was honestly expecting to be writing up a far more positive impression of this based on how the game started out. The pacing seemed great, and you made constant progress rather than feeling like the game was constantly locking you into rooms to fight endless waves of enemies... but then by the time I'd reached roughly the halfway point, that's exactly the direction the game took again. Wave, after wave, after wave of the same handful of enemies after seemingly every few steps. The worst part is that the enemies weren't gaining new interesting combat abilities to content with... they were simply being given fill body armor and helmets to justify them being damage sponges. The last type of enemy added is even given a plot-based explanation as to why they can absorb multiple clips of rounds to the face.. it's horrible tbh.

It's a shame because, up to and slightly past the famous train set-piece I was legitimately enjoying the game. But everything that occurred from the moment you return to the village under attack was extremely boring (and quite often even annoying), and far more reminiscent of the sorts of issue that frequented UC1 than I had been led to believe were present in UC2. I probably won't come back to this to play UC3 for some time, as the general opinion seems to be that it's a step down from UC2, and UC2 honestly has me scratching my head at the acclaim it receives. It's possible that part of the issue, is that I struggle to not constantly compare the games to the Tomb Raider reboot, and I view that game as being superior in pretty much every meaningful way. Lara controls so much better in that, and combat is both far more interesting, whilst also being far less drawn out. TR2013 also does a much better job making each location seem substantial, and not just a pretty corridor. It honestly feels a bit like comparing Mario 64 to Crash Bandicoot in terms of how limited traversal and level design in Uncharted comes across.


Previous Post: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=176893681&postcount=2144

Game 60: Pillars of Eternity: White March: part 1- Finished

Putting this here since I would have counted it if I had finished POE on release. I'm very much looking to part 2, although I'm slightly disappointed it's nature means the massive spoiler I hinted at above can't really be covered (maybe I'll be surprised in that regard though).

Game 61: Undertale - Finished (all main endings)

This is great and full of creative ideas, good humour, is pretty much the ultimate expression of whatever the Mother series and related games are, and an easy GOTY contender (though it's unlikely to beat Bloodborne for me, especially with the DLC still to come). Also feels, feels everywhere. Like a lot of people mention though much of what makes it great is tied into stuff that works better unspoiled, it's not that long for one playthrough (and even less for follow-ups) and it's hard to say much beyond "just play it". The combat system is borderline genius in how it allows entire character arcs to play out purely through it, and it's probably one of the most reactive games ever made. While people talk about it's obvious Mother inspiration it's actually something else I feel it (likely inadvertently) has kinship with, which is "cinematic platformers" like Another World, not in terms of how you interact at all (hell the reactive nature is almost entirely contrary to the closed solutions most cinematic platformers are based on), but in terms of how it uses a short length to allow for almost every situation to be entirely unique and throws new mechanics and characters at you on almost every screen.

Game 62: Lara Croft: Relic Run - Played

I don't have much experience with runners and this is pretty much the first mobile game I've tried, but it seems enjoyable enough and I like the progression aspects vs others I've played, though some of the blatant attempts to put microtransaction stuff in your face (namely the lingering on buying revival items after death) is kind of obnoxious. I'm not sure how much more I'll play though, not because of the game in itself but because my phone doesn't seem to handle it very well and most of my deaths have come from it becoming unplayable slow at points, and that's likely to continue becoming a bigger issue as the levels get longer (though maybe I can tweak my phone settings or something).

Game 63: Lara Croft: GO - Finished

A good puzzle game that does a great job slowly adding new elements and twisting old ones. I like how one or two bits of ambient music from TR1 were used, and the general attempt to take the grid style of the original games and put it in a new context. Like Relic Run it's actually technical issues that gave me the most trouble; I had pretty long loading times and a lot of slowdown that made certain parts awkward even with the game being turn based, but in the end I'm assuming that's a problem with my phone being shitty performance-wise and not a base issue with the game.

Game 64: Bloodborne: The Old Hunters - Finished

Finished but I want to play around with the new stuff more before posting anything more.

Game 65: Gauntlet Slayer Edition - Played


Game 66: Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone - Played


Game 67: Skyrim - Played


Game 68: Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection - Played


Game 69: Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced- Played


Game 70: Destiny: Taken King Edition - Played



39. Rise of the Tomb Raider (Finished 11/12/15 - playtime 20 hrs for 81% completion) - Like a few of the games I've played as part of this year's challenge Rise of the Tomb Raider belongs to a franchise that I've been a long time (since 1997, when Tomb Raider 2 came out) fan of. I know that some people don't really care for the 2013 reboot, but I absolutely loved it even though there were not many tombs to explore in the game and with Rise of the Tomb Raider Square Enix & Crystal Dynamics went bigger, bolder, better.....for the most part. While I felt the game's story, while pretty good overall, was not (imo) as good as the 2013 reboot's the rest of the game imo absolutely out did the 2013 game not just graphically, but gameplay and content wise (there are 10 optional tombs on top of the ones you encounter naturally while you play through the game's story, rare/exotic animals you can hunt, etc.) as well. If you're like me and absolutely loved (or hell even if you just liked) the 2013 reboot I think you'll really enjoy Rise of the Tomb Raider.


Original Post

Sega Vintage Collection: Streets of Rage - Streets of Rage

Criteria: Standard game completion
Time played: ~1 hour

Not much to say about this one really... it's Streets of Rage. Loaded it up to check out the backwards compatibility on Xbox One, and ended up playing it through. Great game still, and one of the best soundtracks in gaming. Will probably end up playing through Streets of Rage 2 some time soon.


Games 1-20
Games 21-40
Games 41-52

Game 52: Wild ARMS 2 - 62 hours
PS3 (PS1 classic)

Not as enjoyable as Wild ARMS 1 or 3 but still entertaining enough to get through it all and do all the side content. The localization is terrible, which is the biggest negative. Regular mob fights are very easy, but the bosses are challenging and fun. The skill system is fun, and the music was great. A game with very distinct pros and cons. I still recommend the game if people enjoy turn-based role playing games and they don't have anything else on their plate.


My Backloggery


50. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
[Finished 15/11/15]
Boy oh boy, this is the biggie. This is the game that took me the longest period of time to complete this year, mainly due to circumstances of being way busier, but finishing this has been a long time coming. MGSV is a tour de force in sandbox design, and stealth mechanics. Never before has a game given me so many options to approach a given situation, and had them all be so unique, varied and most importantly viable. I feel like a lot of people complain about the sameness of the side missions, and while eventually they got long in the tooth and I wanted to just progress the story, the amount of fun it is to execute on strategies, whether stealthy or guns blazing, is unparalleled in games today. The stories of MGSV are the ones you tell yourself. The time that you sprinted away from a tank while blowing up the C4 you had just stealthily placed by its side. The time that you blew up that helicopter from a mile away and completed the mission objective in a manner that is emblematic of a hollywood action movie. The time you avoided being seen by the skulls, fultoned the tank out of the mission area and slowly crawled away till you were out of the hotzone. These are the tales that I will hold with me from my time with MGSV. Yes the story doesn't quite hold up to the other entries in the series, but it is still amazing to see the seeds being laid for the games that come after this, and as somone who knows what happens in this universe, there is certainly some great setup. Overall, while some of the endgame was frustratingly difficult, and while I burned out on side ops, there are so many amazing aspects about MGSV that make it one of the most polished, satisfying experiences in video games.

51. Axiom Verge
[Finished 05/12/15]
Nintendo aren't going to make 2D Metroid, but Tom Happ will, and boy oh boy does he do a great job with it. This game runs with the blueprint Super Metroid put in place and then goes in some really crazy directions with it. The glitch beam is really cool and gives you a reason to mess with every enemy. All the traversal stuff is very subversive, and the iteration of the morph ball that this game creates is in my opinion a smarter and much more fun version of Samus' classic powerup. Yeah, a lot of the collectables are diary entries and "nodes" which basically amount to heart pieces, so finding a secret isn't always amazing, but there are a bunch of diverse, interesting weapons to find as well. Some mechanics rubbed me the wrong way (Looking at you grapling hook) and though it controls tightly, some of the platforming segments weren't quite as smooth as they ought to be, but overall it is a great twist on the genre.

52. Costume Quest
[Finished 27/12/15]
If timing worked out in a better way, then this final and 52nd game (Yay! I beat the challenge) would have most likely been Xenoblade Chronicles X. Alas, being away from my Wii U for the end of the year meant I only got 55 hours into that title before having to leave it for 2016. Costume Quest however, was the perfect little game to close out the year. It has a really cute aesthetic and really great writing that is pretty funny throughout. Yes the combat gets very samey, and once you figure out a good combination of stickers and costume combos, you can pretty much snooze your way through most encounters, but it still makes you pay attention. It is very Mario RPG esque, but much simpler and easier and I can appreciate that when the game is only 5 hours long. There were times when I felt some of the puzzles were way too obtuse and adventure gamey, but those moments were few and far between. Overall, glad I played this and it was a neat ending to the year of 52 games!

Jack Videogames

Gold Member

38:49h. Story completed, most sidequests completed, no postgame. There's not much I can add to my growing love for Dragon Quest. As far as I can tell, DQ games are either "Evolutions" (DQ3) or "Revolutions" (DQ2, DQ4). This is definitely one of the former. The base game changes very little compared to DQ4. However, I also think this is the best game in the saga so far. The story is very heartwarming, tugging at your heartstrings for... perhaps the first time in DQ. Also, it defies some tropes of the genre (The hero
not being the Chosen One
, for starters) and does it well. Sometimes the different accents are a bit tiring (particularly, as a Spaniard, Sancho's. "Sí! Siesta, paella! Señor Pankraz! Papá! Bebé!") but even those become endearing after a while.

From a gameplay standpoint, I loved the middle ground between "predefined" party members and recruitable monsters
and some humans
. The game is also somewhat easier than 4, but not necessarily in a bad way. Only gripe I have is, once Parry learns Insulatle it's basically impossible to lose a boss battle.

Updated OP


Games 1 - 20
Games 21-39
Games 40+

Game 51: The Talos Principle: Road to Gehenna

I'll admit, when this was announced, I wasn't wild about it. Even though The Talos Principle (Game 2 on this list) was my GOTY 2014. It didn't need DLC. It was a well wrapped up package and more of the same content would just be another case of the games industry not knowing when to leave something be. It could have been really easy for Croteam to stick a new ability in the player's hands and base it around that, but they took the tools you already had, and from them created some really challenging puzzles that use the old tools in new ways. And it's fucking magnificent. This is the game I loved before, distilled to its best parts and refined to within an inch of its life. On more than one occasion, upon beating a room, I walked back through it slowly to marvel at the sheer ingenuity of the solution. Without a doubt, this is the finest display of puzzle design I've ever seen. And it's all backed up by a script that further cements Tom Jubert as one of the best writers in the business. Gotta go back for all the stars (and, I assume, the "true ending"), but I'm happy to mull over what I got for the time being.
If you like Portal, you'll like this, but beat The Talos Principle first


Managed to finish the challenge with a few weeks still to spare.

I ran out of space in my original post forever ago, so I started keeping track of it in this Imgur Gallery instead.

Game #49- Assassin's Creed: Liberation

Rating: ★★
Platform: Vita
Beaten: October 19th
Time: 11:37

Assassin's Creed: Liberation is a game with a lot of neat ideas, and the closest to adapting the series to a handheld device yet, but it ultimately comes up short and fails to execute on any of them. The whole conceit of the game's "normal" story being a Templar ruse, and having to work with Erudito to uncover the truth is a really neat one, but the way the game hides the truth in weird, missable, unmarked locations at random points instead of presenting them as missions or part of the story really hurts that angle. The persona system could've been a really interesting mechanic too- with the Assassin, Lady and Slave persona all having unique skills and would, ideally, provide the opportunity to tackle objectives in numerous interesting ways. Instead, the game feels like it railroads you into using whichever persona it wants you too most of the time, and the Lady and Slave persona never feel anything more than restrictive and limited.

On top of all that, the game doesn't look or run particularly great. It tried to push the highest fidelity graphics it could manage, but the realistic style of the mainline AC games just looks ugly and muddy on the Vita hardware. That, and the framerate issues make for a particularly mediocre experience. These faults would be forgivable if the game played really well- I ended up forgiving Ninja Gaiden Sigma II+ earlier this year for the same ugly look and even worse framerate issues because I had such a good time playing it, but the combat in Liberation feels sluggish and where the core of its console counterparts is timing and responsiveness, I found Liberation to be unresponsive and clumsy- often I would hit a counter button, only for nothing to happen. Weird animation issues, AI going nuts, clipping through environments, and heavy amounts of jank made for one of the worst feeling AC combat systems yet. Like AC3, Liberation's environments are a bore to climb and run through, which turns me off of exploration and weakens the overall feeling of an AC game. But the worst, the absolute worst, aspect of playing the game is the Vita-specific minigames. The stupid hold your Vita up to a light mechanic, the even worse rotate the Vita to guide the ball into a hole minigame (that doesn't fucking work no matter what you do), it's the kind of thing that you just have to put up with in an early title like this, but man, does it suck.

AC: Liberation was a bunch of interesting ideas, but not a single one of them actually manages to go anywhere. It's a shame, because I would have loved to see more Triple A support for the Vita, but this one just isn't very good. Still, I guess it's not the worst Assassin's Creed game I played this year, because it's better than Unity.

Game #50- One Piece: Grand Adventure

Rating: ★★★★
Platform: PS2
Beaten: October 25th
Time: 5:25

I'm not really a big anime guy, but I used to be a big fan of Shonen Jump, and One Piece was my jam. The endearing characters, the cool fights, and the actually pretty funny humor kept me entertained for a long time, and it wasn't until Thriller Bark that I finally drifted away from the series. One Piece is great- but there's not nearly as many American fans for it as it deserves, and the biggest reason for that is pretty simple- the 4Kids dub of the series into English was a goddamn trainwreck. As weird, non-sustainable, and baffling as the dub was though, it was always a guilty pleasure of mine, which is why I have no problems going back to the 4Kids dubbed video games.

Grand Adventure was the second 3D fighting game released in the West, and was actually exclusive to the west without a Japanese release- mostly because it took a bunch of content that was cut from the first english game (because the US version of the anime hadn't made it far enough to use a lot of it yet) and added it back in. The real draw of this game though is the new story mode. You get to pick one of five captains, and sail across the One Piece world, recruiting pirates into your crew and running through a bunch of fights. The Luffy story is a pretty boilerplate rough adaptation of the series up to Skypeia, but the Buggy, Crocodile and Smoker stories are all relatively interesting original stories, highlighting some of the cool characters that we didn't get to see a lot of in the series proper. The last Captain, Usopp, lets you create a crew of any character in the game. It's a pretty great roster too- all the characters you'd want, up to the arcs that it covers, anyway, and some really weird, cool picks make the cut. Getting to play as Zoro's deceased childhood friend Kuina, or as Chef Zeff are unexpected but awesome additions.

It's not as perfect as I remember it being, sadly- the minigames across the board are pretty dumb, if mostly harmless. Some of the stages have some framerate issues, with the Ship Graveyard specifically feeling unbelievably bad, and like a lot of these kinds of fighters, the balance is pretty whack. Still, if you're a One Piece fan and can ignore the One Piece dub well enough, this is a pretty fun time.

Game #51- Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD

Rating: ★★★★
Platform: Vita
Beaten: November 16th
Time: 8:06:45

I remember when this was coming out back on the Xbox, I was disappointed that the series was going in the direction of an FPS. There were plenty of shooters on the market already, and the dull browns and apparent change in direction made it easy to ignore the game until I came back to it years later, and realized that ignoring it all that time had been a grave mistake, because Stranger's Wrath is a fantastic video game. Now that it's been remastered in HD, it's an even better one.

Oddworld has always been a series that bleeds style. Every character and enemy design, every environment, every line of dialogue- it all comes together to form a very specific, fully realized world that feels as alive as it does unique. Stranger's Wrath moves to a different continent from the rest of the series, leading to a more western aesthetic to the world, but it still wears its environmentalist nature on its sleeve, and that's something I've always really enjoyed about the series.

The combat of Stranger's Wrath is pretty satisfying- the various ammo types are fun to use, and the bounty system makes for a really unique take on traditional shooter sequences by challenging you to take your targets alive. I felt like there wasn't really a huge variety in what the different ammo types were doing, and that the game didn't really allow for much use of a handful of them- the Chippunk especially felt rarely useful, and more chances to really take advantage of the environment and setting up combinations of weapon types to defeat enemies would have felt much more satisfying.

The Vita port is a pretty solid one. Graphically, it looks fine to me, though it's obviously a step down from the PS3 version. The framerate felt pretty steady for me for pretty much the entire game- with only some minor dips at the end of the final act, and in the fight before the last boss battle. One thing that really irked me, though, was the mandatory use of the touch screen. I hate touch screens, and try to limit my use of them as much as one can today- there's no reason why I shouldn't be able to navigate the pause menu, inventory screen, ammo change screen and the shops with the analog sticks and pressing buttons. I wasn't a big fan of mapping melee to the rear touch either, because it did lead to some random punching when I wasn't meaning to, but it's not a big deal.

Stranger's Wrath is still as great a game now as it was then; but my criticisms of it haven't changed either- more varied combat encounters to encourage more creative ammo use would be ideal, and the game feels like it rushes through its final act a bit too quickly, but it's still a phenomenal experience and a must play- whether you play it on your Vita, the PS3, your PC or even the original Xbox version. Stranger's Wrath is a game worth your time.

Game #52- Fallout: New Vegas

Rating: ★★★★★
Platform: Xbox 360
Beaten: November 16th
Time: 63:43:25

It seems like I've played through New Vegas at least once every year since it came out five years ago, so it only makes sense that my final game in this year's challenge involve me walking down the Lonesome Road one more time.

I don't know what I can say about New Vegas that I haven't said to death already- the top notch writing, the amazing world and fully realized factions, the thrilling feeling of influencing the balance of power- New Vegas is the true Fallout 3, the follow up to some of my all-time favorite games that Bethesda have never had the talent to live up to.

This playthrough was my first melee only character, and I've got to say, punching out Deathclaws and Cazadores is as cathartic as it is rewarding, and I had a blast with it. Over the course of the character, I also played through each of the DLCs- which gave me a much better appreciation for Old World Blues, which I previously found funny, but lacking in what I was looking for at the time. Coming back to it now, while I still think Lonesome Road is far and away the better add-on, Old World Blues felt a lot more charming and satisfying than I remember it being at the time.

New Vegas is one of the best games of the last generation, and up there as one of my favorite games of all time- it's a damn shame that Obsidian will probably never get to make another game in the series again, especially since they were founded out of the ashes of the studio that made the other two actually good games in the series, but at least we got the chance to see the game the original Fallout 3 was more or less meant to be all these years later, and if it's the last proper Fallout game we ever get... well, at least this was a satisfying end to a phenomenal franchise.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Game 46
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;birth 1
20ish hours, PC, Steam
Played through the story mode. Got it in some bundle I think. Played it along with ym 11 year old who loved the moe versions of the consoles and the story. Pretty fun little game.
original post

53. Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3); The last one I've played in this series ironically. It's still a very good game and somewhat refreshing not being that bloated in item selection and short commands like later entries. The Metroidvania aspect was really overhyped though, do people how for example Metroid Prime's map played? City was the natural evolution, it's really just Knight that went the wrong way. And while there's still many great moments, it really ends on some bullshit (which I already knew of), which kinder tempers the final impression, probably even a little unfairly.

City>Asylum and Origins>>>Knight.

54. Project Zero: Maiden of Blackwater (WiiU);
This game probably has the most fun ghost hunting of the series if you are using traditional controls. Doing combos and mixing them with new camera techniques never felt so good. Sound design is decent and Tecmo has gotten much out of PS360 tech graphically, which makes locales look very nice. There's still several spooky moments and scenes, but unfortunately they aren't really held together by the nonsensical story that lacks scariness and supports backtracking far too often, which can be fatal from time to time, because the game is also too easy and simpler than previous entries, making most iterating parts not very interesting.

Jack Videogames

Gold Member

30h-ish. Story completed, all cases closed, all criminals apprehended, all Enigma datapacks found, 45% of the game completed (What the hell do you expect me to do, game? A New Game+? Yeah, that's going to happen). You almost got me, Batman: AO. Your cheesy "this is how they met" storyline becomes sort of endearing if you keep in mind that this is a separate canon, and once you get into it, you have some of the best boss battles in the franchise and the streamlined collect-a-thon part is miles better than AC's. With a combat system left basically untouched, it's really easy to have fun with this game.

Then the problems start. The performance is never great even in a computer that runs modern games swiftly, and after a couple gamebreaking bugs (the worst of them during the bridge's destruction and Firefly's fight, just before the endgame) the lousy optimization becomes an annoying resident on the back of your head, never to leave until the underwhelming final showdown. All in all, a decent game, but with a lot of wasted potential.

Updated OP


Original Post

Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea

Criteria: Standard game completion.
Time played: 6 hours

Now this the kind of thing I want from DLC.

There's not really much to detail beyond my impression of the main Bioshock Infinite game (gunplay still sucks), but it was great seeing characters and event from both Infinite along with the original game get additional exposure, and it gives new context to many of both games' characters. Seeing Rapture before the fall was great (if surprisingly short-lived), and I almost feel like playing the original game again now.

Episode 1 was mostly standard Bioshock Infinite fair, just with a change of location. Episode 2 however was a very different experience, playing as more of stealth game throughout. The second episode especially bought a lot new to both games' stories, and I would consider this DLC required playing for anyone that enjoyed the story and settings of either game.
Your cheesy "this is how they met" storyline becomes sort of endearing if you keep in mind that this is a separate canon, and once you get into it, you have some of the best boss battles in the franchise and the streamlined collect-a-thon part is miles better than AC's. With a combat system left basically untouched, it's really easy to have fun with this game.

Then the problems start. The performance is never great even in a computer that runs modern games swiftly, and after a couple gamebreaking bugs (the worst of them during the bridge's destruction and Firefly's fight, just before the endgame) the lousy optimization becomes an annoying resident on the back of your head, never to leave until the underwhelming final showdown. All in all, a decent game, but with a lot of wasted potential.

Not really? Arkham Knight directly references Origins several times (evidence room) and Origins is leading up to Asylum clearly. If anything, Knight is more retconn-y with a completely different scarecrow personality and the tank compared to the Burtonmobile in AA.
The finale (and story) also definitely felt stronger to me than the other entries, even if still cheesy (introduction of Harley Quinn was easily the most hamfisted).

I mean that the Arkhamverse itself is a separate canon, ofc Arkham Origins is linked to the other two Arkham games

Oh, right. I don't read the comics.

Jack Videogames

Gold Member
Not really? Arkham Knight directly references Origins several times (evidence room) and Origins is leading up to Asylum clearly. If anything, Knight is more retconn-y with a completely different scarecrow personality and the tank compared to the Burtonmobile in AA.
The finale (and story) also definitely felt stronger to me than the other entries, even if still cheesy (introduction of Harley Quinn was easily the most hamfisted).

I mean that the Arkhamverse itself is a separate canon, ofc Arkham Origins is linked to the other two Arkham games
Games 27 through 46 (updated)

46. Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below (PS4) - 17th November - 32 hours
My one experience with the series prior to this was DQVIII on the PS2, but I picked this up because I was in the mood for a Musou and got it fairly cheap on launch (£30). Although I recognise that it's a highly flawed game I really enjoyed it, found the combat surprisingly decent, the enemy variety is really impressive and there's a large suite of really fun and often challenging boss battles. The visuals are gorgeous and the presentation excellent on the whole, and I liked the RPG elements and progression system which brought a bit more depth than I would have expected. I would have liked more variety in objectives and more complex and interesting level design (the only level I really liked was the whole of Arba town in the penultimate mission), but on the whole I found this extremely enjoyable and I'd gladly see more DQ spin-offs if they built on this combat engine but maybe made the style of game more open and interesting, like a Zelda instalment or something. 8/10

Currently playing: Tearaway Unfolded (PS4), Destiny: The Taken King (PS4), Grim Fandango (Vita), Sonic the Hedgehog (Android)

Six games to go, six weeks to go. It's gonna be close.


Update :

Game #22: The Walking Dead : Season 1

Rating: 9.5/10 - Platform: PS4 - Developer: Telltale
Already played it on PC but since it was on sale on psn and the season 2 was free with PS+, I though I could give it an other go and enjoy once again how brilliant this game is. it was less intense this time around as I knew about the story but man this game is so good playing with your emotions and your morale. It just makes you wonder over and over if you took the right decisions and has some of the most likable characters I had the chance to play with. Fantastic experience !

Game #23: The Walking Dead : Season 2

Rating: 9.5/10 - Platform: PS4 - Developer: Telltale
I don't really know why some people didn't like this season although maybe it was for being sometimes slower than the previous one. But my god, the pace and the story just build what is, in my opinion, one of the best ending I have ever experienced in any video game. I was genuinely confuse as to what to do at the end and took a good 5 minutes before finally deciding. My choice lead me to shed some tears during the last scene. Absolutely brilliant work and I can't wait for season 3 !

Main Post


Got enough StreetPass tags on my 3DS last week to finally finish two pending games in the Plaza:

#20 - StreetPass Mii Plaza: Monster Manor (3DS) (Lots and lots of hours) - Reached the very last floor, beat the final boss, and the credits rolled. All tickets/achievements collected. This game was a fantastic ride and very original for such a small game, but I'm glad it's finally over.

#21 - StreetPass Mii Plaza: Battleground Z (3DS) (Lots and lots of hours) - Beat the main story and final boss, then credits roll. Still need to go back and collect some coupons but I'm mostly done with this game as the Plaza counts it as beaten.

Original Post.


Dot Hacked
SAND BIRD! I mean... just more games 4 ta go since I got through FE: Awakening last week an tonight Mario Sunshine!

Games Beaten: 48 / 52
Total Playtime: 353 hours, 19 minutes

01 - 26
27 - ??


1st Part
2nd Part

50. Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines - 30 Hours
THE HYPE IS REAL! This game was SO good, I couldn't believe it. In a nutshell it's basically Deus Ex if Deus Ex had Vampires with superhuman powers instead of augmented humans with superhuman powers. The world-building, lore, story and dialogue do such an effective job of making you feel like a small part of a much larger whole that exists outside of the game. Some of the best written characters I've ever seen in a game (And, seriously, maybe the best voice acting I've *ever* heard in a game) make you actually give a shit about your choices and whats going on in the story. The branching storylines (curtosy of a dialogue system that reminds me of New Vegas) seem masterfully done and don't lock you into a path until fairly late in the game and allows each of the game's endings to be rather distinct from each other, down to how many and which of the final bosses you face, without sacrificing player agency. I never felt like I was unfairly stuck into one path, and had plenty of opportunity to consider the politics in the game and choose an allegiance. My one complaint is that some of the end game areas are entirely too combat heavy, which can lead to some headaches as up until that point the game goes out of its way to make sure there are multiple ways to approach a situation (combat, stealth, smooth talk your way out of something etc), so if you didn't gear your character towards combat you're gonna have a bad time in a few spots. But honestly the game ramps the difficulty slow enough, and is generous enough with skill points that you'd really have to go out of your way to screw up your character build. Long story short: I haven't been this impressed with a game in a long, long time.

Edit: Forgot to mention the soundtrack! A very eclectic mix that sounds modern and distinctly un-videogame like. A couple tracks with obvious trip-hop influence, some licensed goth rock songs (that, as someone who spent their teen years listening to Korn and Marilyn Manson, I was right at home with), a smattering of industrial and electronic elements, and at least one acoustic based song that made me literally stop in my tracks to appreciate the song and how well it fit in the scene. Amazing stuff.


This post may be a little late, but I've been diligently keeping up with the challenge. I'm hoping to pull through in time in December; Sept-Nov were pretty terrible months for me.

My backloggery

Game 1: Attack of the Friday Monsters (3DS)
# Finished 1/2

Game 2: Weapon Shop de Omasse (3DS)
# Finished 1/15

Game 3: Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix (PS3)
# Finished 1/18

Game 4: Super Smash Bros. for 3DS (3DS)
# Finished 1/22 ("Finished" here meaning all characters and stages unlocked)

Game 5: Facade (PC)
# Finished 1/29

Game 6: Mirror's Edge (PS3)
# Finished 2/4

Game 7: Narcissu (Steam)
# Finished 2/10

Game 8: Okamiden (DS)
# Finished 2/15

Game 9: inFamous (PS3)
# Finished 2/24

Game 10: Go! Go! Nippon! ~My First Trip to Japan~ (Steam)

# Finished 2/25

Game 11: Narcissu -Side 2nd- (Steam)
# Finished 2/28

Game 12: Fire Emblem (GBA)
# Finished 3/19

Game 13: BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger (PS3)

# FInished 3/21

Game 14: Katamari Damacy (PS2C)
# Finished 3/25

Game 15: Hatoful Boyfriend (Steam)
# Finished 3/26

Game 16: Long Live the Queen (Steam)
# Finished 3/29

Game 17: Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World (PS3) - 35:08
# Finished 4/6

Game 18: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones (GBA)
# Finished 4/20

Game 19: Devil May Cry 4 (PS3)
# Finished 5/15

Game 20: inFamous 2 (PS3)
# Finished 5/19

Game 21: inFamous: Festival of Blood (PSN)
# Finished 5/20

Games 22-26: Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space (PSN)
# Finished 5/21. Note: I'm counting each separate episode as a separate game.

Game 27: Dragon Quest IX (DS) - 44:27
# Finished 5/25

Game 28: Tales of Xillia (PS3) - 36:55
# Finished 5/27

Game 29: Phantasy Star Portable (PSP) - 14:44
# Finished 6/21

Game 30: Hate Plus (Steam)

# Finished 6/27

Game 31: The Legend of Zelda (3DSVC)
# Finished 7/2

Game 32: Roommates (Steam)
# Finished 7/2

Game 33: Sweet Fuse: At Your Side (PSN)

# Finished 7/16 and completed 7/20

Game 34: Plants vs. Zombies (PC)
# Finished 7/29

Game 35: World End Economica: Episosde 1 (Steam)
# Finished 7/29

Game 36: Persona 4 Arena Ultimax (PS3)
# Finished 8/11

Game 37: Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance (3DS) - 33:58
# Finished 8/15

Game 38: Klonoa 2: Dream Champ Tournament (GBA)

# Finished 8/20

Game 39: Tokyo Jungle (PSN)
# Finished 8/25

Game 40: Bioshock (PS3)
# Finished 8/30

Game 41: Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan (3DS) - 61:10
# Finished 9/21

Game 42: BlazBlue: Continuum Shift (PS3)
# Finished 9/27

Game 43: Katawa Shoujo (PC)
# Finished 10/28

Game 44: Greyfox (Steam)
# Finished 10/29

Game 45: Nameless ~The one thing you must recall~ (Steam)
# Finished 10/31 and completed 11/8

Game 46: Legend of Mana (PSN) - 7 hours
# Finished 11/16

Game 47: Runner 2: Legend of Rhythm Alien (PSN)
# Finished 11/23

Game 48: Amnesia: Memories (Steam)
# Finished 12/4

Game 49: Dandelion ~Wishes brought to you~ (Steam)
# Finished 12/8

Game 50: Danganronpa (Vita)
# Finished 12/18

Game 51: Dust: An Elysian Tail (PS4)
# Finished 12/23

Game 52: Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star (Steam)
# Finished 12/23

There we go! Completed! \^_^/


Original Post

Rise of the Tomb Raider

Criteria: Standard game completion.
Time played: 19 hours

Great game that improves upon the previous game in almost every area. The bigger focus on exploration and challenges is very welcome, and the crafting system allows for far greater flexibility in combat. In fact, many encounters played out more like a Metal Gear Solid or Splinter Cell game than an Uncharted game. Coming from the relative tedium of the Uncharted games recently, this was a pleasant change.

Story was still a bit rubbish... but that's ok, because the game itself is fun enough that you don't feel like the story is simply a carrot being dangled in order to convince you to press onwards.



Game #24: Wolfenstein : The New Order

Rating: 8/10 - Platform: PS4 - Developer: MachineGames, Bethesda
I enjoyed Wolfenstein but not as much as I though I would. I think it's because I personally enjoy FPS with keyboard and mouse more than with a controller. I'll give it an other go on PC when I'll build a computer again. The game is good and fun, no question about it and it runs well on PS4 so at the end it deserve all the praise it received.

Main Post


Games 1 - 20
Games 21-39
Games 40+

Game 52: Game of Thrones Season One

I'm a big fan of Game of Thrones, and a big fan of Telltale's The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us, so this had every right to be a thoroughly enjoyable episodic adventure. But it was anything but. As each episode released, my enthusiasm waned more and more. By the end of Episode 4, I just stopped giving a shit, and I just blasted through the last two tonight to get it the fuck done. I was so bored of the story that I had to resort to making sarcastic shocked reactions to keep myself entertained. Aloud. Alone. Read that again: this game is so fucking dull that I could only drag myself through it by talking to myself. And on a level of craft, the whole package is just shoddy. Barely-animated marionettes spouting the bare minimum of dialogue in barely-modelled environments. All the while, everyone moves about at a glacial speed, occasionally stopping to do a silent exaggerated facial expression so you know they're upset. And on top of all the JPEGs and jank and embarrassing lip-sync, they could barely even come up with an original idea the whole series. It's all twists on famous scenes from the show, so everything has about as much impact as a feather duster. Telltale need to re-assess their formula. Doubly so in the wake of Life Is Strange this year. There's nothing to be proud of in this package. Absolute garbage.
You won't like this

Ding dong done. I really didn't want to finish the 52 on a shite game, but I was looking at the others that were candidates and just wanted rid of this so I could enjoy them.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Game 47
Fatal Frame Maiden of Black Water, Wii U
I went into this one hesitant since I hadnt heard much good about it, but it is actually decent. It isn't as good as Fatal Frame 2, but I think it is better than 3 and 4. The mechanics are much improved and given a better narrative could have been truly special.

Game 48
Transformers Devastation
PC, 8ish hours
Great game as is expected from Platinum. But way too short. By the time I really got a handle on the mechanics and was SSing missions and having a blast it was over. Could do with a little better story as well. And I wish it had licensed TF music.The theme ot Touch would have added a lot. If I could get a story written by the comic writers and this gameplay, it would be heaven.


Games 1-20
Games 21-40
Games 41-53

Game 53: The Age of Decadence - 14 hours

A game that should offer players o lot of choice and consequence. I played a non-combat character on my first run and had a lot of fun doing so. I started out as a merchant but soon ended up betraying them and then betraying my new masters, only to rejoin the merchant guild and betray them yet again. There have been complaints about difficult combat and a slow paced game in general. I can't comment much on the combat, but the pace is really solid. Steam says that it took me 14 hours, but I'm guessing 11,5 hours was me actually playing the game. The replay value should be really solid after reading up on how other players chose to move on in the game. One of my GOTY candidates.
POST #6: Games 99-111 (November 22, 2015 to December 31, 2015)

Link to Post #1 (Games 1-34):
Link to Post #2 (Games 35-44):
Link to Post #3 (Games 45-69):
Link to Post #4 (Games 70-84):
Link to Post #5 (Games 85-98):

Post 6 progress as of 12/30/15: 111 games completed versus initial target of 52 games (+58 games over initial target)

My personal ground rules (copied from my OP):

1. If I own all episodes of an episodic game when I start playing, then beating them all counts as just one game.

If I own just the one episode (ex. Game of Thrones, Republique) then that counts as one game by itself... But subsequently buying and finishing more episodes (if I liked the first) will not add to my completed game count.

2. Games finished in 2015 all count, regardless of when I started them. This is supposed to be backloggery!

3. No "re-finishing" any short games I've already beaten for purposes of padding my stats, unless i'm revisiting the game for Platinum run.

Note: the entries listed below without a "finished" date listed are stubs, representing half-finished games; I'm using this as a work-in-progress checklist. I'll be editing the post to reflect completion as I progress.

Game 99: Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and The Blight Below (PS4) - 32 and 1/2 hours
Finished 11/22/15
I loved the ever-living shit out of this game - IMHO, it is thus far the ultimate expression of what Warriors games can be. There are just enough RPG elements to keep me motivated to push forward (although the balance for drop rates is freaking miserly), and the sheer chaos of having the screen filled with enemies (and subsequently having them all die from a massive screen clearing musou blast) is joyous.

If you appreciate DW, do yourself a favor and pick this up - it was apparently a bomba based on anecdotal GAF comments, so price drops should be hopefully be available. Just be prepared to skip the story segments - the dialogue is some of the worst I have ever heard, bar none. We're talking Baby's First RPG levels of terrible, here.

Game 100: Code: Realize -Guardian of Rebirth- (PSV) - Around 17 hours
Finished 11/30/15 (91%)

Triple digits at last! Booyah! ��

I gave this otome game a shot just to see what it was like, and was pleasantly surprised. Yes, there's a bit of sappy stuff in there, but not much worse than you would find in your average rom-com... And the story is strong enough to stand on its own.

Some nitpicks - they reused a bit too many backdrops, must have been a budgetary thing... Also, the translation for the final chapters of the game's last "route" is just covered with grammatical errors, which dulls the shine a bit. Overall though, a very solid VN.

Game 101: Sonic The Hedgehog 4, Episode 1 (PC) - Around 3 hours
Finished 11/30/15
Man, am I glad I didn't buy both episodes of this... Whew! Dodged a bullet there.

Sonic 4 is incredibly frustrating because you can see flashes of an excellent Sonic game buried within the muck... But for every fleeting moment of old-school joy, you get four incidences of "Y U DO DIS SAHNIC TEAM", where you're banging your head against the wall trying to understand their idiotic design decisions. That card bridge section... What the fucking fuck, you fuckers???

But the end boss was sublime. �� this game is schizophrenic as hell.

Game 102: Her Story (PC) - 113 minutes as per Steam
Finished 11/30/15
I finally caved and bought a copy of this in the Exploration Sale, didn't want to pay too much for what could be a glorified FMV game.

It was touch and go at first, but I found myself really enjoying myself. Searching for keywords in the dialogue and making intelligent searches soon settled into a science; it was a bit weird that there was no explanation of what exactly you needed to be doing, but the game does a good job of throwing you a lead to start with. The "endgame" device was a little unclear as well, but it made me appreciate it more when I figured it out. Worth a couple dollars.

Game 103: Shadow Complex: Remastered (PC) - 5 hours 44 minutes
Finished 12/5/15
Saw the PSA on GAF announcing this as free, downloaded it with the quickness. Always wanted to play this, but never had a 360... Woud have paid full price for a Steam release, and for Epic to give it away for free is just boundless generosity!

Ended up tearing through it in around half a Saturday, and it was massively enjoyable... One of my top ten Metroidvanias ever, to be sure. SC does such a good job of making it fun to go back and unlock stuff, and the feeling you get when you figure out how to grab that niggling collectibe you missed is amazing... Game doesn't hand you shit on a silver platter, you gotta put in work.

Game 104: Danmaku Unlimited 2 (PC) - 2 hours 30 minutes
Finished 12/13/15
Bang! Hit that double up with time to spare. 2015 was a great year for cleaning out that backlog. Anyway...

DU2 was a great little indie shmup, very attractive visual style and some crazy bullet patterns. That last level, "Einherjar", though... that stage pushed the limits of ridiculousness for a final stage, multiple boss level enemies covered by swarms of minions, a long section where you have to weave between capital ships (which you cannot kill due to lack of firepower) while dodging hails of bullets... crazy. The last boss was kind of meh, though.

Game 105: Kings Quest 2015, Episode 1 (PS4) - 5 hours
Finished 12/19/15
Blasted through the first episode of KQ 2015 in an afternoon, and came away with very positive impressions. I've always wanted to play this, but am holding out for a physical release with all the episodes included (like Life Is Strange). After a simplistic start, it becomes far more of a "legit" adventure game than the recent rash of Telltale titles, with solid puzzles that won't break your head. The story is also very well told, with a warm tone and great dialogue. Graphics are sharp, framerate is solid - good show by Sierra!

Game 106: DLC Quest + Live Freemium Or Die (PC) - 51 minutes
Finished 12/20/15
Bought the "complete" version of DLC Quest for a song, came with its semi-sequel, LFOD. The base game was actually really enjoyable, with some really biting satire on the piecemeal nature of the modern gaming industry. Level design was also well done, and it ended when it needed to, The sequel, however, is much worse - the map work is all over the place, and I ran into an A bug in the last section of the game that caused me to repeatedly go back to the title screen, making my save file unwinnable. Maybe I needed to buy some more DLC to get it working? Needless to say I didn't start it back up.

Game 107: Papers, Please (PC) - 5 hours per Steam
Finished 12/20/15
I'm super conflicted about this game.

On the one hand, I really had some fun with it for a while, and its got a lot of funky game design flourishes that work quite well... Lots of replay value too.

On the other, after working my way to the last day and getting a bad ending, I had little to no inclination to change things, as the core gameplay had begun to feel like busywork at this point.

Worth the discounted price I paid, but not much more.

Game 108: 9.08m (PC) - 15 minutes
Finished 12/24/15

Ugh, this might be the nadir of walking simulators. I understand its for a good cause, and goes towards the survivors of the 2011 japanese tsunami, but there's so little game here its criminal.

The visuals are pretty in a moody sort of way, so there's that.

Game 109: Emily Is Away(PC) - 24 minutes
Finished 12/30/15
Played this off a Kotaku year end review recommendation. This game connected with me on a personal level, and it actually mirrors a very specific time in my life.

IRL, I'm still friends with "Emily" - playing this game has me wondering if itll stay that way. Also, the throwback Windows XP "OS" and funky ICQ avatars were a serious kick.

Try it, it's free to play!

Game 110: Iron Fisticle (PC) - 3 hours as per Steam
Finished 12/30/15
Very solid twin stick shooter in the vein of Smash TV, super challenging but allows for incremental upgrades via "leveling up" and buying permanent stat boosts (damage, fire rate, starting health, etc.). Excellent purchase if on sale.

Game 111: Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon (PS3) - 7 hours 30 minutes
Finished 12/31/15
What a glorious, glorious game. A bite sized Far Cry (timed to conclude before things get old), packed to the gills with an ultra-cheesy 80's vibe... Sergeant Rex "Power" Colt is now one of my favorite action game heroes ever.

Seriously, that last level was one of the most mindblowingly ridiculous things I've ever seen in a videogame, and I've finished all the Saints Row games. My idol!

Targeted for completion (running tab, subject to change):

Game 112: The Last Tinker: City of Colors (PS4, retail copy)
In my quixotic quest to eventually finish every platformer ever, I have to begin wading through the crap eventually. The Last Tinker is part of that crap.

Game 113: Psychonauts (PC)
I never finished the PS2 version back in the day, as the framerate was making me sick. This PC port is much more technically agreeable, and its been fantastic so far - One of my favorite Tim Schafer games, and that's saying a lot. 8 hours in..

Game 114: Resident Evil Revelations 2 - Disc Ver. (PS4)
Done with episode 2!

Game 115: Ultimate Marvel VS. Capcom 3 (PSV) -
I totally missed the boat on this at Vita launch, as I was still salty over Capcom giving us UMVC3 so soon after vanilla MVC3. This is AMAZING for a portable fighter.

Game 116: Grand Theft Auto V (PS4) - DURATION PLAYED
The PS4 run.7/

Game 117: Destiny (PS4) - DURATION PLAYED
Stopped midway through (distracted by MP), will push through to the end.

Game 118: If My Heart had Wings (PC)
Another title that I have been chomping at the bit to play, but have been unable to until now due to its PC exclusivity. Visual novel goodness!

Game 119: Tales of Monkey Island - Ep.1-5 (PS3)
Bought off the flash sale weekend of March 21 for $1. Just finished 100%ing ep1 (3/21/15).

Game 120: Jurassic Park - Ep.1-4 (PS3)
Bought off the flash sale weekend of March 21 for $1. Just finished 100%ing ep1 (4/18/15). Not looking good.


Updated main post:

53. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (PS4)
Rating 5/5
Completed 10/15
Time: 100+ hours

Fantastic game. This is the first game that has equaled my enjoyment for Bloodborne. While yes, the story is "meh" and was obviously rushed at the end, the gameplay itself is still awesome. Even spent some time with MGO until the "shooter-month" (Halo, CoD, Battlefront) started.

54. Knight Lore - Rare Replay (XB1)
Rating 2.5/5
Completed 10/15
Time: 3 hours

Completed all milestones and snapshots. Falls in line with the other early Rare games. Thank goodness for cheats.

55. Until Dawn (PS4)
Rating 3.5/5
Completed 10/24/15
Time: 8-9 hours

Not a bad game/movie. Was entertaining but as soon as I 'beat' it I knew I would never play it again so was one of the few games this gen I've sold/traded back in. Only 4 of my characters survived.

56. Gunfright - Rare Replay (XB1)
Rating 2.5/5
Completed 10/15 (all snapshots and milestones)
Time: 2 hours

Was a easier game than the other early Rare Replay games. The gunfights themselves would have been challenging though without rewind for me.

57. Uncharted 1 - Nathan Drake Collection (PS4)
Rating: 4/5
Completed 10/15
Time: 8-10 hours

Still such a good game. I said before I think this gets undue "negative" word of mouth. I know, opinions and all that, but I think even after all these years it's still a good game. The remastered edition looks so good too.

58. Halo 5: Guardians (XB1)
Rating: 5/5
Completed 11/3/15
Time: 7 hours

Great game. While a bit shorter than the other Halo campaigns (though frankly not much shorter than 3; ODST or 4), it's soooo good IMO. Especially with the fact it offers a bit more variety in how you approach each level than 4 did. The only negative in the campaign IMO is the repetitive boss fights. MP is great as well. I'm not a great Halo MP player but the gameplay itself is fantastic.

59. Assassin's Creed Syndicate (PS4)
Rating 4.5/5
Completed 11/20/15
Time: ??? hours (can't find a gameclock on this one and the way I played it, having a hard time estimating)

Great game. I don't have franchise fatigue of AC like so many (only played 1 and 2 some, Black Flag and Unity before this) so that might be a difference. This is the best AC game I've played by far and one of the better games I played this year.


Games 1-34 & 35-43

40. Super Mario Maker ("Finished" 11/22/15 - playtime 15+ hrs) - I got this game as a birthday present since I've been a big fan of the 2D Mario games and while I was not big on the create aspect of the game (or the fact that you don't get all the assets from the very beginning) I did like how fairly easy it was to create & upload levels. I also enjoyed playing other people's created levels even though most of the ones I played were either very very simple or very very evil.....I'm looking at you Jirard aka "The Completionist".



61. Cosmochoria (Steam, 2015/10/18, 9.8 hours)

You're tiny naked cosmonaut, with a fishbowl helmet, drifting through a dying universe. The story is driven by exploration, artifacts and NPCs. It's a roguelike light in the sense that you s
tart over once you die, but persistent unlocks and milestones soften the blow. The gameplay revolves around terraforming planets while fending off hostile, aliens and wildlife. Lots of physi
cs, gravity and planet hopping with your trusty jetpack. The more you explore, the more you unlock little assists, the easier the jobs gets and the more sense the game's universe will make.
Cosmochoria was a very unique experience, enjoyable and fresh.

62. Singularity (Steam, 2015/10/25, 9 hours)

Rock solid first person shooter, which follows the Half-Life 2 gameplay template very closely. Great gunplay spiced up with temporal gadgetry, not too challenging if played right. I also enj
oyed the alternate history and retro science fiction story. The atmosphere was surprisingly creepy and horror like at times. Raven managed the pacing just right, perfect balance of action, s
lower horror moments and environment/temporal puzzles. This is definitely an overlooked gem of the seventh generation. The PC version ran insanely smooth, even with driver forced 4xMSAA+SGSSAA, super optimized and a joy to play.

63. DreadOut (Steam, 2015/11/06, 6.66 hours)

Southeast asian based horror game, a group of students and their teacher end up in a (literal) ghost town. Your character is only "armed" with her smartphone and DLSR camera. Ghosts can be seen through the viewfinder, weakened and perished by taking their photo. Mysteries and puzzles need to be solved in order to progress while fending off spirits. The whole experience was unfortunately a pretty mixed bag. It's clear, that the devs were learning on the job: act 0 playable prototype, act 1 very rough around the edges, act 2 actually pretty decent. Interesting, frustrating and at best charmingly janky: Dreamcast like textures, no mo-cap, PS2 era handcrafted animations, lack of player guidance and a few nonsensical puzzles. Good atmosphere, sound design, character models and ghost designs were redeeming qualities.

64. Mushihimesama (Steam, 2015/11/07, 3.4 hours)

Great pick for CAVE's first Steam release and definitely a classic. The port got a few issues, some bugs (pun not intended) and dumb design decisions (locked internal 720p, etc). Luckily I never had any crashes like so many other early customers and I manged to bend the rendering to my will with GeDoSaTo (2560x1920@60Hz, lanczos down-sampling to 1200p for face-stabbingly sharp sprites). Cleared every available mode, but will be back for more since the game is super fun.

65. Kick & Fennick (PSV, 2015/11/08, 6.25 hours)

Super underrated and overlooked physics based platformer about a boy and his robotic worm with a fennec fox's head. The traversal pretty unique and entirely handled by recoil of a gun that flings the duo through the maze like corporate ruins. I really enjoyed the little story, level design and gameplay. Minor nitpick: trial and error caused by the camera, that wouldn't allow to look ahead and result in instant fail a couple of times. The dev did a really nice job with the presentation, very nice looking Vita game: almost no aliasing or slow downs.

66. CAPSULE (Steam, 2015/11/15, 2.5 hours)

This little 55MB flash game got more atmosphere and suspense than most triple A big budget games. Best played in a dark room with headphones, its interface a mere glitching CRT radar screen and surrounding soundscape. The mission is to navigate home through hostile environment and to survive the journey without A. suffocating and B. running out of power (which leads to A.). The only way to trace life sustaining resources and identifying threats is by sonar pulse. The catch, each pulse can also alert hostiles of your presence and location. Highly effective sound design which adds to the claustrophobic experience. Nothing says game over better than the sound of someone struggling to breathe as you run out of oxygen while the screen slowly fades to black.

67. Samorost (Web, 2015/11/17, 0.5 hour)

Classic Amanita Design point&click adventure: nice music, adorable animations, great art, solvable puzzles.

68. Samorost 2 (Steam, 2015/11/17, 1 hour)

Another little episode in the Samorost universe, lots of improvements and a nice continuation.

69. Sound Shapes (PS4, 2015/11/21, 3 hours)

On paper I should love this game, but ended up hating it. The platforming wasn't fun: sluggish, too ham-fisted heavy on the gravitational pull and momentum. Its soundtrack and audio design such a mess: completing the music by collecting dots, like enabling lines in sequencer. Nice idea, but jumping around in the tune with every other screen ultimately wrecked the whole concept. I listen to all kinds of experimental electronic music and consider myself pretty open minded, but had to mute the game a couple of times when the soundtrack was just too abrasive and unnerving. I continued on in hope the whole thing would click with me eventually, although it never did. Luckily the campaign was super brief.

70. A Story About My Uncle (Steam, 2015/11/23, 3.5 hours)

Sublime 1st person adventure with amazing traversal and touching story. I really enjoyed the narration based story telling that flowed along with the gameplay. The 3D platforming is spectacular in this title: insane drops, point landings, rocket jumps and grappling hook wizardry. I can't come up with many games that made traversal this immersive and fun: think Mirror's Edge, Jumping Flash and Bionic Commando ... all mixed into one delicious cocktail.


If someone really reads all of this stuff, I want to apologize for my bad english.

1: Alien Isolation 10-15 hours -(Ps4)-

100% (Platinum)

Second playthrough of my 2014 Goty. This time on easy, without dying and finding all collectibles. Such a great game. They nailed the Art Design/Sound and the gameplay is alright. Game has some length. Still a great experience

2: Infamous: First Light - 5-10 hours -(Ps4)-

100% (Platinum)

...and again, a second playthrough. I think Second Son is the better game, but I also had a good time with this and some funny rounds in the arena. I would like to see a new IP by SuckerPunch, but I guess that is not the topic here.

3: Wolfenstein: The New Order -10 Hours -(Ps4)-

100% (Platinum)

... and again... This time on Uber/Extreme with collecting everything and getting all perks. Besides Alien Isolation my Second Goty. B.J is great, Die Käfer are great and I love Frau Engels (not like Bubi).

4: Dying Light - 10-15 hours -(Ps4)-

Only Playthrough

I wasn`t a big fan of Dead Island and have no idea why I bought this at release, but I had fun for a while. The presentation is just not good (everything feels a bit silly), but mixing up parcour with zombiesplatteraction was cool. Will play it again someday. Oh, singleplayer only.

5: The Wolf among us - 5-10 hours -(Ps4)-

100% (Platinum)

TWD SE 1 was one of my favourite games the year it came out, can`t say this about TWD SE 2 which I stopped playing after 2 Episodes. TWAU was more fun. Good characters, exciting story and so on. Will try out the second season when it is out, but so far I am not hungry for more Telltale games.

6: Rogue Legacy -xx-xx hours (took me while tbh) -(PVita)

Only Playthrough so far

Enjoyed it, but I am really bad in this game. Finished it with 154 kids at level 95. May try to get every trophy in the future.

7: The Order 1886 - 5-10 Hours -(Ps4)-

100% (Platinum)

Well... great looking game and the gunplay was fine, but there where only like 3 or 4 big shoot- outs in the game. Great potential, a lot of it wasted. It was ok and I would like to see a second game in this franchise (not gonna happen), but it wasn`t special.

8: Tearaway - ?? - -(Ps4)-

Still not 100%...

My first Vitagame and the first one 1 finished. I love it so much that I already finished it 10 times and still miss some collectibles. Game is great, play it (it is okay if you buy and play the Ps4 version)

9: No More Heroes - 10-15 hours -(Wii)-

Only Playthrough

Playing this game after The Order was a bit shocking (that gfx), but still a cool experience. Gameplay was fun and the sidequest to get money were nuts. Travis Rules. Need to play NMH 2.

10: Hotline Miami -xx hours -(PsVita)-

Still not 100%...

Finished this game on Pc, Ps3 and Ps4 already, but the vitaversion is the best imo. Was doing some clean up (collectibles, rank) before HM 2 came out. The OST is still one of the best in games (again, imo) and the gameplay is fast fun (Press X to restart).

11: Valiant Hearts - 5-10 hours -(Ps4)-

Only Playthrough

It was good for one playthrough. Artdesign is beautiful, gameplay a little bit simple and the story is a bit innocent and has some rescue in the last second moments.

12: Shovel Knight -5-10 hours -(PsVita)-

Only Playthrough

Good game, a bit easy in the first run. I like "retro" looking and feeling games and Yacht Club did a perfect job. May finish the NG+ and the free dlc and I am sure kratos also need a shovel to the head.

12: Wolfenstein: The Old Blood - 5-10 hours -(Ps4)-

Only Playthrough

Like I said, Wolfi The New Order was one of my Gotys of 2014. Of course this game is a releaseday buy for me. New Order is the better game imo, but Old blood is still very good. The second part was something new (well, not really new). Think I will make the second playthrough and clean up (Arena) soon.

13: Dead Space 3 - 10-20 hours -(Ps3)-

Only one Playthrough of course

Coop. It only took us one year. Dspace 1 was great, Ds2 was good, Ds3 was mediocre. The first half of the game (before you land on Hoth) had a few really good moments, but he game already starts to be jumpscare shooting fest. Parts of theprevious games felt the same, but did a better job. Ds3 is ok, nothing special but looks really good sometimes. Won`t touch it again.

14: Resident Evil Revelations 2 - 10- XX hours (Ps4)

One Playthrough and many hours in raid mode

B-Movie the game. But a good one. Story and everything are trash but it felt better than Resi 5 and way better than resi 6. The different abilitys of the characters are good for the game, at least if you play coop. Really sucks that you can´t play the campaign online.
Raid mode is fund for a while and can get pretty hard.

15: Super Mario 3D World - 5-10 hours -(WiiU)

Only Playthrough

I know, I may have missed the best part of the game. But I only had it for 2 or 3 days and there was no time for 100% it. This is the first 3D Mario I enjoyed. Good game without a question, wish I ha some friends in the new town for coop ;_;.

16: Captain Toad Treasure Tracker - ~5 hours -(WiiU)

Only Playthrough

*copy and paste* I know, I may have missed the best part of the game. But I only had it for 2 or 3 days and there was no time for 100% it. Great game. And it is really gorgeous. Puzzlemechanics were fun in 3D World already and are far better here.

17:Resident Evil 6 - don`t know how much I played but I want all of it back -(Ps3)-

Only Leon Campaign (finished Chris campaign and a bit of the Weskercampaign before)

God... gunplay has some fine moments but the rest... the beginning in the leon campaign was a quicktime massacre and is dumbdumbdumbdumb. The President of the united states is in the office of an american university. Under the church of the city are big catacombs, a large sea and a a laboratory. Zombies with dynamite and armor. wtf capcom... friend wanted to play it... we were laughing so much about how hilarious this game is. Na... no more resi 6 for me.

18: Broken Age ~10 hours -(PsVita)-

Only Playthrough

My first "classic" Adventure. Good enough for me. The artdesign is great, also some of the puzzles. The humour... feels a bit forced. The few hours I play Grim fandango are better in this point. Still a good game imo.

19: Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number - 10-15 hours -(PsVita)-

Only Playthrough

Press x to restart... again. Good game. Beats HM1 in OST, but the levels were a bit better in the first one. To many offscreen deaths and 300 not so good written paths are not so good. Staying in the top 10 ranking of the world was fun. Hard mode and 100% in this game are a goal for the future

20: Uncharted: Golden Abyss - 10-15 hours -(PsVita)-

Only Playthrough

Good as a handheld/mobile title, would be mediocre as a homeconsole title. It is like God of War: Chains of olympus. Copy of the gameplay, but far behind in presentation and design. Still good enough for a mobile title (repeat). Graphics are good, but a bit to much of showcase title imo (some of the puzzles/features are a bit annoying). The new sidekick (that Tomb raider woman thing) are not so good. But overall I enjoyed the game.

21: Gravity Rush - 10-15 hours -(PsVita)-

Only Playthrough

I had to start the game 4 times till I had some fun. In the end a good game with interesting mechanics, neat artdesign and boring story. Would not play again, but will buy Grush 2.

22: Killzone Mercenary - 5-10 hours -(PsVita)-

Only Playthrough

I am not a die hard killzone fan, but I like the franchise. Mercenary is a good mobile title with it short missions and I would like to see a similar title on Ps4 with a coop feature and lots of challenges. Mp was fun for a few rounds, but I think I am not the person for Mp Shooters on the Vita.

23: Batman: Arkham Knight aka. Batmobile: Arkham Tanks - 15-20 hours -(Ps4)

Only Playthrough (almost none of the sidequests)

Well... I love the previous games (although I never finished City). Gameplay was fun with all the fighting an exploring. Great bossfights and fanservice. Arkham Knight is still a good game, but the forced use of the Batmobile sucks and what the fuck rocksteady, where are all the real bossfights? Worst title of the series for me.

24: Sound Shapes - 5-10 hours -(PsVita)

100% (Platinum)

This was fun, good Ps+Title. The campaign is a little bit to easy, the extra mode was hard as fuck in a few levels. Good Artdesign and music.

25: Rocket League - ~100 hours -(Ps4)-

100% (Platinum)

Best online game ever. Played over 1000 matches and this game doesn´t get boring. And I suck in this game \o/

26: Until Dawn - ~10 hours -(Ps4)-

Only Playthrough

Big fan of all this teenie (horror) stuff and supermassive did a great job. Characters are the stereotypes like in the movies. Game has some length (the twist should have come a bit later, or everything after the twist a bit shorter) and there is not that much gameplay, but it is alright. Want to play it again and make some different choices the next time.

27: Battlefield: Hardline - 5-10 hours -(Ps4)-

Only Playthrough

I put 100 hours in Bf3 and Bf4,bought the season pass for Bf4 (and shared it for Bf3). Hardline did not click online. Visceral tried something new in the campaign without leaving the linear ways of the former campaigns. It is good to have the opportunity to shoot or sneak through the levels, but arresting 40 guys every time feels a bit silly. I wish they had made a single Copcame outside of the Battlefield Franchise.

28: Tearaway Unfolded - ~10 hours -(Ps4)-

Only Playthrough

Great game on the vita, great game on the Ps4. More like a remake than a remaster. And it is fucking beautiful. God use of the sixaxis, but still to handholding. Gonna play this game a few more times.

29: Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes- 2 hours -(Ps4)-

Only Playthrough

Wanted to finish it before starting The Phantom Pain. Gameplaywise it is great. I can say the same about the presentation. Good game if you don`t pay to much.

30: Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped - 5-10 hours -(PsVita)-

Only Playthrough

Ths game came together with Fifa 99 (love you Arveladze) and my Playstation christmas 98. It was fun 17 (oh my god) years ago and it was fun to replay this game. To much vehicle levels and to easy, but cool level design and a great humour.

31: Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back - 5-10 hours -(PsVita)

Only Playthrough

Played this a lot when I was younger and visited my father. Great humour, level design and this time the game was a lot harder.

32: Journey - 2-3 hours -(Ps4)-

Only Playthrough

A already finished this game on ps3, but it really is worth a second, third... playthrough. Had some good comrades on my way. What a beautiful journey...

33: Super Meat Boy - ~10 hours -(PsVita)-

Only Playthrough

I guess everyone knows this game. Easy in the first world, harder in the last worlds.

34: Crash Bandicoot - 5-10 hours -(PsVita)-


... and soon I realised, I never finished this game. Gets really hard after the third world, but has also some goot designed levels. Bring me some good new crash stuff, pls.

35: Kick and Fennic - 5-10 hours -(PsVita)-

Only Playthrough

A Jump and run where you have to shoot your big weapon to jump. Portals and enemies included. Surprisingly sad moment at the end of the game. It was a fresh experience in the genre, really had fun with it.

36: Velocity 2x - 5-10 hours -(PsVita)-

Great game. Shoot em up and run and shoot mix. So much fun to rush through the levels.

37: Little Big Planet Vita: Marvel Edition - ~10 hours -(Ps4)-

Only Playthrough

It really is a LBP Game. Good if you like the franchise with its artdesign and controlls, not so good if you dont like the franchise. The back touchpad controlls in one or two levels were shit, rest of the vita stuff was ok.

38: Thomas was alone - 2-5 hours -(PsVita)-

Had to wait for my girlfriend and finished the last levels two weeks ago. Good game with a cute narrative and a few good levels.

39: Uncharted: Drakes Fortune HD Remaster - ~10 hours -(Ps4)-

Only Playthrough

I know gaf is not in love with this game, but I am. Finished it ~10 times on Ps3 (2 platinum) and will complete it next year on Ps4. Drake is boss.

40: Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 - 5-10 hours -(Ps4)-

Only Playthrough and a good amount spent in the MP

First releasy buy since Mw1 and I am lucky with the decision. The campaign is a bit absurd and mindfuggy in the end, but ok. Some good locations, the special abilities are a good idea but you don`t need it (on hard). The Mp is fun. I like the improved movement and the mapdesign is alright. And there is really much to unlock.

41: Kung Fu Rabbit ~5 hours -(PsVita)-

Only Playthrough

Not a good game, not a bad game. It is ok if you need a Jump and run. Some cool levels.

42: Pix the Cat- 5 hours -(PsVita)-

Nostalgia Mode

Phew... game is like snake, with a cat that collects eggs and leads ducks through labyrinths with enemys, traps, portals, multiple characters to control and levels in levels in levels. Some were pretty tough and I skipped one of them. Fun experience.

43: Final Fantasy 14: A realm reborn - 80 hours -(Ps4)-

Only Maingame

First MMO on a console, first time as a healer. Game is much fun, next year I will continue my journey with heavensward.

44: Rayman Legends - xx hours -(Ps4)

100% (Platinum)

Great JnRun with lovely graphics and music, but the online stuff was a pain in the ass, really.

45: Bloodborne - 50 hours -(Ps4)-

Only Playthrough

How could I forget this game.... great level and artdesig, familiar gameplay with a few changes and some of the exciting bossfights. Bloodborne is a great soulesque game.

46: Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception 5-10 hours -(Ps4)-

100% (Platinum)

Not as good as Uncharted 2, but still a great game in my books. Only cleanup this time.

Still some games I need to finish.

Games I started with a good chance:

Far Cry 4 (Ps4)- Halfway through already
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain (Ps4)- 5 Missions to go
Uncharted 2: Among thieves HD Remaster (Ps4)- Halfway through, finished it a few times before
Dragon Quest Heroes (Ps4)- Last chapter
Final Fantasy Type 0 HD (Ps4)- 3 Chapters to go
Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception Remaster (Ps4)- Not started yet, but I finished the game a few times and this should be no problem.
Fallout 4 (Ps4)- Yeah ok, won`t work.
Star Wars Battlefront (Ps4)- Okay, there is no campaign, but I am sure I will put lots of hours in the multiplay and finish the coop missions.
Okami HD (Ps3)- Halfway through, second playthrough. One of the best games.
Final Fantasy IX (PsVita)- End of Disc 3. The first 2 Discs are great, I am not a fan of the rest of the game.
Heavenly Sword (Ps3)- First game I finished on Ps3, almost at the end in my second playthrough.
Life is strange (Ps4)- Finished and completed the first 4 Episodes

Game of the year (that I didn`t/won`t finish this year)

The Witcher 3 (Ps4)

Only made it through Novigrad, but dear god, this game is great. I am sure this will be one of the games for the next year.

53. Corpse Party: Book of Shadows / 11 hrs

I enjoyed this a lot. Unfortunately I had to quit the series here because the third crashed so many times on me I couldn't put up with it.

54. Murasaki Baby / 2 hrs

Fun little diversion, thanks PS plus!

55. Unmechanical Extended / 3 hrs

Same here, I enjoy the basic controls of this.

56. Contradiction / 7 hrs

Give me more FMV games please. I even love the cheesy acting. They're finally going to be hitting their stride now that video codecs can make them fast and fun. The ending sucks though.

57. Tales from the Borderlands / 10 hrs

Best Telltale game, for sure. Never would've believed it, I was never interested it. Blew me away.

58. Broken Age / 10 hrs

This was a solid game until the last few hours. Some of the most irritating and annoying puzzles that keep resetting if you don't get the steps in the exact right order. Terrible.

59. Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone / 12 hrs

Very solid add-on, but I despised the difficulty spike.


60. Book of Unwritten Tales 2 / 18 hrs

I loved the first game, this one had its moments, but I found it nowhere near as fun. I'd still play another, but it was somewhat disappointing.

61. Rise of the Tomb Raider / 32 hrs

I loved a lot of this, but it didn't feel like a huge improvement over the first one to me. I really hope the next(hopefully?) adds some really new dynamics.

62. Picross e6 / 46 hrs

This was absolutely packed with puzzles. Such a great series. Give my 3D2, NOW.

1368 hrs / 62 games
Updated my post: http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=144699142

IMPORTANT NOTICE: I redid the list to fit it all one one post. Now it just lists my start, finish, and play times. I will not have internet for atleast December since I'll be moving and have to setup the new place so I figured I'd go ahead and update my list. Sad that I won't be able to post when I reach 52 games live (Unless I magically beat a game in the next week, but I don't see that happening) but am so glad that I took part of this. Replayed some great games, but had 38 brand new games beaten which is awesome! (Well I counted TriForce Heroes beaten then again for 100% and Splatoon for Rank 20/Amiibo challenges but still.) My most played gaming year. With online games like Smash 3DS and Splatoon I have reached well over 1,300 hours of play time this year which is amazing! I will calculate it after the year since I love stats. I plan to replay one of my favorite games, Super Mario 3D Land next month so I should at the very least reach my goal if not surpass it. Its been a great year. :)

PS: If I can't update until next year when I beat my 52nd game then yall better add me to that hall of fame thing (or whatever its called.) :p

PPS: The PT in he list means PlayThrough. So 1PT means my first time playing it, and so on.

PPPS: As always with me, I probably screwed up stats somewhere. But I tried to keep track as best as possible. :)

Edit: Ugh the Steam game I used to test drive my pc is there. Stats are definitely messed up, well accurate enough for now. Will recount every game but by but at year's end. *sigh*

2015 Games S&F
Start and Finished games for 2015 in order of completion.
Goal is to finish the 52 Game Challenge!

New: 38
Replays: 13

Games Beaten by Syetem:
(All Retro games beaten via Virtual Console/PS1 Classics on 3DS/WiiU/Vita. All will be counted as original system.)
3DS: 25 (34 Including VC & DSiWare)
Vita: 7 (8 Including PSP)
WiiU: 4 (7 Including VC)
PS4: 2
GB: 5 (5 3DS)
GBC: 0
GBA: 1 (1 3DS)
DSiWare: 2 (2 3DS)
DS: 1 (1 3DS)
NES: 1 (1 WiiU)
SNES: 1 (1 WiiU)
PS1: 0
PSP: 1 (1 PSV)
Steam: 1

Ikachan (3DS) (1PT) (1/52)
Started playing Thursday January 1st 2015 12:38 AM
Finished playing Thursday January 1st 2015 2:57 PM
Play Time: 1:21

Yoshi's Island (GBA) (3PT) (100%) (2/52)
Started playing Friday December 16th 2011
Finished playing Sunday January 4th 2015 1:38 AM
Total Play Time: 22:49
Play Time in 2015: 6:04
Play Time in 2014: 10:26
Play Time in 2013: 2:07
Play Time in 2012 & 2011: Not in Top 30 so unavailable. :(

Xeodrifter (3DS) (1PT) (3/52)
Started playing Thursday December 18th 2014 8:34 PM
Finished playing Saturday December 20th 2014 5:37 PM
Started 100% playthough on Tuesday January 13th 2015 7:01 PM
Finished collecing all but one thing on Wednesday January 14th 2015 5:03 PM
Playtime: 2:31
Playtime for 100% (99%) 3:41 (1:10)

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD (WiiU) (2PT) (4/52)
Started Friday October 4th 2013 12:08 PM
Finished playing Thursday January 15th 2015 8:33 PM
Play Time: 24:58 (11:31 in 2015)
Times Played: 38

Castlevania (NES) (1PT) (Second Attempt. First was on Wii VC) (5/52)
Started playing Friday January 30th 2015 9:07 PM
Finished playing Monday February 9th 2015 5:00 PM
Play Time: 1:15

Gunman Clive (3DS) (2PT) (6/52)
Gunman Clive - Easy
Started playing Friday February 13th 2015 11:58 PM
Finished playing Saturday Friday February 14th 2015 5:23 PM
Play Time: 0:40
Retries: 9

Gunman Clive 2 (3DS) (1PT) (7/52)
Gunman Clive - Easy
Started playing Saturday Friday February 14th 2015 5:23 PM
Finished playing Sunday February 15th 2015 10:22 PM
Play Time: 1:03
Retries: 29

Donkey Kong Country (WiiU/SNES) (1PT, but played through many times as a kid. Furthest ever gotten was Ice World.) (8/52)
Started playing Friday February 27th 2015 12:37 AM
Finished playing Sunday March 1st 2015 5:06 PM
Play Time: 3:06
Times Played 8

Persona 4: Golden (PSV) (1PT) (9/52)
Started playing Friday January 9th 2015 2:17 PM
Finished playing Wednesday March 4th 2015 8:25 PM
Play Time: 89:23

Corpse Party: Book of Shadows (PSV/PSP) (1PT) (10/52)
Started playing Wednesday March 4th 2015 9:38 PM
Chapter 1 Wrong End #2 on March 6th 2015 2:27 PM
Chapter 1 Defeated on Friday March 6th 2015 2:43 PM
Chapter 2 Wrong End #3 on Sunday March 8th 2015 2:33 PM
Chapter 2 Defeated on Sunday March 8th 2015 8:10 PM
Chapter 3 Wrong End #2 on Monday March 9th 2015 5:48 PM
Chapter 3 Wrong End #1* on Monday March 9th 2015 5:52 PM
Chapter 3 Wrong End #3 on Monday March 9th 2015 7:01 PM
Chapter 3 Defeated on Monday March 9th 2015 7:40 PM
Chapter 4 Wrong End #1 on Tuesday March 10th 2015 6:44 PM
Chaoter 4 Defeated on Tuesday March 10th 2015 6:53 PM
Chapter 5 Wrong End #1* on Wednesday March 11th 2015 4:23 PM
Chapter 5 Wrong End #2 on Wednesday March 11th 2015 4:33 PM
Chapter 5 Wrong End #3 on Wednesday March 11th 2015 6:10 PM
Chapter 5 Wrong End #8** on Thursday March 12th 2015 4:01 PM
Chapter 5 Defeated on Thursday March 12th 2015 4:08 PM
Chapter 6 Defeated on Thursday March 12th 2015 9:38 PM
Chapter 7 Wrong End 1* on Friday March 13th 2015 2:02 PM
Chapter 7 Defeated on Friday March 13th 2015 2:29 PM
Chapter 8 Defeated on Friday March 13th 2015 7:10 PM
Play Time: 14:38

Invisible Apartments (Steam) (1PT) (11/52)
Started playing Wednesday March 18th 2015 9:53 PM
Finished playing Wednesday March 18th 2015 11:09 PM
Play Time: 0:36

HyperDimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 (PSV) (1PT) (12/52)
Started playing Saturday March 7th 2015 10:28 PM
Finished playing Tuesday March 24th 2015 2:48 AM
Play Time: 41:05:07

Infamous: Second Son (PS4/Vita) (1PT) (Easy) (Good End) (13/52)
Started playing Tuesday December 16th 2014 12:02 PM
Finished playing Thursday March 26th 2015 3:33 PM

10 Second Run (3DS/DSi) (1PT) (100%) (14/52)
Continuing a playthrough. Quit around 2011 or 2012. Level 38-50 + 1 Second Run Level 1-10
Restarted playing Friday March 27th 2015 1:28 AM
Finished playing Friday March 27th 2015 4:21 PM
Play Time in 2015: 1:04
Total Play Time: 2:06

Fairune (3DS) (1PT) (15/52)
Started playing Saturday March 28th 2015 3:12 AM
Finished playing Saturday March 28th 2015 6:03 PM
Play Time: 3:13
Times Played: 1

Shovel Knight (3DS) (3PT) (16/52)
3PT Started on Saturday March 21st 2015 2:28 AM
3PT Finished on Saturday March 28th 2015 9:27 PM
Play Time: 5:03

SteamWorld Dig (3DS) (1PT) (17/52)
Started playing Saturday March 28th 2015 10:34 PM
Finished playing Monday March 30th 2015 4:10 PM
Play Time: 5:03

Kerploosh (3DS) (1PT) (18/52)
Started playing Sunday April 5th 2015 3:43 AM
Finished playing Sunday April 5th 2015 4:18 AM

Attack of the Friday Monsters! A Tokyo Tale (3DS) (1PT) (19/52)
Started playing Monday April 20th 2015 1:39 AM
Finished playing Monday April 20th 2015 8:10 PM
Play Time: 3:51 - All Episodes except 4, 5, and 6 completed.
Times Played: 1
Average Play Time: 3:51

Donkey Kong Land (3DS/GB) (1PT) (20/52)
Started playing Tuesday March 3rd 2015 10:10 PM
Finished playing Monday April 27th 2015 9:47 PM
Play Time: 2:25

Might Gunvolt + DLC (3DS) (1PT) - Beck (21/52)
Started playng Friday May 1st 2015 11:21 PM
Finished playing Saturday May 2nd 11:42 PM
Play Time: 1:28
*Didn't finish DLC Stages Bio Lab and Highway. Couldn't defeat bosses. Insane difficulty there. Maybe with a different character later. Jeez.

HyperDimension Neptunia Re;Birth2: Sisters Generation (PSV) (1PT) (Started ASAP) (22/52)
Started playing Thursday May 7th 2015 1:13 PM
Normal End Finished on Friday May 15th 2015 7:29 PM (Fogot CPUs)
Play Time: 24:40:13
True Ending Finished playing Saturday May 16th 2015 2:52 PM
Play Time: 30:27:01

Super Mario Land (3DS/GB) (2PT) (23/52)
Started playing Sunday May 17th 2015 3:34 PM
Finished playing Sunday May 17th 2015 4:16 PM
Play Time: 0:39

Home (PS4) (1PT) (24/52)
Started playing Sunday May 24th 2015 4:33 PM
Finished playing Sundy May 24th 2015 5:41 PM
Play Time: 1:08

Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (3DS/GB) (3PT) (25/52)
Started playing Friday May 29th 2015 4:40 PM
Finished playing Saturday May 30th 2015 8:18 PM

Splatoon (WiiU) (1PT) (26/52)
Started playing Monday June 1st 2015 2:15 PM
Finished playing Tuesday June 16th 2015 6:28 PM
Play Time Estimation: 4:32
*Play Time is estimation since most time was played online. Its impossible to be accurate.

Mutant Mudds (3DS) (3PT) (27/52)
3rd Playthrough Started on Friday July 3rd 2015 5:46 PM
3rd Playthrough Finished on Monday July 6th 2015 8:06 PM
Play Time: 4:59
Total: 13:43 (Doesn't include 2PT since it was on Vita)

Witch and Hero (3DS) (1PT) (28/52)
Started playing Thursday June 18th 2015 11:33 PM
Finished playing Thursday July 9th 2015 12:38 AM
Play Time: 7:04
Final Boss: 2:24

HyperDimension Neptunia Re;Birth3: V Generation (PSV) (1PT) (29/52)
Started playing Thursday July 9th 2015 1:32 PM
Finished playing Thursday July 16th 2015 4:37 PM
Play Time: 38:23:08

3D Classics: Kirby's Adventure (3DS) (5PT) (30/50)
Started playing Friday July 17th 2015 4:07 PM
Finished playing Saturday July 18th 2015 2:11 PM
Play Time: 2:19
Total Play Time for 3DS: 4:56 (Other times played are GBA, Wii, WiiU)

VVVVVV (3DS) (2PT) (31/52)
2nd Playthrough Started on Saturday July 18th 2015 10:24 PM
2nd Playthrough Finished on Sunday July 19th 2015 12:57 AM
Activity Log Play Time: 1:44
Trinkets: 10
In Game Play Time: 1:31:46
Total Flips: 2616
Total Deaths: 512
Hardest Room (with 27 deaths): Stop and Reflect

Splatoon: Rank 20 (WiiU) (Online) (32/52)
Started playing Monday June 1st 2015 2:15 PM
Finished playing Tuesday July 28th 2015 4:36 PM
Play Time: 34:26

Splatoon: Inkling Girl Amiibo Challenges (WiiU) (1PT) (33/52)
Started playing Tuesday July 28th 2015 6:31 PM
Finished playing Wednesday July 29th 2015 10:35 PM
Play Time: 2:33

Mighty Switch Force (3DS) (3PT) (34/52)
3PT Started on Wednesday August 12th 2015 2:16 PM 
3PT Finished on Thursday August 13th 2015 9:27 PM
3PT Play Time: 1:49 < Wow, so much improvement.
Total: 5:27

Mighty Switch Force 2 (3DS) (2PT) (35)/52)
2PT Started on Friday August 14th 2015 1:19 AM
2PT Finished on Saturday August 15th 2015 9:32 PM
Play Time: 2:05

The Walking Dead: 400 Days (PSV) (1PT) (36/52)
Started playing Sunday August 16th 2015 9:29 PM
Finished playing Sunday August 16th 2015 11:47 PM
Play Time: 1:30 (Estimation, no ingame counter)

Pokemon Shuffle: The Original 150 Stages (3DS) (1PT) (37/52)
Started playing Thursday February 19th 2015 12:50 PM
Finished playing Tuesday September 1st 2015 11:22 PM
Play Time: 46:56

Mega Man X (WiiU/SNES) (1PT) (38/52)
Started playing Monday March 30th 2015 7:24 PM
Finished playing Wednesday September 2nd 2015 4:31 PM
Play Time: 4:35

DanganRonpa: Ultra Despair Girls (PSV) (1PT) (39/52)
Started playing Sunday September 6th 2015 1:41 PM
Finished playing Wednesday September 9th 2015 1:15 AM
Play Time: 22:25:02 (Added 40 minutes due to Final Boss GItch)

Code Name S.T.E.A.M. (3DS) (1PT) (40/52)
Started playing Friday March 13th 2015 4:42 PM
Finished playing Friday September 11th 2015 6:05 PM
Play Time: 24:14

Super Mario Bros. 3 (3DS/NES) (5PT) (41/52)
5PT Started Thursday September 10th 2015 4:43 PM
5PT Finished Monday September 14th 2015 3:13 PM
Play Time: 3:37
Total: 7:59

Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows (3DS) (1PT) (All Coins) (Day One!) (42/52)
Started playing Thursday September 17th 2015 1:44 PM
Finished playing Friday September 18th 2015 4:12 PM
Play Time: 8:26
Plague Knight Deaths: 88
Times Played: 1
Total Play Time: 23:11

Senran Kagura: Burst (3DS) (1PT) (All Missions) (43/52)
Started playing Thursday September 3rd 2015 2:15 AM
Finished playing Saturday October 10th 2015 7:41 PM
In Game Play Time: 35:26:09
Activity Log Play Time: 35:47
Times Played: 10
Average Play Time: 3:34

Find Mii II (3DS) (1PT) (44/52)
Started on ??? (Launch)
Finished playing Thursday October 15th 2015 11:37 PM

Corpse Party: Blood Drive (PSV) (1PT) (45/52)
Started playing Tuesday October 20th 2015 2:50 PM
Chapter 0 Defeated on Tuesday October 20th 2015 4:23 PM
Chapter 1 Defeated on Tuesday October 20th 2015 7:09 PM
Chapter 2 Wrong End #1 on Tuesday October 20th 2015 9:55 PM
Chapter 2 Defeated on Tuesday October 20th 2015 10:10 PM
Chapter 3 Defeated on Wednesday October 21st 2015 6:06 PM
Extra Chapter 1 Defeated on Wednesday October 21st 2015 6:34 PM
Extra Chapter 2 Defeated on Wednesday October 21st 2015 6:48 PM
Chapter 4 Wrong End #2 on Wednesday October 21st 2015 10:07 PM
Chapter 4 Wrong End #4 on Thursday October 22nd 2015 4:23 PM
Chapter 4 Wrong End #5 on Thursday October 22nd 2015 6:29 PM
Chapter 4 Defeated on Thursday October 22nd 2015 6:36 PM
Extra Chapter 3 Defeated on Thursday October 22nd 2015 7:05 PM
Chapter 5 Wrong End #2 on Thursday October 22nd 2015 9:40 PM
Chapter 5 Defeated on Thursday October 22nd 2015 9:51 PM
Chapter 6 Wrong End #1 on Thursday October 22nd 2015 10:42 PM
Chapter 6 Defeated on Friday October 23rd 2015 3:14 PM
Extra Chapter 4 Defeated on Friday October 23rd 2015 5:15 PM
Chapter 7 Defeated on Friday October 23rd 2015 7:41 PM
Extra Chapter 5 Defeated on Friday October 23rd 2015 7:49 PM
Chapter 8 Defeated on Friday October 23rd 2015 8:25 PM
Extra Chapter 6 Defeated on Friday October 23rd 2015 9:41 PM
Chapter 9 Wrong End #2 on Saturday October 24th 2015 12:07 AM
Chapter 9 Defeated on Saturday October 24th 2015 2:27 PM
Chapter 10 Wrong End #3 on Saturday October 24th 2015 3:50 PM
Chapter 10 Defeated on Saturday October 24th 2015 4:26 PM
Extra Chapter 7 Defeated on Saturday October 24th 2015 4:54 PM
Extra Chapter 8 Defeated on Saturday October 24th 2015 5:02 PM
Play Time: 19:43

Escapee GO! (3DS) (1PT) (46/52)
Original Run: 08/12/11-08/14/11 - 2 Times Played - 0:16
Restarted new save of forgotten game on Monday October 26th 2015 12:04 AM
Finished Monday October 26th 2015 7:06 PM
In Game Escape Time: 31 Minutes, 6 Seconds
Activity Log Play Time: 0:47
Acivity Log Total: 1:03

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team (3DS/DS) (1PT) (47/52)
Started playing Monday May 18th 2015 2:49 PM
Finished playing Thursday October 29th 2015 10:56 PM
Play Time: 19:32

The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes (3DS) (1PT) (Online) (48&49/52)
Demo Started Friday October 16th 2015 7:00 PM
Demo Finished Friday October 16th 2015 7:57 PM
Full Game Started Tuesday November 3rd 2015 2:43 PM
Full Game Finished Thursday November 5th 2015 3:37 PM
Play Time: 13:31
100% Online Co-Op Finished on Sunday November 15th 2015 11:07 PM
100% Play Time: 67:41

Kirby's Dream Land (3DS/GB) (2PT) (50/52)
Started playing Monday November 16th 2015 12:36 AM
Finished playing Monday November 16th 2015 2:17 AM
Play Time: 0:30
Total Play Time: 1:23
1PT was on 06/30/11

Kirby's Dream Land 2 (3DS/GB) (1PT) (51/52)
Started playing Monday November 16th 2015 9:55 PM
Finished playing Sunday November 22nd 2015 8:00 PM
Play Time: 4:08


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Game 49
Tales From the Borderlands Episode 1
Steam, 2 hours
I bought all of the TT games that were on sale recently and decided to crack into this one on a whim, despite loathing the last Borderlands I played, 2. I'm glad I did. It's really great, completely devoid of the nonsense that BL 2 had.

Game 50
Find Mii II
3DS, lots of hours.
It's find me but three times as long and way more annoying with all the gases, scares, status effects and more. Wasted a LOT of play coins summoning specific colored heroes.

Game 51
Minecraft Story mode episode 3
2ish hours, PC
Playing with my kids, who are impatient for each episode. They absolutely adore it. It's crazy the hold minecraft has.

OP Updated

Game 38: This War of Mine - 8 hours - October 16th, 2015

This game honestly didn't do a whole lot for me. I remember watching various YouTubers play it last year, and similarly, I remember many of them praising the game like crazy. There were so many reports of people forging an emotional connection with this game, and I just didn't feel it. Just a big fat nothing. I stole from old people and homeless, murdered innocents and generally did things that should have made me feel "bad." But I never really felt much of anything. I think in retrospect I may have watched too much of the game before I ever played it and that ruined it for me. As a scavenging, survival, base management game, it is indeed a fun title, and probably worth everyone's time who haven't spoiled themselves like me.
- 7/10

Game 39: Fallout Shelter - 8.5 hours - October 24th, 2015

This is a pretty solid F2P title. Earning lunchboxes should ideally be a little easier/more frequent, but the system they have is pretty solid. The biggest problem with this little game is that it doesn't do enough to keep you hooked. After 8 hours, my base was pretty well expanded, I had unlocked nearly every building, I had a full population and I had weathered every kind of enemy attack. I just felt done, which actually seems like a bit of a failure of F2P design.
- 6/10

Game 40: Fallout 4 - 36 hours, 26 minutes - November 18th, 2015

Oh man, oh man. Where does one start with this game? The framerate is embarrassingly bad in some places. In the final mission, in what should be the exciting climax of the game, I suffered through multiple rooms where the frames went into single digits. Absolutely disgusting and unacceptable. The main story is pretty terrible and I didn't find myself really caring about what I was looking for. Along with the main story issues, I found myself annoyed by what so frequently pops into games: narrative dissonance. Here I am, I just popped out of the vault after 200 years or something and I just take everything in stride. No freakouts, nothing. I become a well-adjusted killing machine all too easily. Oh and my baby son is missing? Better go do twenty hours of sidequests before I find him! Something about that just rubs me wrong. The factions are actually mostly okay (I enjoyed my BoS storyline) but the Minutemen are absolutely abysmal. I'm not even sure why they're in the game except to introduce you to basebuilding. I think there was a stretch where I didn't talk to Preston for almost 10 hours. Inventory management is another terrible and generally clunky part of the game, and I found myself dying a little inside every time I had to rearrange my stuff.

The worst part of the game, as many people will attest to, is the atrocious dialogue system. Throughout the game, you'll get a max of four dialogue options, all of which have on-screen prompts that are too vague. Even if they weren't vague, that wouldn't help that the writing isn't nuanced or intelligent (in large part because conversations are so short) and generally, the dialogue choices seem to lead you to answer "yes." If that were all that was wrong with the dialogue system, we'd have problems enough. But besides the writing being poor, the execution of conversations is technically poor. I've had things such as my companions blocking my screen while I'm chatting with someone or the camera panning to hide my conversation partner behind a box or other environmental structure. The lip sync of dialogue almost universally looks poor and awkward as well.

For all my complaining though, I did enjoy my brief time with FO4. Some of the quests, particularly those that required me to go exploring at the edges of the map, were actually very engaging. One of my favorite parts of the game was actually just exploring the wastelands of Boston. More than once I found myself thinking, "Hey I know exactly where this is! Cool!" There were other well-written quests like one that required me to be a dress-up hero. And while I outright hated some characters like Preston and Strong, I found myself pretty attached to others like Cait, Piper and Nick (shoutout to Piper's romance for being adorable). I found basebuilding to be something I didn't care for, but I loved the gun/armor-modding. In fact, the actual shooting was pretty damn engaging and entertaining. This was my first experience with Fallout and I loved the VATS system!

I think my experience with Fallout 4 is best encapsulated by what happened with my ending. I got my BoS ending and the final black and white slideshow reel was rolling with a voiceover narrating the concluding thoughts of my character. It happened that someone walked in the house right as that happened. Normally, I would pause the game and return to hear the conclusion after I greeted them. But I was so uninterested and uninvested in the narrative that I actually just took out my headphones and talked to the person while the game kept going. By the time I was done, the game was playable again and I just went on my merry way shooting things.

Oh, by the way, the soundtrack is amazing. I could happily listen to the songs forever. It's All Over But The Crying is a brilliant inclusion.
- 7/10

Game 41: The Order 1886 - Around 7 hours - November 27th, 2015

On the positive side, the visuals are as mind-blowing as claimed and the audio seemed satisfyingly layered. The actual act of shooting the guns is a huge dose of fun, thanks in large part to how unique each gun feels. On the negative side, the narrative is decent but ends on the weirdest, most unsatisfying note. Shooting enemies was fun, but that fun was somewhat diminished by how stupid the enemies are. The collectibles are terribly lame, and the camerawork is mediocre at best. I found myself comparing this game rather unfavorably at times to Until Dawn as that game has brilliant camerawork. Interactivity is, unsurprisingly, low. Yet, to make the comparison again, Until Dawn never had me feeling like control was being brutally ripped away from me so often. Until Dawn shows how you can do QTE focused games but still give players a sense of control. However, the biggest issue is the absurd linearity of the level design. Corridors, small rooms, alleys and more. Ick. There's a way to do "linear" shooters right (for FPS see TNO and for TPS see UC or TR). This is not it. Overall, the game really feels like this weird cobbled together mess. On the one hand, there's what feels to be the foundation of a competent, satisfying shooter. On the other hand, there's a QTE heavy game just waiting to pull me out of my shooting. I think that if by some miracle RAD ever get to make 1887, they need to pick what they want to be. Either go all in on the Until Dawn/David Cage-esque QTE adventure game, or just stop bothering me with these QTEs and go all in on the shooter and learn how to do proper level design. I enjoyed myself overall, but I also only paid $10.
- 6/10

Game 42: Tales From The Borderlands - 10+ hours - November 29th, 2015

In my humble opinion, this is Telltale's greatest series yet. I am a huge, huge fan of TWDS1, and have sung its praises ever since I played it. I was really skeptical though about marrying Borderlands humor with the Telltale formula. Even more problematic was that playing Until Dawn really made me more critical of the Telltale format, and I was worried that TftB would feel stale after that experience. And at first, it did. But the game quickly showed its brilliance with fantastic writing and freaking amazing QTEs. Episodes 4 and 5 in particular have two of the most amazing QTEs I have ever experienced. Actually the entire game felt much more like a "game" and did more to make me feel engaged which is a great step, especially as they managed to not loose any of their captivating writing. The music and particularly the intro sequences are pure genius. More impressive is that the game actually made me care about Borderlands and the characters I was interacting with. Which is weird to say because I put 90+ hours into Borderlands 2 and never felt half as invested as TftB made me feel.

I'd actually be willing to give the game a 10/10 but the game is brought down by two things. First, a bit of writing inconsistency because in the scenes with Fiona and Rhys in the present day, Fiona has this extreme anger boiling in her. Given the way I played Rhys, that whole angry disposition never really made sense and just seemed off. Other people have talked about this in other threads, but you can make in-game choices that make her anger seem really out of place with your story. The second issue is the damn engine. The thing blows. Yeah, it didn't crash my game, lose my save or have any horrendous glitches. But it's clear the thing needs updating. Character animations are wooden and generally look pretty awful. There are weird pauses in dialogue and facial animations. Coming off a year with LiS and Until Dawn, the tech Telltale is displaying these days just isn't up to snuff. I want them to push the technical side just a little bit higher because their writing deserves it.

Still though, brilliant and in the running for my GOTY.
- 9/10

Game 43: Hexcells - 3 hours - December 1st, 2015

I have loved Minesweeper for years. The game was my puzzling drug. Then I found Picross, and I've been trudging my way through Picross 3D all year. I was looking for something similar worth my while on Steam, and I remembered Hexcells. Actually, I remember someone in this thread actually playing all three games as well for the challenge, and with the sale, all three games cost me a whopping $2.69. Even with that bargain price, the game is priceless perfection. The guessing of Minesweeper is removed, and instead there's a challenging, logical, relaxing puzzle in its place. The ambient music and minimal visual stylization are just beautiful. I ended up steamrolling through almost all of the puzzles in one night (finished them this morning) and loved every minute.
- 10/10
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