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PoliGAF 2016 |OT8| No, Donald. You don't.

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Some transcripts of Trump and Pence on 60 Minutes for people who couldn't watch it:

On Pence's support for the Iraq War:


On Trump attacking John McCain for being captured:

On Trump's Muslim ban:

On Trump saying the TPP would "rape this country", while Pence supported every trade deal:

Thanks to Sopan Deb!


No Scrubs
It already was a hell of a story when it came out THE DAY BEFORE HE PICKED HIM!

I know, but I want all the juicy details.

Some transcripts of Trump and Pence on 60 Minutes for people who couldn't watch it:

On Pence's support for the Iraq War:

On Trump attacking John McCain for being captured:

On Trump's Muslim ban:

On Trump saying the TPP would "rape this country", while Pence supported every trade deal:

Thanks to Sopan Deb!

Oh, this going in the thread :LOL


Trump couldn't even make a coherent statement with another republican in the room and no lifetime policy wonk tearing down his arguments. Dude is going to get worked in the debates.
Fuck, I forgot about 60 Minutes.
Scott Walker previews his Wednesday RNC speech
Hillary Clinton personally asked Scott Walker for the password to his phone? What an odd request. Also, phones have passWORDS now?
Walker complaining that there's a special system for "elites" is hilarious.
So seriously, when I was in DC, and I was reading the quotes inscribed in the Lincoln Memorial...and you listen to Obama speak...we cannot allow this idiot to become the leader of our country.
However cheesy this is, I'll actually agree with it. I've only been to DC once, when I was a child, but I still remember how goddamn impressive and imposing the monuments were. It's so damn patriotic that even a cynic like me worries if flag tattoos might spontaneously appear on my arm as I walk through. Lincoln in particular. The sheer aura of things in the Capitol building was electric, and the whole place was open back then.

And to think that the blood, sweat and tears of all the people who went into building and creating the events that allowed us to build those godly shrines, could result in the ascension of Donald Fucking Trump? Sigh.


My position is that democracy is paramount in western, secular countries, but

a) it is not always feasible in countries which have only recently begun experimenting with it
b) I sometimes value secularism over democracy
c) I also think if I have to consider many factors, like debilitating corruption in the Philippines, I might prefer the crazy socialist guy over the established gentry and
d) I am also willing to defend nations like China in some ways, some of the time, because their government makes sense in a historical and cultural context, and also because I'm not really fond of cultural imperialism in general.

Yeah, I mean, none of this is particularly unreasonable.

I am actually probably less enamored of democracy than most, mostly because I think being super into democracy for its own sake makes you more likely to want to go to war to promote democracy, which straight up doesn't work. I would definitely make the argument that the reason we like democracy is primarily because it promotes human rights and freedoms and equality better than anything else we've found. If they came out with a bunch of studies saying that a benevolent supercomputer dictatorship would be better for human rights and freedoms and equality then I would probably advocate for Skynet, at least a little. Ultimately results matter in my view.

While I support gun control (in an absolute, disarmament sense), I think its popularity as a policy position is mostly attributable to the preponderance of media stories about gun violence, and I think the public sentiment is disproportionate to the national impact any gun control measures would ostensibly have. I think the current story about the Dallas and Baton Rouge shootings have predictably brought the discussion to head once again, as people (myself included) make the case to others that there is a fundamental problem when citizens can effectively arm themselves against law enforcement. But ultimately I think it is actually irresponsible for the media to talk about such minute events like this the way they have because the attention is more productive in other places. There is, after all, a mass shooting in the United States every day.

Also I think the biggest cause of our misunderstanding was a typo in my original post. Where I said "the only reason we ever talk about...", I had meant to say "the only reason we are currently talking about". Which maybe you'll find more agreeable as a statement, even if you find it specious (because gun control is historically a liberal position and national news is not changing that).

Yeah, I think this is all reasonable, although I would, as you say, argue that gun control has historically been a liberal position for a while just for the reason of death prevention. But as I said in my original post I actually think racist police interactions are more responsible for urban deaths than is immediately obvious, so that is still probably where I'd want to start.

I will admit I am more interested in preventing mass shootings than I was in gun deaths in general before they became epidemic, and that is somewhat of a self-centered position, I guess. I am more likely to be affected by a mass shooting than by general gun violence, although neither is particularly likely. However I also think that mass shootings are relatively new and recent and so it should be somewhat more possible to target and eliminate them.

We've actually talked about this before, but I don't think there's a good, data backed argument that reducing gun deaths would significantly impact homicides in general (more than other approaches would). I think the most important effect gun control could have is reducing the emotional toll on the public every time a mass shooting of repute occurs.

It depends on how much you think people plan and execute homicides versus how much you think they just happen. There's evidence that removing guns has a huge effect on reducing suicides, because people who commit suicide generally do so acutely -- meaning that if, at the critical moment, it is just somewhat harder to kill themselves, they actually won't do it at all. So are most homicides similarly acute? I think probably so, but I could be wrong.

538 has an interesting article in their gun control set about how bad our gun data is because, if you point a gun at somebody and kill them because you didn't think the gun was loaded, that's a homicide to the coroner even though you and I would probably call it an accident.

Also, I'm sorry for the aggressive tone in my last post. I felt aggrandized, but maybe that was not appropriate.

I was probably too aggressive in my post as well, so sorry about that. As you say, I think we were talking past each other a bit. I was mostly reacting to the suggestion that I was particularly motivated by the Dallas shootings, rather than mass shootings in general.


You cannot convince me they actually vetted Pence.
Feels like the situation of the least smelly pile of crap in the corner but yeah, pence seems the polar opposite of everything trump says and does. His contortions to catch up to trump on the hate train are just embarrassing and transparent.

What a goddmaned disaster.


How can any reasonable journalist interviewing that orange turd not come out of it feeling absolutely depressed. That lunatic has no place as a public figure.


I've been talking to friends and acquaintances nearby and downtown sounds like its been a shitshow for a few days now. Ain't going near there, ain't leaving my apartment :/

(Request after what happened today in Baton Rouge).

Open Carry is a privilege that never made much sense to me. We've seen a million examples were it can't be practiced fairly across demographics (try open carrying as a Black Man or man of Middle Eastern Descent) and we can see how it can lead to confusion (see Dallas). What is the public good that open carry provides? Is there any point to it other than "look at me I have a gun!"?
From memory the difference in overall homicide rate can basically be attributed almost entirely to the difference in gun homicides per capita between the US and other OECD countries.
Open Carry is a privilege that never made much sense to me. We've seen a million examples were it can't be practiced fairly across demographics (try open carrying as a Black Man or man of Middle Eastern Descent) and we can see how it can lead to confusion (see Dallas). What is the public good that open carry provides? Is there any point to it other than "look at me I have a gun!"?

That's basically the only purpose. Apparently the idea is if someone is planning on committing a crime, they will be deterred when they see you openly brandishing a weapon. Hilariously, this is the "rational" explanation from the same people that claim the people who commit mass shootings are mentally unstable and need mental health services because they don't think rationally.

Rebel Leader

Some transcripts of Trump and Pence on 60 Minutes for people who couldn't watch it:

On Pence's support for the Iraq War:

On Trump attacking John McCain for being captured:

On Trump's Muslim ban:

On Trump saying the TPP would "rape this country", while Pence supported every trade deal:

Thanks to Sopan Deb!
frog help gif
It may be the interview editing, but it seems like most of the time Pence is directly asked a question so far (about halfway through), even when he says he wants to say something, he pauses for a moment, and Trump takes the cue to butt in and answer for him.

Edit: Oh wow, I think Trump just did his best Godfather impersonation with "So you call it territories".
Trump has no idea what he is saying when talking about Turkey

"Turkey, is an alley"

yeah but Turkey has been bombing Kurdish forces, not ISIS


I fucking love the "Our Children are Watching" ad. So good
Damn. Incredible ad.

My favorite one is definitely the role models ad from Hillary though. Powerful. It managed to change my independent friend's mind and he doesn't trust Hillary at all. He says Trump is reprehensible.


So... men are allowed to make mistakes, but women (at least Hillary Clinton) are not

Trump has pronounced himself as "the most humble guy" and you might ask if that's a paradox, but remember men are allowed to make mistakes.

It's not enough for Hillary to just win, Trump must lose so bad it destroys his brand and fortune. I hope America can show that he has no floor and send him into the 30s in the polls


force push the doodoo rock
Gov. Pence what do you think about thing?

Pence looks lovingly at Trump.

Trump: Go ahead and answer.
Pence: Well uh...
Trump: See we see eye to eye on a lot of things.
God, what a train-wreck.

Hillary deserves this. She's earned this. Just amazing just how little chemistry they have with each other.

The only thing I can imagine is that on Pence's side, he was convinced he had a better shot with Trump than he did running for re-election in Indiana for whatever reason (his prospects weren't the best, but he had a much better chance pulling that off than Trump does of winning, which definitely will make it interesting to learn what exactly was going on in Pence's head once this all plays out to have convinced him otherwise) whereas Manafort and at least a few of the kids (no way Manafort or any of Trump's other staff could have convinced Trump to pick Pence by themselves. Some of the kids had to have played a key role in getting him to go along with it and not go some other way) convinced him to go along with it, figuring he was the safest choice.

Both Pence and Trump seem to have chosen poorly. At least Newt or Christie would have had some amount of chemistry with Trump, despite having their own baggage. This is just something else entirely. Amazing.


You know when you get angry in disbelief at something in such a way that you almost get light-headed?

Watching that interview and realizing simultaneously that Trump has more than, say, 20% of the vote did that for me.

What the fuck are we doing.
The issue is, Pence isn't a big enough personality to stand up to Trump. Gingrich? Christie? They totally could have. That's probably a thing Trump hated, but it makes Pence into a giant nothing of a pick. Plus, Trump just lost his right to use Iraq against Hillary tonight. He's managed to fuck up this Veep selection in a GLORIOUS fashion.
You know when you get angry in disbelief at something in such a way that you almost get light-headed?

Watching that interview and realizing simultaneously that Trump has more than, say, 20% of the vote did that for me.

What the fuck are we doing.

You know truly I can't be that surprised at when crazy people like Erdogan win because America is only about a 10% reverse from doing the same thing.

Anyway the right answer to the Iraq question would have... actually there is no right answer to that Iraq question now that I think about how the fuck do you pick someone against every one of your stated beliefs.
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