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New Spider-Man: Homecoming Teaser - Trailer Tomorrow

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You mean... yelling, demanding shit, and throwing out insults, being overall mean spirited? Ice Cube is good at being like Jameson.


looks more like hammerhead tbh


I wonder what the end credit tease will be I always look forward to those.

Vincent D'Onofrio's Kingpin quietly eating steamed trout or something from the confines of his prison cell, expressionlessly watching a news-report about Spider-Man starting to shut down criminals working within his territory, before diligently wiping the corner of his mouth with a napkin and instructing one of his goons to look into the matter.



My body is ready. Spider-man, come home!

I know it is probably an impossibility at this point, but fuck it. I want JK Simmons back as triple JJJ. They don't even need to explain that shit. Would anybody really mind?
Vulture doesn't work for Damage Control. It sounds like a
blue collar guy who's small business is crushed by a corporation with government ties.

Either way, whether it's his business or Stark's, there's a company cleaning up superhero messes. But yeah you're right, more likely he's just a scrapman who gets dicked over.


I don't really like Tony Stark making Spidey who he is but hey it's not the first time that character get screwed by authors.


My body is ready. Spider-man, come home!

I know it is probably an impossibility at this point, but fuck it.

Is it?

I remember Simmons implying a couple of years back that Marvel had tentatively approached him at one point to reprise the role and that he was interested.

It's not like he's going to be particularly busy playing Gordon the way Warner Brothers new Batman series is shaping up.
I would love that. For me, all the high tech STARK INDUSTRIES stuff has become a serious turn-off when it's come to this particular version of Spiderman. I'd love for this movie to end with Peter pledging to go back to basics and to starting standing on his own two feet as his own man.

Well you're in luck because that looks like it's the character arc.
Can Keaton save Marvel villains?

I was still hoping he would be Jameson. :/

His comedic chops are great but I don't think he'd be a good Jameson

Plus Simmons did that 60s cartoon JJJ so fucking good that anybody else that does their own spin will ultimately be disappointing

He basically Hugh Jackman'd the role I think
Oh Keaton will be vulture? I think he can actually be real good in that role, kinda like his take on batman but more sinister & evil would work just fine.

even weirder then I remember. could not find an longer clip.


Here's a twist. It seems the Spider-Man: Homecoming footage shown at CinemaCon featured Tony Stark upbraiding Tom Holland's Spider-Man for being reckless and destructive (Captain America and Nick Fury would certainly get a kick out of seeing Tony lecturing someone about that!).

Taking the stage were Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige, actor Tom Holland, director Jon Watts, Homecoming producer and former Sony chief Amy Pascall and her successor, Tom Rothman.

According to Feige, the idea for how to introduce Spider-Man into the MCU is to play up the fact that Peter Parker's been there the whole time, as he would've been roughly five or six at the time that Tony Stark revealed himself as Iron Man. Perhaps we'll get a few scenes of a young Peter Parker reacting and watching some of the more notable MCU events such as Hulk's Harlem battle with Abomination and the Chitauri invasion?

One development of note is that a mistake by Spidey during a ferry rescue scene prompts Iron Man to show up and make the actual save. Peter's struggle prompts Tony to take the Spider-Man costume/armor back as he tells Peter he "shouldn't need it to be Spider-Man." As such, Peter suits back up in the homemade costume briefly seen in Captain America: Civil War. This is another interesting development as it opens the door for Peter to potentially make his own costume by the film's end. It seems Watts wants to show Peter yearning to be an Avenger and operate on a larger scale but his journey in Homecoming will be about him learning to just take care of NYC.


At one point, Tony literally tells him, "Can't you just be a friendly, neighborhood Spider-Man?"



Is that an airplane action scene with Spidey? Maybe it's Marvel's way of throwing shade at the two fucking useless sub plots in Amazing 2.
Last year there was a thread where people were shocked to learn Spidey is really fucking strong

??? How ???

Even if they were movie only watchers, in the raimi films he held up collapsing buildings and then the whole stopping the train thing, holding up those cablecar things, among loads of other things.
It seems Watts wants to show Peter yearning to be an Avenger and operate on a larger scale but his journey in Homecoming will be about him learning to just take care of NYC.
As someone who grew up on Ultimate Spider-Man, this is activating that nostalgia brain center hard. Seeing that come to life on the big screen will be amazing.

We better get Nick Fury in future movies; Tony could hand off responsibility to Fury or something like that. You can't take heavily from Ultimate Spiderman like that, including having SLJ Nick Fury, and not do the whole Peter-Fury-Shield-Avengers relationship


not a fan of the big influence Tony has on this Spidey. This version of Spidey feels like Miles Morales. Ganke/Tony.
not a fan of the big influence Tony has on this Spidey. This version of Spidey feels like Miles Morales. Ganke/Tony.
Makes perfect sense though for this version of the character

1) Peter grew literally watching heroes on tv, reading about them on the news, seeing YouTube clips, having his city and world saved by the Avengers
2) As a gadget-inventing tech/science geek, why wouldn't he look up to and be influenced by the tech genius inventor that's also one of the heroes he watched and admired all his life?
3) The whole Tony-Peter relationship should very much like the Fury-Peter relationship in the Ultimate comics

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
not a fan of the big influence Tony has on this Spidey. This version of Spidey feels like Miles Morales. Ganke/Tony.

Ganke actually being in the movie as Peter's best pal (not necessarily named Ganke though) is one of the strangest aspects of this adaptation when this was when you could finally lean into good Harry and Flash setup. It's really weird to avoid 50 years of source material and go with Miles setup. I often think its a hangover from when Sony clearly wanted to do Miles Morales and not another Peter Parker but Marvel wanted Pete.


Ganke actually being in the movie as Peter's best pal (not necessarily named Ganke though) is one of the strangest aspects of this adaptation when this was when you could finally lean into good Harry and Flash setup. It's really weird to avoid 50 years of source material and go with Miles setup. I often think its a hangover from when Sony clearly wanted to do Miles Morales and not another Peter Parker but Marvel wanted Pete.
If they did they probably didn't want a sequel to Fans v Michel B Jordan


Ganke actually being in the movie as Peter's best pal (not necessarily named Ganke though) is one of the strangest aspects of this adaptation when this was when you could finally lean into good Harry and Flash setup. It's really weird to avoid 50 years of source material and go with Miles setup. I often think its a hangover from when Sony clearly wanted to do Miles Morales and not another Peter Parker but Marvel wanted Pete.

Source? Never heard of this before.


New Spiderman: Homecoming details, courtesy of CinemaScoop.

According to CinemaScoop, around the film's mid-point, Tony introduces Peter to...Mary-Jane Watson! Yes, that's right....Spidey's most prominent love-interest will indeed be making a surprise appearance in the film! And that's not all! Watson is not only revealed to be working for Stark as a junior intern...but who also turns out happens to be Pepper Potts younger sister. "Guess the red hair is hereditary" Tony quips.

In preparation for a battle with Vulture, Tony decides it's time Peter upgrades his technological Spiderman suit. As a last-minute gift, he presents Peter with one of his Iron-Man suits. "You're Spiderman no more...." Tony declares triumphantly, patting Peter on the back. "Say hello to The Amazing Iron-Boy".
At one point in the film, Tony advises Peter that he should take up a part-time job to help fund his crime-fighting career as Spiderman. As Stark sets Peter up with a job interview with the local paper, Peter arrives at the offices of The Daily Bugle...only to discover that Stark is, in fact, Bugle editor, J Jonah Jameson! "But...this doesn't make any sense!" Peter stammers. "Just go with it, Parker! Stark yells, chomping on an over-sized cigar. "Now get me pictures of Spiderman!"

Towards the end of the film, after having just defeated The Vulture, Peter makes it back to the Homecoming dance just in time....only to discover that all his class-mates have now inexplicably transformed into Tony Stark. "Did someone spike the punch?" Peter yelps, now visibly sweating. "It's okay, Peter" the sea of Tony Starks reply in unison. "The Homecoming Dance just had to be canceled. Welcome to the 2017 Stark Expo...."

During a post-credits tease, a goateed robber (not Tony Stark) is depicted to have stolen a leopard-skinned Iron Man outfit from Stark Industries. The robber (now revealed to be Sergei Kravinoff) declares his intention to hunt down and destroy Spider-Man as "The Iron Hunter"
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