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Post pictures of your gaming setup - 2006 Edition


Gold Member
New pictures from my setup, now with a MacBook Pro and DS Lites. This month removed from active setup: GameCube, PSP.


Hitachi 42PMA500e plasma screen, Panasonic surround amp and HDD/DVD, AirPort Extreme basestation and Xbox 360.



Samsung 23" LCD (won from Microsoft's keynote), slim PS2, iPod nano and iPod Hi-Fi.



Working room

MacBook Pro running Half-Life 2: Lost Coast natively, with a solid framerate, played with Mighty Mouse. Life doesn't get much better, does it? Actually it does - two white DS Lites pictured, too.


Awesome setup as always, Chittagong. Your pictures are always so catalogue-esque and perfect. Every time I see them they always remind me of this scene in Fight Club:



But honestly, great pictures and I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little jealous. :)


Chittagong, didn't you have a Samsung DLP rear projection TV? Is a plasma really that much better (eg. as far as black levels are concerned)?

I am asking since I plan on buying a plasma TV in the not so distant future.

Other than that, your apartment = very great and stylish!


Gold Member
Thanks for the kind words all!

todog said:
Chittagong, didn't you have a Samsung DLP rear projection TV? Is a plasma really that much better (eg. as far as black levels are concerned)?

I am asking since I plan on buying a plasma TV in the not so distant future.

Other than that, your apartment = very great and stylish!

Nope, I've only had this Hitachi plasma and the smaller Samsung LCD. The picture quality on the Samsung LCD is waaaaaaay superior. Very bright and crisp.

The picture quality of the Hitachi is not bad at all, blacks and all ok, but over time a couple of things have started to annoy me. My biggest issue with the Hitachi is that there seems to be somehow a short color depth. This results in dithering if you look close. I still haven't figured out the reason. The other thing is that since I wanted the highest resolution back then, I went for 1024x1024. Stupid! Totally nonstandard and not natively output by almost anybody.

I'm thinking to get a 1080P screen this fall. All tips welcomed.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
todog said:
Chittagong, didn't you have a Samsung DLP rear projection TV? Is a plasma really that much better (eg. as far as black levels are concerned)?

I am asking since I plan on buying a plasma TV in the not so distant future.

Other than that, your apartment = very great and stylish!
I think it's quite worth it. Look through that giant plasma thread from earlier this year again...

I would not recommend a Hitachi, though, as my testing of them revealed them to be rather poor for gaming (in comparison to others). I've never seen the model he is using there. Almost looks like a commerical model or something. The 1024x1024 (ALIS) resolution brings along some additional flaws. It uses a form of interlacing, you could say. There were also a lot of other bizarre artifacts that annoyed me as well. Nice design, but poor performance for gaming.

Much better solution than any DLP or LCD when it comes to gaming (IMO). Better black levels, much faster response times (near CRT), and amazing scaling of SD content (though that would vary between models, obviously). Get a Pioneer or a Panny.


new monitor get!


now I know what people are talking about when they complain about "shit PS2 image quality" my old WEGA was doing a lot of favors for the PS2 :D


I remodeled the HT.. It's themed to have cues from the claw room in Alien, that's the room the very first guy (Brett) get's his when he goes to find the cat...

That means pipes on the wall, chains and hooks hanging from the ceiling. I replaced the wires holding up the screen with chains as well and got rid of half the other Sci fi junk even though it still looks clutteres in pics in real life it just look like a movie set or haunted house or something. Very nice mood setting room for movies.


Screen up

Screen down

Gun wall


MetalAlien said:
I remodeled the HT.. It's themed to have cues from the claw room in Alien, that's the room the very first guy (Brett) get's his when he goes to find the cat...

That means pipes on the wall, chains and hooks hanging from the ceiling. I replaced the wires holding up the screen with chains as well and got rid of half the other Sci fi junk even though it still looks clutteres in pics in real life it just look like a movie set or haunted house or something. Very nice mood setting room for movies.


Screen up

Screen down

Gun wall
I am still laughing, thanks man, thanks.


MetalAlien said:
I remodeled the HT.. It's themed to have cues from the claw room in Alien, that's the room the very first guy (Brett) get's his when he goes to find the cat...

That means pipes on the wall, chains and hooks hanging from the ceiling. I replaced the wires holding up the screen with chains as well and got rid of half the other Sci fi junk even though it still looks clutteres in pics in real life it just look like a movie set or haunted house or something. Very nice mood setting room for movies.



MetalAlien said:
I remodeled the HT.. It's themed to have cues from the claw room in Alien, that's the room the very first guy (Brett) get's his when he goes to find the cat...

That means pipes on the wall, chains and hooks hanging from the ceiling. I replaced the wires holding up the screen with chains as well and got rid of half the other Sci fi junk even though it still looks clutteres in pics in real life it just look like a movie set or haunted house or something. Very nice mood setting room for movies.


Screen up

Screen down

Gun wall


*backs out of thread slowly*


MetalAlien said:
I remodeled the HT.. It's themed to have cues from the claw room in Alien, that's the room the very first guy (Brett) get's his when he goes to find the cat...

That means pipes on the wall, chains and hooks hanging from the ceiling. I replaced the wires holding up the screen with chains as well and got rid of half the other Sci fi junk even though it still looks clutteres in pics in real life it just look like a movie set or haunted house or something. Very nice mood setting room for movies.


a little gaudy, but a nice setup


kpop100 said:
a little gaudy, but a nice setup

It doesn't look as drastic in real life. The walls need to be very dark for the pro jo. White walls make the black levels suck. As for the theme, my whole house would be that way if it was up to me.


MetalAlien said:
It doesn't look as drastic in real life. The walls need to be very dark for the pro jo. White walls make the black levels suck. As for the theme, my whole house would be that way if it was up to me.
You apparently have a .50 sniper rifle, WHY ISN'T IT UP TO YOU??!@#?


cicero said:
You apparently have a .50 sniper rifle, WHY ISN'T IT UP TO YOU??!@#?

Well unless I want the rest of my family to move out I only get to destroy one room. That's another reason it's cluttered, all my collectable crap has to get stuffed in that one space.
MetalAlien said:
I remodeled the HT.. It's themed to have cues from the claw room in Alien, that's the room the very first guy (Brett) get's his when he goes to find the cat...

That means pipes on the wall, chains and hooks hanging from the ceiling. I replaced the wires holding up the screen with chains as well and got rid of half the other Sci fi junk even though it still looks clutteres in pics in real life it just look like a movie set or haunted house or something. Very nice mood setting room for movies.


Oh my god.

*attempts to look away*

I can't! It's...AARRGH

You will say, WOW


Jonnyram said:
I dream of turning my game room into something like Chittagong's.
It truly is an inspiration.

Same here! I'm definitely going to show pics of Chittagong's set up to Ikea or something and get something going. :D


Jonnyram said:
I dream of turning my game room into something like Chittagong's.
It truly is an inspiration.

I'm also working/dreaming on something like that. The problem I have is I'm in a small downtown apartment.

Need space to set up something like that.

Also, MetalAlien... your room looks like a cross-breed of a Nerd's dream room with an S&M club o_O With guns.


Hey Chitt... one thing I've been wondering... how do you get such good lighting for your place? It's almost like professional lighting. Are you a photographer by chance?
Chittagong's setup clearly requires a bit of money, but most of the gaming setups could easily advance beyond the 'shitload of stuff on a bookcase' phase.


MrAngryFace said:
Chittagong's setup clearly requires a bit of money, but most of the gaming setups could easily advance beyond the 'shitload of stuff on a bookcase' phase.
Totally... that's what I'm aiming for.
Throw the crap out and let the sunlight in.


MrAngryFace said:
Chittagong's setup clearly requires a bit of money, but most of the gaming setups could easily advance beyond the 'shitload of stuff on a bookcase' phase.

I disagree. There's plenty of affordable furniture places out there that offer the kind of goods he's showing off. I'm not talking about the tech (tv's and such) but the futon, lighting, tables, etc are all the sorts you do see at Ikea and (surprisingly) Target. And you know what, it's not that pricey.

At leasst, not in the grand scheme of things. If you're in High School working a shit job in your free time then, yeah, this isn't the kind of thing you will relate to. This is not the kind of envrionment you should be shooting for with your own cash right now. Save and spoil yourself when you're a bit older and can.
MrAngryFace said:
Chittagong's setup clearly requires a bit of money, but most of the gaming setups could easily advance beyond the 'shitload of stuff on a bookcase' phase.
I'm pretty sure Chittagong just brings his gaming stuff to Ikea and sets it up for photoshoots.
Wollan said:

I have a DS & PSP laying around somewhere aswell as a Gamecube which is in another country atm.

Which model is that?

The swimsuit one, of course. :)

MetalAlien, you have one badass setup.

I'll get some pics of my stuff in here soon.


Gold Member
Thanks again everyone. Glad to see my setup is receiving so much loving!

Zaptruder said:
Hey Chitt... one thing I've been wondering... how do you get such good lighting for your place? It's almost like professional lighting. Are you a photographer by chance?

These pics were taken on the first sunny day of spring. It is actually pretty hard to get nice lighting - but sunny weather helps light bounce of the white surfaces.

RaidenZR said:
Originally Posted by MrAngryFace:
Chittagong's setup clearly requires a bit of money, but most of the gaming setups could easily advance beyond the 'shitload of stuff on a bookcase' phase.

I disagree. There's plenty of affordable furniture places out there that offer the kind of goods he's showing off. I'm not talking about the tech (tv's and such) but the futon, lighting, tables, etc are all the sorts you do see at Ikea and (surprisingly) Target. And you know what, it's not that pricey.

It's not actually that pricey. I have only key principle and it is
No Ikea
. For my first flat I bought stuff there, but it began very quickly falling apart, becoming both expensive and irritating. Now I shop less often, wait for bargains and buy used stuff.

Here are the main vendors I've used:

www.inno.dk - this is an awesome Danish company that has provided me with half of my stuff - the sofas, the round table, bean bags, my bed, the shelf I have for my stereos etc. They are really affordable.

http://www.muurame.com/en/index.html - they've done the cupboards I have. This was my biggest investment. I had my crap in boxes in the basement until I finally could afford to get their stuff.

www.artek.fi - classic Finnish furniture by Alvar Aalto. I check them out on this site but get them used. Saves a lot of money and gives a less sterile feeling.

www.woodnotes.fi - this is where I've got my carpets. They have a -70% discount day once a year in Helsinki, never bought anything full price.

EDIT: Small clarification about Ikea. I mean that I don't get furniture there. They are great and affordable, however, for accessories such as the small clock, glass vases, lamps etc. Most of the plants are from my local supermarket.


heavy liquid said:
Awesome setup as always, Chittagong. Your pictures are always so catalogue-esque and perfect. Every time I see them they always remind me of this scene in Fight Club:



But honestly, great pictures and I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little jealous. :)
lol... This happens to me quite often :)
Well if anything is made clear by the latest threads, 'expensive' is entirely relative. Lets say most people who live on their own cannot afford this ;P

You can make more than the average household in the area you live in and still not be able to afford this because you are paying rent, utilities, your car, maybe your phone, hell there's the internet bill. Maybe some student loans too.


Gold Member
MrAngryFace said:
Well if anything is made clear by the latest threads, 'expensive' is entirely relative. Lets say most people who live on their own cannot afford this ;P

You can make more than the average household in the area you live in and still not be able to afford this because you are paying rent, utilities, your car, maybe your phone, hell there's the internet bill. Maybe some student loans too.

True and it's good to keep in mind that the initial investment is the bitch. Once you have to setup the basic infrastructure with vacuumcleaners, supplies, sofas and all such at once. After that, buying stuff gradually with patience is more tolerable to the wallet. When I moved away from home some eight years ago I kept my books piled on the floor until I had the chance to get the Metro shelf I wanted. Buying seldom but high quality pays off, however, in the long run. The picture of my MacBook Pro with Battlefield in the Mac thread - that table and chairs are nearly 30 years old, my mom bought them when I was a kid.
Ditto with Chitta

Everything I own is bought and payed for. I was just patient and really looked for what I wanted.....

Me and my wife love our home because it truly represents us and what we did to get it that way :)

Its a great feeling to have

I don't make alotta money BTW.....


Chittagong said:
True and it's good to keep in mind that the initial investment is the bitch. Once you have to setup the basic infrastructure with vacuumcleaners, supplies, sofas and all such at once. After that, buying stuff gradually with patience is more tolerable to the wallet. When I moved away from home some eight years ago I kept my books piled on the floor until I had the chance to get the Metro shelf I wanted. Buying seldom but high quality pays off, however, in the long run. The picture of my MacBook Pro with Battlefield in the Mac thread - that table and chairs are nearly 30 years old, my mom bought them when I was a kid.

I totally feel this is true. I have a few objects that cost a bit more than what you would pay on average for the same type of object, but it has paid off every time.


Chittagong said:
True and it's good to keep in mind that the initial investment is the bitch. Once you have to setup the basic infrastructure with vacuumcleaners, supplies, sofas and all such at once. After that, buying stuff gradually with patience is more tolerable to the wallet. When I moved away from home some eight years ago I kept my books piled on the floor until I had the chance to get the Metro shelf I wanted. Buying seldom but high quality pays off, however, in the long run. The picture of my MacBook Pro with Battlefield in the Mac thread - that table and chairs are nearly 30 years old, my mom bought them when I was a kid.

As long as it suits your needs, hand me down furniture can be the best way to go sometimes.


MrAngryFace said:
Well if anything is made clear by the latest threads, 'expensive' is entirely relative. Lets say most people who live on their own cannot afford this ;P

You can make more than the average household in the area you live in and still not be able to afford this because you are paying rent, utilities, your car, maybe your phone, hell there's the internet bill. Maybe some student loans too.

Credit. All it takes is an ikea card and a futureshop/bestbuy card. Then slowly pay off everything for about 300-400 a month.

That's affordable on average income vs average rent/mortgage.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Tabris said:
Credit. All it takes is an ikea card and a futureshop/bestbuy card. Then slowly pay off everything for about 300-400 a month.

That's affordable on average income vs average rent/mortgage.
Sure, if you want to pay the ridiculous interest they charge.


Fuzzy said:
Sure, if you want to pay the ridiculous interest they charge.

Most places offer a 12-24 month interest free. So if you're paying that 300-400/month, you pay off the interest by then.


Tabris said:
Also, MetalAlien... your room looks like a cross-breed of a Nerd's dream room with an S&M club o_O With guns.

Well it is suppose to look like you are stepping into a sci fi horror movie. People who see it in real life almost always get it right away, it becomes their favorite room in the house.

The ones who don't get it still say it definitely suits me.

Diehard Alien/Alien fans who see it just love it. Doesn't mean they want one for themselves, but it makes them happy to know someone was willing to do that. I guess it depends on what your idea of the future is. When I was a kid, we thought the future would look like Blade Runner, Alien, and classic Star Wars... and so on.. It was suppose to be dark with pipes and industrial stuff exposed.

To me being in a super bright white room with super clean lines, components that look like they are not connected with wires, and glass all over is horrible. Makes me very uncomfortable. I like it to look like a factory or something.

Just me.
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