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31 Days of Horror |OT| Watch a horror movie every day in October.

ThirstyFly said:

[B]#18 Basket Case 3: The Progeny (Oct 17)[/B]

[I]"Good god, Belial! That was not a constructive way to express your feelings!"[/I]

Okay, so Basket Case 2 wasn't so hot, but Basket Case 3 takes 2's direction and builds upon it for a massive improvement. The plot is better, the humor is funnier and most importantly of all, Belial gets to go on some [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TiXHf1wn-c"]sweet rampages[/URL] in this one, not to mention a look into his fantastic imagination.

I still kind of wish the sequels had gone more horror than comedy, but #3 balances it out much better and I'm satisfied with it. There's some pretty awesome sequences in this. Fans of Tom Stern & Alex Winter's excellent [I]Freaked[/I] will definitely want to check this one out.

Belial's hilarious scream from Basket Case 1 is still missing though :([/QUOTE]

Now you need to watch BAD BIOLOGY.

#9 From Beyond: 5/10[/B] I liked the idea for this movie but because its a little older it wasnt really my kind of movie.

Worst thing I've read on GAF in at least a month.

#28 The Thing From Another World (1951) - Oct. 17
~ Howard Hawks' seminal alien invasion film drips (U.S. Cold War-tinged) paranoia, and is all the better for it. A tense, dynamic movie that moves at a decent clip and never lets up. Dialog and cinematography are excellent. One of my favorite movies, ever...
#17 The Dead Pit


So a mad doctor at an asylum is using patient for his experiments and is eventually put down and sealed away in a pit along with his dead experiments. Years later a new young patient is brought in with what seems like some form of powers that trigger when brought to the asylum, and it resurrects the evil mad doc who goes all slasher on the population of the asylum. You also have lot of dream sequences by the young girl which comes off as a low rent Nightmare on Elm St. Eventually we also get a tide of undead who emerge from the pit and lay siege to the asylum. Mediocre supernatural zombie flick, but has some good gore and better than lot of the many shitty zombie flicks out there.
Regarding DEAD PIT:

The artwork you posted at first appeared 3D to my eyes, because the VHS case had a 3D plastic sleeve that lit up. It was the best thing about the movie.


Steam rolling today to catch up on the days I missed out!

#14 - Cronos - I went into this movie knowing that Guillermo del Toro and thats all. But damn, I liked it alot and for once, the ending is very satisfying. If anything one of the better modern "vampire" films I enjoy right next to Let the Right One In. A couple of the sfx gave me the willies (good thing!) but this film was just so original to watch and have to do a repeat viewing again. ^_^

#15 - Videodrome - Man, what a fucked up freaky ass movie I just watched. I think I need to be tripping in order to unleash the full potential of this movie.

Was gonna put They Live on the list but its more sci-fi than horror.

#1 - Human Centipede
#2 - Troll 2
#3 - Dead Snow
#4 - An American Werewolf in London
#5 - The Return of the Living Dead
#6 - The Awakening
#7 - Prophecy 2
#8 - Case 39
#9 - Nosferatu
#10 - Juon: White Ghost, Black Ghost
#11 - Three Extremes
#12- Cabin Fever
#13 - R-Point


Neo Member
Ah, crap! I've fallen behind a bit -- because of preparations for a film conference of all things. Hopefully I can double-up one of these days and get back on schedule!

Here are some short thoughts on the things I did get a chance to watch in the meantime:

Day 12: The 'Burbs (1989) - A big broad comedy with a bit of wonky message -- suburbanites are horrifying, but Europeans are horrorfying-er! But, as with all Joe Dante movies, you have to love the glee he brings to the proceedings, with plenty of nods to classic Universal horror and big Loony Toons slapstick.


Day 13: The Wolf Man (1941)
- I loved this as a kid, but was really disappointed to watch it now. Claude Rains is fantastic as Sir John Talbot, but Lon Chaney Jr makes a pretty doofy lead. The rest of the movie is pretty impressive -- it sets up the rules of the classic werewolf stories and the transformations are great -- but Chaney just bumbles through his scenes. This is particularly true of an early scene in which Lawrence Talbot attempts to seduce Maleva; he comes off like an entitled dolt, who mistakes the power granted by his privileged position for some sort of charm.


Day 14: Basket Case (1982) - Lived up to its reputation and more -- Keven Van Henternick was a particular revelation. You can't fake acting that bad! I enjoyed it all the way through, even the
rape scene towards the end. I'm very conflicted about that, as the entire movie is made up of unsavory murder, but somehow the deaths are ridiculous and over the top in a way that rape can never be.
. Still, its a must-see and I'm looking forward to watching the sequels.

My "cool story, bro" moment: I watched this on my laptop in a trashy hotel in Pittsburgh. About midway through, I paused the movie to use the bathroom, and came back to discover that I could hear, quite clearly, the couple in the room next to me (they were only having a conversation, so don't think me a pervert). Realizing that they could hear the movie as well as I could, I grew quite paranoid during Belail's screams and decided to watch the rest of the movie with headphones. A little more unpleasant, but I think my hotel-mates appreciated it.


Day 15: Dreamcatcher (2003)
- Such a weird movie. It's got a lot of the hallmarks of a b-movie -- ludicrous plot that is completely devoid of good taste or good sense, a mistrust of authority, and some nasty deaths and body horror -- but no one seems to realize just how bad it is. It clearly has a big budget and a pretty impressive cast, but they deliver everything pretty straight. I think I would enjoy it more if they were enjoying themselves more.

Jill Sandwich said:
#14 - [REC]2 (14th October)


Following immediately after the first film, [REC]2 documents the adventures of a Ministry of Health officer and Special Ops team as they go into the quarantined apartment building and bring it under control. I was a bit worried that the scares would be diminished with the inclusion of machine guns but AHA they worked that one out pretty quick, and soon they're all split up and it gets nicely chaotic.
Also as they got to the penthouse apartment early on in the film, I was wondering what could there be more to see? That's worked out satisfyingly too, with a good few jumps to boot. Someone said [REC]2 is like Aliens to [REC]1's Alien. I'd half go along with that. We know what we're dealing with now, and the sequel fleshes the 'Zombies' out a bit more, and the little shits are dealt with fairly easily with automatic weapons... until they get up again. The end isn't nearly as knuckle-chewing as the first, but our friend does reappear which I was looking forward to. I was entertained, and am looking forward to the third.
8 hammers out of 10
perfect review of this film. just watched it the other night myself. really looking forward to where the next two sequels take the story.

7. Wolf Creek - October 17

I was looking for some good modern horror movies and I saw this film mentioned a lot. Out of the 90 minutes, 50 were spent on three people (the only main characters aside from the killer) on a road trip. For a film that spends so much time on character development, I expected interesting characters. There wasn't much about any of them that stood out. What they had going for them was ruined by the fact that what they go through in the second half isn't anything special. The horror aspect of the film wasn't scary at all, it was just some asshole fucking around with innocent people. There literally were no jump scares in the movie, the "horror" only comes from the situation they're in, which was too standard to make me feel involved. That being said, there were good aspects to the film. The cinematography was good, there were a lot of shots that made the situation feel hopeless. The score was good (but there wasn't much music) as was the acting. I was just disappointed because the characters were presented like they weren't just fodder for some maniac killer, but in the end I didn't really care for them as much as the movie made it seem like I should.


EDIT: After thinking about the movie for some time and rewatching some of it, I'm changing my score to a 7/10. There is a lot that stands out.


Movie #17: Phantasm II (dir. Don Coscarelli)

Bored silly with this one. All of the fantastic dreamlike atmosphere (not to mention the incredible soundtrack) of the original is gone and is replaced with tongue-in-cheek goofiness, as if someone was trying really hard to impress Sam Raimi (who gets a shout-out in a not-so subtle manner). Angus Scrimm is always a treat to see, but he rarely gets the opportunity to make much of an impression outside of the gory finale. I'm not really sure why Coscarelli went with something so fluffy in comparison, but I do know that it left a pretty bad taste in my mouth.

Next movie: I get the feeling that the movie about the Boogeyman has as much to do with the stories that our parents told us to get us to go to sleep as kids (what kind of fucked up logic is that?) as the film adaptation of The Scarlet Letter had to do with Nathaniel Hawthorne's original text...
#17 – Scream 4 – October 17th


Did you know it’s been 25 years since the original Scream? Okay it hasn’t been quite that long but from watching this fourth installment you would think they were a lifetime apart. A big theme of Scream 4 is this new technologically savvy generation of teenagers. With their facebooks and their geocities pages and their alta vistas. Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t they call 911 using the internet in the original Scream? That was pretty cyber-spacey (unrealistic).

As far as I’m concerned the Scream franchise died with Randy in that van in Scream 2. I really enjoyed the original Scream, it honestly felt like a tribute to horror movies and Scream 2 felt like that as well to a certain degree. But at some point in 2 it becomes less about horror movies in general and more specifically about the Scream/Stab franchise. With Scream 3 and now Scream 4 it has become a self congratulatory circle jerk. Scream 4 starts with not a recap of the events leading up to a fourth film but a tumble down the rabbit hole of Stab sequels. They make a joke of the movie within a movie franchise of Stab but Scream 4 is just as guilty as Stab 7. Sequels put up barriers between the audience and what is unfolding on the screen. Instead of a viewer simply watching a woman being chased by a knife wielding masked mad man, a human emotion in which anyone could easily put themselves in that woman’s shoes, that viewer is wondering who ended up being the killer in Scream 3? Or, Seriously Dewey hasn’t died in any of these movies… There ends up being too many layers between the convoluted story and the characters on screen.

A lot of other things annoy me other than the regurgitated plot such as:

The horrible acting by almost the entire crew. The worst offenders were the returning actors. David Arquette Cox and Courtney Cox Arquette seemed as if they were reading their lines off of a teleprompter (LIKE OBAMA!!!) and Neve Campbell looked like she hadn’t seen the light of day in about five years.

The new cast of characters wasn’t that much better. The worst being the cheerleader from Heroes and her Asari haircut. That annoyed the shit out of me.

Referencing other great horror films doesn’t make this film any better. It was fun in the original but now it is just tired. The best part of Scream 4 was the 10 seconds of Shaun of the Dead they showed.

Who’s trying to kill Sydney is always the big mystery surrounding the film but does it really matter? There will be some other random character willing to pick up the pieces in two years and try again.

It’s not like Wes Craven doesn’t have the ability to think outside the box for his horror franchises. Remember New Nightmare? That exact formula wouldn’t work for Scream but something of a rebirth has to happen. Scream 5 with the genealogy of the last four films hanging over its head cannot work.

ScreamIV is fucking horrid.

That being said, Hayden P. was the surpising performance. I thought she did well.
Everyone else phones it in or is just bad like Sydney's Cousin


Debating whether or not to include this, but here goes


Oct.17 - Legion

I'd been wanting to watch this for awhile just because of the interesting premise and promise of maybe some decent thrills/action.
What I ended up getting was barely any of that. The concept is solid (if you can sustain disbelief) and the setting allows them to get away with it considering the film's budget (it's set entirely in a dinner). They don't spend enough time building up dread though. It's the rapture out there, but you wouldn't know it other than some flies and a radio broadcast. Really missed opportunity here.
There's some decent thrills ...well really just one with the Ice Cream man who turns into something out of Left 4 Dead. You figure Paul Bettany is ready to go Commando with the arsenal he amasses early on, but he's honestly not in the film a whole lot.
The action is pretty much consists of people standing there, awkwardly shooting at things. Poorly staged, edited, and choreographed.
You can a competent fight scene with two angels at the end, and that's 'bout it.
I know Paul Bettany and the director went on to make Priest, which is hopefully better, or at least more satisfying. We'll have to see...

So yeah, I should have watched Poltergeist2 or Red State instead =/
Ridley327 said:
Movie #17: Phantasm II (dir. Don Coscarelli)

Bored silly with this one. All of the fantastic dreamlike atmosphere (not to mention the incredible soundtrack) of the original is gone and is replaced with tongue-in-cheek goofiness, as if someone was trying really hard to impress Sam Raimi (who gets a shout-out in a not-so subtle manner). Angus Scrimm is always a treat to see, but he rarely gets the opportunity to make much of an impression outside of the gory finale. I'm not really sure why Coscarelli went with something so fluffy in comparison, but I do know that it left a pretty bad taste in my mouth.

Yeah, check out my review of the entire series a page or so back.
Ultimately it's a waste of time.

EDIT: oh, it's actually on this page, sorry
JoJoShabadoo said:

7. Wolf Creek - October 17

I was looking for some good modern horror movies and I saw this film mentioned a lot. Out of the 90 minutes, 50 were spent on three people (the only main characters aside from the killer) on a road trip. For a film that spends so much time on character development, I expected interesting characters. There wasn't much about any of them that stood out. What they had going for them was ruined by the fact that what they go through in the second half isn't anything special. The horror aspect of the film wasn't scary at all, it was just some asshole fucking around with innocent people. There literally were no jump scares in the movie, the "horror" only comes from the situation they're in, which was too standard to make me feel involved. That being said, there were good aspects to the film. The cinematography was good, there were a lot of shots that made the situation feel hopeless. The score was good (but there wasn't much music) as was the acting. I was just disappointed because the characters were presented like they weren't just fodder for some maniac killer, but in the end I didn't really care for them as much as the movie made it seem like I should.


I can agree with this. You should check out the director's other film though, Rogue.
It's actually pretty damn good!


Incredibly Naive
Adjusted Scores

#1 House of the Devil- 8.0/10
#2 Fire in the sky- 6.0/10
#3 A Tale of Two Sisters- 9.5/10
#4 Suspiria- 7.5/10
#5 Dagon- 5.0/10
#6 Ghoulies- 2.5/10
#7 Trick 'R Treat - 8.5/10
#8 Audition- 7.5/10
#9 From Beyond- 6.5/10
#10 the last exorcism- 5.5/10
#11 Henry- Portrait of a Serial Killer- 6.5/10
#12 The Lost Boys- 6.5/10
#13 Behind the Mask- The Rise of Leslie Vernon- 6.0/10

#14 Night of the Creeps


Ughh still 2 movies behind after watching 2 today... will review the other later. For now Night of the Creeps. I recently borrowed this DVD from a friend. He had told me that this was a cult classic and had been talking to me about how it just recently got it's DVD release. I enjoy B horror done right so I decided to give it a shot. It did not dissapoint.

There's a ton of horror movie references in there that I enjoyed. The characters are likable, the writing is fun, and overall the performances are good. Obviously when you're dealing with B-movies you're looking at poor effects and campy performances, but that all adds to the charm of it. A few of the jokes fall flat here and there, but other than that I truly enjoyed this movie.

I liked what the director, Fred Dekker, did with this movie. I was suprised to find after checking his filmography, that his career basically started and ended with this besides two other forgotten movie. If you enjoy B-horror than you'll love this. Do yourself a favor and check this one out.


Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
#17 Evil Dead II (17th October)



10 Swallowed souls out of 10

PS It's really hard to choose between this and the first one. They're both great.



#13- Zombies of Mora Tau..lol..deep-sea divers try to recover diamonds from the ocean
floor-only problem, there being guarded by hapless zombies..if youre in the mood for 50's horror, this is ok to watch..+1 for allison hayes


(day 18) Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon - A documentary about a serial-killer that soon turns into a slasher itself when it turns out the interviewee is dead-serious about his aspirations. The concept has somewhat been done before, in Man Bites Dog for instance, but this focuses more on the popular slasher genre. It's fascinating and darkly humorous how the tropes of the genre are explored and laid bare. I particularly liked the exchanges between Leslie and the friendly killer couple. The actual slasher part of the film is done rather nicely and there's a few good, though not unpredictable, twists as well. 3 out of 4 stars, recommended.



#17 - Ringu AKA Ring (Oct 18)
A mysterious video kills whomever views it, unless that viewer can solve its mystery. While I usually don't care about these kind of movies, it's hard to deny that Ringu is a well made and solid movie with a lot of tension, but not as much of a horror movie as I thought it would be. Having seen the American remake before I thought I knew what to expect, so I was happily surprised the original took a different approach. The mood is pretty dark, but it felt more like a dark drama then a horror. 7/10


#18 Grave Encounters (Oct 18)

A pretty decent effort in the 'found footage' sub-genre. Semi unique plot of a phony ghost hunter-esque reality show that actual finds some ghosts while locked inside of an abandoned mental institution. Full of ghostly tropes and mediocre-to-poor acting, it's certainly not a "must see" but if you like the Blair Witch or Paranormal Activity flick, you won't go wrong with this one. In fact I think it's better than PA2, but it certainly won't do sales to measure up.
It does go in some decent directions, and could have been a lot better if not for the spoon fed scares it's shoving down your throat... OMG DID YOU SEE/HEAR THAT. It's a little hard to fault them for this since it's basically built into the premise, seeing has how it's a "Ghost Hunters" type of show in which this is done... but I can't help but feel it detracted from what could have been a better experience.
#16: Children of the Corn 2: The Final Sacrifice: I've seen the first one a few years back and figured I could watch this without being to confused. It's as creepy as young kids killing people could be I guess. They also seem to kill lots of old people. Will continue the saga with number 3 tonight.

#17: Mimic 2: Saw the first one a few years back and kinda remembered it so just went with this one. It was pretty stupid. I don't get the whole cockroach mimicking people. It's not till the very end where it "mimics" someone but it has no advantages because it still looks like a freak and not like a normal person. Pass.

#18: The Halloween Tree: Saw some praise here so I decided to watch it. I guess it was a little more dark than a normal kids movie but I guess I expected a little MORE dark..so I was slightly disappointed. However, it was still a good kids adventure story and perfect for the season. I also didn't like that Pip looked like the typical tom sawyer esk best friend redhead who everyone loves. Still recommended if someone needs a short horror break and wants something more lighthearted.



#18 - Ringu 0: Bâsudei AKA Ring 0: Birthday (Oct 18)
A young Sadako becomes an actress in hopes of escaping her troubled past, but strange visions and terrifying powers begin to manifest.. I read somewhere prior to watching Ringu 0 that this movie was a lot like Carrie, and that's basically true for the first hour. I didn't care for it as much as I did for Ringu and it definitely missed some scares, but it was still entertaining at times. 5/10


Incredibly Naive
Adjusted Scores

#1 House of the Devil- 8.0/10
#2 Fire in the sky- 6.0/10
#3 A Tale of Two Sisters- 9.5/10
#4 Suspiria- 7.5/10
#5 Dagon- 5.0/10
#6 Ghoulies- 2.5/10
#7 Trick 'R Treat - 8.5/10
#8 Audition- 7.5/10
#9 From Beyond- 6.5/10
#10 the last exorcism- 5.5/10
#11 Henry- Portrait of a Serial Killer- 6.5/10
#12 The Lost Boys- 6.5/10
#13 Behind the Mask- The Rise of Leslie Vernon- 6.0/10
[URL="http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=31915729&postcount=1247"]#14 Night of the Creeps- 7.0/10[/URL]

#15 An American Werewolf in London.


The classic. Surprisingly I had somehow managed to have never seen this movie. For a while I really lacked the motivation to finally watch this movie. One I'm not really a big fan of werewolf movies. It's not necessarily werewolves themselves, but probably the lack of movies I've enjoyed in the genre. And two, I have seen the remake, and it is just ridiculously bad. Well, I finally sat down and watched this, and I was not disappointed.

The movie successfully blends comedy with horror. I enjoyed the characters and actually found what they had to say funny. Landis also does a pretty good job of building a creepy atmosphere. The biggest thing for a werewolf movie is the transformation scene. I had read earlier in the thread that this particular scene is still regarded by many as the best of them. I'll have to agree with that. The effects are pretty amazing especially given when this was made. I'm still pretty amazed at how well that part of the movie still holds up.

So overall I think this movie deserves it's classic status. This is definitely one of my favorite movies in the genre, and one of the best movies I've seen on the list so far.

18. Tucker & Dale vs Evil (2010)

A comedic horror about a couple of hillbillies who are mistaken, by a group of college kids, as chainsaw-wielding maniacs. Hilarity ensues when one of the college kids is rescued by the lovable hillbillies and the group needs to save her. Horror-Com is a somewhat uncommon sub-genre, but its one which I love so I was quite happy to see this film. Most of the hilarity occurs in the 1st half of the film and thats where the best bits of the movie lie... the second half is more serious in tone and does lose a lot of steam. Its a good watch, hilarious first half, not so good second half. 6.5/10
Recently, I was lucky enough to see AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON in a theater and see a Q&A with Rick Baker. The movie is perfect and really plays well with a crowd. Also got a sweet Olly Moss poster for the movie. It's worth clicking the link below.


ELAMOR said:

Now you need to watch the remake. Even Craven says it's better than the original. Probably the best "straight" remake ever, pretty much a second draft of the original.


after watching coraline with the missus i need something gore filled to gloss over the niceness so im watching the beyond
#18 Hellraiser Bloodline


- So I had stopped at 3 long ago after seeing it in the theater and being disappointed in it, but decided to finally watch the "final" Hellraiser before it went DTV series. Was pleasantly surprised, found it better than 3 which to me got very silly. The whole scifi future aspect was cheesy at times as often when done with these low budget films, but it's also only a small portion of the film as it bounces around between 3 different periods. The movie was also kind of a finale to the series at the time though since it takes place so far into the future, it left lots of room for sequels still. Bunch of background here also behind the box (we already got Pinhead covered in the previous sequels).
Mdeezy said:
<--I actually do this every year. Tonight Im watching(guess the title)


#13 In the Mouth of Madness (Oct 13)

"Do you read Sutter Cane?"

I've seen majority of John Carpenter's movies already so it's a nice surprise when I stumble upon one I haven't seen that is actually good. The film starts off with Sam Neill being committed to a psychiatric hospital where his only request is to have a crayon (you can see why in the pic above). There he is visited by a doctor played by David Warner (The Omen), and that's where he begins to recount his story on how he ended up at the hospital in the first place. What follows is a detective story that leads our hero into pure horror.

I have never read H.P. Lovecraft, and apparently this film is strong homage to some of his stories. I do have some knowledge of The Old Ones and Cthulhu and I can definitely see the connection. Fantastic job by Sam Neill here and Carpenter seems like he actually gives a shit. Very recommended and I guess I need to get started on reading Lovecraft. 8.5/10

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
#18 Lifeforce (18th October)


Oh Mathilda May, you so nude.
This film makes the most of having a lady willing to act naked in practically every scene. But there is a point to this because you see she is a SPACE VAMPIRE so naturally needs to bang her femininity across the skulls of her victims like a crowbar. This is achieved by full frontal nudity. It works! (Weirdly there are shots where her naughty bits are tastefully obscured by pipes, or window frames, then in the next scene everything is on display again.)
The SPACE VAMPIRE imagery in Lifeforce is just as subtle, with the docking bay doors on the shuttle Churchill being coffin-shaped, and the aliens being SPACE BATS and the ship having batwing-like structures. This shouldn't be surprising as it's based off a novel called The Space Vampires, and I forgive it as Tobe Hooper was probably going for a B-Movie feel. It certainly seems that way, almost like a Hammer production.
So what happens? Well, a joint British-American space mission is going ahead to observe Halley's Comet (I think this was set in 1986) and they discover a 150 mile long spaceship in it's tail. An investigation reveals SPACE BATS and three naturists, two male and one female. Obviously they have to be brought back to Earth, so they loot the nudies. Not long after, contact is lost with the Churchill and the shuttle Colombia is launched to investigate. They find there's been a fire, an escape pod missing and all the crew are charred, but the birthday suited samples are fine. Instead of putting two and two together, they bring them to Earth.
Lots of zany naked hi-jinks ensue, including Space Girl sucking the life (literally) out of the guard, his desiccated husk returning to life two hours later to suck the life (literally) out of the coroner, and it all snowballs from there. Colin Caine of the SAS is sent to investigate, and soon the missing shuttle escape pod shows up in Texas with Col. Tom Carlson in it, who very quickly appears in London to assist.
Can they stop the SPACE VAMPIRES from destroying civilisation as we know it? Hey isn't that Patrick Stewart? Oh look at those tits! Why are the vampires victims more like regular zombies in the second half than the husks of the first?

I quite like Lifeforce, not because of the norks, but because it's just so silly, and there are some jumpy moments in it too - not a lot, but there there. The monster make up and effects are very well done too. Not so much the second half where I think it just wouldn't have been practical to make so many animatronics, and the Patrick Stewart dummy looked like it was from Thunderbirds. But there's still a lot to love. *Googles Mathilda May*

7 Perfectly formed breasts out of 10

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
Yes I mention that in my closing statement. The husky creatures are fantastic, especially the female victim (BOOM!)
So much better than CG.
The existence of LIFEFORCE is one of the many reasons I find SPECIES to be so boring. I'd like to do a similar premise, but taken to a ridiculous extreme.


AgentOtaku said:
I can agree with this. You should check out the director's other film though, Rogue.
It's actually pretty damn good!
It's not bad at all. Was the first movie I saw Sam Worthington in.
Dude got munched.


#13 | Arachnid | via Netflix streaming


In one of the most hilarious intros I've seen in a good long while, a fighter pilot testing a new plane crashes into a cloaked alien ship sucking water out of the ocean, and they both crash on a tropical island where the pilots are attacked by a giant spider. I assume the the alien ship and the mutated arachnids are somehow related, even though it's not well established, but the entire sequence looked like it was shot on a budget of about $85.

This is your basic giant mutant creature feature, where a large pack of disposable characters join the two obvious leads, and are slowly whittled down as it gradually dawns on them that something has gone awry with the evolutionary arc on the island.

Things you should not do, should you find yourself in a low budget monster movie:

  1. Do not run into the dark the jungle at night on your lonesome, while everyone else sleeps, chasing a large creature you can't quite make out. It will not end well.
  2. Do not wander into a massive spider web, when it's established that there are unusually large arachnids at hand. Especially when you study them for a living. There might be a big spider in it.
  3. Do not fall behind the pack when you're trying flee. The creature over there in the bushes will probably eat you.
  4. If you are barricaded in a small shack, and the creature is outside, do not open the door to check if it's still there just because you can't hear it for about 10 seconds. It might still be there!
  5. If the monster has gone into some sort of cocoon, do not climb up the rock and bonk it with a knife trying to cut it down. That might wake it up. I suggest using fire instead.

While the direct causes of death varied, the root cause was the same across the board: abject stupidity.

The creature design was pretty good, even if the budget did not allow the effects (or apparently, acting) to rise above terrible. On the spectrum from bad to so bad it's good, this one barely gets over the line into so bad it's good territory.

I'm done with random selections from Netflix streaming for now, though.

Edit: gah! DP


Movie #18: The Boogeyman (1980) (dir. Ulli Lommel)

Dear England,

This was one of the movies that you gave you such a fit during the video nasties era? Really? Really?

Eternally confused and unfortunate viewer of this shit heap,

Next movie: It's high time we class up the place a bit with a trio of highly influential films from outside of the US. First up: Henri-Georges Clouzot's tale of revenge and terror.

#29. Abbott and Costello Meet Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1953) - Oct. 18
~ I get the impression that by this point in their careers, Abbott and Costello are just walking through the sets to collect their cheques... The gags are standard fair for the duo, but they're feeling a little long in the tooth. There are fan touches gallore - a decidedly Universal Frankenstein's Monster and Dracula figures in the wax museum, for instance - but even an animated Karloff isn't enough to save this one... Side stories about chorus girl suffragettes and the not-terribly-clever reporters they love add nothing to the mix. Next time, I'll go back to the infinitely more satisfying Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein.
No movie last night. Watched Breaking Bad instead. (will double-up on the weekend again)

Definitely watching something tonight though. Either Poltergeist2 or Insidious

You choose GAF!
AgentOtaku said:
No movie last night. Watched Breaking Bad instead. (will double-up on the weekend again)

Definitely watching something tonight though. Either Poltergeist2 or Insidious

You choose GAF!

I choose option #3: Basket Case!
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