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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread: Green Hills and Laughing Iizukas

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They pretty much smeared or removed as much English text as they could. I think they expected to release it to more regions than they were actually licensed for, and "globalized" as much as they could.

Never heard of Mondriaan? He was a Dutch painter who made paintings like that.

The style was familiar, although I admit I never knew the painter's name. So it was either something the Japanese staff lifted, or they just thought it looked too close to the real thing.
There's a scene where Amy points out that they used a bad picture on an official ID she got, at the start of Season 2 I think. 4Kids actually went through and scrubbed off the information that was originally written on the ID. That was all in English.

So... yeah.

To their credit, the unedited (to my knowledge, even down to Sonic yelling "SHIT!" at one point) episodes are available now on I think their official Youtube channel, Hulu and stuff, but they might be subbed-only.

Edit: In fact, they did this a lot more than I realized. Although I guess I don't blame them for taking out "LOVE POO!" (1:44) and some of the more Engrishy writing.


Look out, you can READ HIS NAME.


...Maybe it was a copyrighted image? ...Maybe they were scared it would give a kid a seizure?

Wasn't it Sonic X where one episode had a milk carton and 4KIDS airbrushed the "MILK" text out for no reason?

This is why I love 4kids. They're so dumb they make me wonder what the next harmless thing they'll remove is.

qq more

Can't say I was shocked hearing 4kids became bankrupt a few years ago. lol

Also a friend of mine sent me an offline IM last night quoting a hilarious Sonic fanboy defending Sonic 06:

Sonic 06 fanboy said:
Whoever thinks that Sonic next-gen sucks are not true Sonic fans. True Sonic fans accept what they have, and MAKE it a good thing. Some people try to find glitches in Sonic 06, just to make it a bad game. If they hadn't looked for glitches, it wouldn't be such a bad game.

Yes, true Sonic fans should blindly defend horrible games and accept awful aspects as if they're a good thing.

I dunno, in reality true Sonic fans take what they don't like and overanalyze the hell out of it to figure out exactly what they don't like about it, which is almost as bad. (I know I'm guilty as charged...)

Also you don't really have to go LOOKING for glitches in 2K6, they make their presence quite apparent through normal play.

qq more

I dunno, in reality true Sonic fans take what they don't like and overanalyze the hell out of it to figure out exactly what they don't like about it, which is almost as bad. (I know I'm guilty as charged...).

I don't think there's such thing as a "true" fan. The whole "YOU'RE NOT A TRUE FAN" is just blatant fanboyism in my book.

(I'm guilty of overanalyzing things too)

Also you don't really have to go LOOKING for glitches in 2K6, they make their presence quite apparent through normal play.
I remember the very first thing I did in the first zone: Reach a loop de loop then FELL THROUGH THE GROUND. Fuck that broken mess of a game.

I can't believe people are denying the presence of these glitches. Was there like... a magical fixed copy they got their hands on? :lol
My favorite part was how it locked you into some fixed route on the loop, but if you were too far to one side (even if that side was "the right"), you would be forcibly, uncontrollably ejected from the loop as Sonic ran off the edge at a high speed, always above a death pit. You had to learn which side to bias certain ramps and loops on just so the game didn't kill you while in automatic mode.
My favorite part was how it locked you into some fixed route on the loop, but if you were too far to one side (even if that side was "the right"), you would be forcibly, uncontrollably ejected from the loop as Sonic ran off the edge at a high speed, always above a death pit. You had to learn which side to bias certain ramps and loops on just so the game didn't kill you while in automatic mode.

This happens in the LP, it's fucking hilarious.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I never liked 4Kids's localization work for anything. They censor or modify things for seemingly arbitrary reasons, or to make their stamp on that particular work. Even English lexical items are taken out and/or replaced for no reason.

In fact, it isn't just 4Kids; I dislike it when companies make arbitrary and needless localization decisions in general--Square-Enix being the latest example for FFXIII-2! >:|

On the other side of the coin, I don't really like it when some translation groups--and this is mostly for fantranslations--don't translate the Japanese text at all. Why leave it in? It isn't a loanword. Make it accessible to your audience while not dumbing it down in the process. Oh, and the constant translations for 糞 to 'shit' aren't always accurate. It can be translated to something other than shit since meaning depends on context. smh.

qq more said:
Sonic 06 fanboy said:
Whoever thinks that Sonic next-gen sucks are not true Sonic fans. True Sonic fans accept what they have, and MAKE it a good thing. Some people try to find glitches in Sonic 06, just to make it a bad game. If they hadn't looked for glitches, it wouldn't be such a bad game.
Looks like most of us aren't TRUE FANS, ladies and gentlemen. Too bad you don't have to go out of your way to search high and low in Sonic 06 for glitching because they're readily apparent no matter what.

Sega 1991 said:
SupremeDominator has made a comment on Sonic the Hedgehog is a bad game, and here's why:


Can't say I was shocked hearing 4kids became bankrupt a few years ago. lol

Also a friend of mine sent me an offline IM last night quoting a hilarious Sonic fanboy defending Sonic 06:

Yes, true Sonic fans should blindly defend horrible games and accept awful aspects as if they're a good thing.

Sickening. This kid (I'm assuming) isn't just suggesting blind fanboyism. They're saying that we should conform to the mediocrity, that this is the way things are and we have to accept them as they are. That we shouldn't hope for more or for better. I see that as hopelessness that extends beyond a mere video game franchise. That's a mindset that I refuse to take on, but hearing that from someone who (again, I'm assuming) is so young is... saddening, really.

Sega1991 said:
Wasn't it Sonic X where one episode had a milk carton and 4KIDS airbrushed the "MILK" text out for no reason?
"Good Lord, are those words? Are these sick heathens trying to make children read?! WE MUST PURGE THIS CARTOON FOR THE SAKE OF OUR PRECIOUS AMERICAN YOUTH!"

Kulock said:
They pretty much smeared or removed as much English text as they could. I think they expected to release it to more regions than they were actually licensed for, and "globalized" as much as they could.
...Oh. That makes sense.

I like my dramatization better though

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I know it's not exactly on-topic, but what did they do to XIII-2?
A lot of regular, fine-sounding English lexical items were replaced with other English terms for no reason at all.

Par exemple:
- There is a group of enemies known as "The Undying". These enemies are typically named after ancient warriors or rulers. Final Fantasy XIII got these names correct. For some reason, though, FFXIII-2 takes one enemy--Attila in the Japanese version and FFXIII--and changes its name to something completely different and inconsistent with the naming in general.

- Blood Damage was changed to Wound Damage -- this makes sense, but my preference for a localized name of this would have been 'Bleeding' to reference the Bleed spell (even if it does not do the same thing as Sap). This also goes back to the original Japanese name for the spell, "Blood" (ブラッド).

- "Daddy Bear" changed to "Captain Cryptic". In some ways, Daddy Bear makes a lot of sense, because some of the NPC dialogue retains references to the name.

- Why were lyrics from one specific BGM excised while the lyrics from other BGM remain? Criticism from western fans aside, I think it's a silly idea to carry it out in the first place.

- It still irritates me that they changed "Optima Change" to "Paradigm Shift" now in both versions. Because of the FNC's apparent reliance on Romance languages--specifically Latin and French--retaining "Optima/Optimae" would have been sufficient because you're changing the optimum roles for certain conditions. "Paradigm Shift" is more of a scientific term for me. Why you so inconsistent, FNC?

- Not really a localization change, but I'm surprised they didn't take the time to fix it. Some of the Latin is off, as I've noted here

- Xanadu --> Serendipity. Probably a legal issue, I guess.

- Synchrodrive --> Feral Link, even though the synchronization of monster attacks is important to the mechanic. I dunno. There's nothing within the system that I've seen that adds up to it being called "Feral Link".

- LOL, Team NORA's name in English is something like "No Obligation, Rules, or Authority"? In Japanese--and it can't be translated this way, but I thought this was funny for reasons I'll explain in a minute--it was a short form for "野良猫" (stray cat). This is why there's all this cat imagery on Serah's earrings or Snow's necklace. I was pretty amused that the bar's name in FFXIII-2 was called "Stray Cat" but the problem was that the meaning was lost. Even the subtle meaning behind Serah's stray cat in FFXIII-2 was lost with this translation.

- Demi fal'Cie/Proto fal'Cie. I've made a rant about this in a few FFXIII-2 threads, but this change makes little sense to me. Demi is Latin for 'half', communicating that it has lesser power than the original version used in the root form of the lexical item (on the right head term, so it's half the power of a regular fal'Cie). Proto is Greek for 'first', meaning that it's the first form of the right head term (before the regular fal'Cie). Of course, the change makes very little sense to me because the entity does not ever change its name (subtle game spoilers)
whenever revisions are made to it
. Why even bother making that change?

- Changing Lightning's real name from the French name to the other French name in English makes sense since most English speakers would think of her original Japanese name as a type of food, not what it actually means in French. Spoilers, of course
Lightning's real name in Japanese was Eclair, which means "Lightning" in French. Obviously English speakers may not know this, so the decision to change it to the other French word "Claire" for "light" was an acceptable idea.
Speaking of which, Serah never refers to her sister's real name, as if she'd been conditioned all this time to say it. In the Japanese version, she refers to her as 姉, which is acceptable and obviously here it isn't, but I expected her to call her by her real name at least once.

-Break Mode --> Victory Mode; Overbreak Mode --> Super Victory Mode makes sense since they aren't using "Break Gauge" in the English version.

I have gotten past the role names change (well, I haven't really since I played the Japanese version of FFXIII prior to playing the English version, so sometimes I get mixed up and use the Japanese names for English roles, and usually say "Break Gauge" in place of "Stagger Gauge").

Kagari was going to write something up about all the localization changes, but I haven't seen it yet.
I'm floored (and bow to your knowledge of Latin). I guess I expected Square Enix to tend to go with more literal translations lately, I didn't realize they went a bit crazy with the needless renaming.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I'm floored (and bow to your knowledge of Latin). I guess I expected Square Enix to tend to go with more literal translations lately, I didn't realize they went a bit crazy with the needless renaming.
Thank you. *blush* But I wouldn't say my Latin is amazing. My former prof was a genius with Vulgar, Classical, Old, and Medieval Latin, and he isn't that much older than I am--so I usually use his knowledge of the language as the standard, lol. I've been trying to play catch-up since I stopped taking Classical and Medieval Latin classes after I finished up my undergrad--the linguistics major portion of my degree required that I take several language courses for obvious reasons.

But I like learning and analyzing various languages in general. It's really fun. :)

SE's going with trying to make the series appealing to westerners or people who wouldn't normally purchase FF, so they seem to try to fancy up the game's language a bit to make it seem less... "Japanese". But in doing so, they make some really odd changes here and there, or they make changes that can completely modify or change the meaning of a term without really realizing it.

Contrasting with current SE's approach, I really love what certain companies like 8-4 and Kajiya Productions do with their localizations and translations in general, since meanings are retained, or translation liberties are taken but they make sense!
Ever thought Eggman would be in a Disney movie? Of course you did.
Looks like Eggman, joined by Dr. Wiley and Bowser will all make cameos in Disney Feature's upcoming movie Wreck-it Ralph.


The above image, yielded from Disney’s D23 Magazine, is largely assumed to come from a scene where Ralph attends a video game villain support group. Dr. Wily (left), Bowser, Zangief, and Eggman/Robotnik are all present and accounted for. So, yeah; the scene essentially sells itself. Cinema gold in the making.


I think it's a pretty awesome cameo myself. Also, Wiley's appearance will be more than Capcom will ever do for Megaman this year.
It's a crappy Wily. Dudr should basically be square, like Tim from Braid. Ralph version is way too skinny.

Good job on Eggman though.


Are we sure thats wily? Because aside from the outfit and being an old man that dude looks nothing like him.


They took the english text out of EVERYTHING. It made no sense.

I thought it was generally understood that 4Kids had nothing to do with the missing text, and that it was deliberate action by the production studio (TMS) for the international masters of every episode. It was done that way so translated text could be easily edited in by localization companies abroad. 4Kids is only guilty of laziness (among other things).


Okay everyone. I'd like to know in which order you place your most liked, to most disliked main Modern Sonic games. (Not including games before Sonic 2006)

Most > Least

Sonic Generations > Sonic 4 > Sonic Colors > Sonic Unleashed > Sonic 06 > Sonic & The Secret Rings

I've never played Sonic & The Black Knight.

qq more

Sonic Colors > Sonic Generations > Sonic Unleashed > Sonic 4 > Sonic & The Secret Rings >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sonic 06


Watching the pokecapn LP of Colors I'm remembering the other reason I don't like it. Too much 2D sections WITH DOUBLE JUMPING AND STUPID WISP SHIT.

I want to play Sonic not "we're so lazy we put in double jumping and slow ass powerup shit"


Watching the pokecapn LP of Colors I'm remembering the other reason I don't like it. Too much 2D sections WITH DOUBLE JUMPING AND STUPID WISP SHIT.

I want to play Sonic not "we're so lazy we put in double jumping and slow ass powerup shit"

My main issue with the game like I've mentioned before. It just doesn't belong in a Sonic game imo.


Double jumping with the electric shield is fine in Sonic3&K because it's a power up. A Sonic or Mario style platformer should never have it all the time. It's a horrible mechanic for those kinds of physics.


The thing about the double jump in Colors, is it's more of a really small lift in the air, and it's kinda slow. The Electric Shield is fast, and launches you extremely high in the air.

I think even calling it double jump is giving it a bit too much credit, it's more of a double hop.
I had no problem with the double jump in Colors. For a game that focused more on platforming, its physics weren't quite up to par, and the double jump gave you more leniency with your jumps.

Sort of like the twirl thing in New Super Mario Bros Wii.


Anyone know where this version of His World comes from?

Ripped from the game files. There's a similar instrumental version of Dreams of an Absolution with a simple lead synth in place of the vocals in the same place, so it's likely that they were placeholder tracks for use before the final vocals came in, like this version of Sonic Heroes and this one of Live and Learn. Off the top of my head there's also one for All Hail Shadow, but it's just the Magna-Fi original.
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