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ITT: We play Steam games *WE NEVER INSTALLED BEFORE* for ~15-30 mins; review them


I get the impression some people should just butt out and let people participate in whatever the hell they want to participate in.

The guy followed the outline of the thread (it's an initial impression review thread, not an 'assess fairly and accurately' thread), provided a review that is just as detailed as the majority in the thread but you are taking issue with it because it is negative and seemingly not in-line with your own opinion? He didn't enjoy the game, he must only like FPS, his opinion isn't welcome in this super awesome cheerleading review thread!

I could understand if the poster was blatantly trolling a game, but I'm inclined to take that post on face value and just assume the guy simply didn't enjoy the game after 12 minutes. He bought the game, he is entitled not to like it.

What he wrote adds nothing substantial to the conversation. The point of the thread is to give those games you haven't played yet a chance. From what he wrote I gather that he doesn't like the anime influence. Almost every other post gives a great look into these various games, his does nothing of the sort.

Time Played: 48 minutes

A fun little puzzle game, that has a nice relaxing presentation to it, nothing amazing but a nice way to kill some time when bored

Score: 3.5/5

Will I played again? Maybe if I'm bored, even though I liked what I played it's something I would definitely play more on my phone or Vita than on my laptop


Corporate Apologist
Well, since I install just about everything, lets just skip to the "Never Touched before"


To Start with, Lucid, just gotten recently. It is a decent puzzle game, but quickly got boring after about 20 minutes of play. The game isn't that relaxing, isn't that hard, it is just dull and repetitive.

How Long I played: 20 minutes

Would I play again: Nope

Rating: Don't Bother


Next up, Greed Corps. This is a wonderful computer board game/strategy game. The goal is the simple "Wipe out all enemies", and uses a Hexagon board, but the main catch is that your main weapon is harvesting the ground for resources, destroying the tiles after a few turns. To help take over tiles so you can build harvesters or armories on them, you have small armies of 'walkers' (Max 16 to a tile). You can also build cannons that have a far range, and planes to take you to unconnected spaces.

The biggest things that irk me are just some minor annoyances. You can't check the range of a cannon easily, and the camera centers to odd spots on turn changes. There is also no way to go back to the level select dirrectly, you have to goto the main menu then back to campaign. Also, there is no option to just restart the map.

How long I played: 3 hours

Would I play again: Planning on finishing the campaign today. Not much desire to play the battle maps though.

Rating: Give it a try, its a lot of fun.





It's an 8-bit inspired platformer with an interesting twist: you make your way through levels using "Eversions", which alter the level in specific ways. One Eversion turns clouds into platforms, another makes blocks breakable, you get the idea. It's a clever idea that adds a puzzle twist to the platforming. The whole faux-retro thing is a bit played out, but I like the colorful visuals and the cheerful soundtrack. Overall it seems like a decent way to spend a few hours, I would have played longer but the part in the second pic with the giant hands was kind of a bitch so I bailed.

Time played: 23 minutes
Will I play it again?: Possibly. I won't uninstall it.

You've been fooled in the best possible way. Continue playing and you'll know what I mean.


This sounds fun, so subscribed for later. If I get home early enough, I will try out Grid, and maybe Tomb Raider: Anniversary.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I get the impression some people should just butt out and let people participate in whatever the hell they want to participate in.

The guy followed the outline of the thread (it's an initial impression review thread, not an 'assess fairly and accurately' thread), provided a review that is just as detailed as the majority in the thread but you are taking issue with it because it is negative and seemingly not in-line with your own opinion? He didn't enjoy the game, he must only like FPS, his opinion isn't welcome in this super awesome cheerleading review thread!

I could understand if the poster was blatantly trolling a game, but I'm inclined to take that post on face value and just assume the guy simply didn't enjoy the game after 12 minutes. He bought the game, he is entitled not to like it.

You don't get it.

What he wrote adds nothing substantial to the conversation. The point of the thread is to give those games you haven't played yet a chance. From what he wrote I gather that he doesn't like the anime influence. Almost every other post gives a great look into these various games, his does nothing of the sort.

You do.

Natural selection of junior members at work.
Just to make the point clear enough: Of course you are entitled not to like a game. But its a different thing if you shit on it being completely oblivious of what you are actually playing, never giving it any fair chance at all. If you go into these games with the mindset "well this is going to suck...and oh boy, now this is probably sucking even more" without actually trying, then this doesnt help anyone. You know you can be critical about a game by actually trying it AND not being an asshole about it! Astounding, I know.

And finally installing some games to check out for this thread!
Just to clarify, does this have to be games that have never been installed, or do games I installed years ago and then never once booted up count too? I can think of a fair bit of those: Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, Call of Duty 4, Crysis, Ghostbusters, Mirror's Edge, Armed and Dangerous...


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Just to clarify, does this have to be games that have never been installed, or do games I installed years ago and then never once booted up count too? I can think of a fair bit of those: Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, Call of Duty 4, Crysis, Ghostbusters, Mirror's Edge, Armed and Dangerous...

Those are fine too, its just about giving those games a look that you never played so far. So that this thread stimulates us actually trying the games we bought and maybe even recommending a game that sat unused in your game library, because you are probably not the only one owning that certain game and having never played it.

Edit: I mean there are gamers that have such a huge HDD, that they simply install everything as soon as they bought it. Would be stupid to exclude those gamers then, right?
What a great idea, Jinfash! I've been digging away at my PS3 backlog but I might have to slip back into Steam for awhile to participate in this.

Targets for this week:
AI War: Fleet Command
Alien Breed: Protocol
Alpha Protocol
And Yet It Moves

Just gonna work my way down the list.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Faerie Solitaire

I planned on playing for 20 mins...but lasted only 6. Didn't like it one bit.

Havent played it, but what did you not like about it? Whats it more or less about?

My list:


I'll start from top and go through one by one. Lets see whether I'll find a gem I might enjoy.


Has problems recognising girls
Great thread idea. Installing an adventure title that I haven't touched (it was low on the list) so we'll see how it goes.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Great thread idea. Installing an adventure title that I haven't touched (it was low on the list) so we'll see how it goes.

Got lots of those too.. Trying the first in the series in those cases. Longest Journey, Blackwell Legacy etc. Wanted to try those for ages anyway.

I know there are some real stinkers in there.

I was totally going to make this thread like 5 months ago as inspired by that really old joystiq feature he would do by playing random games on his lunch break and seeing if he would continue. That was more about judging the openings of certain games but whatever. Then I forgot. So enjoy your damn thread! :p

I picked games that none of my friends had played (dangerous waters, farming sim, great art race, shadow harvest) , sounded erotic (manhole, nexus the Jupiter incident, sherlock holmes vs jack the ripper), or just tried to figure out the difference between them (lightfish and glowfish). I have no clue where most of these came from (obviously sales through the years).
yeah, so


I'll commence enjoying these shortly.

I always wanted to play Children of the Nile. I read that it's a lot like the fantastic Pharaoh, but with shitty 3D and a really neat feature - each resident has a detailed family tree so you can track the different bloodlines through your dynasty, which sounds AWESOME! Will probably get this one later this year.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
1. Renegade Ops

Accumulated User score: 3/3

Highly Recommended by: Grakl
Recommended by:
Disapproved by:

"Explosions everywhere; I felt like a badass in this arcade-style shmup rampage point-grabbing madness that's hella fun and looks good."

2. A Game of Thrones (RTS)

Accumulated User Score: 0/3

Highly Recommended by:
Recommended by:
Disapproved by: Gez

"Feels like it was made in 1999. Graphics are piss poor bad."

Thinking about starting to do summary posts for the games we checked. How does that layout look? I could just skip the "highly recommended" stuff and just having the average score plus quotes, what would you prefer? After we got enough posts I think it would be sort of neat to highlight some of the good games everyone has been sitting on by doing this. This might lead to some really good games, like Recettear sitting at the bottom of the list, but all the games at the top were at least fun to someone.
I would skip indifferent and just do loved it/hated it...or even just do "played by" and let the quotes speak for themselves.

In my opinion, keeping a score average might actually be a mistake, as these are effectively "kneejerk" reaction scores...it's applying formality to an aggressively informal score. I like the idea of quotes and keeping a list of who loved/hated it a lot better.

One way or another, I really like the idea of doing summaries, and I like your layout.


Natural selection of junior members at work.
Just to make the point clear enough: Of course you are entitled not to like a game. But its a different thing if you shit on it being completely oblivious of what you are actually playing, never giving it any fair chance at all.

Would help to get the name right at least too. Then it comes off less of a troll and more of a "I tried it but didn't like it" instead of "why is animu and menus text?!"


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I would skip indifferent and just do loved it/hated it...or even just do "played by" and let the quotes speak for themselves.

In my opinion, keeping a score average might actually be a mistake, as these are effectively "kneejerk" reaction scores...it's applying formality to an aggressively informal score. I like the idea of quotes and keeping a list of who loved/hated it a lot better.

One way or another, I really like the idea of doing summaries, and I like your layout.

I actually didnt have any score at first, wasnt too sure. I'd prefer avoiding scores, not too sure whether people would take a look at the complete list then, though. So just alphabetical, who liked/disliked it and short(ened) summaries? I could also sort by most people who loved it, then most people indifferent etc. Actually, I like that idea. might do that.

Renegade Ops

Loved it: Grakl
Doesnt care:
Hated it:[/I]

"Explosions everywhere; I felt like a badass in this arcade-style shmup rampage point-grabbing madness that's hella fun and looks good."

Like that?

I still sort of think we might get quite a few posts that neither hate , nor love the games upon initial impressions. So I'd prefer having the middle ground still in there.
Faerie Solitaire

I planned on playing for 20 mins...but lasted only 6. Didn't like it one bit.

A friend of mine has literally played this game every day for at least an hour for the past six months. He loves. it. Even after he started playign Fairway Solitaire, he still goes back to this regularly.
BC KINGS is an RTS by Mascot Entertainment, published by Strategy First. It's set during vague Caveman Times, and has your standard set of RTS controls/units, including Hero Units (if they die, mission unaccomplished).

So you load this up and you are thinking "Man, this ought to be cool, simulating hunting and gathering and cavepainting and saying "Ug" a lot and warring with other tribes and stabbing dudes with sharpened bones and making pelts out of their skins and such." And then during the opening cutscene aliens fall to Earth inside a meteor and why in the hell are there aliens in this caveman game.

Well. There you have it.

Play time: 23 minutes

Gameplay: Pretty standard, simple RTS controls.

Graphics: As you can see by the screenshots, it has some.

Story: Not once over the course of my 23 minutes playing this game was I allowed to club an alien over the head and drag it by the hair into a cave for mating. Completely unrealistic.

Score: 2 Ringo Starrs out of a possible 5 Shelley Longs.


Game: Saira
Time played: 30 minutes

2D Indie platformer/space adventure game by Nifflas. There's chapters and a story about something gone wrong on Mars but the emphasis is on exploration and puzzle solving, didn't encounter any dangerous creatures or NPC's over the time I spent with it. Relaxing to play, with a nice soundtrack kicking in at times.

Minute to minute gameplay is standard stuff but there's a lot of additional unexpected elements thrown into the mix: photography, inventory, a PDA, environmental powers, a Mass Effect style galaxy map, radio frequencies, a pinball minigame and more. Artstyle is simple but striking, reminiscent of Nifflas' earlier games. He's a one person team if I'm not mistaken, and sacrifices were made in the animations and some of the presentation. It's a bit buggy too, game crashed on me a few times.

All in all, I'm pleasantly surprised at just how much variety was introduced in the short time I spent with it. I wasted 5 minutes at the end just playing pinball. Platforming controls are tight and the way the game manages to balance large and small in scale is impressive. Recommended at $10, highly recommended on sale.



Sorry about the non-review of Braid, but I've added a few to my list:


SPAZ courtesy of IGN Prime, currently busy downloading Sniper Elite. It'll be a while before all these are downloaded and ready, so I'll start later tonight. It's been a busy day.

Alphabetical order, so Braid is still coming first.
What a coincidence, just started doing this this weekend when I installed again steam after formatting my pc some months ago.
I was waiting to play The Witcher 2 EE so I wanted to play something, didnt want to start Xenoblade or FO New Vegas so I got one game of my list and isntalled it. In fact at the end of the weekend I installed 2.


Wings of Prey IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey (in PS3 and 360)
Genre: Combat flight simulator
Time played: 45 minutes the first time, after that 3 hours in 2 days.

Was interested in this game in one of the steam sales and after watching a giant bomb quick look. I havent played lots of flight games so I always wanted to try one. I bought around the same time Ace Combat Assault Horizon Legacy for the 3DS, a game that im in love now. The good thing about WoP is that even being a simulator it has an arcade mode.
Booted the game, had problems with the third party internet thing (so I cant play multiplayer, let me say, the program this game uses is a fucking garbage), wanted to use my 360 controller, had to look for tutorial videos on youtube for how to do it, and the game did me a BSOD (while watching a tutorial video with the Steam internet browser with the game on). Of to a good start.
Started the game again, could add my 360 controller and went to the tutorial, another problem, the game doesnt change the buttons in the screen so I had keyboard buttons, so I understanded shit. Lots of trial an error until I could do the tutorial right.
And at last I could play it, arcade mode:
-The game is gorgeous, even when you are in the ground, detailed textures in planes, good models, good SFX effects. (playing at the highest settings in 1080, 60 fps)
-The game is also fun in arcade mode, although after some hours with it a little bit repetitive, but I suppose in simulator mode would make fans of this types of games happy.
-The music is amazing (orchestra), but it only has like 3 or 4 tracks, so again it starts to become repetitive. The sound effects are really good (playing with good headphones).
-The story is there, not bad but not good also. You have background of the WWII events, and then some guy doing like a dairy. You also have some chatter during the missions and some secondary missions. The audio in the spanish dub is laughable.

3.5/5 Will play till the final mission, I cant play multi (fault of the game) so took points for that. Its quite fun but a little repetitive.


Alice: Madness Returns
Genre: Platforming action adventure
Time played: 3 hours in one stetting, that is all the 1st chapter.

Never played the first game, thought the art looked really cool, people were talking good about it here in GAF so I bought it on the last steam sale. Wanted to give it a fast go as Wings of Prey was starting to be a little repetitive.
-Graphics are really cool, but its more about the art in this game. The art is gorgeous and horrific at the same time. Apart of some textures, really great. Secondary NPCs from London look awful (though thats what the game wants) but Alice looks beautifull, some animations during the dialogs dont look too hot but other times the animations are really good. (playing at highest settings in 1080, game runs well, but sometimes stops to halt less than a second)
-The gameplay is really fun, action platforming with some optional fetch objects to look for during the episodes. The platforming is not too difficult and the action part plays really good when you got the hang of it (playing with 360 controller). Alice is really fast and fun to control.
-The story is interesting BUT the game takes in consideration that you already know the story of the first game and its characters, so its better to play, or see a lets play of the first game before playing this one. Im watchin a lets play right now, becuase sometimes I felt kind of lost.
-The music is really good and the spanish dub is also pretty good (famous voice actress does Alice's voice, and EA game spanish dubs are usually of good quality). Something that I LOVED from the translation is that the 3D models of the signs in the world are translated to the language you are playing, just like Pixar movies do since The Incredibles. Really neat touch.

5/5 Will probably beat it before the realease of the witcher 2 EE. The game is really good, at least the first chapter.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Should just call this gaf plays indy games

Which would limit the games people can play. If someone hasnt tried Mirrors Edge yet, why shouldnt that qualify for this thread? Its all about checking out games you havent yet, finding games you like in the process. I know you were sort of joking, but some people are concerned whether they should post that because of most games in this thread are Indie games. We shouldnt be scaring those people off.

Since I am working on these posts right now, funny quote:
Frozen Synapse

Loved it:
Neither loved, nor hated: MikeE21286
Hated it:



Neo Member
Zeno Clash.

I'd like to add that the game is pretty disturbing. The combat in the game comes from hitting people with bones, sticks, rocks and fists. Feels very different than just shooting someone in the head. The enemies don't go down easily. You have to punch them in the face until they collapse. Also everything in general is creepy.

I played Doc Clock: The Toasted Sandwich of Time for half an hour or so.
It's a sort of puzzle game. The first two levels were primarily stacking boxes and pieces of wood to get through. The next had a sort of makeshift car that was honestly pretty annoying to use, but the time rewinding thing made it bearable.
Game is pretty cute with its art style, soundtrack, and dialogue.
Overall nothing particularly good nothing particularly bad.

So far I'd give it a 2.5/5
Enjoyable enough that I'll probably play more sometime later, but a pretty forgettable experience.


Has problems recognising girls

Game: Still Life
Genre: Adventure
Played: 35 mins

Apparently this game literally sucks trying to work on certain Windows OS, and initially I had a blank screen until I alt-tabbed and then went back in. Others may not be so lucky so hitting the Steam or GOG forums for solutions may work. No resolution options (it defaults at 800x600). No help file regarding controls with a game that has zero HUD - granted it's pretty much like any other point & click adventure game and it isn't too confusing.

Story revolves around a woman who is a detective in the police force and they are chasing after a serial killer who seems to murder women exclusively. The only problem is that there are no witnesses. First instance of the game is you arriving at the crime scene, talking to the police officer outside, and then going in and doing the rounds with a few co-workers.

The voice acting and dialogue was surprisingly good, making me chuckle a few times which is rare. The gameplay was simple and there weren't really any "puzzles" outside of what seems to be a basic rundown of what a forensic officer may do. You take photos of the crime scene, swab for blood, collect hair, see spooky shit.



I'm not going to score it because I dislike numbers, but I am enjoying what I played of the game and may definitely pursue it more over the coming days if I find the time. The story sounds interesting and the characters don't annoy me. My only negative response would be related to the resolution.
(just did this a few days ago... I hope this counts)

The Polynomial

Seems like a fun distraction of a game. It's pretty straight forward, no real risk/reward that would make me get really intense about it, but it's fun enough to spend some brief chunks of time with, I suppose.
You fly around in first person shooting at little pacman looking enemies that shoot at you. You can also pick up power ups, but they're not enough of game changers to do much of anything. The best part is how the environments alter with the changing of the music, and you can sometimes end up warping between levels.

I was only disappointed that I thought it would be like Audiosurf and use my own music. Oh well, the tracks they have are decent enough.

Give it a try for around $5 or less.

You can use your own music.


Has problems recognising girls
For what it's worth, there's a prequel of it called Post Mortem that came out prior to the Still Life games. I haven't grabbed it but it ties in with the other games from what I've read.
First up: Dangerous waters.


Now I love sim games even though I never really play them or enjoy playing them. I just love figuring them out enough to break them and then just see what happens. Apparently I bought this at some point. It was made in 2004, is about submarines, and kinda sucks.

I boot up a random mission that wants me to kill commie submarines. I stumble through about 20 of these goofy screens:

And then finally get to the main screen. I couldn't find the "make shit go faster button" so everything was going really slow. But basically I slowly figured out how to do stuff. At first I just aimlessly went around in circles because apparently if you tell you're crew to go left they just sit there and stare with a blank look in their eyes, but if you yell it at them repeatedly (aka jam the button over and over) they will just keep going left forever and ever.

Originally my goal was to try and plow into the northern coast of Finland, but after I realized that would take like 5 hours because the game runs with the assumption that you enjoy watching paint dry, I just decided to break everything I could.


And by break, I mean use. I guess you're not supposed to do this stuff while underwater. But whatever.

In the end I just told it to dive as fast as it could so that I could see some kickass explosion when it rammed into the depths of the ocean and I could see all the fish and silt scatter with super realistic rendering and physics.


Instead the model just changed to a slightly different looking one and all my sound stopped. So in other words. Nothing happened and it was a total waste of my time.

I give it 5/5 simulations I don't give a shit about.

Funny thing is I have like 3 more submarine simulators on steam. Oh and that is the max resolution for it too. Awesome right?


Strap on your hooker ...

Game: Edge
Time played: ~30 minutes

Nice little puzzle... platformer? I'm not sure if that's the right classification, as you don't jump. Love the minimalist style. The main gripe I have is with the pace, ostensibly the game has a big time attack element to the scoring and grading, but blocks that appear or shift often do so too slowly or in a way that forces you to tread extremely carefully, if not wait in place, to identify the pattern that's setting. Still enjoyable, but should probably skew a little more towards reflex than passive observation and memorization. Granted, it's early in the game and they might just be trying to ease players in.

Score: 3.5/5
Played ~25 minutes of Cthulhu Saves the World. I really enjoyed the humor, but I have trouble getting into RPGs that don't show the player during combat.

That said, it's highly likely I'll play it again.


Avadon: The Black Fortress

Genre: RPG
Played: ~1 hour (I thought I should at least finish the introductory dungeon)

An old-school party-based RPG. A lot of reading at the start, as is to be expected from a game such as this. It controls well and the UI is pretty good. I can't say too much about the story yet, but so far the characters seem pretty standard, no one really stands out that much. The setting is interesting, but something seems "off" about it. I'm looking forward to seeing where it leads. The turn-based combat is serviceable, but very easy so far (I'm only playing on "Normal" though).

Will play again? Definitely.
No score, I just don't think you can or should judge a game like this after such a short time.

Edit: one interface niggle: As is customary, "i" brings up the inventory and "c" the character sheet, etc. However, pressing them again does not close the respective interface element. Annoying!


What he wrote adds nothing substantial to the conversation. The point of the thread is to give those games you haven't played yet a chance. From what he wrote I gather that he doesn't like the anime influence. Almost every other post gives a great look into these various games, his does nothing of the sort.

He did give it a chance and he didn't enjoy it. It's not a difficult concept to grasp. This part of the OP clearly was for some though;

"The review could be a single sentence, or several paragraphs long. Just talk about whatever stands out to you, for better or worse. Speak your mind, no one is going to hound you or back-cover-quote-you. The rating should cover the quality of the game, but more importantly, the likeliness of you coming back to play it again. A 5/5 doesn't necessarily denote a perfect game, but one you're positive of revisiting in the future, now that you have a better idea of what it is about."

Anyway this exchange about his post has derailed the thread far more than the original post was ever going to, time to move on.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Finished writing up the summary posts for page 1&2. Took me quite a bit, will update the rest later. Its not posted anywhere yet, maybe I just post them as single post and ask the OP to link them in the first post if that is fine with him.
He did give it a chance and he didn't enjoy it. It's not a difficult concept to grasp. This part of the OP clearly was for some though;

"The review could be a single sentence, or several paragraphs long. Just talk about whatever stands out to you, for better or worse. Speak your mind, no one is going to hound you or back-cover-quote-you. The rating should cover the quality of the game, but more importantly, the likeliness of you coming back to play it again. A 5/5 doesn't necessarily denote a perfect game, but one you're positive of revisiting in the future, now that you have a better idea of what it is about."

Anyway this exchange about his post has derailed the thread far more than the original post was ever going to, time to move on.

You just simply don't get it. Amazing. Read the part that you quoted: "The rating should cover the quality of the game, but more importantly, the likeliness of you coming back to play it again." Nothing he commented on was a comment on the quality of the game, so it came around as blatant trolling rather than criticism. Of course everyone is entitled to his opinion about a game, but we dont need to be dicks about it while commenting on it. Most of these games have a very large amount of work put into, so it would be fair to show SOME respect at least (You know, the part about giving those games a FAIR chance?). There are many people here voicing their opinion on games they don't like and for some reason nobody criticizes them for it. If you can't see the difference between those, no one can help you regarding that.


Those are fine too, its just about giving those games a look that you never played so far. So that this thread stimulates us actually trying the games we bought and maybe even recommending a game that sat unused in your game library, because you are probably not the only one owning that certain game and having never played it.

Edit: I mean there are gamers that have such a huge HDD, that they simply install everything as soon as they bought it. Would be stupid to exclude those gamers then, right?

That would be me haha. Going to have a look at my library in a little while and see what I can contribute (i.e. a lot). Here's hoping GAF has the backlog stamina to keep this thread going for a long time :)


Game - Uplink
Time Played - 30 min
Synopsis - The game is basically a puzzle game where you hack into different computers and either delete/steal data or something along those lines without getting caught. It is similar to the hacking minigame in Deus Ex: Human Revolution except not as fun or colorful. You can buy upgrades to your hacking software and defenses with the money you make from completing missions.
Verdict Overall I would say this game is too repetitive. You can choose different missions but they are all pretty much the same thing with just a different piece of data needing to be stolen or deleted. You gain money to buy better hacking tools but you are still just doing the same thing. I played for 30min and I have no insentive to go back and continue playing.

1.5/5 - I will continue playing and see if things get more exciting/ advanced. I will return.


Meh, these are the only three games I have bought but never played on my list... and two of them are expansions or separate games I got with very similar ones in a bundle (hence the install). I probably should be pretty glad about my spendings on Steam if I've actually played some of most of it!


[B]Game[/B] - Uplink
[B]Time Played[/B] - 30 min
[B]Synopsis[/B] - The game is basically a puzzle game where you hack into different computers and either delete/steal data or something along those lines without getting caught. It is similar to the hacking minigame in Deus Ex: Human Revolution except not as fun or colorful. You can buy upgrades to your hacking software and defenses with the money you make from completing missions.
[B]Verdict[/B] Overall I would say this game is too repetitive. You can choose different missions but they are all pretty much the same thing with just a different piece of data needing to be stolen or deleted. You gain money to buy better hacking tools but you are still just doing the same thing. I played for 30min and I have no insentive to go back and continue playing.

[B]1.5/5 - Will not play again[/B][/QUOTE]

I knew this would happen. This game is nothing like hacking mini games in any game. Game is great.

Pretty much you just didn't get far enough into it.

But I guess if the point of this is to review the first impressions off of 30 mins or whatever than I guess this works. I don't know. Whatever.
I knew this would happen. This game is nothing like hacking mini games in any game. Game is great.

Pretty much you just didn't get far enough into it.

But I guess if the point of this is to review the first impressions off of 30 mins or whatever than I guess this works. I don't know. Whatever.

Just for you I will play for another half hour, but maybe its just not for me. I did 10 missions and all followed the same pattern. Maybe things get more advanced later on, I will give it another shot.
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