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IGN rumour: PS4 to have '2 GPUs' - one APU based + one discrete

I'm not sure PS4 coming out 12 months after Xbox 3 will matter that much. Unless one is significantly more powerful than the other, I can't see gamers jibbing one console for the other next gen. Peeps have too much invested in their online profiles and achievements/trophies to just jib them off if they know something is coming in 12 months time.

Perhaps it might affect the casual market's purchasing decision, but would they really be interested in Xbox 3/PS4 anyway (with Wii U on the market)?


I'd guess they would be slower than the final chipsets (at least for the APU), AMD compiler libraries already support SAIL and HSA features. Only Unreal Engine 4 (CPU bound) which required a NDA would fully use/require the performance in a 2014 design AMD APU. Most launch games will be GPU bound using less CPU.

AMD developer lectures were talking about bundled ray tracing for lighting which would use lots of APU.

Most of the features coming via the AMD APU and GPU are already on upper end AMD chipset PCs but are very power hungry and expensive chips and for both reasons won't be in a game console. 2014 designs can give nearly the same performance cheaper and with less power required; how nearly is the question no one but a developer can answer at this time.

I'd guess that PS4 SDKs released by Sony that support OS features like voice, facial and gesture recognition would use developer hardware but in the final chipset might use a FPGA for some features and as far as developers are concerned the routines would just be faster and more accurate, the SDK which defines how to use the routines remains the same.

Well can't Sony release 2014 tech in late 2013?
Isn't that what happens almost every time, console makers getting early hands on some newest tech?


I'm not sure PS4 coming out 12 months after Xbox 3 will matter that much. Unless one is significantly more powerful than the other, I can't see gamers jibbing one console for the other next gen. Peeps have too much invested in their online profiles and achievements/trophies to just jib them off if they know something is coming in 12 months time.

Perhaps it might affect the casual market's purchasing decision, but would they really be interested in Xbox 3/PS4 anyway (with Wii U on the market)?

Not happening in a million years! EVER again. I think people forget that 12 months is still a long time, and you basically subscribe to be second place or third place if you launch that late. (not counting WiiU since that is current gen tech- speaking of next gen systems nextbox and PS4)


The point being made was that many of the top selling games of this generation did not rely on graphics. That goes across all consoles, not just the Wii. Even on Wii, the crappy-artstyle NSMB way outsold a decent looker in SMG. What the mass market obviously wants is not power, but compelling software. Sony sounds like they know this now, despite their goof up with the Vita. You and I and most others here know that compelling mass-market-friendly software is the primary driver of hardware - not the other way around.
The reason why the Wii software sold so good is linked to the hardware (motion controls). It is the same with other games as well, where graphics can be a reason that makes a game more attractive, which then leads to higher sales. No one buys a system based on specs alone, that is true, but my point was just to show that hardware can have a big impact on what software that can be produced, even when it comes to something "simple" as how much horsepower a system has.


If the PS4 launches 2 years later but will be significally more powerful it will bury the xbox 3. Nobody wants to buy an underpowered console.

Wii was different because it had motion controls. Look what happened to Wii sales after Kinect and Move were released. I also predict that WiiU will be in last place next gen because of how weak it will be compared to xbox 3 and PS4.
I'm not sure PS4 coming out 12 months after Xbox 3 will matter that much. Unless one is significantly more powerful than the other, I can't see gamers jibbing one console for the other next gen. Peeps have too much invested in their online profiles and achievements/trophies to just jib them off if they know something is coming in 12 months time.

Perhaps it might affect the casual market's purchasing decision, but would they really be interested in Xbox 3/PS4 anyway (with Wii U on the market)?

Could mean you miss 1~2 call of duty launches!!
And people convincing friends to buy next xbox to play those call of duty.

Or whatever is next gen billion dollar franchise.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Hardware is a support, but for me the 3 things you need to win a console generation are:

1. A good price. e.g. PSX over Saturn, 360 over PS3.
2. A "killer" USP. Wii-mote and XBL are good ones. As turns out, Blu-Ray was not.
3. An appealing software line-up.


Wow, GAF really has *NO* idea of why consoles sell. Are we really this myopic and inward-looking? (and the above post is certainly a better indicator of why consoles actually sell than most of the previous responses)


Hardware is a support, but for me the 3 things you need to win a console generation are:

1. A good price. e.g. PSX over Saturn, 360 over PS3.
2. A "killer" USP. Wii-mote and XBL are good ones. As turns out, Blu-Ray was not.
3. An appealing software line-up.
you only missed one factor, peer pressure.


Not happening in a million years! EVER again. I think people forget that 12 months is still a long time, and you basically subscribe to be second place or third place if you launch that late. (not counting WiiU since that is current gen tech- speaking of next gen systems nextbox and PS4)

The SNES launched about 2 years after the Sega Genesis

The PS1 launched a year after Atari Jaguar & 3D0

PS2 launched almost 2 years after the Dreamcast

The Wii launched a year after the Xbox 360

so damn your logic


If the PS4 launches 2 years later but will be significally more powerful it will bury the xbox 3. Nobody wants to buy an underpowered console.

Most nonsensical statement I've read this year. Congrats!


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Quick follow up:
The reasons I cite in my post are specifically things that well-considered hardware facilitates.

Obviously, getting a bunch of hot breakout properties and marketing the hell out of them is a good way to establish yourself quickly, but realistically that's always a lottery to some extent because you can never quite know for sure whats going to catch the public's imagination.

My point is that of you fail on any of the 3 pillars I mention, you leave yourself exposed to the competition. Fail on more than one, and you're really making a rock for your back.

I like the PS3, but objectively at launch Sony failed to hit the target on all 3 counts, and as a result, all the momentum of PS1/PS2 and peer support really didn't get the job done. And I believe even if they had launched day and date with 360, they wouldn't have done much better.
Wow, GAF really has *NO* idea of why consoles sell. Are we really this myopic and inward-looking? (and the above post is certainly a better indicator than most of the previous responses)

How about educating us all with your infinite wisdom?

And don't forget, this is the first console generation where users have a meaningful persistent online persona. That's going to count for a lot, especially when you consider the things gamers do to collect achievements/trophies. I don't think many gamers will be so easily willing to give their Gamercard/PSN Profile up.


If the PS4 launches 2 years later but will be significally more powerful it will bury the xbox 3. Nobody wants to buy an underpowered console.

Wii was different because it had motion controls. Look what happened to Wii sales after Kinect and Move were released. I also predict that WiiU will be in last place next gen because of how weak it will be compared to xbox 3 and PS4.

not true & I'm pretty sure the next gen consoles all will have good enough graphics for the masses so it will be mostly about the software ,price & how much of a 'It Factor' it will have.


How about educating us all with your infinite wisdom?

And don't forget, this is the first console generation where users have a meaningful persistent online persona. That's going to count for a lot, especially when you consider the things gamers do to collect achievements/trophies. I don't think many gamers will be so easily willing to give their Gamercard/PSN Profile up.

Repeat it with me: software, services, and experience - those will be the differentiators.
If the PS4 launches 2 years later but will be significally more powerful it will bury the xbox 3. Nobody wants to buy an underpowered console.

Wii was different because it had motion controls. Look what happened to Wii sales after Kinect and Move were released. I also predict that WiiU will be in last place next gen because of how weak it will be compared to xbox 3 and PS4.

This is exactly what people said about PS3 vs Xbox 360. In the end what mattered was price, availability to games consumers wanted and good business decisions


If the PS4 launches 2 years later but will be significally more powerful it will bury the xbox 3. Nobody wants to buy an underpowered console.

Wii was different because it had motion controls. Look what happened to Wii sales after Kinect and Move were released. I also predict that WiiU will be in last place next gen because of how weak it will be compared to xbox 3 and PS4.
look at how xbox did compared to the PS2, It was way more powerful then the PS2. Everyone also expected Wii to be DOA with its dated graphics and motion control, Don't count Wii-U out yet. It will finally be able to play good FPS games in high def. and the pad could be unique enough to drive sales.


If the PS4 launches 2 years later but will be significally more powerful it will bury the xbox 3. Nobody wants to buy an underpowered console.

Wii was different because it had motion controls. Look what happened to Wii sales after Kinect and Move were released. I also predict that WiiU will be in last place next gen because of how weak it will be compared to xbox 3 and PS4.


The SNES launched about 2 years after the Sega Genesis

Nintendo had an iron grip hold on the industry with the NES, it's still surprising that Sega was able to do as well as they did with the Genesis. They were still the underdog though so it's not surprising that Nintendo wasn't in a rush to launch the SNES.

The PS1 launched a year after Atari Jaguar & 3D0

You consider the Jaguar and 3DO competition?.......Really?

PS2 launched almost 2 years after the Dreamcast

Again like Nintendo above, at this point Sony dominated the gaming industry with a legion of buyers who first started gaming on a playstation. Even with all the things Sega did right for the DC, it was quite clear that they weren't really a threat to Sony's hold on the industry and gamers.

The Wii launched a year after the Xbox 360

Was also $150 cheaper than the primary SKU while riding on the motion control hype train. The Wii is probably the most surprising of these examples you listed, but at the same time, MS didn't have nearly the mindshare they do now while Sony dropped the ball with the PS3 at launch. So it's actually understandable how things turned out in retrospect.

so damn your logic

IMO your logic is the one that needs work, especially if you're going to list the Jaguar and 3DO as legit examples.


The SNES launched about 2 years after the Sega Genesis

The PS1 launched a year after Atari Jaguar & 3D0

PS2 launched almost 2 years after the Dreamcast

The Wii launched a year after the Xbox 360

so damn your logic

Here we go again. Wii was last gen tech the same way WiiU is (probably) going to be. So that comparison is stupid and ignorant. Compare 360 with PS3, we know how that one ended.

PS2 vs Dreamcast. Piracy was the main reason DC died, and media hype around PS2. Plus that was last gen where 3rd party was going for one platform in most of the cases when devloping games(they went with PS2), that is NOT happening ever again. This gen was the teacher of that lesson.
And Sega didn't have marketing money MS has, so another flawed comparison.

PS1 vs Jaguar and 3Do LOL doesn't need to be commented on. LOL.

in this day and age, Sony can not afford to fall behind MS. If they do MS marketing will kick in just like with Kinect (glorified Eye toy) and they will win COD crowd again, or what ever turns out to be billion dollar franchise next gen.

There you go. Use LOGIC and common sense.


This is exactly what people said about PS3 vs Xbox 360. In the end what mattered was price, availability to games consumers wanted and good business decisions

on top of that 3rd party is not going to waste resources to make one version better then the other. The only difference might be framerate, something most of the gamers out there don't even notice.


Here we go again. Wii was last gen tech the same way WiiU is (probably) going to be. So that comparison is stupid and ignorant. Compare 360 with PS3, we know how that one ended.

Right, selling around 100 million consoles and a global attach rate of about 8.5 (extremely healthy - spread evenly across first and third party titles despite shit support).

The reason this generation has extended beyond a normal-length cycle (of which the Wii dominated most of, sales wise) is because the massive trails of red ink that started the cycle for MS and Sony. I can still see some red ink permeating next gen, but with the advent of a console subscription model and rumours that are proposing Jaguar as a viable CPU/APU - I don't see the red ink being as hefty next time around.

in this day and age, Sony can not afford to fall behind MS. If they do MS marketing will kick in just like with Kinect (glorified Eye toy)

C'mon dude... glorified EyeToy? I'm not a fan of Kinect either, but the device has widespread penetration outside the core market and works well enough for 1/3 of the Xbox userbase to have purchased it. That's unprecedented for a peripheral. There were very few other peripherals this gen with that wide of penetration (I think the Wii Fit board and Wii Motion+ are the only other ones in that neighbourhood).

That MS is looking into upgrading the device and launching it in the box next gen should tell you that it's not a "glorified eyetoy" - it is much more important to the company. I think you may see Sony with a similar pack-in, if you look carefully at some of those Orbis sketches. Kinect is here to stay.



Nintendo had an iron grip hold on the industry with the NES, it's still surprising that Sega was able to do as well as they did with the Genesis. They were still the underdog though so it's not surprising that Nintendo wasn't in a rush to launch the SNES.

You consider the Jaguar and 3DO competition?.......Really?

Again like Nintendo above, at this point Sony dominated the gaming industry with a legion of buyers who first started gaming on a playstation. Even with all the things Sega did right for the DC, it was quite clear that they weren't really a threat to Sony's hold on the industry and gamers.

Was also $150 cheaper than the primary SKU while riding on the motion control hype train. The Wii is probably the most surprising of these examples you listed, but at the same time, MS didn't have nearly the mindshare they do now while Sony dropped the ball with the PS3 at launch. So it's actually understandable how things turned out in retrospect.

IMO your logic is the one that needs work, especially if you're going to list the Jaguar and 3DO as legit examples.

he said "I think people forget that 12 months is still a long time, and you basically subscribe to be second place or third place if you launch that late."

& I just pointed out how wrong that statement was, & also if you don't want to count Jaguar and 3DO as competition for the PS1 I can also add the fact that the PS1 came out 4 years after the SNES & out sold it. that also kills your "Nintendo had an iron grip hold on the industry" argument

launching late does not automatically = 2nd or 3rd place in fact I don't think the 1st console to launch has ever won the Generation


Here we go again. Wii was last gen tech the same way WiiU is (probably) going to be. So that comparison is stupid and ignorant. Compare 360 with PS3, we know how that one ended.

PS2 vs Dreamcast. Piracy was the main reason DC died, and media hype around PS2. Plus that was last gen where 3rd party was going for one platform in most of the cases when devloping games(they went with PS2), that is NOT happening ever again. This gen was the teacher of that lesson.
And Sega didn't have marketing money MS has, so another flawed comparison.

PS1 vs Jaguar and 3Do LOL doesn't need to be commented on. LOL.

in this day and age, Sony can not afford to fall behind MS. If they do MS marketing will kick in just like with Kinect (glorified Eye toy) and they will win COD crowd again, or what ever turns out to be billion dollar franchise next gen.

There you go. Use LOGIC and common sense.

& it still won this Gen in sells even after coming out a year after the 360 so you only prove your logic wrong. & if it was last gen it came out 8years later & beat the Dreamcast by 80 million & 5 years later & beat the Xbox by 70 million.


no it's a fact & you can't take it

Fact is you completely ignored my entire post, and just leached to one sentence, took it out of the context, and said "See you are wrong, that is a fact.". So childish and ignorant, and yes you irritated me.
Btw I presented facts, you only presented "&" in every comment you wrote. Nice.

I Won't be replying to you from now on, either here or in other threads , so don't bother quoting.


Fact is you completely ignored my entire post, and just leached to one sentence, took it out of the context, and said "See you are wrong, that is a fact.". So childish and ignorant, and yes you irritated me.
Btw I presented facts, you only presented "&" in every comment you wrote. Nice.

I Won't be replying to you from now on, either here or in other threads , so don't bother quoting.

where was this fact that you posted? you said that launching 12 months late = 2nd or 3rd place & I proved that logic wrong there is no way around that.

it's too many other factors that go into being successful, so no one can just say if they launch late they are going to come in 2nd or 3rd place. if they come out with the console that more people want to buy then it's going to sell more even if it's 3 years late.
where was this fact that you posted? you said that launching 12 months late = 2nd or 3rd place & I proved that logic wrong there is no way around that.

it's too many other factors that go into being successful, so no one can just say if they launch late they are going to come in 2nd or 3rd place. if they come out with the console that more people want to buy then it's going to sell more even if it's 3 years late.

Launching late doesn't mean coming in last but it does make it more likely. Of course this can be overcome, but it usually requires a lot more, such as a really unique feature, than launching early. Nintendo has its first party ips, MS has Kinect, Sony used to have unrivaled 3rd Party support but now they don't have that. Unless Sony comes with something really innovative, they will need to launch early if they don't want to be an afterthought.


Launching late doesn't mean coming in last but it does make it more likely. Of course this can be overcome, but it usually requires a lot more, such as a really unique feature, than launching early. Nintendo has its first party ips, MS has Kinect, Sony used to have unrivaled 3rd Party support but now they don't have that. Unless Sony comes with something really innovative, they will need to launch early if they don't want to be an afterthought.

if they don't come with anything innovative it wouldn't matter if they launch early or late. it's all about having what the people want to buy.
if they don't come with anything innovative it wouldn't matter if they launch early or late. it's all about having what the people want to buy.

No it does matter. The later they are the more they have to impress people. If they are late, they are going to be competing against much more established software lineups and that will make a difference.
See above http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=37515892&postcount=1457

SimiAccurate quote: Lots of stacked memory with TSVs, GSA Memory Conference PDF: 2.5D and 3D stacked chips for game consoles in 2013-2014 with the former using stacked memory on transposer and the latter using ultra wide stacked memory, Sony CTO: 8Kx4K video for games and multiple CPUs including DSP and programmable logic array (FPGA).

Best guess is that there will be no GDDR5 or GDR3 it will all be stacked memory in two pools with ultrawide in the AMD SOC. This only if the guess as to a 2014 design is accurate and if so, trying to use some analog of current PC tech designs won't work. Could you post the GSA Memory PDF on BY3D here. They are also making the same assumptions there.

8Kx4K requires high performance that will not be possible in a console power budget without HSA efficiencies including stacked memory and ultrawide buss 3D stacked memory in the SOC. Multiple CPUs and the full HSA model require the 2014 AMD design.

Stacked memory should be cheaper or eventually cheaper than Gddr5 or XDR2. Future performance memory will be stacked not XDR or GDDR. Game consoles are performance platforms. Arguments against this in the thread were it won't be available by 2013-2014 but the GSA memory conference PDF mentions 3D stacked and ultrawide buss 3D stacked memory used in Game console chips in 2013-2014.

Arguments against more than 4 gigs of memory in new consoles were about packaging which is also an older design problem that won't be seen with stacked memory. Economics is the consideration. Size and heat in the SOC will limit memory and type of memory there. There must be a second pool outside the SOC.

Hmmm. Still didn't catch a reference to having multiple CPUs even after looking at those articles again. Unless things have changed the target specs said 2GB of GDDR5. I guess they could stack that, but it doesn't sound like what you're proposing is what Sony is pursuing.


I'd guess they would be slower than the final chipsets (at least for the APU), AMD compiler libraries already support SAIL and HSA features. Only Unreal Engine 4 (CPU bound) which required a NDA would fully use/require the performance in a 2014 design AMD APU. Most launch games will be GPU bound using less CPU.

AMD developer lectures were talking about bundled ray tracing for lighting which would use lots of APU.

Most of the features coming via the AMD APU and GPU are already on upper end AMD chipset PCs but are very power hungry and expensive chips and for both reasons won't be in a game console. 2014 designs can give nearly the same performance cheaper and with less power required; how nearly is the question no one but a developer can answer at this time.

I'd guess that PS4 SDKs released by Sony that support OS features like voice, facial and gesture recognition would use developer hardware but in the final chipset might use a FPGA for some features and as far as developers are concerned the routines would just be faster and more accurate, the SDK which defines how to use the routines remains the same.

Thank you for your earlier response.

I am wondering if the tech is not remotely ready by E3 2013 then would AMD opt (on Sony's behest) to emulate the future tech via more conventional hardware setup and if so then what effects would it have on the devs that would have to present the first glimpses of their games during the début of the hardware?
Thank you for your earlier response.

I am wondering if the tech is not remotely ready by E3 2013 then would AMD opt (on Sony's behest) to emulate the future tech via more conventional hardware setup and if so then what effects would it have on the devs that would have to present the first glimpses of their games during the début of the hardware?
Your post ties into bgassassin's above so I'll answer both at the same time.

The 2014 AMD Fabric computing memory model with FULL HSA support requires minor changes to the AMD GPU in the APU and probably the second GPU is getting changes also. I've already posted cites that mention this for the APU (In RED) and some of the efficiencies can be applied to the GP GPU outside the APU also so it's logical that it would receive changes also.

The fabric memory model works with as few as 2 CPUs (X86 and GP GPU) or more, including because of the Fabric model Memory controller in the APU and common address scheme, other CPUs on the memory buss or nodes connected with special Network cards or optical connections. This was the same vision for the Heterogeneous Cell, the patent for 4 SPUs connected to a memory buss etc.

Memory controller and OS that supports Fabric computing and Heterogeneous CPUs each with enough cache to allow concurrent operation but passing memory pointers rather than data between CPUs. All connected nodes must have a common memory pool (address scheme) or understand how to access (local translation) a common memory pool (it's transparent to applications). Understood in this is a VERY fast memory buss or transport and Very Very fast memory which is now possible with 3D stacked memory.

Memory inside the APU is probably going to be less than 100 meg of 3D stacked DDR3 with wide I/O....VERY fast (faster than XDR2) with a second memory pool outside the APU all with a common address scheme. 2014 and later embedded, handheld and high performance platforms are going to be using 3D stacked memory both inside SOCs and outside not GDDR5 (3D stacked memory will be Cheaper, faster and more energy efficient).

The Second GPU could be connected to the APU with a PCIe BUSS just like PCs do and would require it's own memory or it could be (Fabric model) connected to a common memory BUSS and pointers could be passed from APU to second GPU with DMA. 2 gigs or more of very fast 3D stacked memory can be on the main board on a common memory buss that has APU and second GPU connected to it. Both models have advantages.

The APU with CPU and GPU takes maximum advantage of the fabric computing model. The second GPU if it has enough cache can do the same. Since video output is from INSIDE the APU, it does not make sense to have video memory in the second GPU, common memory makes more sense.

This is speculation based on hours of reading with clues here and there in articles.

i-LO, with OpenCL yes, developer platforms can have all the features of a final chipset even if missing the hardware as Sony can and probably does provide support using the other CPUs using the same OpenCL routines. Since Developers will be using AMD openCL and HSA libraries (JIT engine in chipset) when HSA efficiencies are available they will automatically be used. So developer platforms will run hotter and cost much more than the final PS4 chipset....this is nothing new (just much easier this generation to create a developer platform due to OpenCL and same AMD chips but of older generation). The features available in the PS4 will also be nothing new as they are available now in top end AMD PC platforms.

AMD needs to kickstart HSA (they are betting the farm on HSA) and NEEDS Sony and Microsoft to use the new chipset and educate a generation of developers in how to use HSA. This is why they made it Open Source and are cooperating with Khronos. HSA and fabric computing is also going to be seen in super computers. Moore, of Moore's Law, recently gave a lecture on this.

Mentioned (Hints) is this HSA and Fabric Computing model supporting super computers and cloud computing. Cloud computing can be the Cell's vision of multiple Consumer electronics devices in the home sharing a common memory address scheme and sharing data, information and CPU loads among the various platforms using the home network. Think about this and the PS4 being designed for a 10 year life....... Then that AMD has said the model scales from handheld to super computer.

bgassassin said:
Hmmm. Still didn't catch a reference to having multiple CPUs even after looking at those articles again. Unless things have changed the target specs said 2GB of GDDR5. I guess they could stack that, but it doesn't sound like what you're proposing is what Sony is pursuing.
What do you consider multiple CPUs; 2 X86 + 1 GPGPU + GPU that may be GPGPU + DSP (some part of AMDs I/O) + FPGA?

Game developers do not have the final hardware, they have what's available now that has similar performance. GDDR5 is the min memory target that's available now and may not be the final memory seen in the PS4. Game developers don't need to know about the 10 year plan for the PS4 and the OS changes and new SDKs that are going to be developed. Just like the PS3 but most likely with fewer delays, the OS will evolve. It will parallel PC development this time as AMD and possibly Microsoft will be supporting it.

I'm reading allot into this and it should be considered my opinion at this time.

In short, would it be really powerful if they went with 2014 design/spec?
For the PS4, no as it's going to be limited by the power/heat envelope. On the other hand, yes the 2014 design efficiencies allow the PS4 to have more PERFORMANCE (using power would be confusing here) because it will fit into a game consoles power envelope. The PS4 final chipset may be slightly faster at some things than the developer platform.

You are missing the big picture (sorry about my wall of text). It's my opinion that the AMD 2014 design full HSA and Fabric computing model is similar to the original Cell vision and very attractive to Sony.

jeff_rigby said:
Mentioned (Hints) is this HSA and Fabric Computing model supporting super computers and cloud computing. Cloud computing can be the Cell's vision of multiple Consumer electronics devices in the home sharing a common memory address scheme and sharing data, information and CPU loads among the various platforms using the home network. Think about this and the PS4 being designed for a 10 year life....... Then that AMD has said the model scales from handheld to super computer.

Edit: Near zero power standby modes and server like abilities should be seen in the PS4 (AMD design) to fit as a centerpiece in a home ecosystem.

Everyone is thinking games and GPU performance and missing the subtext.

As I said before, that it's a 2014 design (already in their roadmap and we will hear more about this at the AMD developer conference in June) does not mean that it can't be in a late 2013 release but if Sony does have to wait a few months I think it's worth it. Microsoft should use the same 2014 HSA design so should release in the same time frame. In Moore's presentation on Super computers using AMDs "Fusion" (HSA and Fabric computing/memory model) of CPU and GPU (ALUs), the CPU didn't need changes. So GPU changes with the rest supportable with firmware updates?

http://eda360insider.wordpress.com/2011/12/14/3d-week-jedec-wide-io-memory-spec-cleared-for-use/ said:
Dec 14, 2011 ← 3D Week: Wide I/O SDRAM, Network on Chip, Multicore, TSV, Asynchronous Logic—3D SoC stack from CEA-Leti and ST-Ericsson hits all the advanced notes. Driven by economics, it’s now one minute to 3D 3D Week: JEDEC Wide I/O Memory spec cleared for use

The first thing to understand, said Garrou, is that it’s no longer business as usual in the IC business. Dennard scaling (faster, lower power) is dead and has been dead for perhaps the last four process nodes. Strained silicon and high-K metal gates postponed the inevitable, but the inevitable did finally arrive. To get further reductions in package size and system power consumption and to get substantial boosts in system bandwidth, there’s only one path forward: 3D IC assembly.

According to the data gleaned from presentations by Samsung, Toshiba, AMD, and others, 3D IC assembly gives you the equivalent performance boost of 2 IC generations (assuming Dennard scaling wasn’t dead). Garrou then quoted AMD’s CTO Byran Black, who spoke at the Global Interposer Technology 2011 Workshop last month. AMD has been working on 3D IC assembly for more than five years but has intentionally not been talking about it. AMD’s 22nm Southbridge chips will probably be the last ones to be “impacted by scaling” said Black. AMD’s future belongs to partitioning of functions among chips that are process-optimized for the function (CPU, Cache, DRAM, GPU, analog, SSD) and then assembled as 3D or 2.5D stacks.

As long as Dennard scaling worked, it made sense to incorporate everything possible on one chip. However, even then, it was hard to justify mixing logic with DRAM, for example, because DRAM processes typically cost less per square mm by getting by with three or four metal layers instead of the ten or eleven metal layers needed by advanced logic SoCs. Similarly, analog circuits don’t do as well with nanometer geometries and RF circuits, well they’re and entirely different sort of animal.

Before 2.5D and 3D assembly took off, multi-die assemblies relied on multichip module packaging and wire bonding. These were not cost-effective in many cases. Microbumps and the rapid improvement in TSV (through silicon via) manufacture have changed the economics of multi-die assembly. As a result, said Garrou, many vendor roadmaps show 3D and 2.5D assemblies being introduced now through 2013.


I just want it to be powerful enough to give me new/fresh experiences. If it is PS3.5 it is going to flop so badly, because gamers won't be able to notice any major difference. At least not enough to justify new console, even if it has launch price at 299.

Sony is in worse position because of this. Gamers will want to be wowed by Uncharted 4, Gow4, or TLOU 2 for example. And not just get slightly better sequels of those games, they can get that on PS3. Sony put them selves in though position because of how good those exclusives can look/play on PS3.


I just want it to be powerful enough to give me new/fresh experiences. If it is PS3.5 it is going to flop so badly, because gamers won't be able to notice any major difference. At least not enough to justify new console, even if it has launch price at 299.

I think the Nextbox and the PS4 are going to be a PS3.5 and an Xbox540.

Look at how today's games look on a top end PC vs the PS3. That is the kind of graphical jump I believe we are in store for. I also think developers want to have larger worlds and more players online, that is why they are requesting more Ram in the next systems.

The technological jump we saw from last gen to this gen may never happen again. The risks are too high and the ROI won't be good if the economy is in the crapper. I believe these things have driven Hardware selections for next gen.
I think the Nextbox and the PS4 are going to be a PS3.5 and an Xbox540.

Look at how today's games look on a top end PC vs the PS3. That is the kind of graphical jump I believe we are in store for. I also think developers want to have larger worlds and more players online, that is why they are requesting more Ram in the next systems.

The technological jump we saw from last gen to this gen may never happen again. The risks are too high and the ROI won't be good if the economy is in the crapper. I believe these things have driven Hardware selections for next gen.
Is no one reading the posts!

According to the data gleaned from presentations by Samsung, Toshiba, AMD, and others, 3D IC assembly gives you the equivalent performance boost of 2 IC generations
OR nearly 20X speed increase (2 generations but later generations are not scaling linearly) or same speed but much lower power. A console design is going to use a mix of the two while handhelds tend to go for power savings.

(assuming Dennard scaling wasn’t dead). Garrou then quoted AMD’s CTO Byran Black, who spoke at the Global Interposer Technology 2011 Workshop last month. AMD has been working on 3D IC assembly for more than five years but has intentionally not been talking about it. AMD’s 22nm Southbridge chips will probably be the last ones to be “impacted by scaling” said Black. AMD’s future belongs to partitioning of functions among chips that are process-optimized for the function (CPU, Cache, DRAM, GPU, analog, SSD) and then assembled as 3D or 2.5D stacks.
The PS4 chipset SOC will be 3D stacked from AMD wafers which seem to be in the 22nm range from above. With wafer stacking you can mix node and processes but logically CPUs and GPU or any fast running chip that gets hot should be made at a smaller node size if possible. 2014 AMD HSA designs give an additional 113% performance increase to some functions.

Minimum rumored specs are 6X the performance of a PS3 with at least 2 gigs of memory and I suspect all the AMD I/O features found in an AMD APU. The second GPU could be anything up to the maximum power budget possibly exceeding the 2.5 TFLOPS we all accept as a next generation target. Top end PCs are now at 3.7 TFLOPS with 2014 designs able to exceed that by comfortable margins or for 3.7 TFLOPS performance to migrate to mid-range PC.

We do not know what the final PS4 target is, we can only go by the rumored developer specs which logically will be the MINIMUM!


Anyone remember when it was said x360 could achieve 1 teraflops performance, and ps3 2 teraflops? :p

And that was 2005. 2012 5x performance = 5 teraflops and 10 teraflops. Holy shit!


One person's teraflop another person's etc etc.

I do agree that Sony is in a bind. Wait and go for the kill, or suck it up and fight it with games and innovation. What will they do? That's the question.
We're not getting 20x the performance of current gen consoles. Anyone who believes this is only fooling themselves.

jeff_rigby said:
OR nearly 20X speed increase (2 generations but later generations are not scaling linearly) or same speed but much lower power. A console design is going to use a mix of the two while handhelds tend to go for power savings.
So is it now agreed that:

1) The PS4 will have 3D wafer stacking
2) 3D stacked Memory
3) 2014 Full HSA with Fabric computing
4) Mix of wafers with different process and die nodes down to 20nm "process-optimized"
5) Multiple changes in the OS to support efficiencies like CPUs prefetching for the GP GPU.

Edit: from 4 sources next generation game consoles can use the above technology. From 2 sources they will use this technology either 2.5 or 3D stacked. Only #3 is not confirmed by anyone but to my mind is Sony's major reason for going with AMD; AMDs vision is the same as Cell's father.
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