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Kickstarter Thread | List of gaming kickstarts

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So it seems Ice-Pick Lodge; they of Pathologic, The Void, and Cargo: Quest for Gravity infamy have decided to try their hand at Kickstarter for their next weird opus, Knock-knock.

They're asking for $30K, the game can be had for $5.
These reward tier are just what we'd expect from IPL, because I want whatever lies behind the $47 mystery. Their art book, if anything like the Void special edition art work/soundtrack/etc, will be quite the read, is available for $20.

Don't expect me to define the game by genre, that won't be possible at this point, if ever.
Interesting, if slightly sinister tale of how the game came to be in the KS pitch video.

Concept art:


Rock Paper Shotgun article:
YES I'M IN LOVE :3 (will go for 47 maybe)


Holy Shit! Castle Story has already been funded within hours. Closing in on 100k.

Still pledged some. Those shirts look great.


Project Giana

It's an all new Giana Sisters PC game by Black Forest Games (Formerly Spellbound, makers of Giana Sisters DS) with a soundtrack by Chris Hülbseck and Machinae Supremacy. Among the pledges are also an artbook with art from Pikomi, who did the art for the DS game. The game will feature a sort of light world/dark world system, along the lines of Sonic CD's Future and Present level swap.




Project Giana

It's an all new Giana Sisters PC game by Black Forest Games (Formerly Spellbound, makers of Giana Sisters DS) with a soundtrack by Chris Hülbseck and Machinae Supremacy. Among the pledges are also an artbook with art from Pikomi, who did the art for the DS game. The game will feature a sort of light world/dark world system, along the lines of Sonic CD's Future and Present level swap.

Ooooh, that really deserves a thread of its own (though I guess you can't make one).


New update for post 744. I also moved all updates to this page, as my old post is getting burred under too many posts:

I appreciate all your updates! I'm going to make a suggestion though as I think it's going to work a lot better that you make an OT2 and have the mods lock this one because clearly Mr. Orange isn't going to be coming back to update and it would be best to have the list in the OP.

I'd also suggest that you tag two posts at least following your OP to have for future updates since the list is going to get really long and that way you have some room to work with.


Project Giana

It's an all new Giana Sisters PC game by Black Forest Games (Formerly Spellbound, makers of Giana Sisters DS) with a soundtrack by Chris Hülbseck and Machinae Supremacy. Among the pledges are also an artbook with art from Pikomi, who did the art for the DS game. The game will feature a sort of light world/dark world system, along the lines of Sonic CD's Future and Present level swap.



Oooh. Getting some serious Trine vibes from that level art, and I like.


Project Giana

It's an all new Giana Sisters PC game by Black Forest Games (Formerly Spellbound, makers of Giana Sisters DS) with a soundtrack by Chris Hülbseck and Machinae Supremacy. Among the pledges are also an artbook with art from Pikomi, who did the art for the DS game. The game will feature a sort of light world/dark world system, along the lines of Sonic CD's Future and Present level swap.



O.O I have already backed this project. Please, someone has to make a thread about this game.



I watched their video without reading the description and mused about how awesome it would be if MaSu was involved while the classic footage was playing. Then their version of the theme kicked in. I love pretty much everything about how it looks, but what really caught my eye was the transition animations. I'm definitely going to be keeping an eye on this.
I appreciate all your updates! I'm going to make a suggestion though as I think it's going to work a lot better that you make an OT2 and have the mods lock this one because clearly Mr. Orange isn't going to be coming back to update and it would be best to have the list in the OP.

I'd also suggest that you tag two posts at least following your OP to have for future updates since the list is going to get really long and that way you have some room to work with.

I completely agree with that. The way I'm currently updating things in this thread is a bit disorganized, and creating a new op would solve that. I would at least need one main OP and two additional reserved posts. My previous post is getting very close to its 24,000 character limit and that was after two months of casual updates, so yeah, one post isn't enough.

I'm also not sure if I should leave out the list of unsuccessful/ cancelled projects from the OP? I only leave it here for record keeping sake, but it does take up a lot of space. It's interesting to see what projects didn't get successful backing and what ones did.

Also, I'm also sure Mr Orange won't mind if I swiped his graphics and reused them in a new OP. I'm not really sure what font that is.
Moon Intern and Detective Grimoire both hit their goals.

Wicked Crush sadly seems to be struggling a bit. Two weeks left and at 22%.

Moon Intern has some stretch goals for the last 6 days:

Stretch Goals: Let’s get this game even more made-ier!

$40,000: More in-depth character creator. This character creator allows players to design their avatar down to specific attributes rather than just picking from a vast assortment of faces.

$50,000: Co-op Mode: A second player, either local or online can tag along as the soulmate. There will also be additional missions only for co-op mode.

$75,000: Longer Story for initial launch. Right now we’re planning on releasing Moon Intern with around 32 “game days”. If we were to reach this stretch goal, we would like to add something like 20 days giving us a grand total of around 50 days.

$100,000: Multiplayer Battle Mode : If you help us go over this much, then, wow. We wouldn’t even know what to do with it! Well I guess we do. Basically, if we go over this goal, we would be able to get some more people on board to make an amazingly awesome multiplayer battle mode.

$20,000,000,000 : We will finance an actual Moon Colony.


I completely agree with that. The way I'm currently updating things in this thread is a bit disorganized, and creating a new op would solve that. I would at least need one main OP and two additional reserved posts. My previous post is getting very close to its 24,000 character limit and that was after two months of casual updates, so yeah, one post isn't enough.

I'm also not sure if I should leave out the list of unsuccessful/ cancelled projects from the OP? I only leave it here for record keeping sake, but it does take up a lot of space. It's interesting to see what projects didn't get successful backing and what ones did.

Also, I'm also sure Mr Orange won't mind if I swiped his graphics and reused them in a new OP. I'm not really sure what font that is.

I do think keeping the list of unsuccessful Kickstarters would be cool but it may not be feasible with character limits. Maybe you could reserve a post or two beyond the ones you have for new projects and make that for unsuccessful ones? I'm sure people wouldn't mind terribly if you dropped it since that might be a lot of extra work for you though. Just depends on what you are comfortable doing really. Also, I dunno how comfortable you are with something like Google docs but you might set up one to document the unsuccessful ones and just put a link to that in the OP so that people can check them out if that wouldn't be too much of a hassle for you and that would provide the info without using the actual OP space.

As for reusing the graphics, I'm sure it would be fine but make sure you have a "graphics provided by" accreditation to think him for his effort on the OP.



SolForge Digital Trading Card Game


The company that made the deckbuilding game Ascension wants to make a digital only trading card game in the style of Magic: The Gathering. They have the original designer of Magic, Richard Garfield, on board in some capacity.

Asking for 250,000. At least slated for iOS and PC with a stretch goal being an Android version.

As someone who has enjoyed a lot of Ascension and Magic I am definitely considering backing this.


Expeditions: Conquistador
Kickstarter Page.


Stretch Goal: $70000 ($6090 funded so far.)
Deadline: 38 days to go.
Company name: Logical Artists (From Denmark, 6 in-house devs, 4 contractors.)
Game genre: (Story Driven)Tactical Role Playing Game
Platform: PC & Mac

Official Trailer

Expeditions: Conquistador is a tactical roleplaying game with a touch of strategic resource management and a pinch of choose-your-own-adventure. Conquistador is set in a rarely visited part of history which is rife with mystery, political intrigue, and good old-fashioned violence.

You will take on the role of a Spanish Conquistador in South America in 1518-1520. Select the members of your expedition and explore campaign maps based on the actual topological maps of Hispaniola and Mexico. Through intricately branching dialogue, you will engage with the characters and situations that you encounter across these uncharted areas, and when it’s time to spill blood, a tactical combat system of great depth and brutality will let you control your individual troops in battle.

Combat is intimate and detailed, and failure has great consequences. Every expedition member has a face, a past, a set of personality traits, and of course a combat role - their morale will change depending on your decisions, they will chime in when you're weighing your options, and if they fall in battle, their injuries will carry over to the world map, where they must be treated by your doctors until they're back on their feet. Should you fail to treat your expedition members, they will die and be gone for good.

Choice and consequence is central to the play experience of Conquistador. As the leader of the expedition, you will face difficult decisions about the use of your troops and your resources, as well as how to engage with the factions of the savage New World. Will you defy history and be a diplomatic envoy of peace? Or will you be a ruthless conqueror determined to lay all of the Aztec Empire at your feet?

All the info you need is on their Kickstarter page.
You should add Balance of the Planet to the list: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/544670315/balance-of-the-planet

I only saw it reported in GB, which is a damn shame, considering Chris Crawford's pedigree...

I can't add anymore. Already hit the character limit in the post above.

But since I do have some free time today, I am working on some graphics for a new OP. Though I think I will have to get permission from one of the moderators before doing this.
Are there any kickstarter games similar to Eschalon and Avernum? I'm addicted to those two games right now.. so much value for money after spending only a handful on them during the sale. It's about all I play these days.

The new Giana game deserves to have already made its funding by now.. but perhaps the game they are showing off appears too finished?


The new Giana game deserves to have already made its funding by now.. but perhaps the game they are showing off appears too finished?

I agree, surprised of the lack of love shown for this. Though I am part of the problem, I have not backed it either. Don't have a PC and never will. Happy to buy the game for the PS3 once it comes there (as per the project description), but the Kickstarter does not have a reward tier addressing me.


Unconfirmed Member
SolForge sounds cool. But having the Android version as a stretch goal doesn't make any sense to me. Especially since that goal is pretty lofty - $500k, double the base goal.


The new Giana game deserves to have already made its funding by now.. but perhaps the game they are showing off appears too finished?

Put my sixty bucks in today. I agree the problem might be that it looks finished. They have 22 days left so hopefully it will get funded for at least the 125 000 even though they say they really need 250 000.

This one I'm digging on account of the ridiculous level of bias and inspiration the folks behind have for classic Shining Force---and what better than to kick it forward into a sprawling online adventure with nigh-total modding capabilities and some Roguelike aspects to keep things fresh despite amusingly starting out as a MUD before this grand plan came to mind?

What is Harmonia?

Harmonia is an online tactical RPG, a fusion of the real-time strategy and roguelike genres. Think Shining Force + Warcraft + Nethack. Players command forces of one or more heroes and collaborate (or clash) as they battle, conquer, and explore.
Control a Band of Characters

Blending the social engagement of an MMO with the strategic interplay of a turn-based strategy game is no simple task, but that is the goal of the Harmonious engine. Gameplay will have the feel of an RTS like Starcraft but with greater emphasis on effective maneuvering and use of of individual units' skills. Though it is possible for players to adventure alone, they will quickly find that many areas cannot be traversed with a mere handful of units, and they must join forces to overcome the enemies that await them.
Eight Playable Classes

A force consists of characters composed from eight classes or mercenaries awarded during quests. To defeat their opponents, players must position their forces wisely when engaging in battle - protect the Archers, keep the Warriors on guard, use Knights to disrupt enemy front lines, attack the back ranks with mobile Birdsoldiers, and successfully manage the chaos on the battlefield while the opponent does the same. Complete quests, earn money, gather equipment, and gain experience to bolster your force. Unlock new player classes like the Dragon, Robot, or Lich by completing large zones.
Fully Moddable

Though there will be an official server with a unique storyline, setting, and characters, the Harmonious engine is designed for modding and players and developers alike will have the ability to run their own servers with completely different elements thanks to Harmonia's built-in scripting language.

They lean big time on SDL, so the platform capabilities are hilarious large versus many others in the fray and maybe that will be what carries the day for them:

The game uses SDL, a cross-platform multimedia library, and will be available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS/X. If there is demand, we can also port the game to the following platforms: Android, AmigaOS, AmigaOS 4, FreeBSD, BeOS/Haiku, iOS, Mac OS 9, MorphOS, OpenVMS, PlayStation Portable, Syllable, Symbian, and webOS.

$15K seems like a solid low number to get the core of the thing going, and the way they already list the general benchmarks for figures beyond that is a nice touch and not so unlike the Defense Grid II KS...only with tremendously smaller numbers to hopefully attain.



Currently Ongoing:

(Listed by end date)

- Defense Grid 2 (Ends Aug 14th | Thread) Ongoing.
- Shadowrun Online (Ends Aug 14th | Thread) Ongoing.
- aMaz3D (Ends Aug 14th) Ongoing.
- Penny Arcade Sells Out (Ends Aug 15th | Thread) [Funding met. Ongoing.
- Wicked Crush (Ends Aug 15th) Funding met. Ongoing.
- GameDock for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Devices (Ends Aug 16th) Funding met. Ongoing.
- BAD PLANET (Ends Aug 16th) Ongoing.
- Volgarr the Viking (Ends Aug 23rd | Thread) [Funding met.
You missed SolForge. :p
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