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Screw the haters! Final Fantasy VIII is great!


Jaxword, thanks for compiling all the "whatevers" from Squall. Having played both the Japanese original (once) and the English translation (three or four times), but never close enough in succession that I could remember individual lines, I've always wanted to match the English up with the original and see if "whatever" really is the appropriate choice. I'm going to break your quotes apart and analyze them, if you don't mind.

I have the Final Fantasy VIII Memorial Album: Wish You Were Here, which is basically the transcription of a playthrough of the game, with lots of screenshots interspersed. Square made books like this for FF7, 8, 9, Xenogears, and maybe a few others, and reading this while listening to the OST can be a nice, quick, Cliffs-Notesish way to "replay" the game in a single sitting or two. I'll use this book as the source for the Japanese quotes.

Ok, I checked for you guys to set the record straight. He says it a LOT to himself, which skews the numbers.

Here's all the times he says it dismissively and not part of a larger sentence. Note that if it's in () then he's just thinking it.

Quistis: "You now, the boys often choke on this test when I come with them. I guess my charm makes them nervous."

Squall: (...Whatever.)

Quistis: When I come with them, a lot of students can't perform up to their usual level. I wonder if it's because of my charm.

Squall says なんて教師だ, which means roughly, "what kind of teacher (would talk like this)?", and could be loosened to "and she's an instructor" or "how can an instructor talk like that?"

"Whatever" doesn't really fit here.

Quistis: "So you'll dance with someone you don't even know, but you can't even stand being around me?"

Squall: "...Whatever. You're an instructor, and I'm your student. It's kind of awkward when you don't say anything."

Here everything is fine, but Squall's response starts with 悪かったな warukatta na, which is a casual, friendly, not-too-obsequious "sorry". "Yeah, sorry about that. But you're an instructor, and I'm..." would have done OK.

(Inside Laguna's head)

Laguna: (And just the two of us! Get it together Laguna...)

SeeD: (Whatever.)

In Japanese, he talks to himself using the third person, asking どうするどうするラグナさんよ, which is hard to work with in English because he's running words together without a pause (and has been ever since he saw Julia), but どうする means "what will (someone) do?"
And Squall's answer really is perfect: 勝手にしてくれ means "Do whatever you want." So following on from Laguna's previous thought, you could go with,

Laguna: (She says she wants to talk, just the two of us! What am I gonna do, what am I gonna do!?

Squall: (Just do whatever.)

Rinoa: "Don't you ever worry about or even think about the well-being of your comrades!?"

Squall: (I don't believe in relying on others.)

Rinoa: "Don't you understand!?"

Squall: (...Whatever.)

Here Squall says うるさいな; the word "urusai" means "noisy" or "annoying" or "loud" (he describes Zell with this word before the SeeD mission), but is used colloquially to tell someone to shut their mouth. Here his thoughts would probably be better translated as "(Will you just shut up already?)" He could conceivably even be reacting to both Rinoa's words and the Laguna "fairies" that have just gotten into his head and are about to take control of him in a few seconds.

It's also interesting that the thought before that isn't strictly that he "doesn't believe in" relying on others, but rather that it's "amai" to get people to do things for you. "Amai" literally means "sweet", but carries the implication of "weak" or "coddled".

Squall: "What did you expect?"

Rinoa: "I don't know. A little care and affection?"

Squall: (Whatever.)

I can't find this one in the "Wish You Were Here" album (the path taken by the authors is arbitrary), but the path they do take contains another "warukatta na" ("sorry"/"I was wrong"/etc.) after Rinoa tells Squall how kind and sensitive he is for worrying about his comrades at the missile base, and she insists that he's got nothing to be sorry about.

Selphie: "Uh-oh! There you go again into your own little world. And you're not gonna share anything, huh?"

Squall: "...Yeah, whatever..." (Why is she teasing me? I was just trying to help.)

This one isn't in the book either; the authors let Irvine cheer her up in this scene.

Selphie: "Squall! You big stud! This is all for you! Congratulations! Enjoy the show! Rinoa, don't let him get away!"

Squall: (Whatever...)

Here too Squall says なんだよ which means "what (is she talking about)?" or "what (is going on here)?"

Selphie: "How's it goin', Squall? Is Rinoa still asleep? Psst... Psst... Psst... (Rinoa's so cute when she's asleep.)"

Squall: "Whatever. So how is it? Can we make it to Esthar?"

Squall says そんなことより、, meaning "(rather) than that", which is a way of quickly changing the subject in a conversation "Don't worry about that"/"Enough about that". "Whatever" is just a little too dismissive, but it's not really wrong.

Rinoa: "No, of course not. But now... Squall you're the one who gives me the most comfort. Comfort and happiness... And annoyance and disappointment, too!"

Squall: "...Whatever."
Rinoa: "Whatever."

Here Squall is back to "warukatta na" again. "Yeah, sorry about that," would do better.

(Having gotten to know how Squall talks, she picks up on what he's about to say just like Quistis does with "none of your... business" in the opening scene. Just noticed that now.)

Quistis: "As an expert Squall observer... He's thinking: what do we do now?
Blah blah blah... If you think and worry too much, everything tends to
turn bad. Squall. Why don't we just picture a brighter future."

Squall: "...Whatever."

Here too. Some kind of mumbled apology would have been a lot better than "whatever". "Yeah, OK" would be fine.

Laguna: "Man, you look way too serious."

Squall: "Whatever."

I can't find this one or the Odine one; where do they come from?

And two optional times:

If Irvine picks the girls for his party:

(Yeah, whatever)

Squall says まあ、いいか which means, "OK, fine". "Yeah, whatever" is really good here.

Basically they should have kept a lot of these "whatevers" as the mild apologies that they're supposed to be. Squall doesn't need a catch phrase (like Raijin's "you know?"), but he does say warukatta na quite a lot. I thought he also said betsu ni, which is an abbreviated way of saying "in particular" but implies a negative verb, but I don't see any in these examples.

Reading the Japanese original again, I keep finding small things I would like to change if this game were to be re-translated. Can't complain, really -- back in 1999 translation was nowhere near what it is now, not least because (if I'm not mistaken) the poor translators were left playing the game and then writing down what was said, or trying to figure out who was talking just from looking at context-free bits of text, and didn't even have the opportunity to search through the complete script to make things consistent. But with the "whatevers", maybe, keeping Squall's shyness and his desire to look fearless in mind, they could have consistently used one- or two-word answers for this stuff. As it is he comes off sounding too abrasive -- he's supposed to be one part abrasive, nine parts shy. Mumbled apologies would have been better, with the occasional sprinkling of something more emphatic.

PK Gaming

New page, wh00t.

Anyway; Everyone who loves FFVIII and everyone who "despises the story but still see potential in it" step right up. I've got something I want to share with you:

http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php...te-Rewrite-Part-I]FFVIII The Altimate rewrite

"But PK Gaming you fucking tool, I don't read fanfiction!" Neither do I but the Altimate Rewrite is different... special even. The author goes through the ENTIRETY of FFVIII and rewrites. Scenes that pissed you off are now gone, and elaboration on key characters that were smiged in the original game. Characters get a much needed overhaul (<3 Quistis) and ultimately its a very fun read.

"But PK Gaming you glorius bastard, I hate reading!" That's ok, because FFVIII rewrite is equal parts reading, and equal parts "seeing".



It's even got its own TV tropes page!

Check it out, it makes FFVIII a fucking awesome story experience. I won't sell it as some sort of masterpiece but I implore to at "least" check it out before turning it out. You won't be disappointed.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I dunno, it kinda screws with immature Squall into wimp Squall, but I love what they did to Quistis.


New page, wh00t.

Anyway; Everyone who loves FFVIII and everyone who "despises the story but still see potential in it" step right up. I've got something I want to share with you:

http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php...te-Rewrite-Part-I]FFVIII The Altimate rewrite

Is there an actual patch to play, or is he just posting screenshots of his own edited version of the game?

(And it looks like he somehow inserted a thinner, scrunched-up version of the font so that he could squeeze more text in. How did he do that?)

PK Gaming

Is there an actual patch to play, or is he just posting screenshots of his own edited version of the game?

(And it looks like he somehow inserted a thinner, scrunched-up version of the font so that he could squeeze more text in. How did he do that?)

The latter i'm afraid (could you imagine if you could actually PLAY said re-write? Wow.)

I'm not sure he does it, but I seem to remember someone saying it was a delicate skill that took years of practice to work.

I dunno, it kinda screws with immature Squall into wimp Squall, but I love what they did to Quistis.

I wouldn't even call him a wimp...

More like... a person? If you liked Quistis, you'll love what happened to Irvine & Zell.


I enjoyed the characters, music, and setting soooo much. I just hated how I had the worst luck in terms of drawing magic, I couldn't finish the game. I think I got to disc 3 only.


The latter i'm afraid (could you imagine if you could actually PLAY said re-write? Wow.)

Well, if he inserted the text into his own game, it should theoretically be playable for others... unless some of those screenshots are mockups. In some of them, there seem to be many more text boxes than there were in the real version, which means that if it's a real game, he's figured out how to add text (not just change it) and also resize and reposition the text windows. Pretty impressive. (In some cases he edits the translucent "Squall's thoughts" text boxes, which means he's probably not just making text boxes and pasting them onto real screenshots.)

Edit - @SoraN: Drawing has nothing to do with luck and everything to do with your Magic stat. Have the person with the highest Magic be in charge of Drawing and don't bother letting the other two do it. At some early point your Magic will be high enough that you get 9 of whatever you're trying to Draw, every time. That plus modding useless cards really mitigates the common complaint that drawing is a hassle.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I wouldn't even call him a wimp...

More like... a person? If you liked Quistis, you'll love what happened to Irvine & Zell.

Implying he wasn't :p

Irvine is regretably a forgetable character who relies Selphie, but I don't see any problem with Zell.
Fantastic post.
Thanks a lot for that, Dunan! Reading that post makes me remember how much I enjoyed the characters of this game until the orphanage scene. I especially dug Seifer and Edea's twisted relationship. I never understood the hatred for Squall, but your post is a great resource to share with anyone who has that grievance. Part of my loathing for the game has to do with it almost being great, but turning out terrible. Something like IX is much less scarring, since I found it mediocre and uninteresting from beginning to end. And I hated the goddamn monkey boy main character.


New page, wh00t.

Anyway; Everyone who loves FFVIII and everyone who "despises the story but still see potential in it" step right up. I've got something I want to share with you:

http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php...te-Rewrite-Part-I]FFVIII The Altimate rewrite

"But PK Gaming you fucking tool, I don't read fanfiction!" Neither do I but the Altimate Rewrite is different... special even. The author goes through the ENTIRETY of FFVIII and rewrites. Scenes that pissed you off are now gone, and elaboration on key characters that were smiged in the original game. Characters get a much needed overhaul (<3 Quistis) and ultimately its a very fun read.

"But PK Gaming you glorius bastard, I hate reading!" That's ok, because FFVIII rewrite is equal parts reading, and equal parts "seeing".



It's even got its own TV tropes page!

Check it out, it makes FFVIII a fucking awesome story experience. I won't sell it as some sort of masterpiece but I implore to at "least" check it out before turning it out. You won't be disappointed.

All the added swearing is amateur and completely tiresome.
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