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GAF Anonymous Confessions thread 4.0 the last huzzah

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Wait, sorry but I don't get it. So double penetration is ok but vaginal and anal is difficult? Are you saying that two in a pussy or ass if easier? If anything it would seem that would be harder. What makes it so difficult? Or am I misreading?
To clarify: I meant oral+Vaginal/anal is easier.
This doesn't mean the others aren't rewarding or worth doing, but they often turn into a human sammich.

I thought that was the whole point
Can be, but I've never gotten much out of that. Eiffel tower is more my style.


People who buy organic are idiots. I work for a large grocer and after work my manager has me put non-organic stuff like spinach in the organic bins.

The customer pays organic price for the spinach the company pays the non organic price and people keep on talking about how much better the organic produce is.

I am utterly not surprised. This isn't even anything major. Like I've said many times if I hadn't signed NDAs I could tell tales...

I had once started an anonymous corporate confessions thread but that never took off. Pity.
I am utterly not surprised. This isn't even anything major. Like I've said many times if I hadn't signed NDAs I could tell tales...

I had once started an anonymous corporate confessions thread but that never took off. Pity.
The trouble is that people think "natural" = "good". The obvious consequence of this line of thinking is "chemical" = "artificial" = "unnatural" = "bad". Never mind that the word "chemical" in the context of food production and the way it's (mis)used leaves it utterly without meaning and that it takes some creative misunderstanding of the science of food production and digestion to arrive at the naturalistic fallacy in the first place.

People mean well by the environment and by their own health when they choose "organic", but it's all bullshit. The kind of people who choose organic are doing the same as what climate change deniers do, but with nutrition instead of money.


So, I have a serious premature ejaculation problem. I'm 21. It started about 6 or so years ago when I was with my high-school girlfriend. I used to live in a shed-type room in the backyard of my parent's house, so when we would have sex it was mostly private and we could take our time. I moved out of that room and since that then there was always the fear of people walking in on us so we had to rush things, wish is when it began.

Once I came almost instantly after we began, and we laughed it off because we thought it was a one time thing, but then it kept happening, and now I can barely last a minute without having t stop and take a breather.

I'm with a different girl now and it took me a while to be comfortable enough to explain my problem to her. She is 'comfortable' with it now but as you can imagine she gets extremely frustrated, and so do I. When I cum it's not satisfying for either of us and I just feel like shit afterward. I can't even enjoy a blowjob.

There are times when it isn't an issue and when that happens the sex is great. If I get extremely drunk I can last all night, and sometimes we'll both get wasted just to take advantage of this.

I have no idea what to do. It affected me greatly before I had a girlfriend, even outside of sex. I had plenty of opportunities to get with people but I avoided it unless I was drunk.

tl;dr, it took me longer to write this email than I can last in bed. Has anyone had this problem and found a solution that actually works?

Fun fact about ronito, I once seriously considered becoming a sex therapist. As such you came to the right place pre blow joe!

Get this book read it follow it. Live a better life.



Alright, this one's gonna be interesting.

Backstory: I've been with my s/o for quite a long time and for the most part it's been a very happy relationship. We have our ups and downs but nothing to get crazy about.. which has led to a very stress free and 'normal' partnership.

I also play in an evening basketball league with random people from around the city, and someone on my team caught my eye... at first it was friendly flirting but then I took the step to contact this person and begin hanging out with them.

This person also lives on the way home from work, so for the last while I've been offering and giving rides home, which allowed us to talk and start bonding more and more.

As things progressed, we hooked up (not sex) and started hanging out more and more, cuddling on the couch and making out and shit that made us feel 15 again. All the while my s/o had no idea and still doesn't.

This person is also quite religious (I am not), and I've been playing the game pretending to be interested in order to further the physicality of our relationship (although I've made a rule to not go as far as sex, if it ever progressed that far). Fast forward three weeks and now this person decides to end it because I don't fully share their religious view... But I'm hooked and want more, trying to rekindle and keep it going.. Should I cut my losses and be thankful that I'm getting out of the situation without any negative repercussions or continue to be an idiot and continue trying to pursue this person?

I should note, that this person also admits feelings are still there, and wants to continue seeing me, but the religion thing is what's in the way and thinks this is all a test from god.

I know its terrible to do this when you're involved with someone else, but I should also say that it never went further than quote unquote: second base.

I still love my s/o dearly and wouldn't give it up for the world, and this is the first time I've ever strayed from monogamy, so I'm very conflicted. Is it a case of being bored and looking for an outlet for excitement? Help me GAF.
No you don't. Be honest to yourself.
Fun fact about ronito, I once seriously considered becoming a sex therapist. As such you came to the right place pre blow joe!

Get this book read it follow it. Live a better life.
Re: The confession in this post. I find it funny that I have the opposite problem.
Fun fact about ronito, I once seriously considered becoming a sex therapist. As such you came to the right place pre blow joe!

Get this book read it follow it. Live a better life.


You could always compensate with your other assets in the meantime and go see a legit therapist.

Not that ronito isn't legit. He's totally legit.

No you don't. Be honest to yourself.

Your SO deserves better than a liar and a cheater. Be honest about this shit. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
He's a cheater and should break it off with both people. What bothers me the most is he took the time to write "quote unquote" instead of just putting the words second base in quotes...


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
To clarify: I meant oral+Vaginal/anal is easier.
This doesn't mean the others aren't rewarding or worth doing, but they often turn into a human sammich.

Can be, but I've never gotten much out of that. Eiffel tower is more my style.

That's basically the same as towerbridging, I guess? I've never done it, the only threesome I had was with three girls (brag brag bla bla bla). Is there a name for two girls on top of you?
That's basically the same as towerbridging, I guess? I've never done it, the only threesome I had was with three girls (brag brag bla bla bla). Is there a name for two girls on top of you?

Pretty sure its called the brag-brag-bla-bla-bla :p

Anyway, its amusing to see the religious girl upset with guy's religion and not thats he's cheating on his wife with her. Priorities!


not a medical professional
I know it drove me italics crazy end italics

I don't know why but this reply made me laugh. <3 ronito.

I once tried to date a religious girl in high school and even though we were really close, she said she wouldn't date a "non-believer". Its pretty crazy what religion does to people.. oh well, dodged a bullet with that one because this girl is now godawful looking and I can't believe it's the same person. (She was 'hot' back then and everyone thought we were dating anyway, such a pity..)

Now, for the confession itself, dude needs to get his priorities straight. I've been with my wife for 9 years now (well, dated for 8, have been married for 1) and while your thoughts can wander, and you can appreciate other beauty, you keep that shit inside your brain.. you don't act on any impulses under any circumstance unless you're willing to end/lose it all.

Now, for the confession itself, dude needs to get his priorities straight. I've been with my wife for 9 years now (well, dated for 8, have been married for 1) and while your thoughts can wander, and you can appreciate other beauty, you keep that shit inside your brain.. you don't act on any impulses under any circumstance unless you're willing to end/lose it all.

Exactly. If you feel the need to cheat and act on it, you need to break up with the person you cheated on. You are obviously not being satisfied and it's unfair to both people to live a lie.


Hey GAF, been meaning to email for awhile. Most of my confessionals are actually questions (girl related most of the time), and they'd be better suited for the girl help thread. Although I much prefer the anonymity of email.

So there's this girl I know, she's been a friend of mine for a couple of years, and things have always been kind of "confusing" between us.

I met her through a friend of mine, who was actually dating her at the time. They were on and off, with her always breaking up with him and him asking her out again after several months. They recently broke up again.

But the thing is, she's always been kind of "close" with me. Really touchy and constantly talking to me and forcing conversations and stuff like that on me. I'm not a jerk so I don't tell her to eff off when I don't want to talk to her.

A few nights ago a mutual friend of ours was throwing a party. I don't drink or smoke, so I was the only sober one at the party. It's pretty funny to see all the shitfaced people and how differently they act when they're not sober but anyway, she was there too. Now she usually sends mixed signals to me with the constant touching and such, but tonight since she was drunk I guess she was overly attached.

She started grabbing me and touching me trying to get me drunk. I declined since I had no interest in drinking, but she continued to pester me about it through the night. Not only that, but she would cuddle with me at any chance she got. She also mentioned our buddy's bed several times, asking me if I wanted to go upstairs and see how comfy the tempurpedic mattress was and shit like that. I was also exhausted from a full day of work and classes, so I knew the second I touched the bed I'd fall asleep. I declined again. There was other stuff involved. Just her dragging me around, taking me outside to just hang out with her and stuff like that. Nothing unusual.

But what confirmed my doubts was when she very subtly asked me if I wanted to take a shower with her. I didn't expect her to say this, so I just looked at her out of shock I guess and she never mentioned it again.

Here's my question gaf, was she trying to screw me? I honestly don't know if she was or wasn't and I wasn't in the correct mindset since I was way too exhausted from an extremely busy day. There was a couple of times when another friend of mine would come over and tell me that "she wants my d," and that she was bitchy until I finally showed up at the party (like I said, full day of work and classes; I got to the party late). Her sister was at the party too, and when she introduced me to her she kept saying "Ooooo so this is ____, I've been hearing a lot about you." While looking me up and down and whispering to her sister. (She's 23 and acts like a freaking high schooler)

Oh and since this is gaf and the question will be asked, yes she was hot (admittedly so was her sister). I'm not attaching a picture since I want to keep this as anonymous as possible.

I honestly don't know why I wasn't thinking about it more, I guess I was too focused on getting some sleep. Anyway, what do you think, GAF?


It's a marathon of fail.


Hey GAF, been meaning to email for awhile. Most of my confessionals are actually questions (girl related most of the time), and they'd be better suited for the girl help thread. Although I much prefer the anonymity of email.

So there's this girl I know, she's been a friend of mine for a couple of years, and things have always been kind of "confusing" between us.

I met her through a friend of mine, who was actually dating her at the time. They were on and off, with her always breaking up with him and him asking her out again after several months. They recently broke up again.

But the thing is, she's always been kind of "close" with me. Really touchy and constantly talking to me and forcing conversations and stuff like that on me. I'm not a jerk so I don't tell her to eff off when I don't want to talk to her.

A few nights ago a mutual friend of ours was throwing a party. I don't drink or smoke, so I was the only sober one at the party. It's pretty funny to see all the shitfaced people and how differently they act when they're not sober but anyway, she was there too. Now she usually sends mixed signals to me with the constant touching and such, but tonight since she was drunk I guess she was overly attached.

She started grabbing me and touching me trying to get me drunk. I declined since I had no interest in drinking, but she continued to pester me about it through the night. Not only that, but she would cuddle with me at any chance she got. She also mentioned our buddy's bed several times, asking me if I wanted to go upstairs and see how comfy the tempurpedic mattress was and shit like that. I was also exhausted from a full day of work and classes, so I knew the second I touched the bed I'd fall asleep. I declined again. There was other stuff involved. Just her dragging me around, taking me outside to just hang out with her and stuff like that. Nothing unusual.

But what confirmed my doubts was when she very subtly asked me if I wanted to take a shower with her. I didn't expect her to say this, so I just looked at her out of shock I guess and she never mentioned it again.

Here's my question gaf, was she trying to screw me? I honestly don't know if she was or wasn't and I wasn't in the correct mindset since I was way too exhausted from an extremely busy day. There was a couple of times when another friend of mine would come over and tell me that "she wants my d," and that she was bitchy until I finally showed up at the party (like I said, full day of work and classes; I got to the party late). Her sister was at the party too, and when she introduced me to her she kept saying "Ooooo so this is ____, I've been hearing a lot about you." While looking me up and down and whispering to her sister. (She's 23 and acts like a freaking high schooler)

Oh and since this is gaf and the question will be asked, yes she was hot (admittedly so was her sister). I'm not attaching a picture since I want to keep this as anonymous as possible.

I honestly don't know why I wasn't thinking about it more, I guess I was too focused on getting some sleep. Anyway, what do you think, GAF?



Wow, I think it was pretty obvious she wanted it.

[sexually oblivious rhino]-Want to take a shower with me?.. -No I'm not dirty[/sexually oblivious rhino]
Hey GAF, been meaning to email for awhile. Most of my confessionals are actually questions (girl related most of the time), and they'd be better suited for the girl help thread. Although I much prefer the anonymity of email.

So there's this girl I know, she's been a friend of mine for a couple of years, and things have always been kind of "confusing" between us.

I met her through a friend of mine, who was actually dating her at the time. They were on and off, with her always breaking up with him and him asking her out again after several months. They recently broke up again.

But the thing is, she's always been kind of "close" with me. Really touchy and constantly talking to me and forcing conversations and stuff like that on me. I'm not a jerk so I don't tell her to eff off when I don't want to talk to her.

A few nights ago a mutual friend of ours was throwing a party. I don't drink or smoke, so I was the only sober one at the party. It's pretty funny to see all the shitfaced people and how differently they act when they're not sober but anyway, she was there too. Now she usually sends mixed signals to me with the constant touching and such, but tonight since she was drunk I guess she was overly attached.

She started grabbing me and touching me trying to get me drunk. I declined since I had no interest in drinking, but she continued to pester me about it through the night. Not only that, but she would cuddle with me at any chance she got. She also mentioned our buddy's bed several times, asking me if I wanted to go upstairs and see how comfy the tempurpedic mattress was and shit like that. I was also exhausted from a full day of work and classes, so I knew the second I touched the bed I'd fall asleep. I declined again. There was other stuff involved. Just her dragging me around, taking me outside to just hang out with her and stuff like that. Nothing unusual.

But what confirmed my doubts was when she very subtly asked me if I wanted to take a shower with her. I didn't expect her to say this, so I just looked at her out of shock I guess and she never mentioned it again.

Here's my question gaf, was she trying to screw me? I honestly don't know if she was or wasn't and I wasn't in the correct mindset since I was way too exhausted from an extremely busy day. There was a couple of times when another friend of mine would come over and tell me that "she wants my d," and that she was bitchy until I finally showed up at the party (like I said, full day of work and classes; I got to the party late). Her sister was at the party too, and when she introduced me to her she kept saying "Ooooo so this is ____, I've been hearing a lot about you." While looking me up and down and whispering to her sister. (She's 23 and acts like a freaking high schooler)

Oh and since this is gaf and the question will be asked, yes she was hot (admittedly so was her sister). I'm not attaching a picture since I want to keep this as anonymous as possible.

I honestly don't know why I wasn't thinking about it more, I guess I was too focused on getting some sleep. Anyway, what do you think, GAF?


Hey GAF, been meaning to email for awhile. Most of my confessionals are actually questions (girl related most of the time), and they'd be better suited for the girl help thread. Although I much prefer the anonymity of email.

So there's this girl I know, she's been a friend of mine for a couple of years, and things have always been kind of "confusing" between us.

etc etc

Obvious troll, no one can be this fucking dense.

please god be a troll


Ok this sucks. KU is losing 56-16 at the time of this email. Makes me want to kill a kitten. Preferably a purple one.

Also, I saw the mission age is now 18?? Wtf?? Are kids expected to go if they're still in HS when they turn 18? I doubt it, but I've been at work so I couldn't watch general conference.

I lied to a girl about my age at a party the other night. She was 28 and I said I was 25 lol (I'm 21). She said all she wanted to do was give me a blowjob so of course I said ok, nut I was disappointed. Didn't even bother to get her number, which may have been a huge mistake.

Anyways have a good day ronito
You have a good day too you drunk person you!
I lied to a girl about my age at a party the other night. She was 28 and I said I was 25 lol (I'm 21). She said all she wanted to do was give me a blowjob so of course I said ok, nut I was disappointed. Didn't even bother to get her number, which may have been a huge mistake.


k this sucks. KU is losing 56-16 at the time of this email. Makes me want to kill a kitten. Preferably a purple one.

Also, I saw the mission age is now 18?? Wtf?? Are kids expected to go if they're still in HS when they turn 18? I doubt it, but I've been at work so I couldn't watch general conference.

I lied to a girl about my age at a party the other night. She was 28 and I said I was 25 lol (I'm 21). She said all she wanted to do was give me a blowjob so of course I said ok, nut I was disappointed. Didn't even bother to get her number, which may have been a huge mistake.

Anyways have a good day ronito

Confession of the fucking week right there. Jesus ... Ronito do you think this is it? We need some deep ass shit to save this thread.


Confession of the fucking week right there. Jesus ... Ronito do you think this is it? We need some deep ass shit to save this thread.

Every time I think it's dead I get new stuff.
A lot of it is unpostable. But some stuff is good.


Every time I think it's dead I get new stuff.
A lot of it is unpostable. But some stuff is good.

Dude. This is fucking Anonymous Confessions thread point 4.0 fucking O, the last fucking huzzah for christ sakes. Post that shit and we will deal out justice accordingly. I mean maybe I won't deal out justice myself but others will. Do not be afraid Ronito. THIS IS YOuR THREAD.
Dude. This is fucking Anonymous Confessions thread point 4.0 fucking O, the last fucking huzzah for christ sakes. Post that shit and we will deal out justice accordingly. I mean maybe I won't deal out justice myself but others will. Do not be afraid Ronito. THIS IS YOuR THREAD.



No One Remembers
Every time I think it's dead I get new stuff.
A lot of it is unpostable. But some stuff is good.

I take it the unpostable stuff is boring stuff like "I fapped to [members of GAF]"?

Those are boring. Everyones done it at some point.


Hey GAF, been meaning to email for awhile. Most of my confessionals are actually questions (girl related most of the time), and they'd be better suited for the girl help thread. Although I much prefer the anonymity of email.

So there's this girl I know, she's been a friend of mine for a couple of years, and things have always been kind of "confusing" between us.

I met her through a friend of mine, who was actually dating her at the time. They were on and off, with her always breaking up with him and him asking her out again after several months. They recently broke up again.

But the thing is, she's always been kind of "close" with me. Really touchy and constantly talking to me and forcing conversations and stuff like that on me. I'm not a jerk so I don't tell her to eff off when I don't want to talk to her.

A few nights ago a mutual friend of ours was throwing a party. I don't drink or smoke, so I was the only sober one at the party. It's pretty funny to see all the shitfaced people and how differently they act when they're not sober but anyway, she was there too. Now she usually sends mixed signals to me with the constant touching and such, but tonight since she was drunk I guess she was overly attached.

She started grabbing me and touching me trying to get me drunk. I declined since I had no interest in drinking, but she continued to pester me about it through the night. Not only that, but she would cuddle with me at any chance she got. She also mentioned our buddy's bed several times, asking me if I wanted to go upstairs and see how comfy the tempurpedic mattress was and shit like that. I was also exhausted from a full day of work and classes, so I knew the second I touched the bed I'd fall asleep. I declined again. There was other stuff involved. Just her dragging me around, taking me outside to just hang out with her and stuff like that. Nothing unusual.

But what confirmed my doubts was when she very subtly asked me if I wanted to take a shower with her. I didn't expect her to say this, so I just looked at her out of shock I guess and she never mentioned it again.

Here's my question gaf, was she trying to screw me? I honestly don't know if she was or wasn't and I wasn't in the correct mindset since I was way too exhausted from an extremely busy day. There was a couple of times when another friend of mine would come over and tell me that "she wants my d," and that she was bitchy until I finally showed up at the party (like I said, full day of work and classes; I got to the party late). Her sister was at the party too, and when she introduced me to her she kept saying "Ooooo so this is ____, I've been hearing a lot about you." While looking me up and down and whispering to her sister. (She's 23 and acts like a freaking high schooler)

Oh and since this is gaf and the question will be asked, yes she was hot (admittedly so was her sister). I'm not attaching a picture since I want to keep this as anonymous as possible.

I honestly don't know why I wasn't thinking about it more, I guess I was too focused on getting some sleep. Anyway, what do you think, GAF?

Fuck it, I'll bite. Just fucking ask her out. Because no matter what we say it wont clarify anything. Asking her out on a date will let you know whether she is romantically interested in you or not. If she is, SCORE. If she is not, then you can move on and mack it with some other girl.

This is all under the assumption that your friend is cool of you dating his ex or not. You have to look out for your friends first.


I take it the unpostable stuff is boring stuff like "I fapped to [members of GAF]"?

Those are boring. Everyones done it at some point.

Some of them yeah.
Others are "I hate such and such gaffer" or "I'm glad so and so is banned."

Some others are from banned members trying to use the confessional as a way to post.

Others are like horrible or homophobic racist rants.
Others are confessions to animal torture/murder.
Others still are confessions of equally terrible things.


Some of them yeah.
Others are "I hate such and such gaffer" or "I'm glad so and so is banned."

Some others are from banned members trying to use the confessional as a way to post.

Others are like horrible or homophobic racist rants.
Others are confessions to animal torture/murder.
Others still are confessions of equally terrible things.

The things you've seen Ronito...


Sorry for the boring confession, but this is for cfb gaf.

There is another STATE fan on the forums besides MR. I have been
hidden amongst you for several years.


I've chosen to remain anonymous, because I plan to have you all banned
through IRC for your hurtful and offensive opinions of the Mississippi
clubs. I felt obligated to tell you all though since you ask every
other year.

Anyway, I have to go now because there are bulldozers right outside my
house (something about building a conference swimming pool).
I have no idea what any of this means.


I used to date a fairly active member on GAF about 3 or so years ago and I'm constantly amused at the way he, till this very day, will bring me up as often as he can and if he's not painting me in some awful light, he's lying about something else he never did. He has no idea I read the boards or that I even know what GAF is but I'd love to see his reaction if he only knew.
You know what I find funny?
You look for gaf to see how pathetic he is.
But I find you scouring gaf for an ex even more pathetic than that.
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