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What does Sony need to do to retake America?


Mouse and keyboard in the box. league of legends, world of warcraft, gg.
let Riot and Blizzard have their own clients, dont even take a profit, these games will sell your machine for you.
having these 2 games on your box puts a dent in the appeal of the Steambox as well.
BluRay combined with "family friendly"-games; exclusives like EA NFL, NBA or the next COD (doubt it); short, enjoyable action games (Uncharted) and that whole shabang selling at a low price (<500$).


When two consoles are so close, if not identical, it will be the little things that make the biggest difference.

It's not going to be who has the best looking version of a game - they will just be the same.

The input, exclusive content, ui and advertising will decide this generation.
In addition to the cost of their consoles, get some consistency in their user interfaces. The dashboard apps are all over the fucking map (the photo one, the video editor, home, store, etc. etc.). Zero consistency, and it makes it look like some sort of Sony sales pitch carnival or something.
Didn't things get better when big Phil Harrison left after the Home fiasco and then Tretton stepped in?

The PS3 has been doing better since Tretton

Harrison was SCEE and then head of worldwide studios which is now head by Shuhei Yoshida

Tretton has been working at PlayStation since it launched in America which is a good thing and a bad thing.

Not saying he should be the only person at SCEA to walk since previously a lot of people make a lot of choices but they have been under his watch and SCEA has been on a bit of a downward spiral for a bit.


Junior Member
  1. Improve systems connectivity to par or better than Xbox Live.
  2. Don't release a year late after Microsoft.
  3. Don't release at more than $450.
  4. Keep online and all media services free to use and advertise the shit out of that fact.
This is propably THE key next to exclusive brogames. Infact, with those two, let's see how MS parries.


It pretty crazy how synonymous, Xbox have became to the 20-40 year old for video games in the U.S.

I mean all 50+ year old still call all video game systems Nintendo but when I tell people 20-40 that I play video games they automatically assume I have an Xbox (Which I don't have).

PS3 definitely have the market on the Asians though. Every PS3 exculsive console owner I know is asian.
Make sure all my real life friends own one so I can play online games with them. Make the online features the best there is out of all three consoles and that I can easily pick up and play with my friends online and communicate with them.

I'm in the US and don't care what system I buy next. I just want to play easily with my real life friends online. That is it. Oh, and universal features. Don't let every game have different features that can annoy players like the whole MGS4 sign up process. That should have never passed certification.


Don't think they can tbh, all the dudebro players are to invested in Live to change. Unless MS screws up somehow, but that doesn't feel that likely.

Sony would need a exclusive COD, or at the very least be associated with the next COD, but yeah, not happening.

The difference should be a lot less then this gen though, Sony is a lot more prepared now.
what does the common average consummer care or know about Jack Tretton, Kaz Harai and all those guys?

I like Tretton, he is like 1000 times more human than that Reggie Fils-Aime
Tretton is not advertising any second party game that Sony is making. He is not advertising the Vita as well. He needs to go.
Wait... do you mean PS+? Or just keeping PSN free like it's always been?

Yes, regular PSN with XGC party chat background download, and other stuff for free. Keep plus as it is. Just don´t put online MP behind a pay wall.
Just no. People want more genres then just shooters.

But unfortunate or not, the $$$$ sellers that are not shooters are few and far between in North America. Sure, there is the GTA and the Gran Turismo every now and then.

In North America shooters eclipsed even the Madden franchise.

Halo, Uncharted, Gears, Modern Warfare, Black Ops...THOSE are what sell in North America (GTA and GT getting their share too).

So saying "just no" gets you stuck in second place in North America.


And it's also why I feel the D-Pad is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay less important in North America than the analog stick placement.
Banking on shooters is a bad idea. Gamers tastes change...platformers, fighting games, music games, etc. have all been huge or dominant in the marketplace in the past then waned in popularity. Not sure why shooters would be any different, and Sony wouldn't want to be stuck with lots of expensive shooters in the development pipeline when gamers move on to the next big thing. They should try to maintain a diverse library like they always have. Main thing is to keep the price reasonable and make sure the system is easy to develop for- the big things they failed on with PS3.


formerly cjelly
But unfortunate or not, the $$$$ sellers are few and far between...SHOOTERS. Sure, there is the GTA and the Gran Turismo every now and then.

In North America shooters eclipsed even the Madden franchise.

Halo, Uncharted, Gears, Modern Warfare, Black Ops...THOSE are what sell in North America.

So saying "just no" gets you stuck in second place in North America.


They already tried the shooter thing this gen. Did you miss Killzone, Resistance, MAG, Socom, Haze, Starhawk etc.

They published about a billion shooters.
I'm going on the assumption that both consoles will launch at $400.

Sony should make a blatant point out of the fact that the Xbox costs $400 + $60 for Xbox Live. They should hammer that home by pointing out that it's basically like getting a free game with the PS4.

They already tried the shooter thing this gen. Did you miss Killzone, Resistance, MAG, Socom, Haze, Starhawk etc.

They published about a billion shooters.

Yeah, well most of them weren't very good. They need to get someone to actually make really good FPS.


Come up with a FPS that actually rivals Halo or Call of Duty. I know some people like it, but Killzone is not it.

Come up with an open world RPG. All MS can offer on their own is Fable, which is essentially the RPG equivalent of Killzone.

Maybe use their Everquest IP? It's somewhat similar to the world of the Elder Scrolls (both being heavily derived from D&D)
But unfortunate or not, the $$$$ sellers that are not shooters are few and far between in North America. Sure, there is the GTA and the Gran Turismo every now and then.

In North America shooters eclipsed even the Madden franchise.

Halo, Uncharted, Gears, Modern Warfare, Black Ops...THOSE are what sell in North America.

So saying "just no" gets you stuck in second place in North America.


And it's also why I feel the D-Pad is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay less important in North America than the analog stick placement.

People would sooner or later get tired of a shooter only environment. Diverse games and genres is what gamers want. And hey, it is not like PS2 only had shooters.


Gotta laugh at all these suggestions of "derp, make dudebro games," as if Sony has been taking some sort of artistic high ground and not trying really hard to gain traction in that demographic with numerous Killzones, Uncharteds, Socoms, Infamouses, Gods of Wars and Resistances over the last 5 years. In fact, it's these types of games which symbolize the Playstation these days.


The biggest game in the world right now is League of Legends guys. If Ms or Sony doesnt try to court them , i will be really surprised. If Sony put a mouse and keypad in the box boom, tons of new possibilites. Shit just pay logitech, they make some decent cheap as hell mice and keyboards. Or even just say "requires mouse and keyboard" on the download tab, these things will have usb ports, use that shit.


People would sooner or later get tired of a shooter only environment. Diverse games and genres is what gamers want. And hey, it is not like PS2 only had shooters.

had great exclusives

greatest of all time caliber games

sorry, but I do not see Uncharted having the same effect as GTAIII or God of war as Final Fantasy X or Metal Gear 4 the same as Metal Gear 2


Gran Turismo 6 within a year after launch.

Reboot Killzone / have Guerrilla create a new FPS online multiplayer juggernaut IP and advertise the shit out of it. I don't know if the term "Halo-killer" is relevant anymore, but Sony needs a title that generates a hugely devoted community like that. You could argue for Gran Turismo, but that's a fairly different market.

Free online for basic features, PS+ features should match whatever XBL offers next gen in addition to all the discounts it gets you.

Abandon Move, or at least advertising for it. XBox is going for the casual living room market, counter that by marketing yourself as the gaming machine.

Last Guardian and Versus as launch window exclusives. I know those games are jokes at this point, but the spirit of that comment is to show the PS3 supporters that they're going to love PS4 as well. Personally I wouldn't be as likely to support Sony if they diverted money from niche titles (Catherine, Journey, Beyond, etc) into titles pandering to the mainstream. Those titles in particular would generate huge amounts of buzz, but the point is to have unique titles that are also critical darlings.

$400. Maybe even offer a cheaper bare bones SKU in addition to that.

That's what I would do anyways. Of course if I ran Sony I'd be likely to run them into the ground by spending all their resources on silly things like buying IPs like MegaMan and Viewtiful Joe. :p
Um, a few different things that made the ps3 fall flat on it's face they could avoid;

1. Price tag, Nothing above $450 in my opinion, or atleast be competitive with the 360.
2. Better marketing. The creepy crying baby doll appeases no one.
3. Ensure quality, recognizable launch titles. Resistance was good but it wasn't recognizable like GoW or a Final Fantasy exclusive would have been.
4. Biggest one is probably to at least be within a month of the new xbox's release.


After the gen that Microsoft has had for me, I can't see Sony ever winning me back as being my go-to console. That isn't a bad thing; I still love Sony for the exclusives but multiplatform will now be Microsoft.


not the ones with most demand

the ones wich are more expensive to pay for marketing redirection

precisely because such franchises know of their popularity they do not want to see their brand engulfed in images of a console brand

so they end up charging ridiculous amounts of money for miliseconds of attachment

japan thinks that such faits divers are pesky. And they are right

But their market has 5 min long ads. They love to describe. They love for the consumer to see all the conections between hardware and software

There is no time for that in ocidental marketing

just look at the super bowl

so, they do not want to spend an egregious number on that type of message

unless they change this mentality.. More, even if they have already changed

they are low on cash and more than ever the COD brand or the GTA or the Madden or the FIFA are now completely separated from the console brand

we are no longer in the era of GTA, Final Fantasy is exclusive and associated to a console

The consoles no longer dictate the rules

and when you have little money you tend to take less risks. And Sony is in a predicament where they do not want to bet in the wrong horse

The only way they can lead is if they do something completely different from the competion and with great specs. In the end the 360 and PS3 were very similar. And everything points to the same again

The only ad i've been seeing a lot of all throughout sports the last week is the God of War ad. Prior to that I saw Sony on every AC3 game...the only big franchise they did no comarket was COD, and that already sells millions and millions on the ps3. Sony is spending money, it's not just marketing that needs to improve.
I'm going on the assumption that both consoles will launch at $400.

Sony should make a blatant point out of the fact that the Xbox costs $400 + $60 for Xbox Live. They should hammer that home by pointing out that it's basically like getting a free game with the PS4.

The current XBL setup shows people will go where their friends are playing regardless of price.


Rockefellers. Skull and Bones. Microsoft. Al Qaeda. A Cabal of Bankers. The melting point of steel. What do these things have in common? Wake up sheeple, the landfill wasn't even REAL!
1) better marketing
2) more brogames
3) better price

especially the first


I think in order for Sony to regain NA, they need for MS to slip up just like Sony did. The Xbox brand is SUPER strong here in NA, its the Kleenex to tissue and the defacto word for saying gaming console. That used to be "Playstation" in the late 90s, early aughts. Sony bumbled, tripped and MS was right there to fill the gap.. and they did so.

I do not think any 1 or 2 things Sony can do can change this. I think for change to occur, MS has to trip, to bumble and Sony has to be ready and primed to take advantage of that. So long as MS continues to offer a good price/value, expand Live services and continue dumping hundreds of millions into massive marketing campaigns.. I do not think Sony has a chance. Keep in mind MS spent $500 million in Kinect launch marketing, that was more than the PS3 launch marketing had I think. So expect MS to gear up that same marketing machine for the next Xbox in NA, I'm not sure Sony is poised to compete like that.

However, anything is possible.. clearly,.
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