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When the first killer app is released, will you forget everything about XBOX One?

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Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Won't buy this thing and you can quote me on that.
Edit: And yes, I have a 360.

I somewhat hope that someone will go through this thread later along the way. Might be funny :)


No, the older I get the less reason I have to put up with this stuff. So many other options for entertainment. Other than a few games a year I'm pretty much a "lapsed" gamer as it is, and "killer app" games have never been a thing to push me over on a system in the past. Even less likely going forward.


Nope. The 24hr thing is what kills the system for me.

What if I don't have Internet during a check?
What if their server is offline?
What happens when Xbox Two comes out?
im just your mother i dnt know what all that meant , just dont forget the milk

wii u ----- for nintendo stuff
ps4 ----- for ps4 exclusives & multiplaform
pc ------ for steam and multiplatform
Humm, sure mom...? Do I really need to pay the milk with my own money, though?

I don't really enjoy Sony's exclusives though (Uncharted, God of War, etc) but I'll probably get it for third party exclusives since Microsoft is out of the race for me. Well, E3 is just around the corner anyway.


I think the most important thing for me is some kind of assurance that they can't just flip the servers off and kill my entire games library overnight. While it's unlikely that MS will ever turn off their servers, it would not be out of imagination for them to turn off the XB1 servers to incentivise people to move on to the NEXT Xbox system beyond this generation.

They did, afterall, eventually stop supporting Windows 98, 2000, and XP and will do the same for Vista and 7 in the future.

When will support stop for the XB1?


I didn't play Half-Life 2 until Steam started their massive sales, so no, I won't even go close to the XBone until they do something good.


So, many people claim they will boycott the thing and go for a PS4/WiiU because of all the anti-consumer things it does.

But what will happen if Gears of War 4 or Halo 5 blows your mind? Or there is a new awesome IP that gets more 10s that The Last of US? Or Rare releases a true sequel to Banjo Kazooie this time? Will you still be able to resist these games in order to protect your consumer rights? Or you will bend over and suck it up?

This is really just a variant of the "no atheists in foxholes" argument in a slightly more convoluted form.

If XBox One has shitty DRM, having good games isn't going to change the fact that the fundamentals of the system are shitty.


Forza 5 already earned my money

really ? you sell your right & privacy for a game and that game not even yours , you can sell it , daily check in & what if they got hacked servers went down , you can play your , i mean there game

i just know in a year or 2 from now someone will hack the servers and shitstorm will brew


This news dampens any enthusiasm I had for this console. Now that MS has said what they are doing it is only right for Sony to do the same. Once Sony does this I will compare and decide whether to get one, both or just stay the fuck away.
i'm wondering if your allowed to sell a USED xbox1 on ebay if your done with it , or is it yours for life.

also has bill gates got anything to do with this ?

and what happened to valves steambox ?
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