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A look back at Mass Effect 1 Pre-Release builds

Too bad? Mass Effect 2/3 shit all over 1 in everything but story.



I just remember feeling like it was a step back from KOTOR and basically a TPS. And then ME2 and 3 came out and people were like "remember when ME was a RPG?" Cognitive dissonance.
BioShock Infinite went through a lot of interesting changes since its original unveiling, too. I'm still sad we didn't get a variation on the Lincoln head scene. It's always fascinating to see games that are revealed before everything is finished.

I remember being disappointed that the bar scene from the demo wasn't in ME1.
I just remember feeling like it was a step back from KOTOR and basically a TPS. And then ME2 and 3 came out and people were like "remember when ME was a RPG?" Cognitive dissonance.
RPG is not some ossified classification. Definitions evolve and cross over. It still very clearly had choices, customization and loot. They just lost the D20.


Too bad? Mass Effect 2/3 shit all over 1 in everything but story.


Playing ME1 today on PC is leagues better than 2 & 3 in terms of pretty much everything but story. I personally like the Gameplay better in 1, as well, though many will disagree.
I would even debate that ME2's story is way more interesting than the Reaper stuff...the only thing that ME1 had that was cool was Saren...outside of that the story was pretty bleh.

ME2 improved a lot of stuff, even narrative-wise.

I only wish ME2 retained the open world.

The fuck? The main narrative of ME2 was the worst of the trilogy. It felt like they took the plot of a DS or iOS spinoff and tried to turn it into a main series entry.
Yeah... I always thought it would have been cool if ME2 focused on the Batarians. That way it could have done some interesting stuff with your choices from the end of the game (Humans as a member of the council or an all human council) and Bring Down the Sky.


I would even debate that ME2's story is way more interesting than the Reaper stuff...the only thing that ME1 had that was cool was Saren...outside of that the story was pretty bleh.

ME2 improved a lot of stuff, even narrative-wise.

I only wish ME2 retained the open world.

ME2 had a story!?


There's a lot of nostalgia glasses going on with Mass Effect 1. The combat in 2 and 3 are leagues better, especially 3.

That said ME1 does a lot right and isn't matched by the sequels in certain areas such as immersion, scale, art design, and level design.

Yes the combat maybe not be as good as ME2/3 But since you don't spend 90% of the game in combat like ME2/3 it does not affect the overall experience, which is awesome. I actually played ME2/3 before ME1 due to being a PS3 player and i was kind of sad to see the direction they went with.


Although I still feel that Mass Effect 1 wasn't a particularly well-designed or even well-written game, I really can't deny that I had a ton of fun with it when it was new, so there were some things in there that really worked for me.


Mass Effect 1 was such a great experience. As a game it was janky at times, technically is was messy but no game this gen beat it for me in terms of getting lost in the atmosphere, the characters and the story. The pre release stuff wowed me at the time and looking back I very much felt the game lived up to the vision. Mostly.
I wish they had found a way to expand on the uncharted worlds concept from the first game and make it better rather than just scraping it. Driving around on barren planets was one of my favorite things from the first game even if it was kind of fucked up. It just felt so realistic, like I actually was exploring a mars like planet.

Dr Dogg

Thanks for posting these vids and observations OP. I remember when I though ME was going to be the best thing ever. Then after swooning over the first it slowly slipped away from what I loved about the series. I hope the exploration element is brought back, refined and expanded in someway.

In the art book it says they changed Shepard's armor from white to black because it made him look like a medic.

Always interesting to look back on things like this, good stuff OP.

Is that from the Prima art book? Must pick that up at some point when I find a copy that doesn't cost a fortune.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Mass Effect was really effective since it managed to weave a story larger than the one it was telling. The twist with the Reapers really payed off because the ending felt really good, like you wanted to go kick Reaper butt. But, as we know that whole fore-shadowing really meant collecting resources and picking your favorite color.

I still have problems playing anything but the first game and I hope that whatever comes out of Mass Effect 4 they try to capture the feel of the 1st game. Because that was the best of Star Wars, Star Trek, Babylon 5 and Battlestar: Galactica all rolled into one.


I'm playing through ME for the 7th or 8th time at the moment. That E3 demo was so amazing that I watched it several times. It was the game I brought a 360 for and before ME3 came out it was the game I would go back and play cause I wanted to see the differences. It was the first game I played pre-release as it was at an Australian gaming conference and I played it all the way past getting a mako so I played it quite a bit that day. The more time rolls on the less amazing ME feels and the more I notice the flaws and just wish there is a way to skip large sections of the game but the story especially that ending is so great I don't think anything can or will top it for me.


I love Mass Effect. Favourite new IP this generation. All three games are amazing in their own ways.


I don't really need a tag, but I figured I'd get one to make people jealous. Is it working?
Xbox Magazine's initial reveal of Mass Effect actually listed a lot of intended features that never made it into the retail game. I think I only ever found an old forum post doing a bullet point list of that article, and the only thing I definitively remember from it was 'As you play, your armor will take and retain damage' So your armor would get scuffed and bullet ridden as you played.

There was also something about the Citadel; I think it was called something else too.
I do wish they went with playable squadmates. I'm guessing it was slowing down the combat too much. I do hope it's something they revisit one day. It would have been awkward to quickly tab between squadmates with the 360 controller but now you have Kinect, PS4 Touchpad, WiiU Gamepad and the keyboard so I'm sure they could put it in if they wanted to now.

How so? You could switch squadmates in Dragon Age.


Shame, most stuff didn't make it in the final version. Saying that though, the original is among my favourite games ever (I still really enjoyed the sequels though despite the emphasis on action). Everything from Virmire to the end hasn't been topped this gen IMO.

Chock full of incredible moments...


Saint Titanfall

Playing ME1 today on PC is leagues better than 2 & 3 in terms of pretty much everything but story. I personally like the Gameplay better in 1, as well, though many will disagree.

Eh Nope! I played and seriously enjoyed playing Mass effect 1 on pc for the first time recently and while I can say I enjoyed the combat more than Mass Effect 2 (as janky as it was) I certainly didn't consider it better than Mass effect 3.

Mass effect 3 combat actually has a fairly decent amount of depth, though you wouldn't really understand or know about if you played through it once and dropped it. Of course I say it was a flaw of the game that they didn't covey it well or at all. But the combat in ME1 makes me cringe at the thought of going back to it after playing a fair amount of Mass effect 3.

ME2 had a story!?

Correction ME2 had Side-Story.


Too bad? Mass Effect 2/3 shit all over 1 in everything but story.

Okay, first off, that's a BIG "but."

Secondly, while the actual shooting gameplay is much better in 2 and 3, the RPG systems within ME 1 are way more interesting, and just better. I don't hate the last two games like a lot of people seem to do, but they're definitely a step down in terms of being an RPG.

EDIT: And yes, the pre-release stuff for ME 1 was all amazing. I'm still very happy with the game we got, but a lot of those features in the earlier builds need to come back. Interrupting conversation, for one, was a fantastic idea.
I remember that bartender conversation blowing me away. I was instantly sold after that showing. Was a little upset it wasn't in the final build, though.


Ah, the nostalgia of old Bioware. Gives me such hard nipples. Mass Effect 1 was so fucking good.
The fuck? The main narrative of ME2 was the worst of the trilogy. It felt like they took the plot of a DS or iOS spinoff and tried to turn it into a main series entry.

I agree, if you take ME2's overall plot into account it was weak in itself, and weak as it related as a bridge between 1 and 3.

However, the Dr. Phil in Space stories of recruiting your crew and their loyalty missions is probably one of the best examples of 'episodic content' we've ever seen, and the lower stakes nature of the missions really seemed to fit better in the universe.


I'm lucky I guess - I loved ME1 for its amazing ending, Sovereign and the incredible depth and design of a new Sci-fi universe. Despite the atrocious combat, mako or pointless randomly generated worlds.

I loved ME2 for the improved combat, the best characters Bioware has even written and the best ending sequence of any RPG I've played for years. Despite the story not moving forward one iota or the ending making little rational sense.

I even loved ME3 for the multiplayer, and up until the last 20 minutes the superb combat and 'the gang is back together' feel. First game that ever made me cry I'm embarrassed to say.

But god damn that ending. God damn it to hell.
Looking back at anything related to ME1 makes me sad. While I liked the sequels, they also always felt a bit too different from the first, something just went missing. The vibe and feel was never the same.


I think all three of the games had their flaws. ME1 had a great story line, but the inventory management system was overly convoluted, the combat at odds with your supposed military prowess, and they could of easily stripped back 50% of the planetary exploration side quests and been none the worst for it.

The strength of ME2 for me was very much in the writing & the companion character story arcs more than the over arching plot narrative. The combat I preferred to that of first game, but they went too far by removing inventory almost entirely.

With ME3 the overall story was a wash. Much like ME2 is contains some great character moments (Mordin :( ) , but 'dat ending' with all its inherent narrative problems was hard to get over (the same way a bad dessert can ruin a good meal). I also don't think they helped themselves by cutting back on cinematic interactions. In ME1 & ME2 anytime you talked to a character it would take you into a cinematic exchange where you as the player drove the conversation, but in ME3 a large portion of the time unless it was story-line specific you'd instead get a passive voice over exchange play out whilst you stayed in third person looking like a tool ( Drunk Tali example here: - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWbAEw3VETs). I suspect it was a necessary move to keep costs down as well as game size, but in large part it robbed you as the player as to a sense of ownership of the conversation Vs being an observer. I think it also (naturally) led to the expectation that when you were in a cinematic cut scene you could direct things, which made the rug pull at the end doubly frustrating.

On the positives I think they did a fantastic job with the combat in ME3. It worked extremely well in the base game, esp combining all of the powers, and the multi-player was great fun, and overall they hit the right balance with respect to inventory management nicely between the overboard nature of ME1 Vs the lack of in ME2.

Going forward I think my main concerns with the franchise are that AAA games are a reflection of the limitations of the technology at the time of their conception, and what can be achieved within those limits inherently impacts both world building and narrative accordingly. With ME4 likely coming to Xbone & PS4 (and hopefully PC) I'd hate to think that those old generation constraints might somehow feed through and hamstring the opportunity space for the series.


Great thread, so many details that I did not know.
I would add a teaser trailer that I have always thought it fits better with the third part than the first one.
I mean, that kind of scene we never saw it in the actual game, right? I know it is not a gameplay trailer but still I found it weird and makes me think that maybe they had another plot in mind.

And after reading the post on that other forum, it is clear the sequels were rushed...


Such an amazing game. I really knew almost nothing about it when I got it other than a glowing recommendation from a friend.

Blew me away and ME2 is one of my all time favorites.
I can't even think of a series that's impacted me as much as Mass Effect. They're all fantastic games, but I've always considered ME2 in particular as one of the greatest games I've ever played.
And can I say how glad I am they changed Shepard's default armor color? I'm usually one for brighter colors, but that white armor... doesn't work.


Obviously combat seems poor now as systems became better. But it wasn't shooter centric like it became in Mass Effect 2 and 3.

Plus, having infinite ammo albeit hampered by cool down meant you couldn't always blast away, had to rely on biotic powers, grenades etc.

There were times in Mass Effect I genuinely had to think how I'm going to get past these Geth on Feros etc.

It felt like a true exploration and RPG with far reaching decisions. The only series became too sterile after. I rarely felt challenged or have that sense of wonder. What exactly are these Reapers? Who were the Protheans? What is in the Terminus systems.

The collector ship mission in ME2 reminded me of Mass Effect 1, plus going on Omega for the first time, the Mordin mission etc.

I don't know, maybe Mass Effect 3 has tainted my view. I was fine with what Mass Effect 1 and 2 had achieved story wise, art wise, exploration and level design.
Mass Effect 1 blew me away the first time I played it, but I hardly kept up with all the pre-release materials. I only started paying attention when I saw the launch trailer at E3 07, and read the novel that summer, too. Was pretty cool seeing everything I remembered reading about coming back in some form or other.

Honestly though, Mass Effect 2 is the ultimate Mass Effect game for me. Yeah, it lost some of Mass Effect's great ideas and systems, but the game was so fluent and cinematic that it just fucking blew my mind. The Collector Ship mission mentioned above is something that always comes to mind when I think about it, just so awesome.


Great thread, so many details that I did not know.
I would add a teaser trailer that I have always thought it fits better with the third part than the first one.
I mean, that kind of scene we never saw it in the actual game, right? I know it is not a gameplay trailer but still I found it weird and makes me think that maybe they had another plot in mind.

And after reading the post on that other forum, it is clear the sequels were rushed...

This is one of the greatest videogame trailers ever in my opinion.

I would love to see a live action movie based on this teaser rather on the entire series.
Another update.

From Hold The Line's forums. This is how the mission to get Liara was originally going to go.
886 144285 Administrator Tombiri told you that Liara is being held by Smiley, a local salarian drug lord. Unfortunately, Smiley is quite paranoid, and is sealed inside the station's former medical bay.
887 144287 You've learned Liara's current location from the criminals on Throw Down.
888 144289 Your team and Sessa Tarrent have killed Raciloma. You now have a pass into Smiley's heavily guarded sanctum. Head to the former medical bay in Throw Down Plaza.
889 144290 Confront Smiley
890 144291 You've been deceived; Smiley never had Liara. Administrator Tombiri has secretly been running the Miners' Union. She lied to get you to eliminate Smiley for her. It's time to pay a little visit to the Administration Office.
891 144292 Turnabout
892 144294 Plot Complete
893 144295 Administrator Tombiri suggested you work with Sessa Tarrent to get at Smiley. Sessa works for the Miners' Union, an organization which appears to have its fingers in a number of unsavory pies. She can be found in the Refinery level.
894 144296 Talk to Sessa
895 144297 Sessa Tarrent asked you to help her team destroy a cache of Cartel drugs. They are at a test bore site outside the mining station; exit through the garage below Throw Down Plaza.
896 144299 The test bore site, and the Cartel's drug cache, have been destroyed. Report back to Sessa Tarrent in the refinery.
897 144300 Reporting In
898 144301 Your destruction of the drug cache has drawn out Raciloma, the younger brother of Smiley. He will meet to negotiate with Sessa in the shut-down southern line of the refinery. Your team will precede them to the meeting site, and prepare an ambush to kill Raciloma.

7975 181129 CONVERSATION: Liara talks to the player and unlocks the door to the dig stie.
7976 181131 CUTSCENE: The Armature walks out blocking the exit. The catwalk the player entered on is blocked off as well.
7977 181133 CUTSCENE: Liara runs into the tower, pursued by mercs. One is about to fire at her, but another stops him and warns they have to take Liara alive. Liara escapes into the tower and activates the shields/defenses, trapping herself inside. The mercs then notice the player.
7977 181135 CUTSCENE: Liara runs into the tower, pursued by mercs. One is about to fire at her, but another stops him and warns they have to take Liara alive. Liara escapes into the tower and activates the shields/defenses, trapping herself inside. The mercs then notice the player.
7978 181137 CONVERSATION: Liara calls out to the player from the tower.
7979 181139 CONVERSATION: Liara talks to the player and then unlocks the tower.
7980 181141 Joker: "Okay, commander. The base camp is about half a klick down the canyon. And stick to the shade, or you'll get yourself cooked pretty fast down there."
7981 181142 Mercenary Leader: "Heads up, they're trying to flank!"
7982 181143 [AMBIENT CUTSCENE]: A geth dropship buzzes overhead, firing rockets which miss Shepard. It then drops geth into cover in front of Shepard, and continues to drop more squads to replace losses.
7983 181144 [AMBIENT CUTSCENE]: A geth dropship buzzes the gatehouse and ocntinues further down the canyon.
7984 181145 It worked
7985 181147 CUTSCENE: Liara and the player jump from the tower as the purge activates.

I guess there's a reason why Liara's mission is so much shorter than Noveria and Feros. I think I remember hearing that the building from Bring Down the Sky was supposed to part of the mining colony where you'd save Liara.

"The Final Hours of Mass Effect 3" is a good read, and contains things about all 3 games. They first started working on ME1 in late 2003, it was code named "SFX". Microsoft was eager to publish the trilogy after the success of KoTOR. They show the proposal sheet that Casey Hudson had done up, it refers to the console as "Xbox2" and one of the features that was cut was the ability to trade equipment over Xbox Live. The targeted release date was 2007, about 3.5 yrs after this sheet was made. This is pretty funny now considering EA wanted ME3 in 2011, only a year after ME2, shows the difference between Independent BioWare (well if you can call being published by Microsoft that) and EA owned Bioware.

This making of video shows a short clip of Eden Prime with the old combat design and UI at around 6 mins in.

And lastly, this unused audio clip might blow some peoples minds.
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