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I think this next generation is going to be the biggest jump since moving to 3D.



It's the 1rst time I've a bullgif of a n64 game!
I can tell you resolution of that shot in insane in comparison to the real thing!

Oh and I prefer X to GX (but really not the look) if that helps any


It's the 1rst time I've a bullgif of a n64 game!
I can tell you resolution of that shot in insane in comparison to the real thing!

Yeah I know, I actually confused it with F Zero GX like when people were confused about this pic


Biggest leap since the inception of 3D boys.


I haven't read the entire thread, but are there any legitimate posts in here that aren't people simply cherry-picking screenshots and gifs from specific games that coincide with their preconceived notions?

Because that's all I see when glancing through.


Comparing launch racing games from PSX to PS4.

I would say the leap is at least as large as any other, and we haven't even seen the final Driveclub build yet.

Watch the games on youtube. Like I've said, still shots don't do the PS1 justice in terms of ugly. Those textures danced around and were not perspective correct. There was draw-in in most racing games. No crowds at all. Nearly non-existent textures etc. Its not comparable.


And people forget 1 non trivial thing that no bullshot can show about ps1 : Texture warping.
Seriously guys, the textures were living things that you saw squirm everytime the camera turned.
Also little to no texture animation on ps1 too.


i don't think there's been as clear a visual leap from the end of the ps2 gen and the beginning of the ps3 gen as there was end of the ps1 gen and the start of the ps2 gen. the same is true for the current transition. however we will see a marked improvement years down the line once the systems are played around with more.

however, the real jump i consider from 2d to 3d was more than just an increase in power to the point where 3d graphics looked good enough. it made analog controls, rumble feedback, and disc-based games standard going forward. games also started a hard push towards the cinematic, and we started seeing voice acting and cutscenes become widespread throughout many genres. it was sorta pioneer days.

and actually, i think the most recent comparison to that era is the generation ending now. after the wii and the ds, motion controls and touch screen controls are in almost every single gaming device. after the 360, achievements have become mandatory in almost every game and more people are playing online than ever before. games have become a far more social thing than before, and on more devices than ever. next-generation will probably continue along those lines, albeit looking better with more online features. i think the next major shakeup will come from some virtual reality console or finally making all these game platforms into services.


The one before was even bigger, seriously the launch game of the NES had backgrounds and the level scrolled!

The difference between Pong consoles and Atart 2600 was even bigger than that. Single-player games were finally possible.
i don't think there's been as clear a visual leap from the end of the ps2 gen and the beginning of the ps3 gen as there was end of the ps1 gen and the start of the ps2 gen. the same is true for the current transition. however we will see a marked improvement years down the line once the systems are played around with more.

however, the real jump i consider from 2d to 3d was more than just an increase in power to the point where 3d graphics looked good enough. it made analog controls, rumble feedback, and disc-based games standard going forward. games also started a hard push towards the cinematic, and we started seeing voice acting and cutscenes become widespread throughout many genres. it was sorta pioneer days.

and actually, i think the most recent comparison to that era is the generation ending now. after the wii and the ds, motion controls and touch screen controls are in almost every single gaming device. after the 360, achievements have become mandatory in almost every game and more people are playing online than ever before. games have become a far more social thing than before, and on more devices than ever. next-generation will probably continue along those lines, albeit looking better with more online features. i think the next major shakeup will come from some virtual reality console or finally making all these game platforms into services.

Yup. Like I said, the true big leaps are the ones where gameplay is clearly affected and it gets people excited about how they will play and not merely what it will look like.


love on your sleeve
That Killzone 3 model up there is rendered in Shadow Fall's engine. It doesn't actually look that way in KIllzone 3. Just sayin...

Personally, I'd say the jump from 7th to 8th gen is about the same as the one from 6th to 7th. Maybe slightly more because honestly, 1st year PS3/360 games were really quite ugly. 5th to 6th gen was gargantuan.


will be the most diminishing generation yet

The technology in the machines isn't anything special and weaker than midrange parts

No engineering wonders here


That Killzone 3 model up there is rendered in Shadow Fall's engine. It doesn't actually look that way in KIllzone 3. Just sayin...

Huh if you take a model from Mario 64 or Fzero and put it in Sunshine or GX using the latter textures you'll still be able to fucking tell which are from which game.

Another just for fun


Which one is a n64 launch title and which one is gc launch title?
In terms of screwing over customers, yeah, it's going to be the biggest jump since 3D.


Killzone Shadowfall blows away Farcry 3 at 1080p. Not even a contest.

Crysis 3 is closer, but I would say Shadowfall is on par in most all areas, and actually superior in some others.

The VAST majority of PC games (And I own most of them) don't look anywhere CLOSE to Shadowfall, even maxed out. The edge that PC games have now and always is superior AA, AF, and Uber resolutions.

Infamous Second Son Blows Sleeping Dogs on PC out of the water in everything aside from IQ.

And the fact that it is running on substantially less powerful hardware, makes it all the more impressive.

Crysis 3 blow away what Guerrilla show us in gamescom. Shadow Fall runs at 30 frame per second, during explosion it falls at 10. Crysis 3 is stable at 60.

There is no a new relevant effect that cry engine miss.

If you read some previews, you can see that who has tried the game, doesn't really think that Killzone is amazing or overpar considering currently Top Tier on PC.

This next gen surely can be unbelievable for who miss PC gaming in the last few years, just because ps3 and 360 are on the market for a long time. Not for me.


love on your sleeve
Huh if you take a model from Mario 64 or Fzero and put it in Sunshine or GX using the latter textures you'll still be able to fucking tell which are from which game.
There's more going on there than just textures but I'm not trying to get dragged into this shit.


Give me less pop ins. That is the determining factor.

Ah yes popins!
I also forgot about that!
On n64 you'd be lucky if games weren't foggy and stuffs were being displayed that were more than 10m from the camera (with some exceptions)
On gc? well draw as far you want because now you have enough memory for that!

And I'm not talking about textures, I 'm talking about basic geometry here.

There's more going on there than just textures but I'm not trying to get dragged into this shit.

Even if you the experiment and you leave nothing but basic lightning and remove all textures you'd see a bigger difference.
you can even add all fancy effects on n64's geometry you're still short of what the ugliest gc could do.
The average consumer noticed the jump from PSX/N64 to PS2/GCN/Xbox. They probably noticed the jump from PS2/GCN/Xbox to PS3/360. I honestly think the only people to notice this time are the forum dwellers like us. Even speaking for myself, I don't really see it as clearly as the jumps I've witnessed in the past. I'm of course speaking of only the actual games I've seen running in real time, NOT tech demo's, which rarely ever mean anything.

To say this is revisionist history is an understatement. I'm old enough to remember and it's the same routine again and again. How the start of a new gen is not impressive at all and at the end "Ok, it was a big leap, but this time it won't be!". Pretending what the "average consumer" can notice or not notice, etc.

And the ppl on GAF are the least likely to notice a difference compared to more casual gamers due to high end pc gaming, where the vast majority of gamers don't use.


I still remember being wowed by PS1 and PS2. PS3 didn't wow me that much and PS4 even less. The leaps are getting smaller. I don't see a problem with that, in fact I really wish devs would focus more on fun, 60fps gameplay with no load times instead of trying to squeeze out every last polygon from the new GPUs


But games in the beginning of a new generation always look kinda bad. I mean, do you remember the first 360 games? They looked like ps2 games with more blur and high definition. Games today look miles better than that. The really great looking games will come a year or 2 later after the consoles launch. Hell, I remember Okami and Shadow of the colossus coming out near the end of the ps2's lifespan, and the graphics blew people's minds.

Not that higher resolutions will make the big difference anyway. It lies with the animations and world detail. I know a ton of people who can't spot the differences between 720p and 1080p in a game.


I have to personally disagree with the OP. Perhaps it is an age thing. How old are you? Just curious. Maybe it doesn't matter.

There are a couple of jumps that blew my mind, and I'm not getting the same vibe from this next jump.

Those jumps are:

SNES to N64: Seriously, playing Mario 64 and Starfox 64 at in-store demos blew my mind. I don't think anything is going to make that big of a leap in ratio until we get to virtual reality level of advancement.

N64 to Dreamcast: Looking back, it may not look like much of a difference but playing Sonic Adventure and Soul Calibur felt like miles ahead of what came before.

Wii to PS/360
Same gen! ha ha
: Seriously, except for some really pretty Wii games (Mario Galaxy), going from playing Wii to getting a PS3 and playing Final Fantasy XIII as one of my first HD games, I was blown away at how big the difference is.


Perhaps it's all perspective. But I'm not feeling that big of a difference going into this gen. Maybe in about 2 years, we'll start seeing the amazing stuff and really feel the difference. But IMHO I'm not feeling it yet.


Huh if you take a model from Mario 64 or Fzero and put it in Sunshine or GX using the latter textures you'll still be able to fucking tell which are from which game.

Another just for fun


Which one is a n64 launch title and which one is gc launch title?

As you pick the ugliest screenshot of Bluestorm of all time LOL.


As you pick the ugliest screenshot of Bluestorm of all time LOL.

In my defense I was trying to find a samey environment so really it was the n64 shot that was badly chosen....
Oh and remember how they did reflections back in those days?
They copied the models and put them in reverse on the other side of the mirror/water/etc.


love on your sleeve
Even if you the experiment and you leave nothing but basic lightning and remove all textures you'd see a bigger difference.
you can even add all fancy effects on n64's geometry you're still short of what the ugliest gc could do.

I'm not making any comparison here. I'm pointing out that Killzone 3's character models don't look that good. The statement has nothing to do with how N64's geometry compares to Gamecube or whatever else is going on in this thread.


I believe it is too early to say. As far as visual fidelity goes, we'll be in a better position to say when we have seen these games on actual xboxes and ps4s. Not dev-kits, not on pcs emulating target specs, but actually on final console code and with games actually published.

Straying from raw computational power, I will say we haven't seen the tablet screen from Nintendo have any impact on the market, at least not as much as the market disrupting wii controller.

Which brings up another point in that second screens appeared to be all but gone at gamescon as a prominent feature. At least we didn't see as many tablets on stage as we did at E3.


We need a library of verified in-game screenshots of launch games for all platforms. Think about how much time that would save in these endless arguments.
To me, grqphics have long ago hit diminishing returns. Better gameplay and AI is where it's at but you don't need next gen for that.


I'm not making any comparison here. I'm pointing out that Killzone 3's character models don't look that good. The statement has nothing to do with how N64's geometry compares to Gamecube or whatever else is going on in this thread.

We're using promo shots by Guerrilla if they were deceptive...
Comparing launch racing games from PSX to PS4.

I would say the leap is at least as large as any other, and we haven't even seen the final Driveclub build yet.

Maybe this is the problem. Is comparing launch games to launch games what most people are doing?

Because comparing the best of the previous gen to the first games of the next gen is where I expect to see the leap. And what I am seeing is a layer of polish and consistency (probably at a pretty high budget). And tons of particles.
I'm really having a hard time understanding this notion that this next generation is only going to be a "marginal" or even a "inconsequential" improvement. I've even seen such claims like "well you can only make the move to hd once", as if 720p to 1080p isn't as big as the jump from 480p to 720p. The truth is that I've never been more impressed by early launch cycle games more than I have been with what's been shown on both ps4 and Xbox One. Games like Killzone Shawdow Fall, Second Son, Ryse(visually), and Forza 5 look absolutely incredible. Were also seeing cross gen games like Watch Dogs, Assassin's Creed 4, and Battlefield 4 that also look remarkably better than their current gen versions; even more so when you look at past cross gen games like Gun, Tony Hawk, King Kong, etc. Also the games we've seen for 2014 also look leagues ahead of what were getting now. Games like Destiny, The Division, the order 1886, and so on.

I feel like the reason for this misconception is a little misguided, in that this seems to be the first time many of us have gone into a new generation already with a taste of next gen by having jumped into pc gaming for the past couple or so years. Also the fact that this current generation went on for so long, means that devs were able to get every bit of power out of these consoles. Had the original xbox had another 4 years to get more out of that system, than surely 360 would have looked even less impressive that it already did during its launch.

I mean how can people honestly say the jump from late gen to next gen



to this



is bigger than the jump from this



to this




And again, that's with only a four year life span compared to the seven years between ps3 and ps4.

64bit to 128bit was much more significant. just compare ps1/n64 games to DC/PS2. It's a big dif.


To say this is revisionist history is an understatement. I'm old enough to remember and it's the same routine again and again. How the start of a new gen is not impressive at all and at the end "Ok, it was a big leap, but this time it won't be!". Pretending what the "average consumer" can notice or not notice, etc.

And the ppl on GAF are the least likely to notice a difference compared to more casual gamers due to high end pc gaming, where the vast majority of gamers don't use.

Spot on. Even my family can notice a difference in these generational leaps. It seems like every generation, people are going to say it's a small leap, type out "diminishing returns" 20 times a day, and say how unimpressed they are, but it always changes a few years in. It it the biggest jump? I don't think so yet but that's because a lot of factors go into that decision. Is it a good jump that should be noticeable to every person out there? I would hope so since people otherwise love to talk about graphics that they're apparently missing anyway...

Even as a high-end PC gamer, I can easily notice a difference in numerous areas and it's pretty clear just how big of a jump this is for console gamers as well. If anything, PC gamers should be happy because we're already seeing more focus on geometry, particles, etc. that will help out on the PC as well.

So whether you're a gamer, a non-gamer, a PC gamer that has to talk about how awesome PC gaming is and that you've been playing next-gen games for years now, you should still be able to tell a difference, at least in terms of what the average games will be doing now compared to before.


I thought this was about Oculus Rift.

Definitely in terms of how you experience games sure. But the actual visual fidelity is worse no? due to how close the image is to your eyes, I'd say even 1080p wouldn't be enough. Note that I haven't tried it on my self, and that I'm talking about visual fidelity due to everyone else doing pretty much the same. I'd wager you'd see pixels far more readily.

On that note, youtube needs to serve gamers better. Simply stating HD isn't enough anymore. We need 60fps, uncompressed, full hd.


Every generation, same speech.
Creativity is going towards undefined lows. It's the only thing that matters.

What? I've never seen such a diverse launch up. Show me another generation with as much Indies as board as with the ps4.


Personally, I think the law of diminishing returns is starting have a noticeable effect on the visual presentation of console launch games. The biggest differences we're seeing is in relation to load times, draw distances, smoothness of the overall experience and the sheer scale on display - these only translate so well in screenshots and gifs, with so much of it requiring us to get our hands on these games before it starts to pay off and become meaningful.

On top of that, the previous generation of consoles went on so damn long that a lot of what we're seeing in next-gen consoles now was already done on PCs and so it's less impressive as a whole. Shadow Fall looks amazing, but it's only just competing with Crysis 3 on a top-end PC rig (quality of the game itself being irrelevant for this comparison). The quality bar will be pushed higher as the generation moves on, however.

Jack cw

Every generation, same speech.
Creativity is going towards undefined lows. It's the only thing that matters.
Exactly! But this isnt really a power issue it's the industry that holds creativity back. Games are considred bombs if they miss CoD like numbers, devolpers getting fired, shitstorms in social networks, so yeah why would any developer take the risk and be "creative" in a aaa game? Not 1,84 or 5,56 Terraflops could change that.
Guys, please remember what the OP title said. Biggest jump since moving to 3D. If it was since the beginning of modern video gaming history then nothing has made as big as a leap as during the 16-bit to 32-bit era. Perhaps the only thing that can match that is an actual paradigm shift in gaming, i.e., actual VR/Oculus Rift stuff -- essentially in terms of how we interact with the game.

Every new generation will always have an edge over the generation before that, simply by virtue of more powerful hardware. Therefore, it would just now be a degree of how much the actual leap is. The best way to do this, I think, would be to compare the best of the previous generation (so basically, the last titles) and the first titles of the next generation. You're not going to compare their respective launch titles; that is just plain ridiculous.

That having been said, the biggest leap post-3D era is 5th gen - 6th gen. Anyone who has lived through that can't possibly say otherwise.


Watch the games on youtube. Like I've said, still shots don't do the PS1 justice in terms of ugly. Those textures danced around and were not perspective correct. There was draw-in in most racing games. No crowds at all. Nearly non-existent textures etc. Its not comparable.
I get where you are coming from, but at the same time I don't think screenshots do PS4 games as much justice as generations past. Where in the past games tended to look better in still shots, next gen games (and current PC games) look significantly better in person.


I get where you are coming from, but at the same time I don't think screenshots do PS4 games as much justice as generations past. Where in the past games tended to look better in still shots, next gen games (and current PC games) look significantly better in person.

We live in the age of gifs.


Dat next-gen water. Does Wave Race proud


What? I've never seen such a diverse launch up. Show me another generation with as much Indies as board as with the ps4.

Can please stop acting like there was never anything between AAAAAAAAAs and Indies? And btw, is launch line-up actually confirmed?
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