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This Yu-Gi-Oh fanfic is 1.8 million words

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Fanfiction lets me get feedback on my writing that my original writing (that I give a darn about) doesn't get. And it can be fun to write at times. I just couldn't write a story THAT long. My longest fanfic was like 130k words.


Writers and fanfic experts: how can people write so much, especially about a property that's not even yours? You could probably make an epic heptology with your own characters and world in a fraction of 1.8 million words.

I'm working on a fan comic of avatar that I've got hundreds of planned pages for. If you really love a series/certain characters, and there's something you personally find interesting or fun to write about, it's easy to come up with huge story lines. Too easy, in fact - in my opinion, the real challenge is keeping it concise. The more I rework scenes the more ideas I get for the story, making it longer and longer.

Millions of words tho... That is impressive.


Hates quality gaming
I want to avatarize this somehow.

It's difficult to get the image, emeralds, and text all in one avatar sized picture.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Holy fuck that Hogwarts x Giant Squirts fanfic.

Hogwarts as in the Hogwart building. It's been so long since I laughed this hard, ahahahahahaha.


Holy fuck that Hogwarts x Giant Squirts fanfic.

Hogwarts as in the Hogwart building. It's been so long since I laughed this hard, ahahahahahaha.

My brother and I once came up with a scenario where St. Ives (yes, the lotion) refers to a Swiss ruins/temple up on a mountain, overlooking a valley to one side and a lake with forests all around, the cold air blowing all around and into the temple's halls and balconies, and there are Swiss maidens that are playing the building like an instrument by directing the wind through the temple's tunnels and halls using some sort of stone device, blowing into it and dancing around with their white dresses flowing around while the music plays. The gimmick: the building is the instrument.


I used to read fanfiction all day back in middle school. It can be pretty funny. I tried my hand at writing some, but I never finished any.

Maybe I should try my hand at it again.


I used to read fanfiction all day back in middle school. It can be pretty funny. I tried my hand at writing some, but I never finished any.

Maybe I should try my hand at it again.

Middle school... that was the same time for me as well.


This thread just reminded me that I used to write Sonic x DBZ crossover fanfiction as a kid. Oh god, and then me and my best friend at the time would act them out in his backyard.

Good times.

Jedeye Sniv

Fanfic is one of those fascinating subcultures that I have neither the time or sufficient interest to look into properly, but I love hearing about. Personally, I can understand the allure of writing it, but I don't understand wanting to read it. Who is the audience for a YuGiOh story 2 million words long??
This thread just reminded me that I used to write Sonic x DBZ crossover fanfiction as a kid. Oh god, and then me and my best friend at the time would act them out in his backyard.

Good times.
And then Goku chuckled, "You mean the chaos emeralds?" Before Sonic could react, the super saiyan plunged his hand deep into the hedgehog's chest cavity removing the seven mystical gems of power. As Sonic lay on the ground in a pool of blood, floating in and our of consciousness, his thoughts went back to Elise. A single tear rolled down his blue furry cheek as he reminisced about their first meeting in Soleanna. He lusted for her soft touch once more and the pain of knowing he would never again see his wife cut through his very soul like a hot knife through butter. With one last rattling breath, our hero faded into darkness and a new age was born.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Obama chuckled. "You mean the Chaos Emeralds?"

Is probably the best line written on the Internet this year. It's just so perfect. I have no idea why, but it's so easy to hear him saying that line.


Nose how to spell and rede to
This thread is awesome, I used to love fanfic (usually parody fanfic). I wrote one in middle school I think, it was a mash-up of Scream and Die Hard that basically just replaced Bruce Willis with Ghostface and then went on the Die Hard script as if everything were normal lol (it was supposed to be funny, obviously). Tried to find it in the past couple of years but I think the internet has destroyed it long ago :(

Edit: memories flooding back! I liked reading fanfic scripts mostly, and on the forum I visited the best fanfics would have variations on peoples' usernames for the characters so it was like they were "playing" the character lol. Could be really funny when a character's actions and the actual person's personality clicked.


But the way was blocked; new group stepped from the shadows, armed to the teeth. Martin Luther King, Richard Nixon, John F. Kennedy, John Wayne. All the evil forces of fascism and inequality, trying to end the progress Obama offered.
The worst fan-fic I read was Pink Ranger in Agony. Basically the Pink Ranger is abducted by Rita and Zedd and tortured with very graphic detail. It's basically torture porn and not even written well.
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