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DF/JF: Battlefield 4 PS4 vs XB1 videos/screens (900p PS4, 720p XB1)

Wait, there's no anti-aliasing? The article says that both are seemingly using post-processing AA. There are a crap-ton more jaggies, but I thought that was due to the resolution differences?

Same AA, only the resolution difference gives more sampling (specially in background). Also the upscal algorythm is awfull wich creates even more aliasing hell and high frequency problems. Any TV sharpness option could do better (but dont do that kids!)
Had the Xbox One been the same price I'd say the difference (whilst noticeable) isn't 30-50% better looking.

DICE have done a good job, lowering the resolution absolutely helped keep it similar looking to the average Joe. The differences are there though, and clearly the PS4 is doing a lot more technical stuff while maintaining the frame rate (mostly).

In Microsoft's favour; if the hardware really is that much weaker and the development issues are as bad as has been suggested, it hasn't turned out too bad. Yes it's not as clean looking, but it still looks good and runs well.
Despite all the hooplah, this game looks fucking incredible on Xbox One. Toss in youtube compression and lack of 60fps support, and it surely gets even better. If this game is any indication, then texture quality definitely need not suffer on this system. Lighting, shadows, shaders, particle effects, it all looks pretty top notch to me.

So this is going to be the backtrack answer of the generation, not actually admitting you were wrong and just saying OMG IT STILL LOOKS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yeah, I don't know why they thought it was a good idea to do a comparison with different brightness/gamma levels.
Can you say "agenda" df or it would be better yo say leadbetter is an ms fanboy.Anything he can do to make the Xbox version look better will be done.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
Carmack admittedly didn't do a whole lot of testing, and even Cerny called out on that quote, saying that PS4's power is under-appreciated, though he did so in a most political manner.

As for the rest, why would they piss off MS or Sony? The reality is that the games can look 'almost similar' by simply having 50% less pixels, so that's not a big deal. Games can still be made and look good, pixels are just there as a technical advantage.

It's not as if Xbox games have to be 480p to have the same IQ as 1080p PS4 games.

Like I said. We've got MS guys saying in the real world they wouldn't hand over a 30% performance advantage to Sony. We've got devs like Shinji Mikami and Keiji Inafune who have said "There's no real difference between them," Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami told Edge. "When Xbox One was first announced it had lower specs than PS4, but now they're almost identical." And we now have a launch game where there is a least a 50% performance advantage given resolution and framerate to the PS4.

Someone needs to explain to us why that is the case.


Straight from DF with no black crush compensation.

Can't fathom how people think the Xbox One look better because of the sharpness and saturation. Is it the same people who have sharpness on their TV set to 100? It just amplifies everything that looks bad. Look at the original pictures (PS4, XbO) and look at how the birds look more like strange blobs and how awful the road ahead looks in the Xbox One pic.

Its one of the few shots without crazy contrast at play. There are jaggies in both, but the Xbox One version has a ton more and they are much bigger and more visible.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
For anyone that likes the high contrast of the Xbone version just switch over to dynamic in picture settings, that'll fuck everything up, but I wouldn't do it with the Xbone version
That'll look ruff, but to be fair both versions will look the same (contrast wise) on our TV's and will depend on our HDMi black levels and dynamic contrasting, but you can't hide those jaggies or make up for the lost in resolution on the big screen


Crystal Bearer
Like I said. We've got MS guys saying in the real world they wouldn't hand over a 30% performance advantage to Sony. We've got devs like Shinji Mikami and Keiji Inafune who have said "There's no real difference between them," Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami told Edge. "When Xbox One was first announced it had lower specs than PS4, but now they're almost identical." And we now have a launch game where there is a least a 50% performance advantage given resolution and framerate to the PS4.

Someone needs to explain to us why that is the case.

The writing's been on the wall for months. With these two machines basically being built with PC parts, it's really not that hard to conceptualize the difference that we're now seeing with hard evidence.


Just read the xbox version doesn't have ambient occlusion or motion blur? What's going on? Is that official? Or theories based on youtube footage?
No AO confirmed by Digital Foundry on Xbox vs HBAO on PS4. No motion blur in MP is what people are guessing based off the IGN footage.
Wow that Gametrailers review has a whole bunch of great looking PS4 footage. The multiplayer is going to last me through to Destiny and beyond.

So happy that Dice have come close to recreating what people get on PC but from the comfort of my sofa and the accompaniment of my friends list!


"Preferences" of the colors in the XB1 version..when in reality it's just the way the footage was captured by DF. Such a fail by DF parts.


I see reading isn't your strong suit as you didn't even bother to read the first post. Df screwed up with their footage. It's time for them to be blacklisted.

You mean "As a note the DF videos have kind of poor quality compared to Jack Frags"? This hardly explains in a clear and concise manner that DF fucked up the PS4 footage while the XB1 footage was perfect.

This really needs highlighting better in the first post. Not everyone has time to read 60+ pages. I went by reading the DF comparison article and looking at the videos and images which, after all, is what this thread was about.

Turns out I'm a 'casual' and a 'tard' for doing that.

If DF fucked up it needs to be in the thread title.
Really? link ?

Look up comments from dark10x in this thread, he represents DF.

Here's one of his posts:

The issue here is simple; Tom had a limited amount of time to capture this stuff and was not able to do so in a normal environment. If mistakes were made normally, it would be easy to go back and correct, but with the way this worked, it wasn't really possible.

Why so different? DF uses their own hardware for capturing while DICE were handing out Elgato boxes to everyone else. The DF hardware is actually much more capable but it works differently and, without the experience of working with these new consoles, I can see a situation where settings were dialed in wrong.

JF used what DICE provided and probably didn't even attempt to change any settings which, in this case, turned out to be for the best.

I'm late to the thread but from my opinion you won't notice much of a difference when playing close quarters but the PS4 will really start to shine once the battlefield widens and you're out in the open. I hate aliasing so I'm leaning towards PS4 but I don't understand the blur on the PS4 version either.

Rainy Dog

The more I look at those images, the more I think something is hugely amiss with the XB1 ones. It’s the equivalent of a blu-ray that’s been mastered from a poor source but digitally sharpened and manipulated with edge-enhancement (eg. the original Patton).

I’m actually curious whether it’s the console's scaling doing this or DF have captured the game at 720p native and done this themselves…
Straight from DF with no black crush compensation.

Can't fathom how people think the Xbox One look better because of the sharpness and saturation. Is it the same people who have sharpness on their TV set to 100? It just amplifies everything that looks bad. Look at the original pictures (PS4, XbO) and look at how the birds look more like strange blobs and how awful the road ahead looks in the Xbox One pic.

The difference is definitely more obvious there. Indeed, the IQ difference will be more apparent to gamers that either sit closer to their screen, or have a bigger TV. The performance differences will be apparent to everyone though.

EDIT: Also you can see more detail on the distant birds in the PS4 version, where as they're just pixels on XB1. But yes, I agree that if people have their TV sharpness set to anything above '0', then they have no right to comment on any of this stuff :)
DF used their own capturing gear, whilst other outlets used tech provided by Dice. DF footage is pretty different to the other outlets.
JackFrag seems to be widely seen as having the best footage, when you click on the highest setting.

thanks, got more details? I heard someone say 'DF fucked up' and something about them saying xbox looked better than the pc version (lol)

I know they are PR for MS so again I don't want to give them any clicks:p

Is it more leadbetter stupidity or?


Ok mister pr man , err sorry I mean journalist

what is this shit, seriously, a 'whopping' 1600x900 resolution? I thought the appropriate word here would be "paltry", or "dissapointing" or "sub native" or "blurry"

Also why did dice take a shit on the ps4 version with fxaa?
scaling blur AND fxaa, if you really hate people with 20/20 vision this is how you show it.
I have to say the "whopping" in that context also gave me a chuckle.

And I'd get used to post-processing AA on consoles.


Like I said. We've got MS guys saying in the real world they wouldn't hand over a 30% performance advantage to Sony. We've got devs like Shinji Mikami and Keiji Inafune who have said "There's no real difference between them," Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami told Edge. "When Xbox One was first announced it had lower specs than PS4, but now they're almost identical." And we now have a launch game where there is a least a 50% performance advantage given resolution and framerate to the PS4.

Someone needs to explain to us why that is the case.

People have been explaining for MONTHS. Through multiple threads. In excruciating detail.


And imagine it is just a start. Just a cross gen game.

When proper next gen games created from ground up as next gen will hit there will be bloodbath.

If you cannot understand that,
If you think over sharpening and artificially boosting contrast settings on your television is a good thing - than you should accept your opinion is retrogressive to accuracy.

Calm down. You seem really, really personally invested in this...


I see reading isn't your strong suit as you didn't even bother to read the first post. Df screwed up with their footage. It's time for them to be blacklisted.

I was looking at the Jack videos too - I'm sorry but even in those I think the Xbone looks sharper and I see people mentioning the FXAA is probably the culprit. I'll take jagged edges over vaseline filters any day of the week, I realise that puts me in a minority.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Despite all the hooplah, this game looks fucking incredible on Xbox One.
*This* Looks incredible to you? If you switch the player to 1440p you circumvent the youtube recompression and see the original uploaded footage. And the only thing that is incredible about watching it full screen is that I have a feeling that it will physically cuts my eyes with aliasing.

I really hope that someone from Dice is reading this and will disable the ghastly sharpening effect. If they love it so much, just instruct the prospective buyers that they can turn that up on their TVs.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
The writing's been on the wall for months. With these two machines basically being built with PC parts, it's really not that hard to conceptualize the difference that we're now seeing with hard evidence.

I think you're missing my point. We've had a barrage of obfuscation and denial from MS that the real world performance delta between the machines isn't that great. My point is that either:-

1. The devs on this title had very immature development tools and did what they could with the tool that they had but the hardware is more then capable of nearly matching PS4 performance.
2. Resources were that stretched developing on so many consoles that they did not have enough time to optimise fully on Xbox One.
3. MS has flat out lied to us.

I'd like to know which one it is.


thanks, got more details? I heard someone say 'DF fucked up' and something about them saying xbox looked better than the pc version (lol)

I know they are PR for MS so again I don't want to give them any clicks:p

Is it more leadbetter stupidity or?

I wouldn't say it's PR.

They tried to use their own equipment and didn't get it right.
Like I said. We've got MS guys saying in the real world they wouldn't hand over a 30% performance advantage to Sony. We've got devs like Shinji Mikami and Keiji Inafune who have said "There's no real difference between them," Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami told Edge. "When Xbox One was first announced it had lower specs than PS4, but now they're almost identical." And we now have a launch game where there is a least a 50% performance advantage given resolution and framerate to the PS4.

Someone needs to explain to us why that is the case.

These folks are game designers.

I'm just guessing here, but to these folks, 50% more power doesn't affect how they make games. It's not that big of a gap that they have to make significant design compromises, since any design concept achievable on the full power of PS4 can be lower-ressed for Xbox to achieve the same.

And lastly, the proof is in the pudding. We've heard crazy shit thrown around by devs and people of authority, talking stuff like 'uncomfortable GDDR5' and 'balance', which DICE has proven these crazy people to be complete horse shit, since BF4 on XB1 can't even have a better frame rate than the PS4 version. ( so much for balance )
okay one thanks gaf for informing about the contrast issue.

but i have a question is the xbox doing the contrast thing on its own or is it a df thing? I know there is a post stating the df ppl might just not have had time to fix it .... but the videogamer video does itself state for them also the ps4 version came out looking washed so they uped the contrast for the comparision

basically my question is is the xbone doing the contrast thing on its own and with the ps4 you have to adjust it on your tv. Someone mentioned some gamma stuff where ps3 ps4 stick to the standard 2.3 2.4 and microsoft tends to mess around with it and do things differently which lead to crushed blacks but the "illusion" of sharper graphics.

When you have the console at home (this applies to the PS3 and 360 as well), you should look for your RGB settings. There are two options. One sets RGB to 'full', the other to 'limited'. Your television might also have a setting that must be adjusted based on how you have it set. On my Samsung LCD, I would have to set the HDMI Black Level to either 'low' or 'normal' to get the proper colors and avoid black crush or a washed out look. The combination should be either:

RGB Full + HDMI Black Level Normal
RGB Limited + HDMI Black Level Low

Full + Low = Black Crush.
Limited + Normal = Washed out.

Keep in mind, some televisions don't allow for a full RGB setting.


Gold Member
why is it that the developers who are regarded the best in visuals DICE and Crytek

have the absolute worst implementation of fxaa?
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