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GameSpy GOTY Awards


Meh, their GOTY list is not of much value to me, since it's purely subjective.

Still, I very much prefer BioShock over CoD4. The modern setting was a real downer for me in CoD4.
And Halo 3 continues to get snubbed.

Fuckers. This "COD4 is better than Halo 3" school of thought is something a lot of people are going to look back on and laugh about in two or three years.


Green Shinobi said:
And Halo 3 continues to get snubbed.

Fuckers. This "COD4 is better than Halo 3" school of thought is something a lot of people are going to look back on and laugh about in two or three years.
I'm dying to argue with you, but I haven't had a chance to play Halo 3 yet.

Call of Duty 4 is AWESOME. I wouldn't have a hard time imagining it's better than Halo 3.

Anyway, I'm getting Halo 3 for Christmas, so I'll be sending you a PM in a month or so telling you that you're wrong. ;-)
I'm glad they gave CoD4 all those awards. I got some good entertainment out of the whining in this thread about it. Call of Duty 4 continuing to deliver on all fronts.


Cool Smoke Luke
Green Shinobi said:
And Halo 3 continues to get snubbed.

Fuckers. This "COD4 is better than Halo 3" school of thought is something a lot of people are going to look back on and laugh about in two or three years.

ummm really tho COD4 is a far better game than Halo3 is I have both played alot of both and basically from halo3 i was..so what was all the hype about its very good but not godly shooter(I never played 1 or 2 so came at it with fresh eyes).

COD4 does just about everything better. Single player is way more interesting and dramatic experience so far. Multiplayer ..Its been discussed by tons it is just fantastic.
I loved bioshock its my single player game of the year for sure. I loved Orange box its my best Value for sure of the year but TF2 on 360 has been disappointing due to 360 limits.
So overall game of the year considering both single and multiplayer aspects..Ya COD4 is it.


While it does suck that games like Bioshock didn't get any props, I still feel CoD 4 is a very worthy winner in those categories.

Congratulations to the guys at IW.


thanks for the laugh
EviLore said:
Pick one:

The Witcher
Mask of the Betrayer
Orange Box

No one will blame you for correcting this mistake, gamespy. You still have time.

add WiC, Trackmania United, Bioshock and Sam and Max, and you've got a stew on.
Bebpo said:
Not really. It's a pretty generic SP with a lot of crappy stuff/levels and a few good ones. The game is really just a MP game with SP tacked on.

I thought COD4's single player game was pretty sweet, even with all the scripting which I thought I've grown tired of. It's definitely on the upper echelon of FPS experiences I've had.

The "Death from Above" level itself was worth at least a few awards.
As long as they arent giving it GOTY for single player and are only basing it on multiplayer, I dont have that much of a problem with CoD4 being awarded. Single player in CoD4 was just so boring aside from one or two parts.


dresses business casual
I would consider buying this game if I wasn't playing Halo 3 nearly every night since it released.

At least I have Mario Galaxy to keep working on between Halo sessions. :D


Green Shinobi said:
And Halo 3 continues to get snubbed.

Fuckers. This "COD4 is better than Halo 3" school of thought is something a lot of people are going to look back on and laugh about in two or three years.

not so much. cod4 is superior in pretty much every way.

the only thing halo 3 has over it imho is co-op but i'll take a single player that isn't rehashed for a second time and multiplayer that actually feels fun and fresh rather than dated and boring.


Green Shinobi said:
And Halo 3 continues to get snubbed.

Fuckers. This "COD4 is better than Halo 3" school of thought is something a lot of people are going to look back on and laugh about in two or three years.

No not really.
squicken said:

PS3 GOTY: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
PC: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
360: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
DS: The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
GBA: Final Fantasy VI Advance
PSP: FF Tactics: The War of the Lions
PS2: God of War II
Wii: Super Mario Galaxy

Rest of awards tomorrow, but I think overall GOTY from them is a pretty easy guess.

PS3 GOTY: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
PC: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
360: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
DS: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
GBA: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
PSP: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
PS2: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Wii: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Cell: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Ngage: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Dreamcast2: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Splorgenborg: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare


Great picks.

It's nice to see 3rd party games getting competitive in the GOTY realm. Infinity Ward deserves a lot of credit.


Green Shinobi said:
And Halo 3 continues to get snubbed.

Fuckers. This "COD4 is better than Halo 3" school of thought is something a lot of people are going to look back on and laugh about in two or three years.

Actually, people will look back and realize that Halo 3 didn't bring enough new content to the table to raise enough eyebrows. Halo 3 had already been surpassed in gameplay by the time Rainbow Six: Vegas had released. Halo 3 is a lot of fun, but its gameplay is starting to feel very dated.

Call of Duty 4 is a huge step forward for online FPS, Halo 3 was incremental at best.


ElectricBlue187 said:
PS3 GOTY: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
PC: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
360: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
DS: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
GBA: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
PSP: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
PS2: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Wii: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Cell: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Ngage: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Dreamcast2: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Splorgenborg: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

You forgot the Gizmondo.
ElectricBlue187 said:
PS3 GOTY: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
PC: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
360: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
DS: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
GBA: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
PSP: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
PS2: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Wii: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Cell: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Ngage: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Dreamcast2: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Splorgenborg: Call of Duty 6: Future Warfare


sparkle this bitch
Gamespy updated for the next few catagories today

Making the list now, updated in about 5minutes

10. Puzzle league planet
9. Motorstorm
8. Forza 2
7. VF5 online
6. Wowhawk
5. World in Conflict
4. Halo 3
3. Rock Band
2. COD4
1. Team Forttress 2

Special Awards
Rookie Dev: Real Time Worlds (Crackdown)
Best XBLA: Puzzle Quest
Best PSN: Everyday shooter
Best Wii VC: Sin and Punishment
Best Puzzle: Portal
Best Sports: Skate
Best Soundtrack: Mass Erect
Over-Under Achievement Awards...Avatar The Air Bender:lol
Rookie Robocop: Crackdown
Best Voice Acting: Mass Erect
Game that makes us treat out guitar like Who: Rock band
Worst thing ever done to a videogame GF: Darkness
Unique Art Style: TF2
Best License Use: LOTRO
Worst License Use: Shadow Run
Best Art Direction: Bioshock
best sound: Bioshock
Best Graphics: Call of Duty 4
Best character: Glados
Best Sidekick: Companion Cube
Best developer: Infinity Ward
Best story: Bioshock
Innovation on Wii: MP3
Best Trend: Community Integration
Worst Trend: Lousy hardward
Dissapointment: Vangaurd
When it's done award: Warhammer Online
Suprise of the Year(Also Best Award so far:lol ) The Witcher

Reader's Choice
PS3: Uncharted
360: Mass Effect
Wii: Mario
DS: Zelda
PCAction: Orange Box
PCRTS: World in Conflict
PCOverall: Orange Box
So...TF2 has better multiplayer than COD4? Alright, as long as I know it's COD4's single player that pushed it above Orange Box's single player offerings for game of the year.


underfooter said:
I should probably get this so-called COD4.

Is it worth if for the single player alone?

Absolutely. Best FPS I've ever played. Length is perfect IMO, never gets stale because it just keeps movin.

You'll play it more than once because it's just so well done.
tino said:
Huh, can somebody spoiler and explain it to me?

After failing to kill you, your uncle kidnaps your girlfriend, burns down the orphanage where you and she grew up, then takes her there. You go there and have a chance to save her, but the Darkness holds you back, forcing you to watch as your uncle shoots her in the head. Your character then kills himself, triggering the hell stage.

It's a very cinematic scene. Extremely well done. Probably one of my favorite cut-scenes ever.


tino said:
CoD4 is also my GotY.

I even like its story better than BioShock. :D

Huh, can somebody spoiler and explain it to me?

Held up to a window in front of you and shot in the head right before your eyes, with you being completely helpless to prevent it. Twas nasty stuff indeed, but it's also the event that propels the storyline forward and makes you want to kill that mofo uncle of yours.
Green Shinobi said:
It's a very cinematic scene. Extremely well done. Probably one of my favorite cut-scenes ever.

I had no idea that I cared for any of the characters in that game until then. That scene was literally painful to experience.

What gets me most about that game, and that scene in particular is how much humanity can come across in small ways through simulation. The graphics on the character models weren't the best, but the animations conveyed a great deal of body language - and that alone made the people in the game seem more... real. Real enough to communicate the pathos of that scene perfectly.

I don't think I'll forget it anytime soon, and thats a compliment.
shintoki said:
Gamespy updated for the next few catagories today

3. Rock Band
2. COD4
1. Team Forttress 2

Special Awards
Rookie Dev: Real Time Worlds (Crackdown)
Best XBLA: Puzzle Quest
Best PSN: Everyday shooter
Best Puzzle: Portal
Rookie Robocop: Crackdown
Game that makes us treat out guitar like Who: Rock band
Worst thing ever done to a videogame GF: Darkness
Unique Art Style: TF2
Worst License Use: Shadow Run
Best character: Glados
Best Sidekick: Companion Cube
Suprise of the Year(Also Best Award so far:lol ) The Witcher

those are pretty good for the most part.


Green Shinobi said:
And Halo 3 continues to get snubbed.

Fuckers. This "COD4 is better than Halo 3" school of thought is something a lot of people are going to look back on and laugh about in two or three years.

I think we will look back and wonder how it got 17 10/10s according to gamerankings, the same way we look back at the Halo 2 scores (32 10/10s).


I still don't understand how Team Fortress has the best multiplayer of the year and Portal was the best Puzzle game, but Call of Duty 4 somehow jumped in front of The Orange Box for Game of the Year.
Gigglepoo said:
I still don't understand how Team Fortress has the best multiplayer of the year and Portal was the best Puzzle game, but Call of Duty 4 somehow jumped in front of The Orange Box for Game of the Year.

especially when the singleplayer of HL2 Ep 2 alone is much better than COD4
Gigglepoo said:
I still don't understand how Team Fortress has the best multiplayer of the year and Portal was the best Puzzle game, but Call of Duty 4 somehow jumped in front of The Orange Box for Game of the Year.

play more COD4.


Kevtones said:
Mass Effect is much more compelling than Bioshock and I don't even like space-shit.

Well it's probably my favorite game of the year, it simply has too many gameplay faults to rise above the elite games from this year. I had way more fun playing through ME than Bioshock, though.

EDIT - I definitely should be higher than CoD4. Obviously.

Mr Jared

Green Shinobi said:
And Halo 3 continues to get snubbed.

Fuckers. This "COD4 is better than Halo 3" school of thought is something a lot of people are going to look back on and laugh about in two or three years.

Isn't it hilarious? Halo went from being the most "overrated" game around to being the most underrated in a flash.

Meanwhile, Call of Duty is ridiculously and obnoxiously overrated. Like ... wow. COD4 is fun and all, but it's still the same game we've been getting annual sequels of. I'm not even saying Halo should rate higher than it ... I'm saying that really, any of the more inventive shooters this year should.


Green Shinobi said:
After failing to kill you, your uncle kidnaps your girlfriend, burns down the orphanage where you and she grew up, then takes her there. You go there and have a chance to save her, but the Darkness holds you back, forcing you to watch as your uncle shoots her in the head. Your character then kills himself, triggering the hell stage.

It's a very cinematic scene. Extremely well done. Probably one of my favorite cut-scenes ever.

Thanks, NOW I want to play the game.
alkaline black said:
Isn't it hilarious? Halo went from being the most "overrated" game around to being the most underrated in a flash.

Meanwhile, Call of Duty is ridiculously and obnoxiously overrated. Like ... wow. COD4 is fun and all, but it's still the same game we've been getting annual sequels of. I'm not even saying Halo should rate higher than it ... I'm saying that really, any of the more inventive shooters this year should.

Actually you haven't been getting annual sequels of Infinity Ward made Call of Duty's.
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