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Mega Man Legends - Once Upon a Time, A Legend Was Born.......



Hello everyone! To celebrate Tuesdays release of Mega Man Legends 2 on North American PlayStation Network, going to be making a little retrospective covering the original Mega Man Legends! This is a real shining gem, with this title being the first for a lot of things. Lock-On Systems in Action/Adventure games, hub worlds that have a lot of life in them, gameplay mechanics that would come back in future games like Ratchet & Clank and Legend of Zelda: OoT and more! Mega Man Legends is an impressive game, so lets dive into this lost legend to see what makes it so special.

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Mega Man Legend's birth was in some respects, forced to happen by Sony. Around the time of the PlayStation's launch in 1995, they wanted ONLY 3D games, no 2D titles. Capcom was angered by this, as one of their flagship IP, Mega Man, was a 2D game. So they were quite bitter with Sony over this news and they ended up working things out; they still made their 2D Mega Man games (Mega Man 8 and Mega Man X4), but they had to make a 3D Mega Man game for the PS1.


This sparked a new sub-series for Mega Man, dubbed 'Legends'. This takes place at the end of the Mega Man timeline. Long after the X, Zero, ZX, Battle Network and Star Force series; the very end of the Mega Man series.


So, what is the origins of this world? Everything is covered by water and people are divided into islands. People hear about this legend, the Motherload, a great treasure that holds a lot of power. This sparks the creation of people called 'Diggers', people who hunt for treasure across caverns and dungeons to try and find refactors, and maybe, the Motherload. They also hunt for refractors to power objects in the world, more or less being the energy powering everything. But one day, a old man and his daughter find this boy with a robotic body in some ruins and take him in as their own.........

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I mixed the story and the development history into one section, as they are very closely connected. This game thrives on its characters, writing and wold building to be so special.


Everyone has a voice and a lot of dialog that changes as you go through the game. But you keep seeing the same people over and over again. Its sorta like Majora's Mask, where you are interacting with the same people again and again.....but you don't have to worry about any moons ;). Well......you do, but that is for a later game. We well get someone off the moon some day.

Anyway! That is what is most impressive about the game to me, the characters. They are so full of life and I love all of them. Roll is a great support character to Mega Man, as she talks to him when exploring dungeons and you can have optional interactions with her at different points in the game.


But by far my favorite characters are the Bonne Family, as they are just.....gold.

Trone Bone is a girl on a mission to get what she wants, but also has a soft spot for the Blue Bomber after him saving her from a dog early in the game. The Serv-Bots are priceless and they are really funny XD! They are all different, despite looking the same. A later game, Misadventures of Trone Bone, runs with this and its just as amazing as it sounds :').


Teasel Bonne is a great character too, as he is loud, childish and unlike Wily is a bit of a goof ball. These are fun foes to fight and you fight them at every turn across the game through different mechs they make.


I love these guys and they are so great, we got a whole game starting them alone!


So the characters are great, but what about the games setting? That is important for adventure games after all.

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The setting for Legends 1 is Kattelox Island, a small location with a lot to do. Tons of shops to visit, buildings to go into and a full destruction set up in place that has buildings stay destroyed if they are, well, damaged and stuff. You can pay to fix that but that is really impressive for an early-PS1 title.


Various mini games are fun to complete, with you kicking the can to get an extra 1000 Zenny (money in the game) if it lands in the Flower Shop display, kicking balls to attack a dog chasing a mail man, and popping balloons with odd faces on them. You can get items from completing the mini games, which can help you craft items, more on that later. The city is split into five sectors; Shopping District, Main Town, City Hall, Industrial District and Media District. Each one has a lot do and see, alongside having you interact with the town's people. If you help them out (like giving an artist red dye for her painting), you can get rewards too. ......Does this game sound a bit familiar? Almost.....Zelda-ish yet? No? Okay, so its just me then.

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The core gameplay is where this game really impressed me when I first played it last year on my Vita. You can jump and shoot, like all Mega Men can, but you also have a dodge roll and an extra 'arm' attack, allowing you to equip yourself with different weapons usable with the Triangle Button.


You can make these weapons from finding items inside the various dungeons and other spots in the game world, leading you to craft some awesome gear. Found a worn out drill? Visit Roll and she can make it into a powerful Drill to break through tough walls. Find a flash light and a toy sword? You get a lightsaber.....wait a minute, how is THAT possible O_O!


You can make all kinds fun weapons and its a great reward for hunting through the world. But you might be wondering about those 'dungeons' I mentioned before. Now this is when the Zelda comparison should ring a few bells; this was OoT before that game even came out! Mega Man can also lock on to foes (though his lock-on isn't as good compared to Links, which Legends 2 seems to fix) and like a specific Lombax you can strafe using the L/R buttons on the controller (or the right stick if you configured things right on the PS Vita PS1 Emulator). This allows the combat to have more depth compared to the original 2D Mega Man games, where you have to really be smart with your positioning and fully use the 3D world around you.


The dungeons themselves are a bit drab though, but hunting through them is almost.....zen like. Just running through, shooting every Reverbot in sight and finding rare items by solving puzzle; you get that "I got it!" feeling the best Zelda and Metroid games tend to offer.


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The presentation here is strong, as the cut-scenes have proper lip-syncing, expressive facial animations and great character animations. Shows how well done the cut-scenes were and how the developers spent time ensuring they were well done.




The music is more atmospheric compared to other Mega Man titles, but it as a number of enjoyable tracks :).

Another Sun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7zKoN5jwoQ&index=1&list=PL1muB85JLGI-NncsBwBoh-rySF1D04Vnw
The Apple Market: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrCnzkAGRsY&index=7&list=PL1muB85JLGI-NncsBwBoh-rySF1D04Vnw
Feeling of Love: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vasfVmwG5IA&index=9&list=PL1muB85JLGI-NncsBwBoh-rySF1D04Vnw'
Support Car: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcA6IKXejX4&index=11&list=PL1muB85JLGI-NncsBwBoh-rySF1D04Vnw
Case the Blumbear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Jt0Xxgt8yc&list=PL1muB85JLGI-NncsBwBoh-rySF1D04Vnw&index=15
Lakeside Town: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ff0Dyc_7Esw&list=PL1muB85JLGI-NncsBwBoh-rySF1D04Vnw&index=31
Main Gate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhB-dm9-QOY

Very nice selection of music that does a good job setting up the games tone :D.

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Overall, I really enjoyed my time playing Legends and I can't wait to play more of the series! It really is a special franchise and one of the better sub-series of Mega Man on the market. I can see why so many wanted a Legends 3 to happen; this world is too great for it to be lost to the PS1 Era.

If you enjoyed my comments......get Legends 1 then XD! Its on NA PSN right now with Trone Bone being on NA PSN too. Will post the link to Legends 2 when it lands on PSN in this OP, so stay tuned :D!

May these Legends live on in our hearts and minds for the future!

I had two issues with the games when I replayed them recently:

- MML1 the tank controllers are extremely annoying.

- I loved the look of Megaman without the helmet, but stat wise putting it on made sense and it makes him look like a dork. I kinda wished they would have redesigned it a bit.


I just started playing this yesterday. What are the best control options for the PSTV?

Here is my current set up:
-Right Stick: Left & Right = L1/R1, Down = Jump, Up = R2
-L1 & R1: Flip them with L2/R2 actions

I hope this helps :).


I want to give the series some exposure, considering Legends 2 is landing on PSN Tuesday XD!

People also expressed interest in this on Twitter, so I figured "Why not :D?" and then made this :).

Damn, really? I still gotta grab Tron Bonne & the first Mega Man Legends.


Thanks for all these threads, RK128; I especially enjoyed the Sonic ones. I had no idea MML2 was releasing so soon :)


Wow, what a shift for the Sonic series.

But this isn't Sonic XD!

Well, Mega Man and Sonic are blue.........

Wait a minute......Sonic Legends O_O!

Thanks for all these threads, RK128; I especially enjoyed the Sonic ones. I had no idea MML2 was releasing so soon :)

Still got a few more Sonic ones coming, just wanted to give Mega Man Legends some exposure for the Tuesday release of Legends 2 on NA PSN :).
How is Legends compared to the N64 port (Megaman 64)? I only ever played it on the N64 and I've always wondered if I played a superior, inferior, or just different version.


How is Legends compared to the N64 port (Megaman 64)? I only ever played it on the N64 and I've always wondered if I played a superior, inferior, or just different version.

The N64 version, while looks a lot more smoother, has worse draw distance and frame rate than Legends, and audio compression is extremely evident. There's also a pretty complicated control scheme, like Lock-On being tied to two buttons (IIRC Z-R, while R is your right strafe).


It's crazy to think this predates Ocarina of Time. From an artistic standpoint, it's stood the passing of time much better. Shame the gameplay isn't always quite there but it's still very fun to play.


I like the idea of these "blast from the past" retrospective threads, and you certainly seem to have a passion for making them, but it'd do a lot to improve your readability if you paid a little more attention to formatting and maybe stop leaning so hard on the emoticons. It's hard to read these and/or take them seriously when every line seems to end with :) :D XD.

Just, clean things up a bit. Act more like you're making an OT than just a random mishmash of sentence fragments and oddly-sized images.

It's crazy to think this predates Ocarina of Time. From an artistic standpoint, it's stood the passing of time much better. Shame the gameplay isn't always quite there but it's still very fun to play.

Wow, really? This released before OoT? My experience with the game was the much-later N64 port, so I guess that skews my perception of time.

Man, they really hit it out of the park with a timeless, attractive 3D art style.


I like the idea of these "blast from the past" retrospective threads, and you certainly seem to have a passion for making them, but it'd do a lot to improve your readability if you paid a little more attention to formatting and maybe stop leaning so hard on the emoticons.

It's hard to read these and/or take them seriously when every line seems to end with :) :D XD.

Will edit those out in the OP. Thank you for the heads up :).


I like the idea of these "blast from the past" retrospective threads, and you certainly seem to have a passion for making them, but it'd do a lot to improve your readability if you paid a little more attention to formatting and maybe stop leaning so hard on the emoticons.

It's hard to read these and/or take them seriously when every line seems to end with :) :D XD.

RK128 is the only pure-hearted Gaffer we have left. Taking away their emoticons is like taking away part of their soul.


RK128 is the only pure-hearted Gaffer we have left. Taking away their emoticons is like taking away part of their soul.

Thank you for the kinds words :D!

But.....that was a good point; if I use those emoticons too much, it makes the work less professional.

So, pushed them back a bit to make it easier to read :).


I remember seeing that picture on the cover of Tips & Tricks and knew that I had to play the game.

That is one thing I love about the Legends series, its art and visual style. Looks amazing and the games to this day have not aged a bit visually because of that.

Velcro Fly

I played Mega Man 64 and was shocked when it ended. I thought for sure there was going to be like a back half of the game or something. But I did enjoy it quite a bit.


Awesome write up OP!

I tried replaying this a few years ago but my disc was scratched, so it was great I finally got to replay this again on Vita.

This game really pioneered modern console games. It's a third person shooter using set pieces with vehicle chases and fighting gigantic bosses, and made extensive use of voice acting while it was still kinda new for PS1 titles.

Not sure if I'll get around to MML2 right away but happy it's coming nonetheless.


Awesome write up OP!

I tried replaying this a few years ago but my disc was scratched, so it was great I finally got to replay this again on Vita.

This game really pioneered modern console games. It's a third person shooter using set pieces with vehicle chases and fighting gigantic bosses, and made extensive use of voice acting while it was still kinda new for PS1 titles.

Not sure if I'll get around to MML2 right away but happy it's coming nonetheless.

The most impressive part about the bolded? It was GOOD voice acting, and it went a very long way in giving life to each character in the game :).


For a full 3D action-adventure on the PS1, it made clever use of it's art style to bring about a certain expressiveness that other titles on the PS1 couldn't do.

The memories I have trying to beat MML1 on the PS1 without a memory card (I had no idea how they worked or where to get them) and just leaving my PS1 on the whole time are some of my favorite gaming memories.


But this isn't Sonic XD!

Well, Mega Man and Sonic are blue.........

Wait a minute......Sonic Legends O_O!

Don't forget the Sonic and Mega Man crossover comic! (even if that is OG Mega Man)

Anywho I absolutely love Legends and Legends 2. Controls for the first game admittedly have not aged well, but the rest of the game has. Legends 2's controls however are great.

What both games excel at however are the textures. The bright, low-res, yet very clean textures is something I've always loved about this series.


Amazing writeup OP.

I love the series, 2 favorite being my favorite game of all time.

Tuesday can't come soon enough.


I don't really have money now, but I want to eventually try all these. Do you need to play them in order?

You don't need to play them in order, but Legends 2 assumes you know the central characters (Mega Man, Roll, Data, The Bonne Family, ect) already, so they aren't re-introduced.

Misadventures of Trone Bone is a spin-off game that takes place BEFORE Legends 1, so you are not missing out on anything skipping it story wise.....but one of the foes in that game pops up again in Legends 2 working with the Bonnes.


To celebrate Tuesdays release of Mega Man Legends 2 on North American PlayStation Network,

WHAT!? How did I miss that!?

Oh man, I never even finished the first one because the lack of extra shoulder buttons on the Vita makes it a little more janky than normal.


The Mega Man Legends games are amazing, and a lot of their charm has really stood the test of time. Other than the classic Mega Man games, the Legends games have probably had the greatest impact on the rest of the Mega Man franchise out of all of its sub-series. Mega Man Legends is probably the single greatest shaping force on the core Mega Man series timeline for starters. It was released at the midpoint of the Mega Man X series, just as that series was beginning to focus more on plot and linking stories between games. Mega Man X5 began the process when Elysium from Mega Man Legends was referenced in one of X5's possible endings, where it was originally something X was going to build. Even after that was quietly retconned away, the Mega Man X, Zero, and ZX games clearly kept the world of Mega Man Legends in mind as an end-goal. The result of that direction is one of the most epic timelines in video-gaming history: a progression across centuries that documents the transformation of society from one that is familiar and recognizable into an atypically transhumanist setting. It is told in a rocky way and is mostly confined to backstory, but that backstory is fascinating. I doubt that it would have gone in that unique direction at all if it wasn't for the path that Mega Man Legends laid down.

Moreover, Mega Man Legends had a huge influence on the Mega Man Battle Network games. There are quite a few characters in the Battle Network games who owe some of their design and characterization to the Legends games. Yai, one of the friends of the main character of MMBN, is based on the design of one of the quiz game characters from Legends 2. Her NetNavi, Glyde, is more overtly based on a Legends character. Similarly, the character Shuko from MMBN is pretty much a direct port of the character Shu from MM Legends 2. There are lots of other references as well. One of my favorites is a reference to a TV show called the Kasket Kids, a clear reference to the main characters of MM Legends (and a continuation of a running joke from Legends 2, where classic Mega Man appears as an in-universe cartoon character). It feels like the Battle Network series tried its best to carry on the tone and ideas of the Legends games, far more so than it borrowed from the X series.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Great OP, this thread just reminded me of what we could have had on the 3ds. So sad...

Fun fact: I bought a 3DS for KH3D, RER, and MML3. Two are/were ported to other systems I primarily use. The other one was cancelled.
I had to play the missadventures of Tron Bonne.
Are they on vita?

I had two issues with the games when I replayed them recently:

- MML1 the tank controllers are extremely annoying.

- I loved the look of Megaman without the helmet, but stat wise putting it on made sense and it makes him look like a dork. I kinda wished they would have redesigned it a bit.

Didn't I had an option to change the controls? I remember I made changes every time I played it on psx, but don't rember what.
I agree with the helmet.


I like the idea of these "blast from the past" retrospective threads, and you certainly seem to have a passion for making them, but it'd do a lot to improve your readability if you paid a little more attention to formatting and maybe stop leaning so hard on the emoticons. It's hard to read these and/or take them seriously when every line seems to end with :) :D XD.

Just, clean things up a bit. Act more like you're making an OT than just a random mishmash of sentence fragments and oddly-sized images.

You bring up a good point and I will use your post to explain how I make these retrospectives :).

-Write up a draft first
-Use the - - - - - - - - to split up sections
-They normally go in this order content wise: History, Story, Gameplay, Design, Presentation/Music, Final Thoughts
-Use of images and Gifs added AFTER the written draft is complete
-Look over spelling/grammar before I post the thread

Hope this clears up how I make these threads, as I do try to have things be focused.

I don't fragment things and my thoughts are mostly clear; I spend a lot of time making these :).


Hello everyone :).

Today in North America is 4/5/16, the day Legends 2 will be up on NA PSN :D! I made this thread to celebrate that, so that is why I made the bump. I also edited the OP to fix some issues another Gaffer pointed out, as it was good advice honestly.

So, will be posting a link within this post and the OP whenever the game lands on PSN's servers.

With all of that in mind, lets all enjoy a Diggers Legend tomorrow and find the Motherload :D!


Never played any of the games in the series, how is the story? I can forgive the natural shortcomings of older titles, but I can't pardon poor storylines.

The story in the first Legends is more simple; Mega Man, Roll and their grandfather crash-land on an island under attack by pirates, who are hunting for treasure. So its a race between Mega Man and the Bone family of who gets the Motherload first.

What makes it great, is that the characters. I covered that in the OP if you want to take a look :).


i loved this game. I still keep wishing that they would go all out and make a megaman legends remake and an anime. I honestly preferred 1 instead of 2 just wasn't a fan of all the hopping around in 2 if i remember that correctly.
i loved this game. I still keep wishing that they would go all out and make a megaman legends remake and an anime. I honestly preferred 1 instead of 2 just wasn't a fan of all the hopping around in 2 if i remember that correctly.

I have the same feelings too.

MML2 is a lot bigger/better in a lot of ways, but even still MML1 feels more "perfect" and polished. It's strange.

Both amazing though.


This was the first game that I felt truly immersed in. This game was my Ocarina of Time (I never played Zelda as a kid). I have such fond memories of this game. I remember my mom bought me this for Christmas and I was so happy. I really wish they released Megaman Legends 3 :(


I have the same feelings too.

MML2 is a lot bigger/better in a lot of ways, but even still MML1 feels more "perfect" and polished. It's strange.

Both amazing though.

i really need to play both again all i remember from 2 is that i didn't like it as much as 1.
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