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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Console Performance discussion


Ok, so the comparison vids are out: http://www.4players.de/4players.php...lls_V_Skyrim/PS3Xbox_360_Grafikvergleich.html

However, all is still not clear.

Rumors of 360 texture glitches, possible patches, install vs. no install and other mysteries still abound.

As someone picking up either the PS3 or 360 version at midnight, this topic is highly relevent to my (and many other gamers) inerest.

If anyone can shed some light on the console version differences please do!

(I know there is some discussion of this in the OT, but tons of people are getting this tonight and having the discussion of this in one place will probably be beneficial)
Amazon (well UPS) will be delivering my 360 version tomorrow. It seems like the 360 & PS3 versions are really close quality wise and maybe PS3 is better taking into account the bugs. Of course those bugs could be fixed by tomorrow.


OK game journalists, get to work. Tell me if I should install my 360 copy when I get it tomorrow, and what is causing these issues.
Yeah, I switched my pre-order to 360 based on Bethesda's current-gen history, but if the PS3 version is the one to get, I don't want to make a $60 mistake!


OK game journalists, get to work. Tell me if I should install my 360 copy when I get it tomorrow, and what is causing these issues.

This is what I want to know more than anything.


So i was hearing rumors they wanted to make the pc mods available to ps3 and xbox players.. how amazing would that be??


Lost all credibility.
I wish PC would be included in these discussions more often. I know on PC I'll have higher resolution and better AA, but I'm always curious to know if the developer bothered to go beyond that with maybe better textures, nicer lighting, nicer physics, etc.


ajf009 said:
So i was hearing rumors the wanted to make the pc mods available to ps3 and xbox players.. how amazing would that be??

Considering how the UT3 mod idea worked out on PS3, and how mods won't get anywhere close near 360?

Won't matter for console players unless bethesda buys an awesome mod and then ports/sells it as DLC

sykoex said:
I wish PC would be included in these discussions more often. I know on PC I'll have higher resolution and better AA, but I'm always curious to know if the developer bothered to go beyond that with maybe better textures, nicer lighting, nicer physics, etc.

Most posts in threads like these already get bogged down with MASTER RACE PC IS BEST when it's already known/obvious (and not applicable to the people asking which console) that basically every/any game that has a PC sku will be better on PC. A few exceptions here and there which usually get super raged about in the OT anyways. (Borderlands UI + gamespy tech is the best recent example.)


I have been playing the 360 version for about six hour straight since I got it and I can say there is nothing to worry about. Did not install game and it runs fine, load times do not even seem as bad as oblivion and the fallout games.
BeeDog said:

Seems to be a shadow missing from his shoulder, and the shadow on the nearby fence looks kinda odd in the PS3 version.

Edit - rehosted:




GarthVaderUK said:
Seems to be a shadow missing from his shoulder, and the shadow on the nearby fence looks kinda odd in the PS3 version.

The image quality overall seems blurrier, and the way the HUD elements are scaled differently is what leads me to believe it's sub-HD.
Is this texture bug fixable?
Why is there a texture bug?
Did Bethesda know about this texture bug but shipped anyway?
Does Bethesda know about this texture bug now?
Is this a bug or was it designed that way?
When will it be fixed?
Can it be fixed?
Why isn't Bethesda saying anything about it?


Man my head is going to explode I changed my 360 preorder to PS3 now I am thinking of changing back to 360, I only have a few hours left to do it.


Unfortunately there's no way PS3 version is going to stack up to the 360 one. They haven't even sent PS3 copies to reviewers...

Edit: Beaten!


BeeDog said:

From the video at the top it seems the exact opposite though, so it's difficult to tell really at this point.

Also I don't think it's impossible that reviewers have both copies, there are quite a few people in the OT who have had the PS3 version for about a week now. Most of them have had few issues with the PS3 version, while everyone is talking about this issue with installing the 360 version.

Based on visual evidence by the video, and fewer complaints from the people with the PS3 version of the game so far it seems the PS3 version to get if your on the fence, this is of course considering you don't have a PC that can run the game.
When you look at the vids....the PS3 version looks better though. It looks way sharper and the textures aren't as fuzzy. Mmmm.....did not see that coming.


so is there really going to be a patch for the loading texture problem on 360 because that video makes it look bad imo.
lucius said:
so is there really going to be a patch for the loading texture problem on 360 because that video makes it look bad imo.
Yeah, looks atrocious. Guess I won't install the game until the patch is out. :/


Philthy said:
No it will probably be that way forever.

well I mean one post said it should be out tomorrow but patches can take longer look at U3 aiming patch still not out.
-ImaginaryInsider said:
I thought it was confirmed on Pete Hines twitter that the install/low texture bug was due to pirated copies... i.e. GTA4?

A couple of GAF members have had this issue with the retail copy.


JJD said:
Wow, the difference in the quality of the textures on the sword hilt is kinda big, how long does it take to load?

As I said Skyrim running better on 360 was a given...Bethesda games have always run better on it. The question should be if Skyrim is as unplayable as PS3 Fallout was on release.

Just out of my own curiosity is there a reason your ignoring everything thats been said about the PS3 version in the OT? By those accounts the PS3 version is far from unplayable, and looks great, Bootay for instance has had the game for about a week now and has not claimed a great amount of issues with his copy. You claim the 360 running better is a given, but going by the video at the top of this very page that does not seem to be the case. Who knows, maybe Beth fixes the Install issue, but I would not hold my breath , it's possible, but this is Bethesda.


I'm actually kind of undecided myself. I'll watch this thread tomorrow and see if the 360 patch does anything for it.


ReaperXL07 said:
Just out of my own curiosity is there a reason your ignoring everything thats been said about the PS3 version in the OT? By those accounts the PS3 version is far from unplayable, and looks great, Bootay for instance has had the game for about a week now and has not claimed a great amount of issues with his copy. You claim the 360 running better is a given, but going by the video at the top of this very page that does not seem to be the case. Who knows, maybe Beth fixes the Install issue, but I would not hold my breath , it's possible, but this is Bethesda.
Bethesda sent out review copies of the 360 to journalist. I would imagine they would send their best version our to be reviewed.


Junior Member
Our reviewer Rey will have both versions, and he will probably include some comparison's in the review. We got the game only a couple of days ago though, so he probably won't have it posted until next week.


Ps3 version runs pretty smooth. Only had a very bad slowdown in the first dungeon (sorry forgot name).

Also, i thought at the beginning my game crashed, at the excecution scene. Screen hanged for like 5 seconds, but apparently it was creating a save. Also when auto-saving sometimes the screen hangs (but only for about half a second).


lucius said:
well I mean one post said it should be out tomorrow but patches can take longer look at U3 aiming patch still not out.

I know, I was trying to be funny.

I would imagine stuff like this will be patched asap, which is dependent on certification on Microsoft / Sony. Whether they want to wait and add in more bugs that pop up so they don't need to send out a patch every other day, etc.

Either way, nothing looks game breaking, so people will have their fun all weekend long.
PS3 Version:
-Very bad framerate in the first areas of the game, it gets better but it's still janky
-Controls feel a little bit iffy, unresponsive and slow
-The lighting seems almost too harsh, some areas are very dark (you can adjust the brightness though)
-The shadows are hilariously bad and pixelated
-A combination of crisp textures and flat textures, a real mixed bag here
-Major pop in
-Small freezing on autosaves, the time varies - the first time it froze for about 10 seconds

So yeah, not great. But, the art style, music and general atmosphere does save it


Why do people engage in this thread at all if they're just going to leap to conclusions based on one data point- a fuzzy one at that, potentially unrelated to performance? I can think of many reasons Bethesda may have sent out the 360 copy to reviewers ranging from "it got pressed first" to "the MS rep sent Superbowl tickets to the marketing department".

Furthermore, the thread COULD be about more than the old dick-waving contests. I want to know how the PS3 version performs, whether there are gamebreaking issues or patchable bugs I need to know about before I put my money down. I, personally, don't really care how it compares to the 360 version.

EDIT: Thanks, BlazingDarkness. Just the sort of thing I'm interested in.
Grisby said:
I'm actually kind of undecided myself. I'll watch this thread tomorrow and see if the 360 patch does anything for it.

My assumption is that it won't. They more than likely cut back due to the DVD format itself. I don't know why they didn't do a HD texture pack disc like BF3. We'll see tomorrow I guess.
BlazingDarkness said:
PS3 Version:
-Very bad framerate in the first areas of the game, it gets better but it's still janky
-Controls feel a little bit iffy, unresponsive and slow
-The lighting seems almost too harsh, some areas are very dark (you can adjust the brightness though)
-The shadows are hilariously bad and pixelated
-A combination of crisp textures and flat textures, a real mixed bag here
-Major pop in
-Small freezing on autosaves, the time varies - the first time it froze for about 10 seconds

So yeah, not great. But, the art style, music and general atmosphere does save it

So pretty much like every other Bethesda PS3 port?


DevelopmentArrested said:
I have the 360 version and the textures are fucking horrendous.
Game is installed.
Agreed. I am 100% not trolling when I say this, but the game looks like absolute shit on 360. After playing Batman: AC, Dark Souls and even Cod3, this game looks like it's running on the same shitty gamebryo engine from a decade ago. I thought this was supposed to be an entirely new engine and yada yada.

EDIT: I'm also seeing some ridiculous bugs, like mammoths floating way up in the air and other shit that looks completely unfinished. I also got stuck in a fucking staircase and had to literally reload my game.
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