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You can play PSOBB offline

Shame I don't really like Blue Burst. The way they restructured all of the main quests in to being these awful grindy "Go through the first half of Forest 1! Now go through all of Forest 1! Now go through all of Forest 1 and the first half of Forest 2! Now go through all of Forest 1 and 2 but stop before fighting the boss! Now go through all of Forest and fight the boss!" was really annoying and served to pad out something that didn't really need padding.

I'd really just like to have PSO v2 back again.


Shame I don't really like Blue Burst. The way they restructured all of the main quests in to being these awful grindy "Go through the first half of Forest 1! Now go through all of Forest 1! Now go through all of Forest 1 and the first half of Forest 2! Now go through all of Forest 1 and 2 but stop before fighting the boss! Now go through all of Forest and fight the boss!" was really annoying and served to pad out something that didn't really need padding.

I'd really just like to have PSO v2 back again.

Then don't play One Player mode then... ??

I have a copy of PSOv2 somewhere though, PM me if you want it. -- nvm
Ignore those folders now, just use the files in the patch.zip I made.

You don't put them in that folder, just overwrite stuff the game's root. It doesn't matter which you you chose when you installed the Client because it is overwritten anyway.

Alright, I guess it's amateur hour and I can't hide how green I am at this...

I placed the 4 patch files into the same folder that contains _Original, but not IN _Original itself (I am assuming what folder _Original is in is the root folder,
Program Files x86 > SEGA > Phantasy Star Online BB
). When placing them in this folder, they did not overwrite anything, which is why I asked about the numbered folders within _Original since they seemed to have file names that were similar.

I ran the Run Server thing, and had 3 PSO icons on the bottom right hand corner of my task bar (they're gone now, do I have to use Run Server everytime before playing?).

I then launched game with the desktop icon shortcut it made, game seems to run, but when I alt-tab to desktop, game seems to quit on it's own. Chose to launch the game from Launcher afterward since it has resolution options, but when at the make-a-character screen, I alt-tabbed to adjust volume in my audio mixer and the game disappeared again.

Is alt-tabbing shutting the game down? Can I run the game windowed? How many things am I doing wrong?
Save me pls ;_;


Alright, I guess it's amateur hour and I can't hide how green I am at this...]

Everything is working for you now. It's just that this engine doesn't let you multitask in full-screen mode. Use Windowed (and if you need, try the borderless window and tinker with that too).

Also if you open task manager (CTRL + ALT + DEL) it will also crash the game. This is just SEGA's fault, no fix for it.

As for the server -- yeah. Stop the server every time you want to edit something (like drop rates), otherwise just keep it running since it's very small and takes up almost no resources.

To clarify:


The patch files go into this folder. I'm sure you put it in the right folder otherwise Launcher.exe wouldn't have worked.
Everything is working for you now.

Oh wow, I didn't break it after all, heh...

My last questions:

When I'm on the main screen of the game, is there an in-game menu option to throw it into windowed?

Should I still use Launcher instead of the desktop shortcut for resolution options? Again, in-game menu for these?

You have been very helpful, so thank you in advance for your time. I bookmarked the pioneer2 thread you linked so I can reference it.

EDIT: Yes, I got it just like the screenshot, whew! Thanks for clarifying so I can confirm I had it right :)
Guys an error popped up while I was doing the setup:

C;\Program Files\SEGA\Phantasy Star Online BB\_Original\TethExes12510\PsoBB.exe

An error occurred while trying to rename a file in the destination directory:
MoveFile failed; code 5.
Access is denied.

Click Retry to try again, Ignore to skip this file (not recommended), or Abort to cancel installation.

What should I do?


Oh wow, I didn't break it after all, heh...

My last questions:

When I'm on the main screen of the game, is there an in-game menu option to throw it into windowed?

Should I still use Launcher instead of the desktop shortcut for resolution options? Again, in-game menu for these?

You have been very helpful, so thank you in advance for your time. I bookmarked the pioneer2 thread you linked so I can reference it.

EDIT: Yes, I got it just like the screenshot, whew! Thanks for clarifying so I can confirm I had it right :)

No in-game graphics settings =( SEGA is bad at this sort of thing.

Use the Launcher to start the game always. It's not required, but it's simple. There is a windowed option in the first menu when you hit Options. If you hit Advanced you can change stuff like saving the username and password etc. but the resolution choices in that menu will be ignored.

For now, only care about this one:



Guys an error popped up while I was doing the setup:

C;\Program Files\SEGA\Phantasy Star Online BB\_Original\TethExes12510\PsoBB.exe

An error occurred while trying to rename a file in the destination directory:
MoveFile failed; code 5.
Access is denied.

Click Retry to try again, Ignore to skip this file (not recommended), or Abort to cancel installation.

What should I do?

That's your antivirus. It's deleting the PsoBB.exe -- try skipping it and seeing if your anti-virus is chill with the one in the patch.


None of these BB versions has the split screen from the Gamecube version do they?

No =( but you can run multiple clients. I'll spend some time to figure it out (I think the game only uses a single core so performance would be fine too). The issue is getting the controls to function.


Aren't there bootlegg servers out there to play on?

Yeah, you can also play this game online if that's what you want...


Two clients on the same computer:

Just set up two installs (you don't have to but it saves you wasting time). Only the active window can use Keyboard support whereas the inactive can use the Controller. Just use something like Joy2Key or Pinnacle Games Profile to set up a second controller to keyboard inputs and play 2 player.

The server automatically saves everything you do anyway (I can't fully confirm this but it seems like it).

Set up the other account by using /server/account_add.exe

If you ever forget the login of an account (lol) use /Extra/tethman005/tethman.exe
Oh sweet mercy... the childhood feels...

I chose a slightly lower 4:3 resolution since the other ones were giving me issues with launching game (and didn't want stretched), but this is great since I have it on windowed anyways. Runs like a damn charm, never thought I'd be this excited to stab Boomas again :")

Thank you again for your help, Cobalt Izuna!
^ oh sweet (to both things lol)

So for general PSO discussion, is there a community thread for that?

Haven't played in ages, and got pummeled 3 times by Boomas :"(
I have a barrier now (HUmar), do I just have to rely on whatever stats it has? No block or dodge besides shuffling out of the way?


There's no community thread for PSOBB (and I don't expect mods to appreciate a back and forth) -- you can add me on Skype (quote to see:email)

I practically grew up with this game so I could tell you everything.

EDIT: To answer your question... you're right. No dodge, blocking or camera control. This game requires you to be very deliberate. Keeping enemies in a stagger is key (as well as using light attacks before using a heavy). The Quest counter (lady as soon as you enter a game in One Person mode) actually has a decent tutorial for this stuff as well as an interesting story.
Cobalt, some things:

-Can't seem to fully close the servers that are running when I double click on the stop server.bat, they are still showing in my tray icon

-How do you customize the keyboard commands like the menu button? its set by default to the home key, but I want to change it to the E key, but it wont let me. Also how to use the hotkeys?


Cobalt, some things:

-Can't seem to fully close the servers that are running when I double click on the stop server.bat, they are still showing in my tray icon

-How do you customize the keyboard commands like the menu button? its set by default to the home key, but I want to change it to the E key, but it wont let me. Also how to use the hotkeys?

stop server.bat works perfectly for me. If you hover over the icons they should disappear. Otherwise you can just manually close the 3 command prompts in Task manager (but I really don't think you have to).


As for controls... https://ephinea.pioneer2.net/beginners-guide/the-lobby-and-controls/ -- this is the only resource I have. I understand that keyboard controls is bad on compact laptop keyboards, and I have no idea how to change them. I think some keys are just "fixed".
Got it up and running on my system all good. How will I get my Wife's game to join the server? Or does it just recognise it on my network?
one last thing Cobalt, in the readme.txt it mentioned this:

Optional - Principal Mission in One person mode
Just copy/move the "quest" folder to the "server" folder and replace all files.

What does this do exactly?

There is also those 10 hotbar slots when you are in a dungeon, but I have yet to figure out how to place things in them...


This is cool. I still play PSO Episode I & II Plus offline from time to time (via Nintendont on Wii U), but I might mess with this to give myself some higher drop rates. Not, like, crazy, but maybe double.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Definitive version basically

But you can't play Episode 4 offline from what I'm seeing in the OP? So basically, it's just the X-box/Gamecube version. Just unlike the X-box you don't need an X-box Live account or anything extra to play those episodes.

How are you still doing that? Don't you need an account to even start the game?

If you ran X-box Live before the shutdown, you have an X-box Live save you use that basically gets around PSOX-box's restriction.


PSO with no online/social aspect is... not PSO. Offline PSO was the game at its worst.

That is total BS. Back in the days i played over 200h PSO on the Gamecube local sometimes with friends. It was one of the best gaming experience i ever had.
Won't be using this as IMO playing online is the only way to go, but this is neat, thank you for posting it. I hope more people discover and try this game out for the first time. It's a very special game, one of the greatest of all time.


But you can't play Episode 4 offline from what I'm seeing in the OP? So basically, it's just the X-box/Gamecube version. Just unlike the X-box you don't need an X-box Live account or anything extra to play those episodes.

What? How did you come to that conclusion? Of course it has Episode IV. It has everything, even the unreleased Japanese items.

The good thing about this is that you can take it anywhere, and Blue Burst is well optimises ans can run on basically any machine with an i5 from a few years ago.


one last thing Cobalt, in the readme.txt it mentioned this:

Optional - Principal Mission in One person mode
Just copy/move the "quest" folder to the "server" folder and replace all files.

What does this do exactly?

There is also those 10 hotbar slots when you are in a dungeon, but I have yet to figure out how to place things in them...

Honestly, I have no idea. It's some quest that you earn when you complete the entire game I think (or all side missions), and this just unlocks it early. The hotkey slots are mostly for PC players, I don't think you can hide them.


Got it up and running on my system all good. How will I get my Wife's game to join the server? Or does it just recognise it on my network?

Okay, so this will be a little tricky...

https://www.pioneer2.net/community/threads/noob-friendly-executable-patching-tool-createtethexe.91/ <-- you can download a tool here that let's you create a PsoBB.exe (this is what tells the game to connect).

A couple of things ~ make sure the version number is "TethVer12510"

Then you need to set up your server in /server/tethealla.ini

I am assuming that you can make this your local ip (find it by typing in ipconfig in Command Prompt)

Ideally that is all you should have to do. If you have time I could configure all this stuff for you over Skype or something. I plan on making this work for myself later anyway.


There is no way to play the story missions in One Person mode?

You have to make a game in "One Player" mode to access the single player quests.


Also, the new government quests for Blue Burst, accessible from the Principal's Office in Normal Mode (i.e. multiplayer), unlock each tier of the One Player Missions. You will have to do up to 2-1 to unlock Caves quests, 3-1 for Mines quests, and 4-1 for Ruins quests. Once you have 4-1 unlocked in multiplayer mode, you will be able to do those old missions in One Player mode. You can do the Government Quests on normal difficulty and they will unlock on all difficulties, as will the one player quests, but that also means that you can only obtain 1 Soul Eater per character from the on player quests now (doing multiple difficulties will not give you another soul eater on a character that already obtained one).

This should answer your question.

Furthermore, I think you can move the quests around in your server files.
since I never have played blue burst as much as older games. Im thinking this might be a fun way o recreate my gamecube characters into a blueburst client. Is there a convenient character editor with this, or any easy way to go about it. I figure it will be time consuming recreating everything, but more enjoyable than starting over from the beginning, even if I cranked up the XP multiplier


since I never have played blue burst as much as older games. Im thinking this might be a fun way o recreate my gamecube characters into a blueburst client. Is there a convenient character editor with this, or any easy way to go about it. I figure it will be time consuming recreating everything, but more enjoyable than starting over from the beginning, even if I cranked up the XP multiplier

/item and /levelup commands is all you need to recreate everything. Use the Item_Maker to get the hex codes.

There's sadly no easier way. You can't copy and paste it seems, so it's a little tedious to remake all the items.

If you accidentally put all the items on a character and you want to transfer them, just load up a second client with another account and move it back and forth.
Good to see, although I'm pretty much with the NeoPSO people who won't be partaking. Had a good time shooting the breeze with the peeps here and making loot runs while it lasted. Wanted to get back in but the server shut down lol.

Monster Hunter comes out soon anyways so I'll be all in on that.
/item and /levelup commands is all you need to recreate everything. Use the Item_Maker to get the hex codes.

There's sadly no easier way. You can't copy and paste it seems, so it's a little tedious to remake all the items.

If you accidentally put all the items on a character and you want to transfer them, just load up a second client with another account and move it back and forth.
figured itd be tedious, but I have a friend who also has a huge nostalgia hardon for gamecube splitscreen growing up that would be willing to get in on this


There is also those 10 hotbar slots when you are in a dungeon, but I have yet to figure out how to place things in them...

Go to customize, where you can select which item/action is tied to your controller buttons. While in the select screen press the number you want to assign.

Protip: If you turn off "keyboard controls" in the options menu (which also makes it so that you can type without hitting space first) and deactivate num-lock you can use the number pad to use these shortcuts which is perfect for playing force.


Do all the quests work? Is it all just the official quests or is it something we can customize for ourselves by just throwing files around?

(I didnt wanna mess with fan quests when i was on ultima or schthack)


Do all the quests work? Is it all just the official quests or is it something we can customize for ourselves by just throwing files around?

(I didnt wanna mess with fan quests when i was on ultima or schthack)

You can do whatever with quests. Some are made for multiplayer though, but for the rest sure. You can load up anything you like.


Don't some servers have it so you have all government quests pre-cleared from the getgo? Also, when I poked with these servers a while ago I remember the exp drops and rare enemy spawns were...somewhere but I can't find it in the files. I'd love to modify the game. Having rare enemies spawn like normal, but reducing their bonus exp and drops to be more normal would be pretty fun and add variety.

Is there any way to flip whether a map looks for ultimate monsters or not? I always thought it'd be cool if the VR maps in ep2 used the ultimate skins for the monsters. (Double cool if it were possible to modify enemies that get spawned in? I'd love to be able to mess with that stuff. It'd be awesome if caves 1 had ultimate vulmers and caves 2 and 3 had the sharks) One of those things I always wished the game had done were to better utilize the ultimate monster skins, instead of just making them show up for ultimate mode...I'd like fixed enemy versions per level, rather than difficulty.
Why? Because the NeoPSO isn't up anymore and an offline, lagless experience like PSOv2 is amazing.
Oh, so NeoPSO shut down? I feel for N.A... I actually stopped playing NeoPSO when I noticed Tethealla project (which NeoPSO used) wasn't going to receive any of those features/bugfixes from Ephinea (which is Tethealla author's own server).

So I started playing Episode I & II on the GameCube. I can live without Episode IV content. Least I can play either offline or online on any GC compatible server with the same characters.

It's actually interesting to see people still play PSO regardless of version. When I play online, I see DC players in lobbies as well as who play GC version using Dolphin online, which just blows my mind.


That is total BS. Back in the days i played over 200h PSO on the Gamecube local sometimes with friends. It was one of the best gaming experience i ever had.
So you had a social aspect. =P

not on gamecube, but thats because it had splitscreen tho
Never played the GC version because I played in the DC era. Local play wasn't an option. Not that I think local play would have changed by assessment. The fun part of PSO was dealing with people from all over. Many dozens of hours were spent shooting the breeze in the lobby or within an instance doing jack all of actual playing. Then when it came to actually playing, I could get full groups going at any time of day, 7 days a week. That wouldn't have been possible offline, even if local coop existed.

Even in NeoPSO, lots of time was just spent socializing. Looking back on my time in the original DC incarnations, and my time with NeoPSO, it's the people I remember, and the experiences with them. The social aspect is part and parcel for PSO to me. Strip that out from the game, and you're left with an experience that's a shell of its former self.

Oh, so NeoPSO shut down? I feel for N.A... I actually stopped playing NeoPSO when I noticed Tethealla project (which NeoPSO used) wasn't going to receive any of those features/bugfixes from Ephinea (which is Tethealla author's own server).
Yeah, it was becoming increasingly obvious that the update to Tethealla that was supposed to happen "soon" wasn't going to happen by any reasonable definition of the term. I didn't stop playing because of that though. Other things simply started taking up my time. Of course by then the server was already in a downward spiral population wise. By the time I had time to spare for it again, the server was kaput.

Don't regret any of my time spent there though. Was good fun playing with the regular GAFers.


So I feel like I'm on the cusp of getting this to run properly. Followed all the steps, got the patch, copied it over and overwrote the files fine. Launcher works so I was able to set my resolution and everything. Launched the server and that...seemed to work I think, there were icons in the taskbar. Admin/Admin worked to log me in and I think the next screen is for server info...not really sure, but it just said press enter so I did and I wind up with a screen that just seems to hang. So it's like I'm getting hung up between login and character creation.


I had a lot of fun playing PSOBB recently on Ephinea. PSO is one of my favourite games ever, and I feel like SEGA are kind of missing the boat by not bringing PSO2 westward or capitalising on the nostalgia people might have for the DC/GC/XBOX games with a new title.
So you had a social aspect. =P

Never played the GC version because I played in the DC era. Local play wasn't an option. Not that I think local play would have changed by assessment. The fun part of PSO was dealing with people from all over. Many dozens of hours were spent shooting the breeze in the lobby or within an instance doing jack all of actual playing. Then when it came to actually playing, I could get full groups going at any time of day, 7 days a week. That wouldn't have been possible offline, even if local coop existed.

Completely agree, from past experience, I've noticed most (not all) people who say offline PSO is great are people who never actually got to play online and don't know what they missed out on.

I had fun with PSO splitscreen offline on GameCube myself sometimes when I brought the game over to a friend's house. But ultimately the best experience was still online. The fact that you couldn't complete quests in offline multiplayer, nor save the levels you've completed, made offline splitscreen inherently inferior. Quests are a huge part of what made PSO fun.

However, some people really do just prefer playing alone, and I respect that, so I'm glad this "offline" PSOBB exists anyway!


Yes, online PSO is better. I still play on the Ultima server from time to time. But you can still have a very good time playing this game alone. Just because one thing is better than another doesn't mean it's the only way to play. That's like not masturbating ever because you can have sex.


So I feel like I'm on the cusp of getting this to run properly. Followed all the steps, got the patch, copied it over and overwrote the files fine. Launcher works so I was able to set my resolution and everything. Launched the server and that...seemed to work I think, there were icons in the taskbar. Admin/Admin worked to log me in and I think the next screen is for server info...not really sure, but it just said press enter so I did and I wind up with a screen that just seems to hang. So it's like I'm getting hung up between login and character creation.

Sorry I'm late to reply to this. It would seem to me that the server you're running isn't fully working. Try stopping the service and starting again. The cmds should tell you everything is working fine.

Otherwise, I've never had that particular issue and I have no idea what the problem is.
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