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ReCore for the XB1 $19.99 on Amazon


There's a demo too. I enjoyed what I tried. Reminds me of AA games from the ps2 gen. Interesting ideas, inconsistent execution, but nothing horrible.
Some of the posts from the OT that match my experience with the game:
If there's anyone who's interested in ReCore, hasn't yet made a purchase, and is able to play on a PC, I would definitely recommend trying to get ahold of the digital version (Digital Foundry: X1 vs. 1060 vs 480). All load times were less than 15 seconds for me on PC (on an SSD), and it looks like PC folks using a regular HDD actually had exactly the same load times (less than 15 seconds). I don't have an X1, and while reports do seem to indicate that the three major patches (9/19/16, 10/5/16 & 11/15/16) have improved X1 load times, it still sounds like they're well-behind the PC version.

In my review I talked about how the game feels and it works... The gating isn't too dissimilar from Mario 64 or Galaxy or any of these types of games. Seems weird to complain about that. It actually seems like the complaint people have if they are trying to rush through it for review. It's not like it's fetch quest or repetitive, the challenge dungeons are all pretty different.

The grinding thing was never an issue for me because I took my time with exploring and playing the dungeons. I literally never encountered a point in the game where I had to grind to be able to go somewhere or do something...

...As far as I can tell, the lack of story content in the later game is the source of the idea that there is 'grinding' in this game, since the core gameplay itself seems to maintain a good level of variety throughout...

I haven't had any trouble with the lack of signposting, but that's down to my habit of venturing off the critical path. It's clearly been an issue for some players, though. But I agree: the game is a bit rough around the edges, and I'm not just talking about bugs or load time. The story is probably where it shows most clearly; it's haphazardly and intermittently told...

I reached the end with all the cores I needed. I don't know, maybe I just "got" the game, but I went out there and explored the world, and it's been some of the best gaming moments I've had in recent years. This game is just a pure joy to play, it has its problems with bugs and load times, but outside of that, I had an absolute blast. The end game was insane, and I really hope we get a sequel. The reaction this game has gotten from a lot of reviewers pisses me off. This game is just so good, and deserves better.

Nothing gets worse gameplay wise... Think of it like this, the first half is the story and exposition, the second half is literally exploring, adventuring, and finding cores, the game. This is what your doing the whole game but now there is no more story exposition in this half. People kept telling me they loved it then hated it later. Never happened here. Having as much fun finding new dungeons or exploring as earlier if not more now that I can reach most places...
I had a blast exploring the world and got perfect runs in all dungeons, which pretty much gave me all the orbs required. So if you really like the gameplay and platforming, this will not be a problem.
What the game looks like at 60 fps (Windows 10 version):


Never checked up on it, how much has the loading improved since the patch?

Alot better.
Still abit annoyed that this game got "destroyed" about the loadtimes. When a game like BF1 gets a pass with that in reviews. With even longer loading times and being a triple AAA game.


Get digital, play on PC. Runs fantastic on my Razer Blade Stealth + Core (1060). Loading on Let It Die is waaaaaaaaaaaay worse.


Got this for $15 when the MS Store was selling it around Black Friday. So far I've been enjoying the game and it was well worth that price.
I had it on an SSD. Load times weren't good but certainly not horrible (not sure what platform you're on).

I didn't finish though. I was not going to collectible hunt. Got to the start of the final dungeon. Was worth $50.
I didn't finish though. I was not going to collectible hunt. Got to the start of the final dungeon...

Dark10x recently made a similar comment in another thread, so I'm guessing he would agree:
ReCore has an amazing base game and is quite compelling but some of the design decisions made to extend the length of the game ultimately kind of ruin it. Still an interesting title but they made some bad choices.
For example, the developers made a design decision to require 45 cores (out of a total of 82) in order for the player to reach the very final area and finish the story, as well as a design decision to require between 25 and 40 cores (out of a total of 82) for the player to progress within the various sections of the 'Eden Tower' story dungeon. But as Phloxy and SlasherJPC note:
In my review I talked about how [ReCore] feels and it works... The gating [in ReCore] isn't too dissimilar from Mario 64 or Galaxy or any of these types of games. Seems weird to complain about that. It actually seems like the complaint people have if they are trying to rush through it... It's not like it's fetch quest or repetitive, the challenge dungeons are all pretty different.

Nothing gets worse gameplay wise... Think of it like this, the first half is the story and exposition, the second half is literally exploring, adventuring, and finding cores, the game. This is what your doing the whole game but now there is no more story exposition in this half. People kept telling me they loved it then hated it later. Never happened here. Having as much fun finding new dungeons or exploring as earlier if not more now that I can reach most places...

Now I've discussed elsewhere (one / two / three) why the widespread perceptions of ReCore's endgame do not quite ring true for me, personally (though I certainly would have loved it if there were more story content in the 2nd half of the game).

But for those who really liked the gameplay in ReCore, and yet were later frustrated by the endgame, I'm wondering: were there actually specific design choices in ReCore that made the 'gating' much worse than similar games in the genre, like Mario 64 or Galaxy? Were there actually specific design changes that you think the developers could have made, to mitigate your frustrations?

Or would you agree that it was to some extent the lack of story exposition in the 2nd half of the game – a feeling that the gameplay was less meaningful, without the ongoing supplement of story exposition – that was responsible for your endgame frustration?

I'm actually quite curious about this, so I would welcome any feedback/insight. One recent post that strikes me as interesting to consider in this context, from another thread:
[Prince of Persia 2008] was a bit weird with the "saving" mechanism. But I also thought that was interesting how people said it made the game "too easy". I wish I could find it, but it was a study at the time between Prince of Persia and Mirror's Edge on perceived difficulty.

Prince of Persia - you miss your jump, you fall, it triggers a canned cutscene that lasts a few seconds of Elika reaching out and saving you, and then placing you at the last platform before you attempted the series of jumps.
Mirror's Edge - you miss your jump, you fall, you die, it spends a few seconds loading your last checkpoint, placing you at the last platform before you attempted the jump.

Structurally, they were identical and even the time penalty was almost the same. But because one had a clear "failure" state, and the other just kept going and kept you in the action, one was perceived at times as being rather hard and at times frustrating, while the other was heavily criticized for being too easy, despite the fact the superficial penalties were nearly identical.

It was an interesting look at how we perceive difficulty in games, and how execution can alter the same penalty as either a positive or negative thing for players.


It's that price at the microsoft store too. I found out yesterday when I went to use the 10 dollar coupon that pizza hut gave me, so I got it for 10 clams.

edit: or... maybe not. hold on

not sure why it says 39.99 unit price now. It clearly said 19.99 yesterday.

Oh well. 20 dollars is a great price for this game folks. You could do much worse, even if the end isn't as strong...
No excuse now. Every xbone owner should get this game. Everyone.

And enjoy and explore it, you will find some legit good gameplay and platforming in this one.


PSA for new players:

Explore and gather as many cores as possible while playing. Trust me.

This is facts of truth! Don't rush through the story...EXPLORE, have fun and get them cores. You'll enjoy the game more...especially when you get to the end.

Also, T8NK corebot is coming next year. :)

I love the gameplay of ReCore...and hopefully it's a mainstay in the Xbox game franchises.


And bought! Thanks for the update. Reading the thread, the thing that sold me was exploring for cores. Heck, gimme that all day long.
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