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Forbes (contributor): 'Last Jedi' Grosses Are Collapsing...


In North America, daily holds for the Rian Johnson-directed flick have been significantly worse than those experienced by Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, and if the pattern continues The Last Jedi could actually wind up doing not much better than the 2016 spin-off movie.

That, of course, would be a catastrophic result, akin to Warner/DC’s disastrous, money-losing fiasco with Justice League.


Guess ticket sales had been hijacked by the right.


No way, I've been assured by innumerable media outlets today (VoX, EW and Polygon to name a few) that the backlash against TLJ is merely a result of a few disgruntled misogynistic man-babies on the internet who don't understand subtext, and that all is right in the universe.

Lol. I like you.


Lol. I like you.



I am eagerly awaiting the official legs score this week.

I was mildly entertained, but there was no way in heck I was going to pay for that again.

Hissing Sid

It’s almost as though people who aren’t into water sports object when you piss on them and tell them it’s raining.

The fools have taken a sure fire bet and fucked it up.



It’s almost as though people who aren’t into water sports object when you piss on them and tell them it’s raining.

The fools have taken a sure fire bet and fucked it up.


I mean they didn't Justice League it, but we'll have to see what happens when it opens in China Jan 7


Did they care about Rogue One having Donnie Yuen. Not sure how big a deal Hong Kong is to China

Rogue one did worse than TFA in China. $67 million versus $124 million. Almost a 50% drop off. Having Donnie in the mix didn't do a thing for it in terms of appeal.


Rogue one did worse than TFA in China. $67 million versus $124 million. Almost a 50% drop off. Having Donnie in the mix didn't do a thing for it in terms of appeal.
Those Mandarin subtitles are gonna need to be fuckballs amazing then cuz that story is zzz

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
No way, I've been assured by innumerable media outlets today (VoX, EW and Polygon to name a few) that the backlash against TLJ is merely a result of a few disgruntled misogynistic man-babies on the internet who don't understand subtext, and that all is right in the universe.

The Verge too put up a piece propping it up.

Movie is weaksauce, I guess Disney pays good.


No way, I've been assured by innumerable media outlets today (VoX, EW and Polygon to name a few) that the backlash against TLJ is merely a result of a few disgruntled misogynistic man-babies on the internet who don't understand subtext, and that all is right in the universe.

Did they blame Gamergate for it?^^


Rogue One is a better film so I hope TLJs box office reflects this. Even though I don't hate TLJ like a lot of people it's probably the worst Star Wars film since the prequels and if it does really well at the box office then Lucasfilm probably won't get the message.



Shieeet looks like it was divisive enough to kill the rabid rewatchers demo.

Will this one break a billion? I know it's at 600M but 77% is a bigassss drop.

I mean it was awful.

Gonna be real interestingfollowing this ones sales

She and Leia looked like they were dressed to go to Canto Bight rather than leading a Rebellion. Maybe they came from an arms deal buying those ill-conceived bombers?

I loved Leia's getup on Crait, but she and Holdo should have been in military dress. JJ at least had the sense to show Leia in rebel gear in VII.


Gold Member
I loved Leia's getup on Crait, but she and Holdo should have been in military dress. JJ at least had the sense to show Leia in rebel gear in VII.

Its crazy it all comes back to RJ doing the complete opposite of what is logical. Its like he did it as much as he could whereever he could with no regard, rhyme or reason, other than to be selfish and egotistical making his own star wars movie versus being tied to other peoples story/creative threads


Its crazy it all comes back to RJ doing the complete opposite of what is logical. Its like he did it as much as he could wherever he could with no regard, rhyme or reason, other than to be selfish and egotistical making his own star wars movie versus being tied to other peoples story/creative threads

I think these pretty irate SW podcasters manage to pick up on something notable about Johnson's entire approach to storytelling in the movie (the meat starts around the 1.25 mark): -



I think these pretty irate SW podcasters manage to pick up on something notable about Johnson's entire approach to storytelling in the movie (the meat starts around the 1.25 mark): -

Basically how i felt. How do critics even think TLJ is a good film, much less setting a new direction in SWU.

What was the point of the black hole and the mirrors of Rey? It seems like Luke was freaked out at Rey dark side powers, but gotcha! Rey turned out as black and white as she can be.

I hope it bombs more, Rian is going to m'bay the new triology and SWU.
Wait, I thought it was the alt right Russian haxxor known as Four Chan?

It was just a bad movie so i'm not surprised. I thought the diversity was done right with two exceptions, Holdo who looked like a feminists "ideal" character...and Rose.

I just wish the sisters had been swapped...i enjoyed the asian representation but they picked the wrong girl to use.

Don't get me started on ruining Luke
I lost all interest once I heard it's full of the cringey marvelesque "humor" and one liners.

Kinds glad alt right fucks got so pissed off about a diverse cast though.


I'm torn because I like when writers/directors get a chance to go with their own vision, but this movie sucks and I wish Disney put Johnson in his place.


Box office is collapsing!! Well, I mean it will still break a billion dollars obviously and be the first highest grossing film for 2017 and the second highest star wars film of all time..... But collapsing!


The russian hacker known as 4chan seems to be pretty influent. I hope it drops even more next week just to see the shills in the other site reacting to it.
I went to see it for this exact reason. I had no interest leading up to it. It is as bad as people are saying it is. Might be worth a watch in a train wreck kind of way.

Nah, it's not a train wreck type of bad. It's more of a "check your brain at the door" type of bad.


Box office is collapsing!! Well, I mean it will still break a billion dollars obviously and be the first highest grossing film for 2017 and the second highest star wars film of all time..... But collapsing!

Right now it is 120 Mio $ behind the last one and even behind Jurrasic World.. Star Wars is something you do not want to be decent.


The movie will still make a boatload of money unfortunately. It is nice to see most people trashing this movie for the garbage that it is. Disney Star Wars has been a disaster.


We need another nebbish beardy old dude now.

I think we just need soeone who can actually write coherent and compelling stories and characters. And if we know imagine that this guy is going to write the next triology I wonder how long it will take for Disney to hopefully backtrack on it. Also I hope that this will also start the much needed talk about how disconnected "prof" critics are from the actual people.


I think we just need soeone who can actually write coherent and compelling stories and characters. And if we know imagine that this guy is going to write the next triology I wonder how long it will take for Disney to hopefully backtrack on it. Also I hope that this will also start the much needed talk about how disconnected "prof" critics are from the actual people.

Johnson is done. The media can write as many articles as they like defending his take on Star Wars, but if the audience isn't buying it, then it's a non-starter. Right now, what's your disgruntled SW fan going to get excited about? A trilogy of films made by a director who just shat all over their childhood heroes, or a new director without any of those negative associations? I'm going to hazard the latter.

Disney is going to where the money is, and clearly, the money isn't going to be in making films that alienate vast swathes of their fanbase. As I said in the other thread. I think if the film really craters, Disney will clean house and put a new management and creative team in charge, to get the IP back on track. They can't afford not to.
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